My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 712: hunting

Charlethe has already completed the envelopment of the star. It has become a thin black haze like a film. It envelops the entire star in this layer of black haze. It can encapsulate the star in about fifty years. The power of the whole star sucks.

"Cunning, cruel, shamelessly strong Charlethe, what do you want to call me?"

The space was suddenly torn apart, and a Cthulhu that was as solid as a black iron bullet squeezed out of the cracks in the space. Compared with Charlethe with the stars in its bag, it was completely star and gravel.

"Bernato, your movements are smaller, the stars are beginning to fluctuate." After Charlethe passed the reading to Benato, the voice formed in his mind seemed very dull.

"Okay, Xeon!" Benato responded quickly.

"My clone... is dead, in the world called Palani in the human race." Charlethe's voice rang.

"Ah! This is... a sad thing!" Benato said regretfully.

"Help me, go to Palani to take a look and see who killed my clone. If he is still there, please bring him to me. I want to take revenge myself. Please destroy the world. "Charlese's voice lowered again.

"If you can help me do these two things, I will give you the most quintessential crystal of this fruit star." Charlethe continued.

Benato: "I will be happy to serve you, Charlethe the shameless strongest, I hope you are not a fraud this time."

"The process of devouring the stars is irreversible, I can't walk away, otherwise I won't let you help." Charlethe.

"It will take half a month to get to Palani from here, don't worry, as long as that person is still there, I will definitely help you bring him back." Benato promised.

"This is a curse imprint related to that person. You can find that person through it. Remember, bring back the alive. I don't want him to die too fast." Charlese hit a black light on Benato. .


"There are too many captains, I can't stop it! How come Alise is so careless!" Babel yelled.

"No wonder her, it should be an accident, don't think so much, we can't leave Alise! Get ready to fight!" Lovell whispered.

"It doesn't matter, the Lienbow that Bai Yu left for me can deal with them." Anthony comforted.

This is already the eighth day when the Storm Team has hunted down Shan Cthulhu. These days, they have hunted two or three Cthulhu almost every day. Now there are twenty Cthulhu crystal nuclei.

Alise is responsible for pulling monsters, while the other three set up a formation to be responsible for fighting as the main force.

It’s just that this time the Alysera monster is very bad luck, because Cthulhu is a very selfish race, usually when encountering a single human race, Cthulhu will not make a statement, it is estimated that they are all thinking of swallowing blood, so One quote, as long as the single Cthulhu encounters a single human race, he will definitely hunt it alone, but common sense can sometimes deceive people. Alyser just shot the Kthul that she saw with a magic arrow. With an arrow from Sulu, Nakthulus actually issued a sharp warning sound, and the three nearby Cthulhu all gathered towards it at the same time, and it screamed and chased Arthur all the way.

"Damn it! Damn it! We must have hunted too many Cthulhus these days, so these Cthulhus have been alert, and even this is fishing!" Alise sent her own situation through a badge. Give it to other members of the squad, while running wildly.

"What to do!?" Arise calculated the distance, and could reach the ambush spot of the team in at most twenty seconds.

"No, I can't take the danger back." Alice gritted her teeth and drew an arc, preparing to lead Cthulhu to other places.

"Alyser what are you doing!? The direction is wrong! We are here!" The captain's voice came from the channel.

Alise panted and said: "Captain, there are too many, there is already a fifth one. If I bring it here, I will die. You can retreat! Leave now!"

"What are you stupid? Since you are a companion, you can't give up! Since you are a companion, you should believe it, and you can attract them! You forgot, Bai Yu gave us one of the strongest weapons, is it useless?" Lovell anxiously Now, everyone is ready here, is that silly girl actually sacrificing herself?

After hearing the words, Arthur reacted immediately. After receiving the equipment presented by Bai Yu, the combat power of the four people increased by leaps and bounds. He was also measuring by his previous self, and Bai Yu also told them that that weapon consumes energy and requires activation. Four **** stones, after which each **** stone can only support ten attacks, is a big consumer of the **** stone, because the **** stone is only used by Anthony, so the weapon is handed over to Anthony.

Alise woke up like a dream, then drew another arc and went back around.

"Four?" Cthulhu chased it. It saw the Storm Team, and it felt that so many Cthulhus in front of him had disappeared inexplicably. It was guessed that it was a big human being who was taking action, but they were only god-level. The little bugs, how can they kill twenty Cthulhu one after another.

"You killed the noble Cthulhu?" It asked. At this time, the other four who were attracted by its screaming sound arrived. Originally only three were attracted, but then another one joined.

"Trouble, there are only four, but we have five, who gives up?"

"I was the first to support!"

"The last one to leave!"

"Sanctions shackles!"


"Hahaha! This little bug will never die with us!"

"He actually dared to use such a realm aura, are we...were despised by him?"

"Five! He actually connected us all!"

"Anthony! Hit!" Lowell roared.

"Hey..." A melodious mechanical turning sound sounded, and the Cthulhus saw that the teenager among the four took out a strange crossbow, and there was a square box under the bow arm, and the sound was The rotating cylinder.

"Swish swish..." A dense burst of air-breaking sound sounded.

"See... ghost!"

With the overwhelming rain of arrows spilt down, how many places can the Cthulhus dodge in this sanctions domain? There is another reason why Cthulhu never approached each other: if two Cthulhus touch each other, there is a high chance that the instinct of swallowing each other will be activated.

"You stay away from me! We will die here!" The winner wins all. The dominant Cthulhu can obtain 80% of the energy consumed by Cthulhu and obtain all its information, although Cthulhu is self-destructive. Tendency, but to die to die, but to be killed is another matter. No one wants other Cthulhu to use himself as a resource for evolution!

In the end, under the influence of several emotions of panic, anger, and fear, two Cthulhus were beaten to death, torn apart by the other three Cthulhus, and absorbed into the body, but these three Cthulhus Before he could digest, he was hit by arrows shot by Anthony.

These arrows are short and sharp alloy arrows, just like sharpened pencils. In addition to the white feathers, these arrows cast various spells that increase destructive power. After being shot into Cthulhu, various elements burst out. Damage, although Cthulhu has a certain degree of resistance to magic, it depends on the quantity. It is like a hooliganism if you talk about toxicity regardless of the dose. The same is true for resistance. When a certain amount of energy accumulates to a certain level, even if it is resistant. It's no use, it's the qualitative change of quantity change.

Within five or six minutes, these Cthulhus were beaten into a sieve, and there was no time to resist.

The four of them looked at each other, and the weapons Bai Yu handed them were too... fierce.

Only Anthony had a bitter face: "I..."

He looked down at the arrow box, and there was a general text display on it: 3473.

Anthony's mouth was bitter, which shows that a total of 527 arrows and 53 sacred stones were shot out, plus the four used for activation, which consumed a total of 57 sacred stones...

Anthony’s crying heart is all there, and his power is indeed great, but he has also hollowed out his own old background. Originally planned to add some weapons and equipment, materials and medicines after this mission, and now there are a total of 6 sacred stones. Own, how can there be any surplus money?

"Anthony, don't worry, you forget, the Cthulhu crystal core is also very valuable! It is also possible to use it for combat merits, and it is also possible to use combat merits to exchange materials! We now have a total of 25 Cthulhu spars! Kill Cthulhu, Do you know how many points it is?" Lovell's voice was very excited, but the volume was low.

"Killing Cthulhu is a great achievement! As evidenced by the Cthulhu crystal nucleus, each crystal nucleus can be exchanged for 500 combat exploits! We are developed!" Babray was also excited.

"We will have 12,500 exploits!"

Suddenly, the members of the Storm Team were stunned by the huge proceeds.

"I have to buy two Xingzhihua flowers, eat one and throw one away!" Anthony said with blood red eyes.

"Or, let's bring in more, a rare opportunity!" Alise was eager.

Lowell was not as impulsive as they were. He smiled bitterly and asked: "Anthony, how many **** stones do you have?"

Anthony's expression of ecstasy stuck.

He slowly put away his smiling face: "There are six more."

Lovell took out a small pocket, pulled the opening and looked in, and sighed: "I usually only have a small amount for emergency needs. I have 14 of them."

With embarrassment on his face, Babel took out six sacred stones from his storage space and said with a wry smile: "We knights and samurai are all on the path of close combat, and we will not bring too many sacred stones."

Alise: "I have 21..."

Lovell figured it out: "A total of 47, not up to the attack intensity just now..."

Anleni was unwilling to say, "If we just hit them hard and then kill them, can we?"

Lovell looked at the other members: "What do you think?"

Babel: "I still hope I can get more Cthulhu nuclei, but safety comes first. Let's see everyone's opinions!"

"Alice, what about you? Do you have any comments?" Lovell asked.

"I'm fine, I think we can do it again!" Arisa said.

"If everyone is okay, we'll take another gamble! Be safe, Alise, you can only bring three back this time, can you do it?" Lowell asked.

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