My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 714: Defensive

The magic shield of Ditterson City was shining colorfully, Kostu was extremely anxious, but his expression on his face was extremely calm, and he issued a series of battle orders.

At present, the magic shield is fairly stable, but the magic circuit on the magic gun cannot withstand such a constant full-power attack.

"The output power of the magic cannon is reduced and adjusted to 20%, the target is locked to the evil animal, the type of cannonball is changed to the full system of magic, and the magic cannon is deactivated by 20% for immediate maintenance."

The order was passed on.

"I hope they think I'm an incompetent commander who has panicked, and hit the west with a hammer, so that they can grab the downtime for the magic cannon." Kostu murmured.

Only a full-charged attack can allow magical energy to break through these Cthulhu’s external defenses, and allow the holy power purification power to play the maximum role internally. Otherwise, an explosion outside of Cthulhu will at most bring them some skin trauma. It cannot achieve the effect of killing. The previous fire-focused attack has killed more than forty Cthulhu, but it is obvious that the magic circuit on the turret and barrel has flashed red light, that is, the magic circuit has reached Exceeding the extreme performance, an overload of magic power caused the magic circuit to fuse, followed by magic blockage causing an explosion. There is a turret every five or six meters on the city wall. Such a dense arrangement gives a great firepower coverage. However, the magical explosion is also disastrous, at least the city wall and all the controlling soldiers and magicians at the position of the sacrificial explosion can not be saved.

Outside the city, Cthulhu, who was driving away evil animals, was no longer attacked, and laughed all kinds of weird laughs: "Little cuties are chewing on your shields, and they are still staring at us to fight, to see how long your shields can last. Come on! Little cuties!"

The entire protective shield extends two hundred meters away from the city wall, enclosing the entire city inside. In front of the shield, there are a large number of soldiers from the so-called recruit camp drawn up from the lower world. These soldiers attack the guards that are close at hand. Evil animal outside the hood.

At this time, the evil animals are already crowded outside the transparent shield. The soldiers no longer need to consider combat skills. They only need to shoot and close their guns at the fastest speed. The archers in the back also only need to use It is enough to throw arrows outwards by shooting upwards. As for the aim, there is no need. The outside is densely packed with enemies.

If the shield breaks, they cannot return to the city. It can be said that they are also a death squad. There are more than 300,000 people outside the city.


"What to do?" Babray looked at Lowell.

"The sacred stone is not enough... but it's not impossible." Anthony was in charge of Zhu Xie Liannu, and when he saw Lowell's eyes, he hesitated and replied.

"There will be serious consequences?" Lowell asked. At this time, the evil rain had fallen again. It seemed that these Cthulhus could eat them to death, instead of being so anxious to kill them, but leisurely keeping them well. Distance, so as not to be nailed to the shackles by Lowell launching sanctions.

Xie Yu irritated the Xuanguang Bodyguard to indefinitely.

"It's not too serious, but it is estimated that after the launch, I will no longer have the ability to fight, and I can only rely on you." Anthony replied.

"If there is no other way... we will all die here." Lovell smiled bitterly.

"Understood." Anthony nodded, looked back at Arthur, said nothing, and stuffed all the sacred stones into the magazine.

"Om...hey..." The mechanical starting sound that sounded very round and melodious sounded.

The revolving drum of Zhu Xie Liannu turned, and Tuman Xiota had already focused on Anthony.

Anthony buckled the trigger, and in an instant, Zhu Xie Liannu "pumped" Ariene like a light whip.

That's not a light whip. The arrows that hit the spell arouse the light in the thin and evil air. Because the launch speed is too fast, these arrows are connected to each other, and they have a light whip-like effect.

Ariene, who was caught off guard, was hit by this light whip, and suddenly there were dozens of arrows in his body. These arrows are mixed with five elements, and they have the purification and destruction power of thunder, but in a few seconds, Ariene can no longer suppress his body. Various forces, with a bang, exploded and disappeared.

The scene became quiet for a while, Tuman Taxiu slowly said: "This is your confidence?"

The answer to him was the arrows shot by Alice in succession, but the threat of the arrow was far worse, because it could not change from quantity to qualitative change. Even Tumantaxiu caught these arrows with his tentacles. .

"I admit, this is a very powerful weapon, but why don't you use it at the beginning? If you use it at the beginning, maybe we have already been wiped out by you...or scared away."

"This shows that you can't use this kind of weapon casually. Well, let me think about it. Either the weapon has a big defect, or the number of attacks is limited, or the excitation requires a lot of energy? Anyway, there are limits, I guess. Right? Haha..." Tuman Taxiu laughed wildly when he saw that the faces of the members of the Hayate team became ugly.

"Zaku! Go! Keep moving fast. If you survive and kill them, I will reward you with Ariene's crystal core!"



A large number of evil animals rushed to Ditterson City, and among them, there would be a Cthulhu within a few hundred meters. It was these Cthulhu who drove the evil animals to attack Ditterson.

But the magic cannon no longer focused on Cthulhu, but aimed at various animals on the ground like tides. The pressure on the soldiers behind the magic shield was reduced, and from time to time, the carts could be seen violently popping out and hitting with pushers. Among the demonized animal carcasses that were piled up, those carcasses were like billiard balls. They were bombed so far that they could not pile up in front of the magic hood. Even the fallen carcasses could cause some harm to the demonized animals that were still alive.

"Give my orders and press them all up, a small lonely city, does it need to be so cautious?" Odgo's voice sounded low.

"My lord, this will bring us too much loss." Cthulhu next to him persuaded.

"Are you teaching me how to fight?" Odgo asked slowly.

Naksulu's spherical body trembled: "Don't dare."

"Execute the order." After receiving Odego's order, Naklusu left quickly to give orders to the Cthulhus.

"It's really idiots, such a small city can resist the attack of nearly 100 Cthulhu at best, and delaying with them will cause greater losses..." Odgo murmured.

Before, Cthulhu only sent dozens of demonized animals in the battle. Although it brought tremendous pressure to Ditterson City, it was still able to withstand it under the command of Kostu, but at this time After nearly two hundred Cthulhu received the order, he came towards Ditterson City, and the evil animals along the way avoided one after another. Those who could not avoid it were all submerged in the body composed of black mist of Cthulhu. Some were waved by the tentacles of the Cthulhus, rolled into the air, and sent into Cthulhu's "mouth"-in fact, a big crack suddenly opened.

Passive inhalation and active swallowing are actually the same. In the end, they become a pile of bones and fall through the body of the Cthulhu mist, but eating with the mouth and absorption with the body are two concepts. Cthulhu is still full of blood. of.

Kostu's face was pale, and he smiled bitterly: "It's coming."

Knowing that Cthulhu’s commander cannot be concealed, how could it be possible to send an inexperienced commander in such a world-destroying battle? In its eyes, these little skills of its own are probably meaningless at all.

Cthulhu originally came with the general situation, using his powerful combat power to smash the human race city to pieces, without thinking about any strategy or the like.

"How much has the magic artillery circuit recovered?" Kostu asked.

"My lord, 40% of the circuits are currently maintained."

"Let the command center give the target. Now we need to focus on fire and attack. We can't waste it. We will replace the holy light purification bombs with a group of ten guns and try our best to kill these Cthulhu! The other 60% magic cannons will be maintained as quickly as possible. Within half an hour, let these cannons fire again." Kostu issued an order.


The Storm Squad was entangled by Tuman Taxiu. Although it killed a Ariene, the assassins in Anthony's hands were not endless.

Anthony lowered his head and glanced at the remaining number of the arrow, then silently estimated it, his face kept as close as possible, and said blindly with the team incision: "The **** stone used one-third."

"Can you kill two more?"

"It's hard to say, if they run too fast..."

While the two of them colluded with each other in secret, Tuman Taxiu suddenly said:

"Go on it all! He only has one weapon and can't attack the three of you at the same time. Let me see if these little bugs have other abilities."

Anthony smiled bitterly: "Captain, this is a big one, everyone, be careful!"

The three Cthulhus attacked from three sides. The most thief is that these three Cthulhus are also moving fast, while all kinds of mental disturbances, whispers of evil thoughts, rotten winds, evil rain and other spells are not required. Throw it out like money.

The members of the Storm Squad suddenly gleamed with various colors of light on their bodies. It was a manifestation of consuming the Taoism of the body. Anthony yelled, and the evil spirits in his hand started again and again. Although the three Cthulhu moved very fast, But it was comparable to Anthony's gaze, and suddenly he was screaming miserably by the light whip.

"Why don't you kill them? Because there is no way to kill them, or killing a club, it consumes a lot of power? No, it's your own power?" Tumantaxiu asked slowly. Tao.

At this time, the three Cthulhus had already lost the ability to resist, working hard to suppress the churning of mixed energy in the body.

"Swish swish swish!" Alise didn't idle, glanced at Anthony who was stubborn, and shot the arrow in his hand at the tumbling Cthulhu with expressionless expression.

The three Cthulhus had already hit more than a dozen arrows, and they had exhausted their entire body to try to maintain their balance. Slowly refining these energies, which are like poison to them, can return to normal. This kind of microsecond The balance was completely broken by Alexandre's arrows. My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dream can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 714 Defense) reading record, and open the bookshelf next time You can see it! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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