My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 728: Taiyi Tianxian

Bai Yu's previous realm was Taiyi True Immortal. It has been less than a month since the breakthrough, so it should be practiced to consolidate the cultivation base. What is to consolidate the cultivation base? It is to be familiar with the power that one has mastered, to precipitate and accumulate, just like antiques, the genuine product naturally has a layer of lustrous luster, which is the patina formed after a lot of time and countless rubbings (don’t say anything, just The plate, whether it is jade, wood, porcelain, or metal antiques, will have a patina), this patina will give the antiquities a sense of age, which is stable, thick, bright and subtle, rich and restrained. Someone may want to say, new Doesn't it also light up? The new one is Liang. When I bought a stack of bowls in the supermarket, it was very bright. In the jargon, it is called thief light.

Cough, it’s far away, and the so-called solid state of the monk is the same. After breaking through the state, the absorbed energy will be converted into a new version of energy, and there must be a time for reconciliation between the energy that exists in the body and the new version of energy. All are updated to the new version of energy, and the human body has a process of adapting to the new version of energy. In the process, the body actually uses the new version of energy more smoothly. To allow the body to adapt to the new version of energy, it can only be accumulated with time, one at a time. Breaking through the realm is also realizing the evolution of body and soul bit by bit.

Everyone’s body is different, some are addicted to sweetness, and some like salty. This is the so-called sweet party and salty party. The physique is also the same, and each is different, so the various parts of the body will slowly polish a set of energy absorption The way to adjust it to the most suitable state of the body, the power of the fairy spirit in the air is only the raw material, and it becomes the energy for the body. It also needs the cooperation of the various tissues of the body. Therefore, when the monks mention pure spiritual power, two That’s how the eyes can shine, because only the spiritual power with no attributes is the easiest way to practice. Of course, it’s better to find the energy corresponding to the attributes of your practice to absorb it, but most of the pure attribute energy is not suitable for ordinary people. Interference, can be ignored.

The reason for talking so much nonsense is that Bai Yu hardly felt the process of filling up the energy needed by Taiyi True Immortal, and then broke through to the so-called "barrier" of the Heavenly Immortal realm. He only felt a slight shock in his body and achieved the position of the Heavenly Immortal. Due to the evolution of the body, the five senses and six senses have undergone subtle changes, which also made him feel dizzy before waking up. However, what makes him feel happy is that the process of transforming soul power into fairy power has not stopped. This can only show that the soul power transformed by the split soul is too sufficient, and his own divine sea simply can't hold it!

When Shenhai is violent, there is no difference between humans and idiots. Bai Yu immediately chooses the lesser of the two evils, and decisively chooses to continue transforming the power of the celestial spirits. Even if it brings some instability to the realm, he will always It's better than drooling and smiling.

The whole process will not only have hidden dangers in the future, but the direct harm is not small. Bai Yu can't do as an arm to the immortal power of the Tianxian version. When it runs, it will either pass or fail, otherwise it will be fast or slow. , Just like a drunk trying to walk in a straight line, but the body’s instructions to the brain cannot be accurate. The power of the faerie protrudes from the left and right in the body. The internal organs and the meridians and bones are wounded. Under the skin, the muscles are as small as small. He arched around like a mouse, his skin sometimes cracked, and his mouth spurted blood without money.

Bai Yu's body hurts everywhere, itches everywhere, and hurts everywhere, but he is very clear in his heart: "Wandan, is this going to make me break through to the Taiyi Tianxian in one breath? This is terrible!"

Tianxian corresponds to God, and Tianyi Tianxian corresponds to the late stage of God, but in fact, the peak of the late stage of Tianyi Tianxian is already equal to the true **** personality of the **** system, but the two systems are only a general comparison, not so absolute, so Baiyu's previous The middle stage of Taiyi True Wonderland is also equivalent to the subordinate **** personality of the **** system.

It was always the battle between Baiyu and Cthulhu this time. Because of the special effect of the soul fire, he ate too much and couldn't digest it. In addition, the newly ingested faerie power had not had time to adapt and hurt his body.

The gravity of the planet that Bai Yu settled on was not too big, so after the blood spurted out, it quickly formed various round, elliptical, and irregular golden ice crystals and slowly fell from the sky.

The power of the fairy spirit in the body rises like a rocket, Bai Yu now understands the difference between himself and the high-level monk. The high-level monk just pulls out the roots of his legs, which will also make him empty. This is a huge gap in quality.

When Bai Yu was suffering from severe pain, there was a crisp sound. Bai Yu felt that his shin bones had broken directly, and an inadvertently stood unsteadily and fell to the ground. He quickly endured the severe pain and pulled away the dislocations and pressed firmly. Tight, so as not to grow crooked, at this time the power of the faerie savagely impacted in Baiyu's body, and many small moving branches were swollen as if they were about to burst. The power of the faerie was ignorant and ignorant. Good or bad, a few small branches really burst.

Bai Yu spewed out two more blood, paying attention to the magical power in his body like an F1 car racing at a speed of 280 mph on a two-meter-wide winding mountain road. He sang "Spicy Girl" all the way with the accompaniment of "Mountain Road Eighteen Bends". Running wildly, the meridians were so painful that they were broken every inch, until a bang hit the boundary monument from Tianxian Province to Taiyi Tianxian Province (he had broken through from Taiyi Zhenxian to Tianxian before, but the result has not stopped. Down).

With this collision, the power of the fairy spirits inside Bai Yu burst forth, and a circle of golden blood was exploded out of the whole body. Under the blood, Bai Yu's whole person was like gold forged, and the bones in the body also cracked. Eight or nine of the whole body's bones were broken, cracked, and some even turned into powder.

At any rate, the head Shenhai is the place where the spirit power is output, and it has not been affected by the power of this explosive fairy, otherwise Baiyu's brain may burst into a ball of paste directly, death is not dead, but it should be worse than Shanrui Not far away. (PS: Shan Rui, a famous fool in the old TV series "People on the Road")

What made the immovable Baiyu soul disperse was that Shenhai was still trying to incorporate the external spirit power into the Shenhai continuously, and the black mist transformed by Charlethe's phantom had only refined more than half of it!

Bai Yu has already broken through the position of Taiyi Heavenly Immortal, if he cultivates to the peak state in the later stage, he is equivalent to the state of true god!

But at this time, it was as if an unreasonable brawny man opened Bai Yu's mouth and stuffed it desperately. The corners of Bai Yu's eyes shed crystal tears and washed away the golden blood on his face.

I like to eat stuffed duck, but it makes me like stuffed duck, I can’t accept it...

Bai Yu knew that going on like this was bound to be extremely dangerous. If he didn't want to think of a way, the power of the celestial spirit would follow the meridians and enter his brain would be a dead word, even if he didn't die, it would be a foolish word.

He tried his best to guide Xianli to sever the connection between the black mist and his own Shenhai.

It's simple at this time, but the actual operation process is very troublesome, because Bai Yu can't directly fight with immortal power, because it is equivalent to using Bai Yu's cultivation base to collide with part of Charlethe's spirit power with his head.

He must draw the power of the fairy spirit in his body from elsewhere, wrap his head, and then cut off its connection with Shenhai.

The cut off soul power was like unable to stop the car, and it hit Baiyu’s immortal power. The immortal power was not related to the body, but just like a body without physical body, which belonged to a part of the body. At this time, it was exactly Errethe's powerful distracting soul power slammed into the immortal power, and Bai Yu's eyes went black and almost fainted.

Between him and the soul power, a dark golden gray mist mixed with golden blood and mud and rocks was blown up, and he even threw him high up to more than ten miles away (the planet is not big, so the gravity is small) .

In mid-air, Bai Yu spewed out a mist of blood. When it fell to the ground, the bones pierced into the muscles, and the flesh was dirty. It was painful again. If Bai Yu had not been firm in his mind, he might have passed out by then.

After an unknown period of time, Bai Yu's attention was relieved from the overwhelming and pervasive pain like mercury. At this point, Bai Yu finally attained the position of Tianyi Heavenly Immortal.

It was really painful everywhere, Bai Yu struggled to spit out a few words: "Finally... it's over!"

For those who have no future troubles, we will talk about it later. What we need to do now is to repair the internal organs, strengthen the bones, continue to connect the broken muscles, and warm the meridians...

Fortunately, Shenhai didn't suffer any major damage. On the contrary, because of its extreme expansion, the entire Shenhai expanded a lot, and because of its extreme compression, the spirit power changed from a clear water state to a gelatinous state.

It is this powerful soul power that supports Bai Yu to fix his whole body bones with divine consciousness, so as not to cause bones to grow disordered due to rapid healing.

The blood in the abdomen and chest cavity was also absorbed by Bai Yu's mind, and he opened a small mouth in the abdomen and sent it out.

Bai Yu took out a few pills that were specifically aimed at internal organ injuries and took it, and then slowly promoted the meridian power with the immortal power. Only when the mild medicinal power passed, the pain slowly felt a trace of coolness and relieved. Come down.

Bai Yu was in shock: "It's too dangerous, I almost confessed here today..."

Then he smiled bitterly: "If Master Zhuang Zhou knew that I had broken through two realms, he would have scolded me bloody!"

Although the injury is still serious, the fate is finally saved, and it is slowly moving towards a better direction, so Bai Yu's anxiety is finally let go, but now he still does not dare to move easily, in case it breaks. If you continue to connect the wrong meridian, the trouble will be great. The cultivation method varies from person to person, but it is not possible to jump from this meridian directly to another. There is a special term for this kind of exercise method of running the wrong meridian, It's called a fire, which is either hurt or disabled in practice. It's also common to have bad luck and death.

That's why there are places where you can't do gong when you're full, you can't do gong when you're hungry, you can't do gong when you feel unstable, you can't do gong in a thunderstorm, and even places where you do gong are called quiet rooms! It is for fear of being affected by unknown sounds when performing the exercises and leading to misfires.

Bai Yu lay on this planet, slowly repairing his own damage, and the dust raised by the battle slowly fell, covering Bai Yu completely. Surviving in the vacuum of the universe is something that a monk in the Primordial Infant realm can do. Bai Yu, who has reached Taiyi Tianxian, has a huge body of immortal power, and the energy contained in his blood is so huge. What's more, the brains of immortals have long been different from human brains, so there is no case of brain damage or death caused by lack of oxygen .

I combed my messy meridian meridians, some part of it has grown messy because of the fast recovery of the immortal body. Although the current white feathers cannot be reborn from a drop of blood, the brain will still cause physical death if the brain is destroyed, but it can be said that as long as If the brain does not die, his physical body will not die. Even if there is only a head left, he can slowly regenerate a body. It’s just a matter of whether there is enough energy to make the body grow again. If even the brain is dead , You can only find a new body, which is commonly known as the seizure, but the body from the seizure can never be matched with the soul (yuanying). Therefore, the monk who is born by seizure must want to achieve good results. It is also difficult, and the other is to put it in the belly of a pregnant woman, but this is to be affected by the delusion of the fetus. A monk with bad luck may not even be able to regain the memory of the monk for a lifetime. , Will be obscured by the true spirit in the womb, and will never be able to recover.

Fortunately, Bai Yu at this time suffered serious internal and external injuries, but did not hurt the soul. On the contrary, the soul has absorbed a large amount of soul power. At this time, it is as powerful as Xuanxian. Xuanxian is already an intermediate class of the Yanhuang family. Where will he go? No one dares to take it lightly, so it’s hard to say whether Bai Yu is a blessing or a misfortune. It’s a misfortune. In fact, he just suffered some injuries. After that, he needs to be more settled and cultivated to avoid damage to the foundation. After that, Bai Yu wanted to break through again, and he had to die again, even his life was lost.

"Wanyuyingmeng Ce" is just a marvelous exercise, but it is far inferior to "Five Aggregate Jue" in terms of health preservation, Bai Yu has no choice but to drive his own realm to gradually improve, and gradually deduces and revises the "Five Aggregates". The formula is used to adjust the five elements in the body, using the principle of mutual generation of the five elements to stimulate the body to nourish the body (this time it should be called "Five Aggregates True Immortal Jue", which was re-derived by Bai Yu after breaking into the real immortal. It is Taiyi Tianxian, and the combined "Five Yun Tianxian Jue" has no time to derive), so although the "Five Yun Zhenxian Jue" is almost meaningless, it is much better than "Wan Yuying Meng Ce".

In fact, when using the True Immortal Jue to heal an injury, it is tantamount to re-organizing the meridians, and depending on the realm, the meridians will change, some useless branches will gradually disappear, and some new meridians will appear due to changes in the body. It takes repeated trial and error to achieve a perfect operation effect. After Bai Yu's healing is completed, it is actually the time when the "Five Aggregate Jue" can be officially renamed the "Five Aggregate Heavenly Immortal Jue".

There is an old saying that after this breakthrough, Bai Yu has almost withstood the destruction of the power of the fairy, except for the tenacity of the main vein, and the other weak branches are almost destroyed and confused. They use their own powerful self-healing power to rebuild. The strength of the meridians that grew out was many times stronger than that of the Taiyi True Immortal. This was what made Bai Yu very happy. My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dream can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 728 Taiyi Tianxian) and open the bookshelf next time You can see it! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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