My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 768: The two who were hit

"No! It's not right! How can you fry the stove? I did exactly what he said!" Hou Yuqi said angrily.

Che Wei smiled and said, "Didn't Master Hou talk freely before, do you understand that master's approach?"

Hou Yuxi sneered and said: "You don't fry the stove too, I can understand one or two points, it's normal if you don't do it well, but you have no income at all, the fryer is taken for granted!"

Che Wei said angrily: "This seat is dull and quick to act, how can you compare to those of you who are talking and talking?"

Hou Yuqi: "You fry the stove."

Che Wei was trembling with anger, "When did the pill you refine out of my pill be of higher quality?"

Hou Yuqi: "You fry the stove!"

"Piff! I'm fighting with you!"

Che Wei was tossed over and over and said that the fryer was so angry that he couldn't control it anymore, and he was about to rush to fight hard. Kong Yuqiao quickly stopped, crying in his heart, these two tens of thousands of years old immortals, how can they fight together at every turn? ? One bruise is also a loss to Wanmiao Pill Pavilion.

Under the persuasion of everyone, the two of them failed to fight after all, and Chu Zhangge said, "Why don't I ask the master again and let him talk to the two masters?"

Che Wei and Hou Yuqiwu stared at each other fiercely like two cockfighters. Hearing what Chu Zhangge said, Che Wei said, "Don't make arrangements yet!?"

Chu Zhangge has a frown, and the one who made the decision, is this still going to happen?

He sighed and crushed the jade charm.

This time, he only took Che Wei and Hou Yuqi with him. As for Kong Yuqiao, if an irrelevant person was taken with him, he might be mad about the master, but he did not dare to take the risk.

At this time, it was midnight, but how could the fairy lie on the roof?

After Chu Zhangge and others arrived for a while, Bai Yu also fluttered to the spot where he would meet on weekdays.

"If you don't say that you are ugly, I will not forgive you!"

This was what Bai Yu said when he saw Chu Zhangge's first sentence.

Chu Zhangge hurriedly took out a box: "Master, find a kind of spiritual plant that can only be taken by the golden immortal, as an apologize!"

Bai Yu snorted from his nose and took the box, thinking that this servant is clever, so that he can take advantage of the situation and step down.

"Let's talk, what's the matter? It's only a few hours ago? Are you irritable again?"

Chu Zhangge hurriedly said: "It's the villain who doesn't do things well and doesn't think well. No, the Dan Fang is handed over to my pavilion for trial, but it is always frying..."

The Baiyu Monster laughed: "Fryer? You mean the fryer? Hahaha..."

Chu Zhangge was extremely embarrassed, for fear that this one irritated the two and made it out of control.

"Exactly, it is completely refined according to the method recorded on the pill given by the master, and it is still beyond control!"

Bai Yu took a break and smiled strangely: "Come on, I refine it again, and I can understand how much it is."

After Bai Yu sat down, there was no movement for a long time, but Hou and Che surrounded him. Seeing that the master was so mad, they couldn't figure out the depth, so they didn't dare to make a difference.

Bai Yu sneered and said, "I'll show you that I want me to come out the medicinal materials? Let's talk about it first, what kind of pill comes out, that's my business, and the pill belongs to me."

Chu Zhangge suddenly realized that he quickly took out the medicinal materials.

Bai Yu murmured, "Obviously, the family has a big cause, and it's still taking advantage of my lonely old man! What the hell!"

Suddenly, the three people's faces were hot and uncomfortable. It was not embarrassing, but felt that this person's mouth was too stinky and stinky, as to take advantage of you? But at this time it depends on him making alchemy, but it is really not easy to turn his face off.

Bai Yu tasted the medicinal materials one by one, but was constantly counting the data in his hand, but the three of them felt that this kind of alchemy method had never been seen before, and they still wanted to taste the medicine before alchemy? What if it is a poison pill?

Bai Yu nodded. He was wearing a hood and his face was hidden in the darkness. Others could not see his expression, but from his tone of voice, it seemed that he was very satisfied.

"Well, yes, these medicines are not bad, they are pure! Very good! Very good!"

Next, he started to deal with the medicinal materials, some of which needed to be soaked, roasted, fried, and baked. Bai Yu did two things with one heart, and looked at these people from ear to ear.

For a moment, a pill fire rose in front of Bai Yu, and his spiritual thoughts captured the material that caused him to throw into the fire.

"The furnace! It turned out to be the furnace!"

Hou and Che looked at each other, that's why! No wonder it will blow up with a stove.

Bai Yu said coldly: "Looking at your aptitude, it doesn't look like a refining method that can be turned into a furnace. Most of you did it in this step, right?"

Bai Yu said that he put in the materials of the Five Elements. After these materials began to mix, they did not have the power of the Golden Earth, Water, Fire, Earth, and the Five Elements to clash and swell like Hou and the two.

"Using the stove, and at the same time using the divine mind to completely separate the five medicinal powers, wait until the last minute to mix them."

"Some of these ingredients, you probably think I used them to coax people? Huh, dead wood!"

Hearing the scolding Rotten Wood, the faces of Hou and Che blushed for a while, and they became angry, but thinking that they had to depend on the other's alchemy techniques, they had to resist the fierceness of the face and forcibly endure them.

"The release of the medicinal power of a pill also has to consider the curative effect. Which medicinal power is effective and which medicinal power will take effect. Do you think that it will be done after refining it? Have you never heard of the good pill that kills people, and the evil pill kills poison?"

After a while, so all the medicinal materials were put in, and after practicing for a while, Bai Yu said softly: "Hey!"

Hou and Che both glanced at each other, but they were surprised. This person's alchemy technique is really the same as the alchemy mentioned in the prescription-except that he didn't specify the use of the furnace mastering technique, but if they changed it, they would make it. , Even if it’s a stove, it’s probably exploded a few times, but why is the medicine in this person’s hands as obedient as a good-looking grandson? And this is so much? Just draw the spirit and get together?

The place where the divine mind went, was combined, and the boiling ointment slowly calmed down, and the divine mind was everywhere, the ointment was divided into 36 parts and slowly began to round, and then became crystal clear again.

Bai Yu slowly withdrew the pill fire, the pill was completed!

These pills jumped into the white jade bottle that Bai Yu took out one by one as if they were pulling a string.

Hou and Che said anxiously: "Big...Master!"

Bai Yu said: "You can't be a master, you two are masters."

Hearing these words, the two of them felt as if they had been slapped in the face, embarrassing.

"Can you tell me the effect of the pill?" Hou Yuqi said carefully.

Bai Yu glanced at him, then turned to Chu Zhangge and said: "Accounting, this medicine is not for nothing!"

He threw a jade charm to him, sealed the jade bottle and threw it to Hou Yuxi, turned and left the sword.

The three were dumbfounded.

In the end, Chu Zhangge smiled dryly: "This master, he is free and easy, independent and special, don't take offense."

Che Wei sighed: "The skills are not as good as others. The man is crazy, Lao Hou. Let's stop fighting. From his technique, I learned something. In the past, some difficulties can be solved easily. This is the real master. We both It's just being touted by others."

Hou Yuxi smiled bitterly and said: "You are right, I have gained a lot, come on, let's try the effect of the medicine one by one."

After speaking, Hou Yuqi poured out two pills, one of which was handed to Che Wei, and the two put the pill into their mouth and swallowed them and closed their eyes to distinguish the properties of the medicine.

"Mysterious skills, some low-level herbs, the effect of the top-grade pill by him is minimal. The erysipelas is minimal. How can he sell the pill formula! This is obviously a set of alchemy inheritance from the Wanmiao Pill Pavilion! 100 million... …Hey, if I have one, I have to buy it for 10 billion!"

For a long time, Hou Yuqi opened his eyes.

Still still discerning the nature of the medicine, he said in a dreamlike voice: "Laohou, I admit that you are weak. Sure enough, what you said is right. If I don't watch him refine the pill by himself, I won't immediately How can you understand what you are saying when you take medicine to distinguish?"

Hou Yuxi smiled and said: "We have been fighting for most of our lives, and we should let go. Let's study alchemy carefully. Don't indulge in other people's flattery. You will feel that you are really a master."

Che Wei opened his eyes and smiled bitterly: "What is the realm of this master? How do I feel that if I use the technique of the furnace to refine alchemy, it is impossible for him to do as he pleases and lift the weight lightly?"

The two of them were disappointed, and ignored Pavilion Master Chu, and left with their swords in their hands.


"I think I'm the head of a dignified pavilion... I'm unlucky to meet you who can make alchemy." Chief Chu Zhang sighed, packed his things and left.

When Hou and Che returned to Wanmiaodan Pavilion, Kong Yuqiao hurriedly greeted him:

"Two masters? What happened?"

Hou and Che said in unison: "Don't call me a master, you can't afford it!"

Kong Yuqiao said carefully: "But... Did you offend the two?"

Hou Yuqi said: "You think too much, it means literally."

Che Wei said: "I have some understanding, and I am going to start another furnace. What does Brother Hou think?"

Hou Yuqi said: "It is just what I want. I will each open a furnace. I guess I still can't get the pill, but it should be confirmed!"

Che Wei laughed and said, "Good!"

Kong Yuqiao couldn't figure it out. At this moment, Chu Zhangge also came back, and he hurriedly met him and asked, "What are the reasons for these two...?"

He was used to seeing two people blowing beards and staring at each other along the way. He had never seen two people so "respect each other as guests", and thought that these two people were out of heart and mad?

Chu Zhangge sighed: "These two have been hit. Under the same enemy, Kai, that little dispute with his family is naturally nothing."

Kong Yuqiao was taken aback: "But did you start with that master?"

Chu Zhangge raised his head fiercely: "Never, never! I didn't make it clear. The master demonstrated the technique of alchemy, nothing more."

Kong Yuqiao then relaxed and chased it out: "Two big...sirs, is this pill worth 100 million Lingjing?"

At this time, the things used to refine the pill were confiscated, and all kinds of medicinal materials were available. Hou and Che had already sat down in front of their respective positions. Hearing his words, Hou Yuqi was silent for a moment: "Hurry up. Do it, before he regrets it."

Kong Yuqiao said: "Is it really worth 100 million?"

Che Wei sneered: "If it were me, you wouldn't want to take a look at that pill!"

Kong Yuqiao's complexion changed, and if this is the case, then the matter must be reported to the pavilion owner immediately.

He turned his head to Chu Zhangge and said, "Chu Zhangge, how about you and I reply to the pavilion master?"

Chu Zhangge said: "Good!"My dream can come true The latest chapter address: https://www.mtlnovel .com/book/162987.htmlMy dream can come true. Read the full text address: https://www.mtlnovel. com/read/162987/My dream can come true txt download link: down/162987.htmlMy dream can come true Mobile reading: 162987/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 768 The two people who were hit) read the record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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