My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 777: Wan Miao Jin Xian

Wanmiao Dange headquarters.

"Old ancestor, this is the pill that we got from an alchemy master for removing poison and condensing the essence. It is said that it can work on the erysipelas of Jinxian and Daluo Jinxian."

A woman in a light blue shirt faced the middle-aged humanity sitting cross-legged in a cave in the back mountain of the headquarters.

There is nothing in this cave except a cloud bed. It can even be said to be very shabby, but the middle-aged person sitting on the cloud bed makes this shabby cave look exactly like this, because the middle-aged person is a cave. The most eye-catching thing is that he sits with his eyes down, people who come in will see him at a glance, and even his eyes are firmly attracted by him. His sitting posture, skin color, and hair color seem to make you just look at him. I can answer questions that have haunted me for a long time, but people who come here know that this is only because the middle-aged person on the cloud bed understands the rules, so he merges with this world. This feeling of being caught by him comes from him. Tao Yun.

Middle-aged people have a normal face, not ugly or handsome, but because they blend into the surrounding environment, they only feel natural and harmonious.

The woman who came here was a plain white dress under the light blue shirt, her hair was lazily tied with an apricot ribbon, and her feet were just a pair of ordinary embroidered shoes. She was not seen wearing gold and silver, but she was white and delicate. The skin and smart eyes are as shiny as lacquer, the eyebrows are slender and neat, the nose is red, the chin is rounded... She is a stunning young woman.

The middle-aged man slowly opened his eyes, and suddenly, it was as if the light of the entire room was attracted by his unfathomable eyes. The stars in his eyes were disillusioned, and there seemed to be the universe in it. The original plain appearance was alive. a lot of,.

The woman was lost, and quickly lowered her head, not daring to look directly at the middle-aged man.

"What Dan?" The voice was jerky and bleak.

The woman said: "Yun Yufang is divided into the pavilion and the pavilion. I was fortunate enough to meet an alchemy master. I won't delay this pill. I will bring it to the ancestors."

With that, the woman took out the pill from the storage space and offered it.

As soon as the middle-aged man waved his hand, the jade bottle rose slowly, as if being pulled by an invisible silk thread, drifting towards the middle-aged man.

"You are interested." The middle-aged man nodded slightly.

"This is what the last grandson should do." The woman is the fourth generation descendant of middle-aged people, Zi, grandson, Chong, Mo, so she calls herself the last grandson.

"My erysipelas is deeply entangled and it is difficult to get rid of it." The middle-aged man said slowly. At this time, the erysipelas in his spiritual energy had reached 79%. If he took the elixirs indiscriminately, it would reach 80% erysipelas, and then triggered The five decay of heaven and man, he now dare not even eat ordinary food, he is sitting in the town to make the Wanmiao Pill Pavilion prosper, so he can only suffer so much.

The woman is Cen Yuxin, the master of Wanmiaodan Pavilion.

Cen Yuxin said: "This pill is not easy to come by. I hope my ancestors will consider whether to take it."

The middle-aged man said leisurely: "You are so filial, how can I refuse."

Cen Yu smiled bitterly and said, "My ancestors, because this pill has not been tested for effect, so I can't tell whether it is good or bad."

Middle-aged humanity: "For these tens of thousands of years, I have no Golden Immortal in Wanmiao Pill Pavilion. I naturally don't want to stop at Golden Immortal. It's just this pill. You are not sure, right?"

Cen Yu nodded silently.

The middle-aged man said leisurely: "The erysipelas is entangled. The more you use your strength, the deeper the pill to get rid of the erysipelas. I don’t know how many erysipelas I have taken. It has only a weak effect. If you take this pill, it’s not as good as it. How's the effect."

Cen Yuxin finally said: "The old ancestor is about to enter the state of five declines of heaven and man. The last grandson always thinks about finding medicine for the old ancestor, but the effect is minimal. Now this pill is named after the new pill. , An innovative pill, and this pill has been transformed into a spiritual pill, so the last grandson thought that even if it did not see much effect, it would not be harmful."

The middle-aged man smiled and said, "This is... a dead horse is used as a living horse doctor?"

Cen Yuxin did not answer.

The middle-aged man nodded: "Well, it is indeed a dead horse as a living horse doctor. If I don't control the erysipelas in my body, it will be about two or three years. So, this pill... Hehe, I can't think of me Cen Wugui The first spirit pill I took in this life was actually used to get rid of erysipelas."

Cen Yuxin said: "Old ancestor Hongfu Qitian, with this pill to help, get rid of erysipelas is only between the palms of the palms. In the future, I have to wait for my Cen family to give birth to the first big Luo Jinxian!"

Cen Wugui laughed and said, "You have a big heart, but you never thought that if I can't get rid of the erysipelas, after the five decays of heaven and man, will I end up in silence?"

Cen Yuxin said: "I thought about it, at that time, without the protection of the ancestors, the jackals were the only ones in charge, and my Cen family was torn away and divided up as fat."

Cen Wugui nodded: "It seems that I must still be alive."

After the words were finished, the middle-aged man opened the cork, but there was no Danxiang and no glory.

Cen Wugui smiled and said, "It seems that this alchemist is really capable."

Seeing Cen Yuxin raising her head to look at herself, Cen Wugui said, "The pill is introverted and self-conscious, so that the medicinal properties will not leak."

He took the pill into his mouth, and the pill was melted in the mouth, turning it into a hotline and drilling all the way into the abdomen, and a strong pill fragrance burst out of his mouth. The pill fragrance began to penetrate into the body from the mucous membrane tissues such as the mouth and esophagus.

He suddenly opened his eyes: "What a domineering spirit pill!"

Cen Yu's heart smelled a little, and she felt soft all over her body!

Cen Wugui: "Go out, this medicine will vent, you can't afford it."

Cen Yu hurriedly quit the cave, feeling uneasy.

After a while, a wisp of pink smoke that was almost indisputable vented, and at the same time a very pleasant fragrance came from the nose of Cen Yu's heart, but the pink smoke passed by, and the flowers and trees withered. Cen Yu was terrified and knew this. It is the erysipelas in the body of the ancestor Zong Cen Wugui. The pink smoke looks warm and gentle, and it is also intoxicating to smell. Who knows it is so poisonous!

She quickly stepped back, seeing the plants in this small valley withered, and countless insects and ants fled.

The smoke rolled and continued for two days, but Cen Yuxin did not dare to leave for a moment. The erysipelas in the ancestor’s body was already related to the rise and fall of the family. She was calm and relaxed in her daily life. It seemed that Zhizhu was in control of everything, but who Knowing that she is always frightened by the family's only golden erysipelas at any time?

The entire valley has become a dead place.

A long laugh came from the valley: "Good Dan! It really is a good Dan!"

Cen Yu said anxiously: "Old ancestors! What happened?"

Cen Wujiu laughed and said: "Very well, I haven't been so well in a long time. This erysipelas was forced to be driven away, and it didn't damage my foundation. I know why it is called Detox, but it is condensed again, and my vitality is solidified! , The foundation only takes a few days to recover. This master is really... good fortune!"

Cen Yuxin said, "Old ancestor, how many erysipelas are there?"

Cen Wugui said, "Essential erysipelas is still 30% or nearly 40%, but even if I give up this part of the power of the fairy, it's a good deal!"

The 30% of the erysipelas is nearly 40%, which is equivalent to 20% to 30% of the power of the fairy. That is to say, if the power of the fairy entangled with the erysipelas is abandoned forcibly, the total power of the fairy power of Cen Wugui will be Weakened by 20% to 30%. Although this has a certain impact on combat effectiveness, after breaking through to Daluo Jinxian, there will be a great increase. It should be noted that some immortals even cut half or half of the immortal in order to break through from Jinxian to Daluojinxian. There are spiritual auras too! If you want to get rid of all erysipelas completely, unless you have never taken the pill from the first day of practice!

The reason why you go to ancient times, ancient times, and ancient times, it can be said that the big Luo walks everywhere, and the golden fairy is inferior to the dog. It is because of the environment that is full of fairy spirits, and it is really possible to achieve it without taking any medicine. Daluojin Wonderland, even there were so many treasures of heaven and earth at that time, there was no so-called alchemy at all. When they got it, they just chewed and chewed. There was no erysipelas at all, because the pill is poisonous, and where does the pill come from? What about erysipelas? It’s just that the limited use of the medicinal effects of the heavenly materials and the earth’s treasures is two different things; but now, the concentration of the fairy qi is declining, and practitioners can only use the pill as a supplement for the lack of aura when absorbing the aura. Monk, that's why there must be erysipelas in the body.

Cen Yu's eyes flashed: "Old ancestor, what if you take another one?"

Cen Wugui said, "This medicine is overbearing, so I don't dare to take it again for a short time."

Cen Yu asked heartily, "How could this be?"

Cen Wugui said: "Exactly, it is estimated that within a hundred years I will not dare to take this medicine again, but now I have only more than 30% of the erysipelas in my body. What is there to worry about? This master is really amazing, if I take two more erysipelas. The erysipelas can be controlled to less than 10%!"

Cen Yu said with joy: "Congratulations to the ancestor Ronaldo!"

Cen Wugui said: "Yes, it's only a delay of two hundred years. As long as there is this pill, I will definitely be able to advance to Da Luo. Now that I have cut 30% of the immortal power with erysipelas, I only need to add the immortal power. You can also try to knock through the border, but to discard these three levels of immortal power, that is, to discard 30% of the potential, and the future impact will be too great."

Cen Yu said anxiously: "Old ancestors still don't rush to break the realm! With our deeper and deeper friendship with that master, he will cultivate a deeper level in the future, and maybe he can make a better medicine for removing poison..."

Cen Wugui said unexpectedly: "Oh? Listen to what you mean, isn't this master's cultivation level very good? But is he in the realm of heaven and immortality?"

Cen Yu smiled bitterly and said: "The ancestor looked at him too much. According to the head of the Yunxianfang, this master seems to be a true immortal at best..."

Cen Wujiu took a deep breath: "I used the realm of real immortality to cross the border to refine the golden immortal spirit pill? This...this master is too vigorous, right? He is not afraid that the medicine will take his life directly?"

The golden immortal-level elixir is poison to those below the heavenly immortals. There is no doubt that Cen Wugui cannot figure out how this master made it, but I don’t think there will be a golden immortal-level alchemy. The teacher helped him cheat, right?

Speaking of Cen Wugui: "This master must make good friends, regardless of the cost!"

Cen Yu smiled and said: "The ancestors can rest assured, this master seems not only the unparalleled alchemy, but the instrumental way is also good. I decided to place a heavy bet on him and run another magic weapon with him."

Cen Wugui was curious: "What is... a magic weapon? How does this magic weapon operate?" My dream can come true. The latest chapter address :Https:// dream can come true Full text reading address: https: // dream can come true. txt download address: https://www. dream can come true Mobile reading: read/162987/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 777 Wonders Jinxian) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "My Dream Can Be Real", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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