My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 798: Sword King

"I have seen Daoist Sword Master." In the darkness, Hong Miaozi walked out, behind which were three other golden immortals who followed Bai Yu.

"So it's you, Zhenxian, this little baby is your apprentice?" Female Jianxiu asked.

"How can my horrible old man teach Daoyou Bai Daoyou such a master of alchemy, Daoyou Jianjun, can it be seen in my face, letting you go to Daoyou Bai?" Hong Miaozi smiled bitterly.

"Friends of Taoism? Such a small repair... Do you discuss friendships with his peers?" Jianjun looked at Bai Yu and then at the four golden immortals, looking very inexplicable.

"Yes, this fellow Bai Daoist, Lord Sword can't move him." Hong Miaozi said.

"Originally, this little guy was not the one I was going to kill. Since the four of you protect him, then I won't kill him." Sword Lord was also very happy.

"Thank you Sword Monarch!" Hong Miaozi and the four others let out a long breath.

Bai Yu said: "Senior, can we talk about it at this time? Since someone has some conditions to make seniors unable to refuse, you might as well tell the juniors that they will not make seniors suffer if they do their best."

Sword Lord looked at Bai Yu up and down: "Just now it was only the three of us talking, so it’s no problem for me to say a few words to you. Now it’s me talking to Fellow Jinxian, you are a fairyland minor...what qualifications do you qualify for? ?"

She turned to Hong Miaozi and said, "Friends, can this little thing represent you?"

Hong Miaozi nodded: "Yes, Sword Lord does not matter what conditions he has."

Sword Lord smiled, and suddenly the short sword was sheathed, turned into a little light, and flew into her mouth.

"I want to open the conditions. If I open the conditions, but you can't accept them, what should I do?"

Hong Miaozi said: "Then we have to let go. We don't care about the girl, but please don't hurt Fellow Bai Daoist."

Sword Lord murmured: "I really don't understand what you are thinking."

She raised her voice: "If I accept the condition of not being poor, then I will take this kid away."

Hong Miaozi faintly felt that it was not good, but I never heard that Sword Master is such a male!

He said with a dilemma: "Can Sword Master relax some conditions? For example...Xianjing?"

Sword Master sneered: "Pan Dao has nothing in his heart except Ken Dao. This kid would rather bend than bend. Even if he is facing me, he still talks freely. Although I don't know what is the relationship between him and this little girl, he is still not in danger. Abandoning my friend, I attacked him with five swords, and both swords and swords could take his life. If I said he was not afraid of death, I would not believe him, but I would force him down and still have to defend his companions. This kind of temper is the heir of my kendo. If you can’t meet my conditions, you need to let me take him away. I want to share what I have learned from him throughout my life. Do you have any opinions?"

Sword Lord was right. Bai Yu was afraid of dying. He had never felt so dangerous. It was just Sword Sovereign that he was so overwhelmed that the four golden immortals who followed him could only make sense... The sword repair force is so strong, it really is. Guan Jue Zhuxian.

Bai Yu smiled bitterly: "Senior has said this, and the younger generation has no reason to retreat."

Sword Lord nodded: "I just...seems to hear Taoist Hongmiao say that you are Master Alchemy?"

Bai Yu said: "The master dare not be, but what kind of golden pill does Sword Master want the younger generation to refine, can the younger generation try their best?"

Lord Jian laughed: "Try your best? Okay, let's get four pills for removing poison and condensing essence. The price of killing Cen Yuxin this time is that the other party pays me a single essence pill for removing poison and condensing. Is the double compensation reasonable? Then two Is it reasonable to give me two of my life?"

"Are the four Poison-Removing Ning Yuan Dan... the juniors don't have to go with the seniors?" Bai Yu asked respectfully.

"Hey, you really look like a bamboo in your chest. Yes, you train it for me. Don't tell me that it will take ten or eighty years to make it. I don't think that my Golden Immortal's first sword will be regarded as an apprentice." Jian Jun sneered.

Bai Yu smiled bitterly: "Senior Sword Sovereign sees me as a blunt person. It is naturally a blessing to the younger generation. But the younger generation's Tao is the three ways of talisman, instrument and pill in this life... But he no longer has the energy to change to sword practice. As for the senior The ten or eighty years... of course it doesn’t take that long."

Sword Lord nodded and said: "It seems that there is really no fate for masters and apprentices. Nothing. I don't want to be forced. Well, the four of you can get together and borrow some. It's not impossible to buy four immortal crystals. , It’s just that, now the pill for removing poison and condensing the original pill is hard to find."

Bai Yu nodded: "Senior said that it is naturally extremely difficult to buy."

"Four...I'll figure out a solution." Cen Yuxin said hard.

Sword Lord thought for a while: "Yes, as the pavilion of Wanmiao Pill Pavilion, it is a trivial matter to mobilize four pills. However, you can get four pills by yourself..."

Bai Yu took a deep look at Cen Yuxin. Cen Yu lowered her head in a flustered manner, not daring to look at him. Unexpectedly, Lord Jian had exposed her identity like this!

Bai Yu said: "Don't have to be so troublesome, here are four Poison-Removing and Ning Yuan Dan."

Bai Yu took out four bottles of jade bottles containing the Poisoning Ning Yuan Dan from the storage space, and the jade bottles drifted towards Sword Sovereign.

Sword Lord glanced at Bai Yu and then at the four golden immortals: "What a coincidence, I want four pills, and he has four pills? He really made this pill?"

Bai Yu said with a stern face: "Dao doesn't know if Sword Sovereign dares to take this poison-pulling and condensing yuan pill."

Lord Jian glanced at Bai Yu: "In theory, what a person is like, I can see that you are not the kind of despicable villain, but I have to take you as the quality to take this pill. What do you think?"

Bai Yu nodded and said, "That's right."

Jian Jundao: "I want to take him away, what do you think?"

Seeing Sijinxian still hesitating, Jianjundao: "If this pill takes effect, Pindao will send him back immediately."

Bai Yu said: "Dear fellow Daoists, this is already the best result. I will go with Senior Sword Sovereign, and Senior Lao will go to the wounds of Daoist Yuming Sword Qi."

Sword Jundao: "It's not that I stabbed her with a sword, it doesn't matter, this kind of sword spirit of painting a tiger dog... It doesn't hurt to help you solve it."

Sword Lord walked in front of Cen Yuxin and slapped her on her shoulder. Cen Yuxin spurted out a mouthful of blood, but with the golden blood, there was a sword aura, and it hit the pill cauldron in front of him. Dan Ding finally couldn't hold it back, and a small hole came out.

Sword Lord said blankly: "I never thought that this tripod would reach its limit, so let's go."

Bai Yu said: "Senior still needs to wait for me to count his breath."

Bai Yu took out another pill from the storage space: "Open your mouth."

Cen Yuxin said, "I didn't mean to lie to you."

Bai Yu said, "Take the medicine first, and I'll talk later when I come back."

Cen Yuxin nodded and swallowed the medicine in.

Bai Yu turned around and said, "Senior, let's go."

Sword Jundao: "Maybe Yujian?"

Bai Yu nodded and said, "Yes."

The Sword Sovereign took his sword into the air, followed by Bai Yu.

Hong Miaozi sighed, "Sword repair is really overbearing."

Another Jin Xian smiled bitterly: "How can you do if your skills are not as good as humans? Fortunately, what she just wants is to remove poison and condense the original pill."

Sword Sovereign and Bai Yu Yujian flew for about an hour before reaching a hanging peak.

After descending to the top of the hanging peak, Bai Yu looked around for a while, and said, "Senior should find a deserted hanging mountain. The erysipelas has spilled and the poison is endless. The place is lush and green. I think there are many animals on this mountain for survival. All mountains are poisonous and wasteful, it hurts the heavens too much."

Sword Lord glanced at him: "You are kind-hearted, no matter what, you just stay here, I will find a barren mountain to remove the poison, and when I finish removing the poison, I will come to you."

Bai Yu nodded and said, "Senior, please go."

The Sword Master spit out a long sword like embroidered needles, and it turned into a short sword when it swayed in the wind. She drew out the sword and threw it into the air, turning it into a thousand swords, spinning around the white feathers.

Sword Jundao: "This is my unique sword formation, which integrates attack, defense, and trap. The ordinary golden immortal can't help it. If you don't lie to me, I will let you out when you come back."

Bai Yu gave a wry smile, and sat down cross-legged across the flying swords that intensively danced in front of him like a streamer, "Senior, please go, it's no more than an hour."

Sword Master nodded and turned to leave.

But at this time, the bright moon hung high, and Bai Yu sat down all night. It was not until the sky was clear that Sword Master hurried back.

"Your pill is not bad. If you take two pills, there is still more than 20% of the erysipelas left." Jianjun nodded.

Bai Yu was taken aback: "Sword Monarch takes two pills in a row?"

Sword Lord said proudly: "The effect of the medicine is a bit more domineering, but how is it better than my sword aura? If it weren't for these two, I would pay the client, huh, I will take four of them today to drive the erysipelas cleanly."

Bai Yu said: "In any case, I still have to slowly restore the fairy energy, I'm afraid that there is not much fairy power in Senior at this time. There is still a pill to replenish the fairy power in the younger generation. Can Senior dare to take it?"

Lord Jian shook his head and said: "You and I don't owe each other. I take your medicine. It is not because of your favor. When I can't recognize you, I can control you life and death. If I know you, I can't owe it. You cause and effect."

Bai Yu nodded and said, "Even though the predecessor was charged with money and murdered, he is a real villain."

Sword Sovereign sneered: "What a villain? Who doesn't know that my Phoenix Sword Sovereign has a fiery temperament. If you say it is exploded, it will explode. The left and right are just a sword to save ten thousand ways. This is my way."

Bai Yu praised: "This is the predecessor’s straightforward temperament. In this way, the younger generation will be responsible for the elimination of erysipelas from the senior. It is guaranteed that it will not be higher than one level. Although it cannot be completely eliminated, you may try it if it is less than half of it. How about protecting the younger generation for thousands of years? During this period, the younger generation can bear all the medicine used in the practice."

Lord Jian laughed: "You have a good plan. Originally, I planned to take some ordinary elixirs, so I cut the erysipelas and was promoted to Daluo Jinxian. At most, it would be decades of effort. It's good for you. Let me protect you. Thousands of years, it’s still quite bold."

Bai Yu said: "The less the sword master cuts the cultivation base, the higher the cost of promotion to the Daluojin fairy queen in the future. This is a good thing. Besides, if the senior is promoted successfully, then the agreement between me and the senior will be considered complete, okay? It would be even better to be able to tell the cultivators in the fairy world that the seniors will take care of the younger ones."

"Let me ask you, why is this fateful flying sword fate in my hand for hundreds of years?" Sword Sovereign asked. The latest chapter address of my dream can come true: dream can come true. Read the full text address: dream can come true. txt download address: dreams can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 798 Sword Master), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "My Dream Can Be Real", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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