My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 9: Da Lang is taking medicine

A feeling of swelling and pain gradually came from the meridians, and Bai Yu knew that this was when Zou Zhifeng said that cultivation should not be forced. He condensed his breath, only to realize that the sky was dark and it was actually Golden Wushi Pendant, and it was dusk.

The abdomen was empty, and after a few groans, he took out the jade bottle.

With warm hands, Bai Yu murmured: "Is it possible that this is white jade of suet? Like in my world, just such a bottle, I'm afraid it's not worth hundreds of thousands! It's a pity that I can't take it back!"

Pulling out the stopper of the jade bottle, there are twelve light blue translucent balls. The mouth of the bottle has a white mist. I smell the tip of the nose. I only feel refreshed and refreshed, so I pour it out. Put a pill into your mouth.

A burst of sweet and medicinal scent dissipated in his mouth. When he got up in the morning, he didn't wash his face or gargle. At this time, he swallowed the Chaolu Pill and felt that his mouth was very refreshing, and there was a hint of sweetness, and his breath no longer had the slightest smell: "This is more real than chewing gum!"

If Zou Zhifeng learns that he actually mixed these countless precious medicinal materials with Ziyang Chaolu on the main peak of Dao Xi Peak, the pill that he refined would be compared with a piece of fifty-one chewing gum on the earth. !

The hunger in his abdomen gradually disappeared. He yanked the small house into the bedroom, and then returned to the yard. He put his finger on the tip of the girl doll's sword. There was a slight pain in the fingertip, and the blood slowly melted into the sword. The girl doll actually had a long sword in its sheath, and said, "I have seen the young master!"

"Faint!" Bai Yu said, touching his forehead, unexpectedly Zou Zhifeng still had this hand!

"The young master does not have enough qi and blood? You can use Codonopsis, Atractylodes, Astragalus, Longan meat, Jujube seed, Muxiang, Angelica, Polygala, Licorice, Poria, Jujube, Ginger, etc. Qi nourishes blood..." The girl's star eyes shone.

"Wait, you...what's your name?"

"The slave family's surname is Hua, and the name is called the moon slave..., the young master can call the slave moon slave!"

"Flower... Moon slave?"

"The slave is here."

"Um... do you need to eat and sleep?"

"The slave family only needs to eat the spiritual energy in the air. If the young master likes to watch the slave sleep, the slave can sleep." Huayuenu fell softly and lay on the table, with her small face resting on her arm, and her red lips faintly painted. With a smile, he actually seemed to fall into a deep sleep.

"This..." Bai Yu couldn't help being dumbfounded.

"Hey, you, are you going to sleep?"

Huayue Nu stood up: "Don't the young master want to watch the slave sleep?"

"Forget it, I just asked, um, I moved your house into the house, don't you follow along?"

"Young Master, the slave still has so many clothes and can't move it..." Huayue Slave was desperate, trying hard to drag the boxes, but only lifted a corner of the boxes.

"Hey, it's so cute, if only it could be bigger!" Bai Yu murmured.

"Yeah, the slave is really stupid, and the young master is smart!" Huayuenu made a suddenly realized expression on her face, and her figure slowly grew a little bit.

"You, can you really get bigger?" Bai Yu asked in surprise.

"Of course, when my father made me, he used most of his Golden Alchemy resources, the slave is a magic weapon! If you can't be big and small, how can it be considered a magic weapon?" Huayuenu proudly said.

" big can you get?"

"This... young master, the slave can grow bigger, but the clothes can change to the size of ordinary people at most, and men and women are not married. Does the young master want to see the slave's body?" Huayue squeezed.

Bai Yu's face immediately turned red: "I, I, don't I want to see your body, I'm just curious."

"The slave is the young master's person, the young master wants to see it, and the slave shows it to the young master..." Huayue Nu's eyes flapped and said, looking very affectionate.

Bai Yu wailed in his heart: "This is really an otaku's gift, so beautiful and soft, how can I hold it!"

Huayue Slave said: "Young Master, don't you want to look at the slave body?"

"No, don't look." Bai Yu said embarrassedly.

"Okay, can that slave move these boxes into the room?" Huayuenu lightly jumped from the table to the ground, and when she landed, she had become a slim girl, and Bai Yu was only at her waist.

"Okay, you just move."

Huayue Slave bowed her face and looked at Bai Yu carefully: "Young Master, why are you blushing so much? Are you affected by the wind?"

"Nothing! Don't tell me, I'm going in!" The rabbit with the arrow hit by the white feather elephant quickly ran back to the room.

"This young master, I'm afraid it's not really affected by the wind?" Huayuenu shook his head.

She gently twisted the box, placed it in the palm of her hand, and walked to the room.

"No, you have to make some decoction for the young master, otherwise the wind and cold will hardly heal and it will affect your practice!" She hurriedly put the box in the courtyard of the small house and ran out.

Bai Yu naturally didn't know what she was going to do, so he took out the book-quality cheats and checked them one by one, and then prepared to recite them to bring the memory back to the real world.

After a while, I heard the sound of chopping wood, burning fire and then a burst of medicinal incense coming from outside.

"Huh, what is Huayuenu doing?" Bai Yu was a little curious, walked to the door, and quietly stretched out his head, but saw Huayuenu squatting on the ground, holding a fan of fire, and a pot of herbs on the small stove. Gasping.

Huayuenu turned her face and said, "Young Master, the medicine is all right, you can hold on for a while!"

Bai Yu said strangely: "You still see a doctor?"

Huayue Slave’s face is covered with black and gray, and she has become a flower cat, but she proudly said: "Of course, my father injected more than 10,000 prescriptions into the slave. The slave will not only treat people, but also sweep, plant, cook, and prepare. clothes…"

Bai Yu's eyes gleamed: "So amazing!"

Huayuenu smiled: "Except for childbirth slaves, other slaves can basically do it!"

Bai Yu said enviously: "I want to do this too!"

He suddenly wondered: "Aren't you skipping food? Why do you boil this?"

Huayuenu solemnly said: "Young Master, I watch your complexion. You must have suffered a cold from the wind last night, so I will pick you up a potion of herbs to eliminate the cold..."

"Me!? You told me to drink it?" Bai Yu was surprised.

"Yes! The young master is the heaven of the slave, and the slave can't watch the young master fall indifferently." Huayuenu said seriously.

Bai Yu stammered: "But, but I, I think I am fine, no need to take medicine, right?"

Huayue Slave actually shed a string of tears, washed away the black coals, revealing the white skin on her face: "The young master thinks the slave is useless?"

"I, I don't..."

"Yes, I know, the young master doesn't like slaves, why are slaves still alive?" Huayuenu drew out her sword with a choke, lay it across her neck, and said sadly: "Young Master takes care of her body and works hard to cultivate. Tiangongmen!"

"Wait!" Bai Yu hurriedly stopped.

He only feels a terrible headache, why is this Huayue slave so fierce? Farewell my concubine if you don’t agree! ?

"I drink it!" He sighed.

Huayue Slave's long sword landed, rushed over, and held Bai Yu in his arms: "The young master treats the slave very well, I know that the young master does not want the slave to die..."

Surrounded by the warm fragrance of nephrite jade, Bai Yu secretly cried out: "Why is it so real? Even body incense is so lifelike. Although the old man looks like a young lady, he is a smoldering adult inside!"

"Ah! The medicine is ready, and I can take it after I give the young master cool down!" Huayuenu suddenly let go of Bai Yu's whisper, and lifted the medicine pot from the stove.

"Don't worry, the young master, the slave is not afraid of swords, guns, water, fire!" Huayuenu said proudly.

"That...then you killed yourself just now..." Bai Yu hesitated.

"Ah, just don't avoid ordinary swords and guns, slaves, slaves, slaves, this sword is a magic weapon!" Huayuenu said in a panic.

"Really?" questioning face.

"Really! Don't dare to deceive the young master!" Affirmative face.

"Okay!" Jiang believed suspiciously.

"Young Master, come, take this medicine!" Bai Yu watched Huayuenu decanting the medicine, and brought a bowl of soup medicine to Shen Shen, and his heart felt a little hairy.

"I, I'm not Wu Dalang!" He couldn't help blurting out.

"Young Master, who is Wu Dalang?" Huayue Nuqi asked.

"Well, an irrelevant person, this, this, I really want to drink?" Bai Yu begged and asked.

"Young Master, of course the good medicine is bitter. If you don't drink it, it's not good for your body." Huayue said softly.

"Hey, can you drink it colder?" Bai Yu begged again with a look.

"Well, I'll help the young master blow a little cooler before drinking." Huayuenu sighed.

Every spoonful of Huayuenu's medicine was blown carefully before Bai Yu took it down. Although the herbal medicine was extremely bitter, Bai Yu couldn't help feeling very moved. This doll was indeed loyal.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise in the courtyard outside the room. Bai Yu and Huayuenu were taken aback. Huayuenu was just waiting to put down the medicine and rushed out. The door of the room was directly pushed open: "Good boy, don't..."

It was Zou Zhifeng who came in: "Don't..."

Huayuenu put down the medicine bowl, Fushen said: "I have seen my father, the young master has suffered a wind and cold, and her daughter has given the young master a decoction for a medicine, and I will be able to recover tomorrow."

"Already, have you drunk it?" Zou Zhifeng's face was blue and red.

"It's almost taken already, and there is still a little, which does not affect the properties of the medicine."

Zou Zhifeng suddenly smiled and said, "If you have taken casual clothes, it will be fine if you take it. So, so did you go?"

Bai Yu Gong said: "What is the command of the principal?"

"Nothing, nothing, something suddenly remembered that there is still a pot of pill made by Kwong Lao'er, stop by and take a look, yes, stop by and take a look, you should rest earlier." Zou Zhifeng smiled dryly, I don't know. Was it an illusion that Bai Yu saw a trace of guilt and shame in his eyes?

Without waiting for Bai Yu's answer, Zou Zhifeng stood up, even the sika deer didn't even bother to recruit.

"How did the master go so eagerly?" Bai Yu said in doubt.

"I think the pill is too important. Unfortunately, the slave has limited qualifications and can't refine the pill for the young master..." Huayue Slave said in a daze, and then said with joy:

"The young master has taken the medicine, so let's rest early, and the slave will clean up the yard!"

"You have worked too hard! Hey, why is there a pain in this belly?" Bai Yu frowned.

"How can the young master suffer from abdominal pain?" Huayuenu asked in surprise.

"I don't know, I just feel a pain in my abdomen. No, I, I'm going to have diarrhea!" Bai Yu said with a sad face.

From a distance, Zou Zhifeng, who was flying in the air, murmured: "Why did I forget to tell him, don’t let Yuenu decoction to cook too much, one step too late, one step too late! I’m suffering you, goodbye. Disciple!"

Side room clean room.

Bai Yu pulled almost out of the stomach.

"Yuenu, what kind of medicine did you give me?"

Huayuenu cried outside the clean room and said, "Young Master, Yuenu is prepared according to the prescription. Is it wrong to make the medicine? Or, I will give the young master a dose of antidiarrheal medicine?"

Bai Yu said quietly, "I'm just taking another dose, I'm afraid...I'm afraid my life will be lost! Ah...oh..." The latest chapter address of my dream can come true: Dream Can come true full text reading address: dream can come true txt download Address: dream can come true Mobile reading: https: // the convenience of reading next time, you can click the "favorite" record below The reading record of this time (Chapter 9 Da Lang took medicine), you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "My Dream Can Be Real", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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