My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 96: Jian Gang breaks the illusion

Before Bai Yu walked to the end of the passage, he slowly drew his sword. When the sound of the sword sound was unsheathed, it changed from weak to strong, continuous, long and clear.

The laborers around who were carrying the corpse with their numb expressions suddenly turned their heads to look at Bai Yu's direction at the same time, and their expressions became distorted and terrifying.

Bai Yu closed his eyes slightly, ignoring the characters in these illusions. At this moment, his blood boiled, rising from the top of his head, and the laborers slowly approached, and he stretched out his hand to try to touch it. The thing that released the huge anger in front was What, in their eyes, it’s empty and there is nothing, but it’s like a sweet piece of delicacy covered with honey. It is the yang energy of human beings. They all move their noses and carefully distinguish the yang energy. The source, with an intoxicated expression on his face, all ghosts and monsters exist in the world in pure yin, with yang in the human body. For them, it is simply more attractive to old drunks than good wine.


A worker who got too close fell to the ground with screams as if being splashed with sulfuric acid. It turned out that he got too close and was wounded by the weather and blood of Bai Yu. For the ghosts in these illusions It is said that ordinary people’s yang qi is naturally their great tonic medicine, but things must be reversed. A monk like Bai Yu enters the Tao through practice and establishes internal circulation in the body. It is not an exaggeration to say that most of the martial arts cultivation, the body’s yang qi, The qi and blood are pure and strong, and it's not enough. How can the aliens in these illusions be impacted by such qi and blood?

The faces of the ghosts who were surrounding them showed horror, and they all stepped back, lest they would be hurt by the strong energy of blood.

Bai Yuli ignored them, just adjusted the aura, and was ready to send out a shocking blow; if it is really lifted and cut, it is also simple, and Bai Yu can do it with pure force to break the illusion, but don't forget, this Shi Baiyu and others are actually on the Mercedes-Benz train! If Bai Yu really went out with a sword, how many people could survive on the train would only depend on his character.

So at this time, what Bai Yu was about to wield was not a real sword, but a sword intent he had never raised!

Yes, the situation at this time can only break the illusion with the sword intent, but Bai Yu is not a sword repairer, how can there be any powerful sword intent? In fact, it has inspired the sword intent and evil spirit that has survived the Songwen Hanbi Zijin Swallowing Sword over the years.

Those ghosts retreated with fear, but from time to time they raised their noses and sniffed them, and unknowingly, they surrounded Cheng Xiaoyun and the others.

Ke Yuanyuan stood in the outermost position. Seeing these ghosts with doubts on their faces, he dared not make any noises as he got closer and closer. He just squeezed the talisman paper that Bai Yu had given him tightly, and fought with each other.

Cheng Xiaoyun was too scared to make a sound. She stretched out her hand to cover her mouth, afraid that one could not help but screamed out. This was in line with Ye Gong’s word for good dragon. Usually Cheng Xiaoyun is also very interested in strange things, strange things, and so on. I always felt that if I were the protagonist in the Guai Tan, I would definitely turn a bad luck into a good fortune; at this time, I was in it, and I knew that I was just an ordinary girl.

It was a young woman who seemed to be much more calm. She held her daughter in her arms. Although her face was pale, she still stretched out her hands and handed the talisman paper to the outside.

The three slowly retreated, and finally leaned on the wall of the tunnel, unable to retreat, but luckily, a small depression barely squeezed into the three of Cheng Xiaoyun, the young woman, and the little girl. Ke Yuanyuan was left in front.

Finally, a ghost tentatively touched it, but with a scream, the eyes of all four of them were stabbed straight, but the ghost retreated several steps like a burnt buttocks, repeatedly shaking its hands, and it turned out that it entered the range of the talisman defense. , His hands seemed to be scorched by the fire, and blue smoke appeared.

Ke Yuanyuan was overjoyed: "It works!"

As soon as his voice came out, although it was not loud, it made the ghosts ascertain that there really were strangers here, which immediately caused their eyes to redden and they rushed over.

But without exception, the talisman paper handed out by Du Ke Yuanyuan was burnt in a haze.

Ke Yuanyuan's expression changed at this time.

He saw that the talisman paper had gradually deepened, which was caused by ghostly spirit.


"Boom! Boom!" A sound of knocking and falling came.

The crowded ghosts were separated like a tide, and each of the labor ghosts had fear on their faces.

Ke Yuanyuan looked behind the forward ghost through the dim light. A strong ghost who was far beyond these ordinary ghosts pushed aside the ghost in front of him and came straight towards him!

"It's over!" Ke Yuanyuan's expression was desperate. This is clearly the little Boss, the novice village killer. His small body is not a game character, nor does it have skills or weapons. It is just a gift!

The tall ghost looked like an official from the country, with two soldiers.

The tall ghost stopped four or five steps away from Ke Yuanyuan, walked around Ke Yuanyuan two times suspiciously, and suddenly waved:

"Kill it!"

The two soldiers took a step and stabbed the bayonet in their hands, but they were held back in mid-air. They did not see half of their advance. In mid-air, something transparent like an air film blocked the tip of the bayonet!

But the air film fluctuates violently.

The talisman suddenly turned black in Ke Yuanyuan's hand, and then burst into flames. Ke Yuanyuan was so hot that he shook his hand, sparks were thrown everywhere, and a few points fell on the ghost soldier, and suddenly the ghost soldier was thrown away. The burning was so strange that the other ghost soldier was so startled, he felt timid in his heart, and took a few steps back!

"Take it!" Ke Yuanyuan couldn't retreat. In despair, Cheng Xiaoyun passed the talisman paper in her hand.

Ke Yuanyuan took the talisman paper while Xuexue cried and stood in front of him.

At this time, the officer ghost urged the two soldier ghosts again and again, but the two soldier ghosts shook their heads at this time, expressing their reluctance to move forward.

He Guo invaded Xia State. At the beginning, soldiers ordered and banned, and military literacy was extremely high. But before the defeat, the potential of a country was exhausted, and the newly joined soldiers had lost the qualities of soldiers. Will follow the instructions of Shangguan.

The officer's ghost showed a fierce look, and looked around. The surrounding ghosts retreated one after another, giving up a large circle, just for fear of being implicated in it.

The officer's ghost was furious, and strode towards Guan Ke Yuanyuan, stretched out his big hand like a fan of pupa, and stretched out towards Ke Yuanyuan.

Obvious traces of anxiety appeared on the hand of the officer's ghost, and the corner of the officer's ghost twitched, but the talisman did not hurt him too much, and he was holding it back for life.

The talisman paper in Ke Yuanyuan's hand also turned from yellow to black within two or three seconds, and burned again with a bang.

This time, Ke Yuanyuan was prepared, and the talisman was about to ignite. He threw it at the officer's ghost, and a ball of fire floated out. It felt like a mage rubbed fireball.

The officer's ghost laughed grinningly, and as soon as he raised his hand to grasp the fireball, a blue smoke came out of his hand. The fireball with the power of exorcising evil spirits and suppressing demons was actually wiped out by him.

"End... It's over!" Ke Yuanyuan said desperately.

"There is one more!" The young woman gritted her teeth and handed over the last piece of talisman left in her hand.

When the ghost stretched out its hand again, it was blocked again, and could not help but let out a roar, shaking the three of them almost unsteadily.

Seeing dizziness, the talisman paper quickly turned black, and the whole world was spinning around.

"Jiangang Zhuxie!" A clear voice sounded, but Bai Yu finally aroused the evil spirit in the sword!

Sure enough, the entire fantasy world shook and shook violently. The ghosts actually clicked like in a glass mirror. There were dense cracks on each body, and a lot of black gas floated from the cracks, and finally screamed and smashed. Into a powder.

The surrounding mountain walls were also shattered one after another, and the debris was falling all over the sky, like a teleport. The four suddenly realized that they were just entering the position of the 8th carriage. This place is still on the train, and the rhythmic "besides" sound It sounds so sweet and gracious, but the focus is on the quiet carriage. Car No. 8 is still sleeping, and the people sitting in the aisle chairs have their heads down. Except for the sound of the train, the whole carriage looks like It's a little gloomy.

The wound on Bai Yu's finger was not healed. These smoothly smeared blood on the spine of the sword, choked, and the long sword was sheathed.

Seeing their curious gazes, Bai Yu said, "The sword already has spirituality. It is the master to kill. If you don't see the blood, it should not be lighted back. I have to feed it with my blood."

Cheng Xiaoyun shuddered, but felt that the sword in Bai Yu's hand was too evil! The owner also needs to feed it with blood...

Bai Yu no longer explained, only said: "Go on, go forward, there will be no illusions."

Ke Yuanyuan trembled: "So these people?"

Bai Yu said: "Don't worry about them, the illusion is broken, they will have to be in a coma for a while to wake up."

"Will they be killed by the ghosts in the illusion?"

Bai Yu sneered and said: "Kill? Those laborers are attached to them to transform into the illusion. Why do you think I don't kill?"

So it turns out that those ghosts actually appeared in the illusion based on these passengers as the source of their reliance? The three adults nodded slowly, but the little girl didn't know, so her big eyes just followed Bai Yu.

But it went smoothly, everyone came all the way to the locomotive position.

The locomotive position is also the same as on an airplane, with a thick security door and a front room to enter the operating room.

After the door is closed, if there is no key, it can only be opened from the inside. As for breaking open from the outside...

But this can't stop Bai Yu, and now there is no time to search one by one to see who has the key outside. Bai Yu's long sword is unsheathed again, and he takes a deep breath. The long sword is nourished by his blood, and it becomes more alive, and suddenly it is more than three inches long and light blue. Light shone from between the swords.

"Sword Mang! Sword Mang!" Ke Yuanyuan exclaimed.

Bai Yu glanced back at him, Ke Yuanyuan immediately shut his mouth and smiled awkwardly: "Isn't there a difference in the "Dragon Babu" by Mr. Jin?

Cheng Xiaoyun twisted him slightly and asked him to stop. Ke Yuanyuan complied with her kindness and stopped speaking.

Bai Yu raised his hand, the sword light penetrated into the position of the bolt, and he pressed down with force in his hand to cut off the bolt.

With a squeak, Bai Yu pushed open the safety door.

Seeing the situation inside, everyone couldn't help but opened their eyes wide and covered their mouths, afraid of screaming. My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dreams can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Collection\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 96 Jian Gang Breaks the Fantasy Scene), next Open the bookshelf once to see it! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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