Qin Ze's internship career is like a salted fish that wants to splash hard, but can't lift the waves. In addition to two hours of training every day, he sat idly in the office at other times, listening to other colleagues talking on the phone and talking about business. Occasionally, Li Linfeng would come out of the office and face a bunch of subordinates. At this time, Qin Ze would prick up his ears to listen to the market judgment and experience of this workplace elite.

Yang Jian is a very lively teaser, restless, always wandering in major office areas, hooking up with the front desk girl, eager to meet the beautiful president. For several days, I didn't even see a person, and I couldn't wait to run to the door of the women's toilet.

Qin Ze finally understood why this so-called science bull resigned from a large company. He often instilled his own theory into Qin Ze. Large companies worry, small companies work, and medium-sized companies can fish in troubled waters.

What bullshit theory.

This is not a person who is willing to work hard in his career. The reason for resigning is that he can't stand the frequent overtime of his former employer.

Yang Jian said, anyway, I'm a local, with a house and a car, parents' savings, medical insurance, social security and pensions. What do I do with all my efforts? It's not possible to succeed with all my efforts. It's good for me to live a well-off life and be free.

Qin Zexin said, NIMA, this is not the life I once yearned for, confidant!

This morning, Yang Jian rarely went out and splashed in front of the computer and clattered on the keyboard.

"What are you doing?" Qin Ze was a little noisy when he saw that he hadn't stopped typing.

"Water." Yang Jian looked at the computer. "I'm waving flags and shouting for your sister."

"What do you mean?" Qin Ze leaned over to have a look.

"Qin Baobao issued a single this week, and there are several popular idols in the same period. The competition is very fierce. Promotion, buying news, fans spray each other..." Yang Jian turned his head, "you don't know."

"Of course I know." Qin Ze denied.

In fact, he didn't know. His sister only said that she would release an album recently, didn't say the specific time, and didn't ask him for a song. When singing star, Qin Baobao needed a good song to support her appearance and pestered her brother. Now that she is famous, the company is willing to spend resources on her, so she won't pester her brother.

"How is the situation now?" Qin Ze asked.

"What's going on?" Yang Jian asked rhetorically.

"Isn't it that fans spray each other? It's a tie?"

"Among the stars who posted single songs at the same time, there are two powerful rivals competing for the list, a little fresh meat and an old singer. What our fans need to do is to help our idols promote the single, and then spray people on our competitors' forums and microblogs." Yang Jian said, "I drove a dozen trumpets and killed them."

"I see, just like football fans fight for the team they support." Qin Ze nodded.

"The MV of Qin Baobao's single was released yesterday." Yang Jian suddenly complained to him, "why don't you write a song for your sister? The war situation is very sticky. No one can hold anyone down."

Qin Ze has been confused about the difference between singles and albums. Her sister explained the difference between wholesale and retail.

Generally speaking, a single is generally recognized as containing 1 to 3 tracks, while an album with more than seven songs is sold as a package.

Now it's not the age of CDs and records, and there are few stars who make big albums. Generally, they produce single songs, so they can also be called albums.

MV is produced to promote single or album.

In the era when the Internet was not prosperous, CD albums were one of the most profitable channels for singers. Now, making albums is more famous than making money,

"Is this the legendary ranking?" Qin Ze asked.

"Not clear." Yang Jian said.

The so-called ranking is deep inside. To a certain extent, it is the behavior of cheating consumers, such as brushing data. Similar examples: the publishing house reviews and repurchases books in the book distribution industry, creating the illusion that the book is booming and rushing to the ranking list. Then it's up to the fans.

Qin Ze opened the website of music billboard and opened the MV day list. He found that Qin Baobao's MV occupied the top of the list. The song is called "green".

He watched the MV. The female host was Qin Baobao, and the male host was a second-line star. They all wore high school uniforms. It's about a love affair on campus. Meet on the basketball court, write letters, fall in love in the storage room, and then the relationship is exposed. Under the pressure of school and parents, this green love ends. The only sense of disobedience is that my sister's chest is too big, which makes people a little bit out of play. How can high school students have 36d? It's unscientific.

The MV production is quite exquisite, and the singing is also OK. It certainly cannot reach the high-quality products, but the quality is online.

Qin Ze breathed a sigh of relief after watching it. The MV advertised a kind of green and pure love. Male and female owners held hands at most, and there was no kissing.

He opened the "sweet" music website, and the same MV daily list topped the list with "Oriental Dragon", a song of little fresh meat. Qin Baobao's "green astringency" ranked second.

For another music website, the top of the list is "melancholy", which is the song of an old bacon in Xiangjiang.

Qin Baobao was still in junior high school in the era when the old Bacon was active in the singing world. Xiangjiang's older generation of artists have to say that the old drama bone is really capable, but there are no successors, and the new generation of artists are in short supply.

No wonder Yang Jian said the competition was fierce.

Looking at the comments, there are many fans and fans.

"The way the goddess wears a school uniform has stimulated my uniform."

"As long as it's your song, I support it. Wait for the single to be released."

"Blue and white porcelain is still a single cycle until now. Qin Baobao sings everything well."

"Not good."

"Looking forward to the single."

"Da Ai Qin Baobao."

"To tell the truth, after watching the MV, I feel my level has declined. When I look at the composer, it turns out that it's not your brother."

"If Qingse is already at a high level in a single, what else can I expect from other songs?"

"Withdraw first, and wait for your next album. I hope it was written by your brother."

The comments of the other two were also mixed. Some people applaud, others sing bad.

Yang Jian is right. If you summarize all the songs that Qin Baobao sang in the "I'm a singer" program and make it into a digital album, it is estimated that it will sell well on the Internet. However, Qin Ze sold the network copyright, but there are CD albums. It is said that they sell very well, and there are other channels of income, so my sister's coffer must be full.

At noon, Qin Ze and Yang Jian made an appointment to go to the "canteen" for dinner. Before leaving the company, they received a text message from Pei Nanman, asking him to have lunch with his address. It's close to the company. It's only ten minutes' walk.

Wangxiang building, private room.

Pei Nanman put down his mobile phone and grabbed a chopstick cold dish. The mobile phone screen was on. Qin Ze's reply: OK!

Sitting next to her, a woman with elegant temperament twisted her neck and took a sip of watermelon juice, but her eyes did not leave her mobile phone. The mobile phone played a teaching video of a famous game, and the dynamic sound effect echoed in the small room.

"How many days? Aren't you tired of these things?" Pei Nanman knocked his finger on the desktop, "I never watch these videos."

"It didn't matter before. Just have fun playing games. But I recently met a bitch." Su Yu's gnashing of teeth destroyed her elegant and dusty temperament. She said, "it's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years. The little woman can endure it for three days at most. I want to find the venue."

Pei Nanman was speechless. "How old are you? Apart from working, you know how to play games. Are you single all the time?"

"Let's not laugh at a hundred steps." Su Yu said, "it's good to play games. I'll hate anyone who doesn't like it. The primary school students' dead spicy chicken scolds casually, without considering the image quality. Tut Tut, a good place. I like those people to spray with me most. I can spray for a day."

Pei Nanman flashed helplessness and affection in his eyes, and sighed, "well, don't look at it. I guess he's coming soon. You don't want to lose your image in front of your family."

Su Yu Yiyan, quit the video. The sitting posture becomes dignified and elegant immediately.

A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door, and the waiter pushed the door in, followed by Qin Ze.

Qin zeben thought that Pei Ziqi and Li Donglai, two fart children, would be sitting next to Pei Nanman. He was stunned when he saw a beautiful woman like kongu Youlan. Isn't this the beautiful president of his company? How can I sit with an older sister. What kind of shady py deal did they have?

Pei Nanman waved and smiled gently, "sit down."

Qin Ze's puzzled eyes wandered between the two people, guessing their relationship. The beautiful president didn't care about Qin Ze's eyes, smiled and nodded.

Pei Nanman answered his doubts, "I am one of the shareholders of poly company."

Qin Ze suddenly felt incredible, "what a coincidence."

He suddenly woke up, NIMA, I said how the routine of making test papers is so familiar.

Pei Nanman asked the waiter to serve and said, "when do you come home to play? Donglai and Ziqi miss you very much."

This is definitely polite. Li Dong thinks I can understand it, Pei Ziqi? She never looked me in the eye.

"I've been very busy recently." Qin Ze subconsciously shirked.

Pei Nanman turned to ask Su Yu, "is the company so busy?"

Su Yu said with a smile, "maybe it's busy at home."

This words how to listen strange, Qin Ze thought crooked.

Then we talked about a few homely things. Qin Ze and Pei Nanman were neither warm nor strange, but there was an empty valley orchid around them, and many topics were not easy to be unscrupulous. He talked about some suggestions about Li Donglai's study. Pernaman listened patiently and said that I would urge him later.

Kongu Youlan occasionally inserted a few words, saying that the weather is terrible hot. Let's go to the resort for summer vacation.

Qin Ze laughed and said, "which summer resort can match the air-conditioned room?"

Su Yu glanced at him and said nothing.

It's so embarrassing.

Pernaman deeply agreed, "this is reasonable."

At the end of the meal, Su Yu took the initiative to talk to Qin Ze for the first time. She showed a shallow, clear smile: "Qin Ze, you and Nanman are acquaintances, so I won't see you outside. I heard that you said that your stock trading profit was 100% during the interview. If I gave you five million, can you double it in a month?"

Qin Zemu stared dumbfounded. What happened?

Su Yu saw that he didn't speak and smiled thoughtfully, "no confidence?"

You have an unseemly smile on your face. I suspect you are kidding me.

Qin Ze thought,

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