At night, there are thousands of lights and neon lights in Shanghai stock market. This is a sleepless city. No matter how late it is, you can see rushing vehicles and some 24-hour shops on the street.

Separated from the community by a street, there is an open-ended apartment. The dual-use mode of business and residence makes this place crowded. Especially after the road construction began nearby, it became more and more chaotic and mixed up. Qin Ze used to buy vegetables here, but it was not a vegetable and fruit supermarket, but some small vendors on the roadside. There were almost no urban management patrons here. He could set up a stall "legally" by paying a little money to say hello to the property, and the vegetables he sold were more fresh than those in the supermarket.

Qin Baobao and Prince Jin carried a bag of vegetables and snacks respectively, walked through the open apartment and walked towards their own community.

"I feel my chicks are expensive," Qin Baobao complained. "Why don't you bargain? These two bags alone cost my sister hundreds."

Prince Jin was unconvinced: "why don't you bargain."

"I can't open my mouth."

"Me too."

Qin Baobao said, "although I feel it's expensive, I choose the freshest chicks and mushrooms. I can't wait to eat aze's chicken."

"Huh?" Wang Zijin thought this was wrong and glanced askance.

"Azer made chicken." Qin Baobao changed his mouth.

Usually, the two of them just wait for dinner, but today Qin Ze locked himself in his room to write a plan and decided to order takeout for dinner, which was unanimously rejected by the two sisters. So both sides took a step back, and they went out to buy vegetables.

"Things are dead. Come out and help your sister carry them." Qin Baobao felt out his mobile phone and called his brother.

Qin zesec replied, "don't think about it."

"Little red guy doesn't come out?" Prince Jin leaned over to see.

Qin Baobao squinted at her: "little red guy?"

Wang Zijin also squinted: "you took it easy."

The night at the end of October was full of cool wind.

Qin Baobao suddenly said, "secretly tell you a secret, Qin Ze likes you."

Prince Jin's face turned up, and suddenly glanced at his girlfriend's smiling eyes, and said, "I also tell you a secret, Qin Ze likes you."

Qin Baobao's face flashed flustered and said calmly, "I'm his sister. It's not normal for my brother to like my sister. I was joking just now."

Prince Jin shrugged, "I'm kidding, too."

The two scheming watches glanced at each other, with a indifferent look on their faces.

"By the way, I got a promotion." Wang Zijin suddenly said.

"Promotion?" Qin Baobao was stunned: "you have only been employed for three months, and you have been promoted so fast?"

"Workplace rules, do more, listen more, talk less. Public practice, not greedy, not occupy, not selfish. As long as these points are achieved, what is the difficulty of promotion? Of course, the premise is that you have to be hard to make iron." Wang Zijin said.

"My father also said that."

"Uncle Qin has a solid foundation, which is rare."

"Shameless." Qin Baobao pinched Prince Jin's oval face, but the latter dodged.

"My grandpa told me."

"It's your treat for tonight's dishes. Please transfer money to me through Alipay."

"I'll give you ten times as much on wechat as Alipay." Prince Jin plays with terriers, but Qin Baobao doesn't understand. To replace it with Qin Ze, he would reply, "I'll pay ten times more for baifubao."

The two of them passed through the open-ended apartment. In front of them, it was dark, and only a few light bulbs with low power illuminated the ruins of the road. During the day, there was a "bang bang bang" noise here. Now the workers are resting, looking quiet and chaotic.

"Be careful, don't guess if you fall into the pit." Qin Baobao saw the sewer surrounded by several stones.

She reached into her coat pocket and felt for her mobile phone, but it was empty.

Qin Baobao was startled. Subconsciously, he turned around and saw a figure behind him walking away quickly.

The mobile phone was stolen!?

The idea flashed in Qin Baobao's heart. She instinctively caught up with the figure who was walking quickly, grabbed the other party's arm and shouted, "give me back my mobile phone."

The other party was obviously shocked. He didn't expect to be found, let alone the woman rushed up and grabbed him.

"Who took your cell phone?" He turned his head and shouted, waving his arms to try to get rid of Qin Baobao.

But Qin Baobao held on to his arm. She saw each other's face, a face full of exotic characteristics, high eyebrow bones, deep set eyes, rough dark skin. Looking very young,

"You were just behind me. Where did you turn around?" Qin Baobao's eyes lit up, and she guessed the other party's purpose of following her. She unconsciously touched her mobile phone from her pocket, and then left.

"Who stole your cell phone, let go." The young pickpocket began to be nervous because the people around him pointed. Although there were few people here, it was only relatively speaking.

Qin Baobao held on to him, and the tiger was in a mess.

"You return my cell phone." She went to touch the pickpocket's pocket. Instead of touching the expected mobile phone, she found a long, narrow, hard thing.

Folding knife?!

Qin Baobao's anger suddenly cooled, thinking of a robbery that occurred in the Shanghai stock market recently. The victim was dogged and wiped his neck with a knife by the criminal who jumped over the wall.

"Don't talk nonsense to her. Hurry up." Someone drank in the distance.

This is obviously a gang crime. One person starts the crime and the other watches the wind. At this time, seeing that it has attracted a lot of attention, the person also panicked. Pickpockets should come and go like killers, and they must not be entangled too much.

Young pickpockets are more anxious, and their faces are hideous.

Qin Baobao was no longer fierce, but he stubbornly refused to let go. He bit his lip with tears, and said stubbornly and wrongly, "return my mobile phone."

She didn't want to lose that mobile phone. When she first paid her salary, she bought it with her brother. It was not a single style of a foreign brand, but a domestic mobile phone. It was expensive but not a best-selling mobile phone. At that time, there were two on the glass counter, one black and one pink, nothing else. Qin Baobao fell in love with it at a glance. She and her brother have one, the same style and the same ringtone.

Qin Ze has never changed his mobile phone in the past two years, even if he is rich now.

Qin Baobao is also unwilling to change. She can change famous brand bags and all kinds of luxury goods, but this mobile phone has never been changed.

The young pickpocket's eyes flashed fiercely, his heart crossed, and his hand reached into his pocket to get something.

Qin Baobao retreated two steps in fear.

"Get out with your cell phone." Prince Jin stood in front of his best friend and stared at him. The woman showed her anger for the first time, and she was a little dignified.

The young pickpocket breathed a sigh of relief and ran away.

Qin Baobao looked at the pickpocket's farther and farther back, and cried miserably.

Prince Jin hugged her and patted her shoulder to comfort: "well, well, it's just a mobile phone, what stubborn."

"But..." Qin Baobao wiped his tears. Just about to speak, he caught a glimpse of a fist sized cement stone whistling past his head, "bang!" With a dull noise and the groan of a pickpocket, the cement block fell to the ground together with the person.

A stone falling from the sky.

A few moments at the same time, she saw Qin Ze passing by him, jumping out like a runaway Mustang, and kicking off the pickpocket who just got up.

Qin Baobao ignored the surprise of his brother's birth, pointed to the front and shouted, "there's another one, there's another..."

She saw another pickpocket rush to save people, and took out a bright folding knife from her pocket.

Qin Baobao's face was white with fear. At this time, mobile phones are not important. Nothing is more important than his brother. Wang Zijin's face also changed.

Qin Ze looked coldly at the middle-aged man who gritted his teeth and rushed fiercely. He held a knife in his hand, and the blade was downward, which could predict that he was ready to stab himself in the stomach. Qin Ze and other guys rushed close, and his right hand suddenly patted down, just patting the wrist of the middle-aged man holding the knife, and then slapped him in the face, not crisp, but a dull sound. His palms hurt when he smoked.

The great strength made the middle-aged man stumble and fall without the power to fight back, and the knife in his hand slipped, and his vision was black and blurred.

Qin Ze made a move to Ko his opponent, but he was still not at ease. He came forward and kicked hard in the stomach. The guy who kicked covered his stomach and retched, and his eyes were bloodshot. Follow the same pattern and kick another guy. Then he took out his mobile phone and called the police.

Glancing at her sister and Prince Jin, she hurried over and waved her hand to keep them away.

My sister was obedient, so she immediately stopped and looked at Qin Ze with tearful eyes.

Prince Jin looked at Qin Ze, and his eyes were colorful.

Soon the police car drove over, handcuffed the two pickpockets, took the three people Qin Ze casually, and asked them to take notes at the police station.

Police Station.

"... I felt that my mobile phone was missing, and immediately turned around. I found that he was in a hurry to escape. He was behind me before, and should have been on the way. Why did he suddenly turn around and walk away? My mobile phone must have been stolen by him..." Qin baobao described the process again, and the police took notes patiently.

"I came down to find them and saw them arguing across the street, so I rushed over..." Qin Ze took notes on the other side.

The policeman frowned, "you didn't understand anything. Hit someone when you go up?"

"In general, it's either playing a rogue or stealing." Qin Zexin said, I don't care what happened to him. Whoever bullies my sister, I will kill him.

The mobile phone was indeed stolen. I found it in the pocket of a young pickpocket and got it.

The young policeman who took notes for Qin Baobao was actually a fan of her. Hearing him finish, he was very angry, "these two guys are recidivists, and they have a criminal record in the police station. Next time you encounter this kind of thing, don't touch them forcibly, call the police afterwards, and leave the matter to our police."

Farewell to the police comrades, and the three left the police station.

On the way home, Qin Baobao pouted and looked unhappy. Because her mobile phone was still broken and the screen cracked.

Qin Ze took her hand and looked back at Prince Jin, who was a distance behind. She said she wanted to make a phone call, as if she didn't want them to hear the phone content.

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