"Sister Xu, do you know this man?" Ding Lexin blinked her eyes. She had bright and clear eyes and a beautiful face, giving people a pure and sweet feeling.

Xu Yunhan was speechless for a long time, and his heart said why he was here. He didn't have to attend the Golden Melody Award a week in advance.

"Show me the video." Xu Yunhan took Ding Lexin's mobile phone and read it from beginning to end. She soon recognized Qin Baobao, who was so familiar with her hot and plump figure.

Did they come to Baodao like me?

The broker took out a bottle of red wine, poured a glass of wine for each of the three, and laughed, "speaking of stock speculation, sister Xu is really good. How much did she make this month?"

"Three million, right." Ge Lingxing's flushed expression: "sister Xu, you are too powerful. Earning extra yuan in the stock market is like picking up money."

The topic immediately turned to the stock market.

Ding Lexin hugged Xu Yunhan's arm and hummed, "sister Xu, I want to invest two million yuan. You take me to speculate in stocks."

Xu Yunhan ignored them, concentrated on watching the video, and muttered, "earn 100 million a month? This brother is going against the sky, Qin Baobao is really lucky."

"Sister Xu?" Geling pushed her.

Xu Yunhan took a deep breath and said, "he didn't boast. Maybe it's really possible."


Ding Lexin and Ge Ling didn't respond to her thoughtless words.

Xu Yunhan laughed, "do you know who the handsome guy in the video is?"

The two shook their heads, and Ge Ling thought, "a little familiar... Unusual?"

"Of course not." Xu Yunhan smiled: "as I told you, I also follow my friend to speculate in stocks. She recommended that stock to me, and I will buy which stock I want to sell whenever I want. I invested five million in it and made a profit of three million a month."

"That friend is Qin Baobao, right, you said."

"To be exact, it's Qin Baobao's brother. He is the God of stocks recommended by netizens on the mainland. Although it's a joke, I can tell his strength from my earnings." Xu Yunhan Nuo said, "mummy, that's the guy."

Several people in the carriage, including the agent, were stunned.

"Ah, she is Qin Ze." Geling clapped his hands.

Ge Ling is a selfie control. She often drools at the posters of little fresh meat, and her boyfriend changes diligently. She has paid attention to Qin Ze, because Qin Ze's reputation is too popular in the singing world, and the influence of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan is limited after all. She just read the news. At that time, she thought this young man was really handsome and energetic.

No wonder he looks familiar.

Ding Lexin blinked and opened his mouth slightly: "it's really him? It's the man who lip synched."

"What lip synching, don't talk nonsense." Xu Yunhan said displeased.

She has a good relationship with Qin Baobao and owes Qin Ze a favor.

Ge Ling's eyes lit up: "sister Xu, help me connect. I'll offer a song."

Ding Lexin shook her arm: "sister Xu, introduce it to us. I want to speculate in stocks."

Xu Yunhan thought that they were also there. They will meet tomorrow and have a group trip. It's OK to introduce friends. It's normal for friends to introduce each other's friends and blend into a circle of friends. But when it comes to song appointments and stock market speculation, she won't take the initiative to let them handle it by themselves.

"By the way, send me the video and I'll send it to Weibo." Xu Yunhan said.

The next day, Qin Ze woke up with faint fragrance lingering on his nose. He turned his head and saw his sister's sleeping face close at hand, her soft body next to him, and her messy hair, which made her somewhat lazy and cute.

"Ding..." the sound of the system rang out in my mind.

Qin Ze's first thought: do I have a system?

Second idea: low forces the system to do something.

"Don't talk about the system yet," he said in his mind.

But the system ignored him and gave the task firmly: "give my sister a good morning kiss, reward ten points for success, and deduct the corresponding points for failure."

Optional tasks.

Qin Ze breathed a sigh of relief and pecked on his sister's face.

"What do you want?" Qin Baobao immediately opened his eyes.


Sleeping trough, this woman has been pretending to sleep?

Qin Ze felt embarrassed. Fortunately, he had a thick skin and pretended to be relaxed. "Give you a good morning kiss, get up."

Qin Baobao curled his mouth, sat up, stretched comfortably, put on his messy hair, hummed and went back to his room to wash.

Qin Ze brushed his teeth in the bathroom and thought, "system, can similar tasks be less in the future? It's embarrassing."

"Those who have sex see sex." The system replies like this.

"I..." Qin Ze was speechless.

"Isn't it normal to kiss good morning? According to your point of view, foreigners are like this. They don't let you kiss your sister's mouth."

Who wants to kiss my sister's mouth? I'm not a pervert. Qin Ze thought.

"You are." The system insists.

Your mother hi!

"Host, do you still remember the lecture you heard in Fudan?" The system suddenly said that today's system seems to be particularly talkative.

"Forgot." Qin Ze has no good airway.

A guilty person refuses to recall what makes him guilty.

The system said, "this is a kind of disease, psychological disease. I think you can save yourself. As long as it's 98, top psychological knowledge can be exchanged for home."

"You will solve all your troubles and sorrows. If you are reborn, you will be calm and peaceful in your future life. Say goodbye to your tangled feelings." System theory.

"I think you just want to cheat me. I'm anxious to talk about this later." Qin Ze said.

"Good host, as long as nine nine eight Oh, think clearly, you can contact me at any time."

The knock on the door rang again, and my sister's crisp voice said, "little red guy, are you ready? Follow my sister to set up a fight and go to the next stop."

It's easy to hear joy and happiness in her voice.

They were carrying suitcases and walking in the long corridor, with soft lights on both sides.

The elder sister smiled and said, "is it like a trip to the ends of the earth, to places where no one knows us, but the world is not lonely, because there is an elder sister with the little red guy."

Qin Ze looked at her like a flower and smiled. For no reason, a song sounded, the song in the integral Mall:

Give me a cup of love forgetting water

If I didn't cry all night

All sincerity

Let it rain and wind

The love you give cannot be taken back


On the bus leaving Taipei, Qin Baobao received a call from Xu Yunhan and invited them to visit Baodao together. I was disappointed to hear that the sister and brother had taken the bus to leave Taipei, so I said I wouldn't disturb you two. Have a good time. See you on the 25th Golden Melody Award.

Qin Ze said, "we can get off and wait for her. Maybe there is a special seat, silly sister."

Qin Baobao waved a hand knife and said, "just be smart. I don't want her to come here."

Qin Ze said, "your relationship is very good."

Qin Baobao glanced at him, "I'm too lazy to tell you."

A woman is sensitive and delicate, but a silly brother can't get it.

"Ah? They're gone..." Ding Lexin was disappointed.

"See you on the 25th." Ge Ling said that she was full of interest in Qin Ze, versatile, powerful in making money, and handsome.

Xu Yunhan leaned on the sofa with a "um" sound, logged into the microblog on his mobile phone, and uploaded the video with the words: his brother is completely unscrupulous, and laughed for a long time after reading it.

"I guess this brother must be Qin Ze."

"Qin Baobao cried when he saw it. When did my brother become your brother?"

"What's wrong with Qin Ze again? Stock speculation?"

There were netizens' comments immediately, and they didn't watch the video, so they grabbed the sofa bench first.

Then click on the video to watch.

The video is only three minutes long. The background is on the street of Taipei, just opposite to the 101 high-rise building. Otherwise, sharp eyed netizens can recognize it through this landmark building.

"I'm a reporter from wanwan TV station. Can I have a simple interview with you..."

"Baodao is Chinese."


"After all, people in mainland China can't afford tea eggs..."

"... people in mainland China can't afford credit cards."

"Set a small goal first... Earn 100 million a month..."

After watching the video, countless netizens took a bite of old blood and fried the pot.

"Mainland people can't afford tea eggs... Nothing wrong."

"What is a credit card? It means I haven't heard of it. We don't have 24-hour ATM machines here."

"Qin Ze's strength roast."

"Oh, God, you are naughty again. Come to the bowl quickly."

"Set a small goal first, one hundred million... Ouch, it's boastful."

Some fans transferred the video to Qin Baobao's post bar and forum, and wrote a long article for this purpose:

"I just saw a video from Baodao. If it hadn't been for Xu Yunhan's microblog, we wouldn't have seen the news over there. Well, this is an interview, and everyone must be familiar with the interview characters: Qin Ze. The slot of the whole video is full, and tea eggs and credit cards really kill me. I like Qin Ze's serious roast. Earn 100 million a month? Small goals? The landlord I sprayed a full screen of saliva on the spot. And... Tell me, Is the beauty next to Qin Baobao? It must be Qin Baobao. Ouch, how can this pair of sisters and brothers appear in Taipei? Qin Baobao and Qin Ze have a good relationship. They go everywhere together. "

The netizen below replied, "the landlord doesn't understand this. They went to participate in the Golden Melody Award." "Hahaha, the stem of tea eggs and credit cards is on fire again." "It's still a small goal to make a hundred million yuan a month."

"After all, is it possible for Qin Ze's Opera 2 to win a prize?"

"It should not be possible. Wan Wan also said that this song is a fake song."

"This song is very shocking. The first half of the song is low and depressing, paving the way for the final cry. That reversal is very shocking. When I first heard it, I was creepy. But I don't believe it's a real voice, so will it be sprayed?"

Refined, top!

More and more people watch videos.

Then I accidentally went on Weibo hot search.

In the evening, there are as many as a dozen stars forwarding videos, most of whom are singers. Qin Ze is now a hot cake in the eyes of singers, holding Qin Baobao to the front line with a few songs, and then at the end. Looking at the whole music world, there are no songwriters with this ability.

Qin Ze's products must be fine products, not bragging.

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