Qin Ze yawned and came to the company. At the end of the year, the company had no business, and the employees were very disgusted. Some people chatted online, and some opened black games. As soon as Qin Ze passed, he immediately switched to the desktop and stared at the computer screen in a daze.

Employees all over the world have this virtue.

He took a nap on the sofa in his office, and his sleep quality was very poor last night. Thinking of what happened last night, Qin Ze was all bad.

Last night, Qin Ze drove outside for a few rounds, and quietly returned to Dijing Haoyuan. He cooked a rich dinner, opened champagne with his sisters, and ate and drank a lot. Qin's mother wanted to go home and cook for the old man, but she didn't eat with them.

I drank a little too much at night. I took a bath and was ready to go to bed.

However, the door of the room opened silently. You don't have to guess, sister.

Sister Zijin would not push his door, but would send a message saying, "it's so boring that I can't sleep."

Then Qin Ze replied, "I'll come with you."

Sister Zijin said, "Hmm!"

Don't ask why, because the little red guy just finished sending this message with his sister Zijin before his sister opened the door.

Young life!

Things are bad.

Qin Ze is about to collapse.

Qin Baobao closed the door quietly, bowed, sneaked to the bedside, lifted the quilt and went in. His sister, who was full of shampoo and shower gel fragrance, threw herself into his arms.

My sister's small face has a lovely blush, and she said happily, "little red guy, are you happy? Are you surprised?"

Qin Ze: "...."

"We haven't talked for a long time." My sister drilled into his arms and hooked her long legs on his waist: "it's so cold, why don't you turn on the air conditioner."

Ruoyu Wenxiang is full of fragrance, and the big white rabbit on his chest can feel it across his pajamas.

Chatting is an excuse for the sisters and brothers to hide their ears. In fact, my sister wants to be intimate with Qin Ze. She can't say: Little Red guy, my sister wants to sleep with you.

I can't say it.

Qin Baobao grabbed his brother's hand, put it on his waist, and whispered.

Qin Ze responded with fear and focused on sister Zijin's room next door.

About half an hour later, he heard the sound of opening the door from the next door.

"Sister Zijin came out, hide quickly." Qin Ze's face changed.

"Come out and go to the bathroom." Qin Baobao said.

"What if she comes in?" Qin zedao.

He knew that sister Zijin must come in.

Qin Baobao looked at him suspiciously and hid in the wardrobe.

Unexpectedly, Prince Jin didn't push the door at the first time. She knocked on Qin Baobao's room first, and then opened the door and came in a moment later.

Sister Zijin was wearing pajamas, holding her chest and drilling into the quilt without saying a word.

Qin Ze: "...."

The bladder is tight.

I'm wrong, really wrong. I'd better take a good dog and get back to my nest.

"The baby is not in the room, where is it?" Prince Jin whispered. She did exactly the same action as Qin Baobao, put her legs on Qin Ze's waist and snuggled in his arms.

The air conditioner is not turned on in the room, so as to make yourself warmer.

"Maybe it's in the toilet. Does sister Zijin feel cold?" Qin zedao.

My sister's room is the master bedroom with a separate bathroom. Qin Ze and Wang Zijin have no guest bedrooms. They have to go out in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom.

"How cold!" The prince Jin shrank in his arms and buried his face in his warm chest.

Qin Ze cautiously glanced at the wardrobe and said in a deep voice, "don't catch a cold. If it's cold, go back to sleep."

The prince Jin winked and looked at him blankly.

What's the matter with little red guy today? Usually he can't wait to eat her tofu. Today, he took the initiative to throw himself into the arms, but he became liuxiahui?

Qin Ze moved to the side and said, "I'm sleepy, too. I want to sleep. If sister Zijin looks for my sister, I'll go over and have a look now. Maybe she's out."

Wang Zijin stared at him and bit his lip wrongly.

She waited in the room for a long time, and took the initiative to come to her, just to hear him say "want to sleep"?

How long have they been sure of their relationship? Are they tired of it? Have they changed their minds?

Wang Zijin had no reason to think of a stem on the Internet: dog, you have changed.

"Oh, I'll just go back." Wang Zijin answered stiffly, opened the quilt, hugged his chest, and left silently.

After she left, her sister crawled out of the wardrobe and shivered into Qin Ze's quilt.

Without saying anything, he twisted his waist and said viciously, "say, what's wrong with you?"

"Hiss ~" Qin Ze gasped, "nothing."

"Nothing. Did she drill into your bed in the middle of the night?" The expression of my sister crying.

"Don't you also sneak in in the middle of the night," Qin Ze explained, "she was looking for you. She didn't see you, so she came to me and asked. It may be that the weather is too cold, so she kept warm in the quilt."

Qin Baobao thought for a while, as if it was indeed the case. Moreover, the wolf in the house has been thinking about her pig for more than two days. Maybe he still wants to take the opportunity to hook him up. Looking at the brother's response, he just drove her away and sat still.

Worthy of being the darling brother of this baby.

Qin Baobao's fragrant lipstick was on Qin Ze's face, and he took a hard "Bo" and said happily, "sleep."

"What do you want to sleep? Go back quickly. In case sister Zijin comes to you again later, and you are not there, I find you lying on my bed, and I can't speak clearly with ten mouths."

Qin Baobao thought, reasonable, whispered, "then I'll go back."

Tiptoe to the door, quietly open the door, carefully poke out his head to have a look, and then flashed out of the crack in the door.

Qin Ze took a deep breath, silently recited from "one" to "one hundred", lifted the quilt, and tiptoed out of the room. If someone saw this scene, they would be surprised to find that the movements of the sister and brother were almost carved out of the same mold.

There is a sense of sneakiness.

Quietly opened the door, Zijin sister fell asleep on her side, with her back to the door. Under the thick quilt, there was a faint soft curve.

"Sister Zijin, I'm coming."

He lifted the quilt and went in.

Wang Zijin pulled up the quilt to cover his head, and didn't want to pay attention to his appearance.

It seems that he is angry.

"Why are you knocking on my sister's door when you're free?" Qin Ze put his arms around her waist, pressed her soft back, and whispered, "in case you lead her out, aren't we both finished?"

"Finished?" Wang Zijin turned around and said angrily, "why is it over? You are my boyfriend and I am your girlfriend. How can it be over?"

"Sorry." Qin Ze said.

The prince Jin snorted.

Qin Ze held her in his arms and muttered something, either sugar coated cannonballs or trivial things. Company anecdotes, sugar coated cannonballs are suitable for telling his sister that Prince Jin doesn't eat this set very much.

Qin Ze thought that if his life was written into a book, it would be called "I'm so hard caught between my sisters".

At this time, with developed ears, he heard a very subtle sound of opening the door, and his heart was cold.

Sister came out again?

She wants to come to my room again?

How to do, feeling pills!

"Dong Dong!"

The door knocked a few times, and her sister's voice said, "Zijin, did you sleep?"

Since I came to find sister Zijin

Qin Ze shook his head at her. If sister Zijin slept, her sister must go to his room to find him again, so she can't hide her absence from the room.

"No." Wang Zijin answered.

"No, I'm in." Qin Baobao's happy voice.

Lie in the trough, finish the calf!

Qin Ze was like a light cat, agile and silent. He jumped out of bed, leaned over, picked up his slippers and flashed into the wardrobe.

My sister opened the door and came in. She ran to the bedside with a cotton mop, kicked off her slippers and drilled into the quilt.

"Why?" The prince Jin breathed a sigh of relief and thought, the little red guy is so agile that he seems to be tempered.

"It's so cold." Qin Baobao hugged his best friend's waist: "I don't know if I'm used to it. If there's no one around, I don't feel comfortable sleeping. There's no need to toss and turn."

"Ah, do you think so?" Wang Zijin whispered, "I can't sleep either. Without your long legs pressing me, I feel empty."

"Let's sleep together tonight. You just knocked on my door, just want to sleep with me." Qin Baobao said with a smile.


"But what?"

"No, nothing."

Prince Jin Xin said, but your brother is still in my room.

Qin Zexin pulls out the cold. If his life is written into a book, it should be called "I'm caught between my sisters sooner or later pills"

Wang Zijin suddenly exclaimed.

"Wow, is your chest getting bigger?" Qin Baobao's smiling tone.

"It's not as big as you, you big cow." Wang Zijin's angry tone.

"If you pinch it, the color will change." Qin Baobao's voice.

"Bah, strangle you."

There was a disorderly noise on the bed, followed by two delicate breaths.

The sisters were playing in bed. Hi, Qin Ze, who was huddled in the wardrobe, silently took off sister Jin's two coats, covered her body, hugged her chest, and curled up. In this cold world, she longed for a little warmth.

When they got up the next day, all three of them wore dark circles under their eyes. The sisters didn't sleep until very late. Qin Ze woke up several times in the middle of the night. When he woke up, he found himself curled up in a miserable position and slept all night.

Even if he is physically strong, he still has a little cold after freezing all night.

In a daze, the door of the office was pushed open, accompanied by the crisp sound of high heels tapping on the ground.

A delicate body leaned into his arms, so warm and soft, Qin Ze subconsciously hugged him tightly.

At this time, there was a crisp shutter sound in my ear.

Shutter sound?

what the fuck!

Qin zemeng opened his eyes and sat up in shock in his dying illness!

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