"Dad?" Qin Ze gave a tentative shout.

Wang Zijin looked at the old man.

The dark role of the old man immediately converged, restored his calm and serious image, nodded, and focused on watching TV.

Anyway, it's not suitable to talk directly with my son now. Besides, he doesn't need to talk much today.

The old man took a deep look at his son.

Qin Ze: "??"

Is it an illusion? I always feel that my father's eyes are full of sympathy and pity.

Really? Care for the mentally handicapped!

At this time, my sister was chased out of the kitchen by Qin Ma: "clean and messy, let you chop dumpling stuffing, you chop it all outside, can you eat it?"

Sister's unconvinced voice: "why can't you eat it? It's unclean. You're not sick after eating it."

Qin Ma's angry voice: "well, I'll pack up the stuffing outside and make it for you."

Elder sister: "Wow, are you my mother? Did I pick it up at the bridge or pay for it?"

Qin Ma's angry voice: "dead girl, believe it or not, I'll tear your mouth."

Qin Baobao escaped from the kitchen.

Qin Ze's eyes were unconsciously attracted by her. Today, her sister was dressed very delicately, with chestnut shawls and curly hair, which was made by the stylist working overtime. She wore light blue Short Knitwear, dark blue pleated short skirt, slender legs and thick silk stockings.

There is also a wine red scarf hanging on the hanger with a blue down jacket.

"Dad, mom hates me again." Qin Baobao pouted, Wei chubaba's small appearance, holding the old man's arm and acting coquettish.

The old man likes this best. His beautiful and spoiled daughter can always easily capture his father's heart.

Qin Ze can't do this trick. He can't hold his father's arm and act cute. The picture is too beautiful

"If you can't cook, just wait outside and join in." The old man touched his daughter's head.

"But do I want to share my mother's worries, but I can't chop dumpling stuffing." Qin Baobao said wrongfully.

"You don't have to go to this kind of thing. Watch TV with dad." After that, the old man looked sideways at his son.

Sister, you're wrong. It's me who gave you the phone charge!

Qin Ze got up and silently walked to the kitchen.

The kitchen is a little messy. There is no room for it in the refrigerator. It's messy on the ground, on the table, in the cabinet... The new year's Eve dinner is delicious, and the aunts will come home for lunch tomorrow morning, so they bought a lot of vegetables.

On the first day of the lunar new year, the married daughter will come back for dinner. This was the case when Grandpa was still alive. The habit formed in more than ten years is the same after grandpa left.

"Mom, let me help you." Qin Ze took the kitchen knife and asked Qin Ma to wash the vegetables.

Qin Ma turned to the side of the pool and buried herself in picking vegetables and washing vegetables. She asked, "Zijin has left our house for the new year."


"Smelly boy, are you dating?"

Qin Ze's heart suddenly pretended nothing had happened: "why do you ask so?"

"Mom came over. What's the girl Huaichun like? I didn't know. Last time I moved, I talked with her for a long time. Nine of her ten sentences were you. I wondered whether it was the baby's best friend or your best friend? When I mentioned the baby, she looked unhappy and didn't show it on her face. I could see it in her tone and eyes."

As for why mentioning the baby Prince Jin is not very happy, Qin Ma has points in her heart, and didn't say.

Worthy of being my mother, her mind is sharp and delicate.

Qin Ze's heart moved: "well, mom, sister Zijin is my girlfriend, but don't tell her about this."


"I'm afraid her heart is unbalanced, haha... I'm kidding, but elder sister Zijin is a little embarrassed. After all, she began to be best friends with her elder sister. It's embarrassing to think about it."

Qin Ma nodded, "that's right."

Qin Ze glanced at her and saw that her eyebrows were happy and the corners of her mouth were slightly cocked up.

Qin Ze guessed what his mother thought.

Maybe it's the relaxed feeling of "the stone in my heart finally fell".

The wave is stable. Successfully fooled my mother.

Mom, you and dad have been following me since childhood, and I always want to get it back.

Thirty years east of the river... Right.

Sometimes, in order to survive, my mother has to set a routine.

"It's chopping very fast. Mom helps me take out the meat and leeks in the refrigerator. You wash them and continue to chop them. Mom makes dumplings." Qin Ma looked happy and pinched her son's face.


Time, at 5:30 p.m., the sky is already dark, and it will be dark before 6:00.

At about 7:30, everyone can have new year's Eve dinner. The ingredients are really rich.

Qin Ze's mobile phone rings, which is the sound of information prompt.

Wet hands rubbed the scarf on Qin Ma's waist and wiped it clean.

Take out your mobile phone and look: "husband, it's so boring at home."

In 23 years of life, Su Yu was the only woman who called her husband.

Qin Ze replied: "family reunion, happiness, what is boring."

"But I don't want to be happy with them [wronged]"

"Then go home early and I'll find a chance to come out later in the night."

"But I haven't eaten all day. I'm hungry. Why don't I come to your house?"

"Either you or I will die today, or we will die together."


"I was killed alive by my parents, and then you were killed alive by my sister and sister Zijin. Let's go to the palace of hell to be a pair of bitter mandarin ducks."

"That's nice."

"What a big head."

"Honey, otherwise, close your eyes and count to ten. If your mind is full of Lun family figures, then the Lun family won't come. If you don't see me, I'll take a taxi from home immediately."

"Don't count, honey, my brain is full of you."

"Don't believe it."

"Really, I also specially train acupoint pointing hands for you."

"Good man, close your eyes and count to ten."


Qin Ze shook his head and laughed. As a way to chat with Su Yu, he put his mobile phone back in his pocket and counted while washing vegetables.

1、 Two, three... Six, seven

When counting to seven, the doorbell rang first, and then the light footsteps came to open the door. It should be the footsteps of sister Zijin.

Then the familiar voice came: "Yo, you are also there."

"Hey, uncle Qin."

The old man laughed brightly, "come on, sit down."

Qin Ze collapsed.

"What's the matter, what's the matter..." seeing that her son was in a wrong state, Qin Ma casually asked, leaned over and looked out: "there are guests at home... Hiss, this girl is so handsome."

Mom, I'm wrong. I shouldn't set you up.

It was retribution.

Qin Ze's mood at this time is old and complicated.

"My Secretary... Is here." Qin Ze said this sentence in a nervous tone.

With the pattering sound of high heels, Su Yu walked into the kitchen: "President Qin, happy new year, come to see you."

"Su... President Su also has a happy new year." Qin Zeqiang smiles.

"Hello, aunt. My name is Su Yu. I wish you a happy new year." Su Yu smiled and bowed her hands.

Qin Ma couldn't figure out Su Yu's way. She smiled politely, "OK, OK. I'll make tea for you."

Qin Ma wiped her hands on the scarf and went out of the kitchen to make tea.

Su Yu glanced carefully outside. She couldn't see the kitchen from the angle of the living room unless she walked to the aisle and leaned over to look around.

Su Yu safely withdrew her eyes and hugged Qin Ze's neck: "husband, I'm coming."

"Why are you here? Aren't you eating with your father and stepmother at home?"

"Didn't you eat? Just give my father a gift and I'll be back." Su Yu jokingly said, "then I'll send a message to your father, saying uncle, you're so good. Unlike my father, you don't like to look at me in the eye when you have an illegitimate child. How nice I want to have an uncle like you. I have no place to eat for new year's Eve dinner, and children without a home are like grass."

Qin Ze's face twitched.

Su Yu: "my uncle was very distressed when he heard this. He said, Su Yu, Su Yu, come to my house. There are people in my house. It's lively."

"I say it's not good. After all, the Lun family is an outsider. My uncle said, it's not an outsider. How can you be an outsider in your relationship with my smelly boy? Come on, come on, uncle welcome you."

"Husband, it's not me who wants to come. It's my uncle's kind invitation. The little woman can't get rid of it. Please forgive me."

She squinted and laughed like a little fox.

"Come on, come on." Qin Ze sighed heavily.

Excuse me, what should I do in this situation? What can I do without a dog? Wait online, hurry!

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