Xu Yue stood at the door, didn't get out of the way, looked at several strange men, and timidly asked, "who are you looking for?"

The leading man took off his cigarette end, threw it on the ground and stamped it out, "Xu Guang lives here."

The girl who used to collect debts from her childhood has been the most annoying at the end of each new year in the past few years. There are always batches of creditors coming to collect debts. Xu Yue, who came to collect debts in various ways, was a little timid, but did not panic, and said faintly, "you have found the wrong person."

Say, will close the door.

"No mistake, this is the address on the ID card." The first man pushed the door, a foreign voice.

Xu Yue, a little girl, is certainly not as strong as an adult man, and she looks big and thick.

A group of people rushed into the house, and the man headed by him laughed, "Xu Guang, it's time to pay back the money."

Inside, everyone's heart sank together.

The uncle with his legs crossed, for a moment, his face was frozen, he got up quickly, piled up a smiling face like a grandson, and bowed slightly: "brother Liu, why are you here?"

"No, can you repay the money?" The leading man sat down with a golden knife.

"Didn't you agree to spend the new year?" my uncle's face was embarrassed and ugly. "You raise your hand and let me spend the new year, won't you?"

"What money? Whose money did you owe? Didn't the usury pay off?" Grandma's face was difficult to describe. She grabbed her son's hand and said, "you owe money outside again?"

My uncle frowned, "Mom, I lost my share trading this year."

"How much do you owe?"

"Not much."

"I ask how much you owe!" Grandma roared out, her eyes red.

"Three million!" The first man stretched out three fingers and said slowly, "benefit, now it's 3.5 million."

Three million......

Although I know what my son is, and even though I have paid more debts than this, three million yuan can directly crush a family from affluence to poverty.

"You bastard, I'd have strangled you if I had known. Why don't you die outside? It's good to die outside. Don't come back and implicate your children." Grandma hit her uncle hard.

"Mom, this is not gambling. I call it investment, investment!" Uncle block, while sophistry.

The old man's mouth moved, and it took him a long time to stop laughing.

Will you invest?

Forgive me, the finance professor, for laughing.

"Brother Liu, it's only a long time. Don't bother you to come all the way. I'll definitely return it after the new year. We all agreed." Uncle murmured down his airway.

"Knowing what kind of goods you are, if you continue to drag it down, you really can't afford it. We have to save some way for people to lend." Brother Liu laughed and said, "this house is good, but its location is not good. After all, it is in Shanghai stock market, and it is OK to sell it for 45 million."

Uncle's face changed.

"Bah!" Grandma said, "don't even think about it. We won't sell the house."

"Then pay back." Brother Liu muttered, "dead old woman, with whom?"

"Keep your mouth clean." Qin Ma frowned.

My aunt said, "we have no money, and the house will not be sold."

Brother Liu "Ho" said, "it's the uncle who borrows the money. This set of things doesn't work here."

Aunt's momentum weakened: "do you still want to hit people?"

"Bullshit, we don't do things that violate the law. Your house is good, and my brothers live here. I'm tired of running outside during the Spring Festival, and I can eat good food." Brother Liu tut said, "don't say it, it's really delicious. Brothers, go to the kitchen to serve vegetables."

The unique skill of lending, mystery · Kraft sugar!

If they don't pay back the money, they will depend on it.

Brother Liu said, "brother, brother, I'll teach you a trick. It's best to borrow money for the new year. Let's come here with you. Relatives and friends come to pay New Year's greetings and borrow it whenever they meet people. It's ok if you don't have money. Let's find a way together, isn't it?"

When talking, brother Liu quietly lifted up his cuffs, revealing a ferocious tattoo.

The family was livid.

Grandma said, "I tell you, usury is not protected by law. Be careful we call the police."

Brother Liu was not afraid at all: "come on, call her and ask her to call the police."

A little brother threw his mobile phone on the table, slapped it, and stared: "newspaper, who counsels who grandson."

A group of people laughed.

Brother Liu rolled his eyes and said with disdain, "usury is not protected by law, and serious terms and contracts are not protected? What if the police come? Is the law forbidding people to collect debts? Besides, we didn't hit people, right?"

Younger brothers: "we are professional."

"Just call, I'll give you my cell phone."


"Mom, I'm not gambling this time. I want to make a lot of money and honor your old man. Who knows..." my uncle frowned.

He plans to run away after the new year. He clearly agreed with the usurer to come after the new year. Who knows that the other party doesn't play cards according to common sense.

The old man glanced sideways at his brother-in-law. I remember that he said the same thing in those years. When the creditor came to the door, he swore with his family and relatives that he would never gamble and would definitely work safely. many a time. Now his relatives can't avoid him. There was no way out. I had to kneel down to beg him. Finally, I sold a house to repay his debt.

The father-in-law used to be the management of state-owned enterprises. He had money and status. In the 1990s, the ills accumulated by state-owned enterprises broke out, and one after another closed down. The employees were laid off. The father-in-law originally had a place to go. The state arranged a Qingshui yamen for him to be a small leader, but he resigned and did business himself. Until the year he retired, his family had four suites in Shanghai stock market, with more than two million deposits. Tut Tut, at that time, he was much richer than the Qin family.

Later, he handed over the business to his son. Three years later, the small company closed down. Xu Guang was too ambitious to be reconciled. He always wanted to turn the tables: hold on, we can win.

Then the investment failed, gambled, and lost the bottom, stabilized for more than a decade, but still did not turn over.

The house is sold, the deposit is gone, and you are heavily in debt.

Life is a capital despair!

In the kitchen, Qin Baobao stood by the door, eavesdropping.

"I want to sell my house." My sister came back and whispered, "it's our turn to perform."

"It's really spicy to lend. I didn't even do it. Beat him hard, beat him to death." Qin Ze muttered, "uncle, if he doesn't taste the despair of the abyss, he won't have a long memory."

My sister glanced at him: "so, just pretend. Just now I said that my uncle can't be too cruel."

"Moreover, if you fight, what if you hurt your parents and grandma?"

"You don't know my father too well. When it comes to fighting, my father is the first to protect my mother and grandmother, and then go to the theatre happily. Loan sharks are not crazy, and won't beat people up."

Qin Baobao kept silent for a long time: "maggots with black hearts."

The family stopped talking, and the atmosphere deadlocked.

Brother Liu stared at his younger brother, "what are you waiting for? Take the food. You're not hungry."

Little brother understands it. It's not easy to hit people unless he has to. But the disgusting thing is not to talk, but to do it.

Don't think our usury is a paper tiger. My little brother thinks of a very imposing sentence: don't say it without warning!

The younger brother glanced and walked up to the kitchen.

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