In the room, Wang Zijin was paralyzed in his arms, panting, and his two claws pressed on the mountains that she had never climbed by a man in 26 years, bringing bursts of numb shudders.

A little shy, a little nervous, a little sweet.

The room is full of the sour smell of love.

Qin Ze finally judged one thing. Sister Zijin is also a woman he can master with one hand. She feels a little worse across her pajamas. Fortunately, women don't wear bras when sleeping. Otherwise, he might as well play a game of up and down with iron bars.

In addition, playing with iron bars and playing with balls are two concepts.

The ball is power, the ball is faith, the ball is the root of everything, the center of the universe, and the star of Dongguan.

Sister Zijin is twenty-six this year, and Qin Ze is twenty-four. The difference between them is two and a half years. They are both adults by definition, but the way of talking about love is similar to that of high school students. They hold hands, kiss, touch, and cycle gradually, but they are careful not to cross the last bottom line.

It's completely different from the way adults in their twenties fall in love.

"Enough, enough, enough..." Prince Jin pressed his hand, his face burning, and he couldn't touch it anymore, otherwise her sheep would really die.

"You are so bold today..." she gasped.

"I'll call it wine courage." Qin Ze belched in time.

Just in the study, I drank two cups of Baijiu with my father Wang. Good guy, the wine is so strong that my brain is a little excited now.

Before drinking, it is salted fish, and after drinking, it is king Haize.

Now, even if Wang's father and mother appear here, he can also give a big smile: Hey, Lao tie, hello.

A cup of Erguotou, choked tears, born Dan Jing end ugly, salted fish do not look back.

At this moment, the battlefield is dominated by me alone!

Qin Ze held sister Zijin's chest and felt that he had gone floating.

Please call me tuonai king.

When it was, two crisp thumps came from mother Wang's seemingly indistinct voice, "did Zi Jin sleep?"

The sound insulation of the room was too good. King Haize, who dominated the battlefield, didn't hear clearly. The prince's Jin Jiao's body was shocked, and his blurred eyes were instantly awake.

"Quick, let go, hide..." before she finished, she heard the sound of the door handle twisting. Prince Jin Dalin said, "Mom..."

The second half of the sentence "don't come in first" got stuck in her throat, and mother Wang had opened the door and came in.

The moment mother Wang opened the door, she saw the scene in the room. Her heart was cold.

The dim and soft light of the bedside table lamp illuminates the young men and women on the bed. The bedding was messy, and the daughter leaned against the arms of the shirtless man, while the young man whom she despised held her daughter's chest in both hands

The light in the corridor shone brightly into the room, and tonay's brain was finally clear.

If he didn't drink and hallucinate, the aunt standing at the door with an angry face was sister Zijin's numbness.

Word God, why is mother-in-law here? Isn't she asleep?

What is she doing here? Come and have fun?

Come on, have a good time anyway~

For such a mother-in-law, I'll... Put my backhand on my knees.

"Aunt, you haven't slept yet." Qin Ze said awkwardly.

He is not at all counselled, but a little embarrassed.

Why should I go to bed on my own?

Unless there is something strange standing at the door.

Mrs. Wang took a deep breath and smiled. "Didn't you sleep?"

"We're going to bed. Mom, you can leave if you're OK." Qin Ze said.

Wang Zijin: "..."

Mother Wang: "..."

Who is your mother.

Mother Wang is mad. Does mother-in-law look at her son-in-law? It doesn't exist. She doesn't like Qin Ze, and before marriage × Behavior also does not conform to her concept.

"Auntie knows that your young people are open-minded, but sometimes openness is not necessarily a good thing," Mrs. Wang, a cultivated woman, forced out a smile: "Auntie hopes you can restrain yourself and wait for marriage... At least get engaged first and then go further."

Qin Ze said happily, "no problem, aunt, when do you think Zijin and I will get engaged?"

Mother Wang was stunned: "aunt doesn't mean that."

Qin Ze nodded: "I also think it's unnecessary to get engaged. When will we get married? I'll let my parents come to the capital another day."

"That's not what I mean."

Qin Ze shrugged his shoulders and said, "that aunt is deliberately trying to embarrass me... Qin Ze?"

Mother Wang: "...."

She said in her heart, inexplicable, but she became a troublesome person.

Mrs. Wang went to the bedside, sat down and hugged her chest with her hands. She did not hesitate to watch Qin Ze put on pajamas and pajamas.

Mother Wang said, "Qin Ze, to tell you the truth, I don't like you."

Qin Ze said with a wry smile, "I see."

Sometimes indifference has explained everything.

Mother Wang said in a deep voice, "so before you two are engaged, I don't want you to do that. Give Zijin a way out, and give yourself a way out."

Qin Ze shook his head: "aunt, the abyss ahead, hell behind."

Seeing the scene a little embarrassed, he haha said: "I'm kidding, there's no need to retreat. I believe sister Zijin doesn't need it either."

"Young man, don't talk too full." Mother Wang warned.

Middle aged people, don't talk too crazy. Qin Ze said, "aunt, don't you think it's very sad if you even have to consider the retreat of love? Love is not a business. You should consider the future before investing, and it's not a job. Find a new job before resigning. I like her, she likes me, and even want to retreat, which will lead to estrangement between us."

Qin Ze hugged Prince Jin in his arms, and Prince Jin snuggled up very cooperatively.

Mother Wang: "..."

This Qin Ze is so thick skinned that she can't believe it. Normally, in this situation, she was caught by herself. She shouldn't be scared and embarrassed, like a child who made mistakes? They are not married, let alone engaged. Qin Ze, the tutor of the Wang family, must also know that Prince Jin can't have told him. Plus the aura of the Wang family... Where does this person get confidence?

At this thought, mother Wang's face suddenly changed, staring silently at her daughter.

Mother Wang said in a deep voice, "Zijin, how long have you been like this?"

The prince Jin was ashamed and said, "three months."

Three months... Mother Wang felt cold.

Qin Ze looked at her in surprise. Is it too dark? Even Ma Ma flickered?

Qin Ze immediately said, "aunt, in fact, Zijin and I are going to have children this year."

The prince Jin in her arms was stiff, but she greeted her mother's angry questioning eyes and nodded vigorously.

Mother Wang came here to question her daughter about this matter. Now don't ask. They have been three months, and they are still planning to have children. Why, they want to marry their son and go back to the Wang family with a big belly, so that the Wang family has to hold their nose to recognize this son-in-law?

It's reasonable for mother Wang to think so. She even suspects that it's her daughter's idea. Does she know the virtue of her own daughter, the ghost spirit?

Mother Wang was furious and felt helpless. Her daughter was bent on others, so she said, have a good rest.

Then turn around and leave.

Mother Wang left her daughter's room, strode back to the master bedroom, stared at father Wang, and sneered, "didn't you say you sent him away?"

God sent me away. When I entered the room, he was holding your daughter's chest

Father Wang said blankly, "what do you mean?"

"He's in your daughter's room." Mrs Wang sneered, "you'd better go and have a look. I heard you're going to be a grandpa this year."

Father Wang was stunned, took his glasses from the head cabinet, lifted the quilt and rushed out of the room.

When he knocked on the door of his daughter's room, he saw her leaning against the head of the bed, turning the book gracefully and quietly.

"What about others?" Father Wang murmured.

"Knowing you were coming, I let him go back." Wang Zijin said faintly.

Her attitude towards Lao Tzu was obviously indifferent. Her father had said to let her marry Zhang Mingcheng, and his attitude was very tough. Prince Jin didn't like to talk to his father, and he was afraid that his father and Qin Ze were too stiff, so he asked him to hurry back.

After mother Wang left, Qin Ze once again brushed his clothes at the speed of cambic planting, and hid deep in his name.

"What's the matter with being a grandpa?" Asked father Wang.

"Prepare to have children this year." Prince Jin way.

Father Wang's mouth twitched.

"If you want children, you must wait until you settle down in the system in the future, but not now." Father Wang's face was sulky: "I won't agree, nor will your grandfather."

"Why is this boy so skinny?" Mother Wang came in from the door and complained, "when you let him go back, he turned around and didn't pay attention to you at all."

Father Wang is calm. This really makes him lose face. With Qin Ze's good feelings have declined a lot.

"I asked him to come." Prince Jin way.

Her face was slightly red. Fortunately, the light was dim and her parents couldn't see it clearly.

Although Wang Zijin's heart is a little dark, he has always been a polite and sensible child at home. Such a sensible girl, Leng Buding recruited a man into the boudoir in the middle of the night

"You....." mother Wang hated iron and steel. "How did I teach you when I was a child? Did you remember it?"

Father Wang shook his head. He certainly disapproved of it.

"You're not engaged yet. Leave everything to him. In case... What do you do in the future?" Mother Wang scolded, "the older you are, the less sensible you are."

"I don't like this child at all. He has a skin and a mouth. Look at what he said to your brothers and sisters today. What's more, I heard from Zi Ning that he beat Mingcheng? There is no courtesy. Is he worthy of you? With his little achievement, he is qualified to be complacent? Yes, he should be proud of his worth when he is young, but where is my Wang family? Is his little money and achievement enough?" Mother Wang was angry with Qin Ze just now.

"And in his family, his father is a teacher. Is his family worthy of our Wang family?" Mother Wang barabara.

Some words, Qin Ze was there just now. It's inconvenient for her to say. Now the family can speak freely behind closed doors.

These words are a little ugly.

Prince Jin Wohuo said, "are you bothered?"

Both mother Wang and father Wang were stunned.

Wang Zijin scolded, "is it annoying to ask you?"

Mother Wang and father Wang were stunned again.

Wang Zijin slapped the book on the ground and said loudly, "say, are you deaf?"

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