My aunt knew what her husband was, and her heart sank immediately.

What happened here, unexpectedly alerted Azer to call her. Didn't Xu Guang say that he was helping Azer run business recently? What happened to him.

Don't be a car accident.

Seeing that Qin Ze didn't speak, my aunt asked, "what's the matter, ah Ze?"

Qin Ze said, "my uncle drank a little wine because of social intercourse, and then was arrested for drunk driving. At present, people in the police station will not only face fines, temporarily withhold their driver's license, but may also be detained."

My aunt panicked and hurriedly said, "how can this happen? What wine does he drink? He has done everything reliably before this man."

Qin Ze comforted, "it's all right. There's just a relationship with the police station, and I've communicated well. I plan to classify my uncle as a Whore (river crab) whore, so as long as I pay a fine. There's no need to detain, and I don't need to withhold my driver's license. Later, the police station will call you to pay and collect money, and you'll go there in peace of mind. When you get there, don't ask anything, don't say anything, and just recognize that my uncle is a Whore (river crab)."

My aunt said, "can you do it?"

Qin Ze assured: "no problem, no car accident, no collision, it's all small things."

Aunt made up her mind, "OK, aunt knows, thank you aze."

Qin Ze: "it's all right. I should do it."

Alas, I can only help here.

After hanging up, my aunt waited for about half an hour, and finally received a call. A woman's voice said, "Hello, is that Ms. Li?"

My aunt replied, "yes, it's me."

"Xu Guang is your husband."


"He was caught whoring (river crab). The address is XXX police station. Come and pay for it."

"Okay, okay."

Aunt hung up the phone, relieved.

Azer really didn't lie to me.

My aunt took the bank card and said to her old mother first, "Mom, I'm going out to do something."

Grandma was sitting in the living room, Xu Yue and her brother were sitting next to her from left to right, watching TV with the old man.

Grandma: "what's the matter, big night."

After thinking for a while, my aunt said truthfully, "Mom, don't worry, Azer has already taken care of it. I can get people back by paying the money."

Grandma got up trembling, "then go quickly, come on."

"Hey." My aunt answered and hurried out.

Grandma patted her thigh directly, and hated iron for steel: "when I didn't worry all year round, how could I have such a wilting seed?"

Xu Yue comforted, "grandma, it's okay if my cousin comes forward to help."

The younger brother then said, "when I grow up, I will show like my cousin."

Xu Yue's face darkened and scolded his younger brother, "don't use words that don't look like you."

The younger brother was unconvinced: "there is no misuse. His cousin is Chen Duxiu."

My aunt took a taxi at the gate of the community and went straight to the police station.

The taxi driver is a talker and keeps talking all the way.

"Your accent doesn't sound like Shanghai people." The driver said.

"I'm from Suzhou." My aunt dealt with it absently.

After about ten minutes, my aunt looked at the time and said faintly, "master, did you drive a car before?"

The driver was stunned: "no, I've driven a taxi for more than ten years, but my skills are no worse than racing drivers."

My aunt didn't have a good way: "you don't drive a car. I thought your habit of circling all the time was the sequela of driving a car."

Driver: "..."

The nagging driver didn't say a word all the way.

Finally, I arrived at the police station, and my aunt told the policeman on duty what she wanted.

"Oh, here it is." The policewoman on duty said faintly, "I'll take you in and sign. After paying the fine, you can get someone."

With that, she added, "do you know what your husband has done?"

My aunt insisted, "go whoring (river crab)."

The crisp tone stunned the policewoman.

My aunt signed and paid the fine. Soon, she saw her husband brought out of the dark room by the police.

The male policeman who brought the man said, "this is the first time your husband has been arrested, so pay the fine and forget it. If there is another time, you will have to be detained for ten days. Your husband and wife go back and have a good communication. Don't have another time."

Several policemen around looked at it with great interest.

Whoring (river crab) is the best thing to eat melons. Every time such a person is caught, he will definitely make a scene after notifying his family. If you're a little naughty, you can fight with your husband directly.

In case of this kind of thing, the police will gloat and have fun, saying: if you want to make trouble, this is the police station.

Xu Guang wilted and barked. After all, it was a shame to be caught whoring (river crab).

Aunt stared at him: "Why are you so careless? Pay attention next time."

Policeman: "..."

For a moment, my aunt's eyes were different.

Is there such a broad-minded woman in the world?

The policewoman reminded, "your husband prostitutes (river crab)...."

Aunt: "yes, yes, I know. Thank the government for educating him. Be sure to pay attention next time."

Several policemen looked at each other.

This is special.

The couple left the police station and stood by the roadside to take a taxi.

Xu Guang stood aside in silence, ready to meet the storm. After waiting for a long time, it was unexpectedly calm.

Xu Guang said weakly, "Xiao ru?"

My aunt said angrily, "what's the matter with you? You drink and drive, and you don't have any foundation at all. Where's the car? The car was detained by the traffic police? And where did you get the car?"

Drinking, cars, traffic police

Xu Guang said tentatively, "did Azer tell you?"

My aunt angrily said, "nonsense, if it weren't for his relationship, change your drunk driving to whoring (river crab). You don't want to drive this year, and you have to squat in it for ten days and a half months.

My nephew is really not an ordinary person.

As intelligent as I am.

Xu Guang breathed a sigh of relief: "it's all because of him, boy. I have to socialize here. How can I not drink when socializing? If I don't drink, I won't drink and drive. If he doesn't help me, he's a white eyed wolf."

Xu Guang called Qin Ze madly in his heart.

By the way, the factory executive he entertained was still squatting in the Bureau, waiting for his family to come and pick up people.

Xu Guang mourned for him in his heart.

For business entertainment, you must drink, eat and play with women. This is the iron culture in business entertainment.

Otherwise, why are the big boss' secretaries as beautiful as flowers?

Although Xu Guang has accomplished nothing for more than ten years, he is very experienced and experienced, and his interpersonal communication is even stronger.

My aunt asked, "where is the car?"

Xu Guang: "the car is equipped for me by Azer. He will fix it by himself. Let's not worry about it."

Aunt said, "you are not young. This time Azer has work for you, so you can do it steadily. It's better to follow him than to fool around outside alone. Maybe in a few years, you can save a rich dowry for Yueyue, and the son's wife can save enough."

Xu Guang responded with a wilting voice.

Follow your nephew well!

Listen, I'm always hurting my self-esteem.

"By the way, call him and tell him that he is safe." My aunt thought of this.


At home.

"Well, OK, I see. Uncle, pay attention to yourself in the future." Qin Ze hung up.

"What happened to him?" Qin Baobao sat on the bed with his legs crossed.

She just took a bath and drained her hair one by one with a towel. The best way to protect her hair quality: first, don't dye and perm. 2、 No hair dryer.

Having beautiful hair is very important for female stars.

After becoming a big star, Qin Baobao seldom uses a hair dryer.

"Nothing... Uncle's drunk driving was found, but the matter has been settled." Qin zedao.

You can't tell the truth.

My uncle was arrested for whoring (river crab). I fooled my aunt with a phone call... This can be boasted to my friends. But you can't boast to your girlfriend or sister. Your image collapses every minute.

"Success is not enough, failure is more than." Qin Baobao muttered.

Whenever her uncle makes a little mistake, she will be infinitely disgusted.

Women and men are really different, emotional, like a person can give everything, hate a person, and will be regardless of the situation and identity.

"Well, let's continue," Qin Baobao smoothed his hair. "After the money arrives, how are you going to use it? Make a new film?"

"No, the money will be returned to them after staying in heaven for a month." Qin zedao.

Qin Baobao was stunned. "Then, why do you want money?"

Qin Ze: "I won't tell you."

Qin Baobao was speechless for a long time.

She thought her brother would do something great... Just transfer more money to play?

At this time, Qin Ze's mobile phone rang.

Caller: Yueyue.

Xu Yue's phone?

Qin Ze is connected.

"Hello, cousin, did you sleep?" Xu Yue's soft voice.

"Well, soon, ready to sleep with your cousin." Qin zedao.

Xu Yue: "......"

Qin Ze: "what's the matter?"

Xu yuerou Judo: "I want to find a job during the summer vacation. Can you arrange it for me?"

Qin Ze said, "no problem."

Xu Yue immediately said, "then I'm going to Tianfang for entertainment. I can do chores and errands. If there is a play, I like to run a dragon trap."

Qin Ze: "do you want to be a star?"

Xu Yue: "no, I think I'm too introverted. I don't like communicating with people. I have poor interpersonal skills. I want to exercise."

Xu Yue is indeed introverted, stuffy and not very talkative. Xu is the reason for her growth environment, which makes her feel a little inferior and not very good at communication.

People with exquisite faces may not succeed, but successful people are basically exquisite faces.

Qin Ze thought it was good for his cousin to have this awareness.

"No problem, but you can't say it's my cousin, and I won't take care of you too much. Otherwise, it's meaningless." Qin zedao.

Xu Yue thought so, "well, thank you, cousin."

"Go to Tianfang entertainment to report tomorrow. I'll arrange it for you."

End the call.

It's 10:30 p.m. every day. Prince Jin, who wants to get up at 5 o'clock and run in the morning, has gone to bed. His sister is a little late. At this time, she is also sleepy and yawns.

"Do you sleep on my side or in your own room?" Qin Ze hesitated for a moment and asked.

Qin Baobao quietly got into the quilt: "since you begged me to sleep here, my sister reluctantly agreed."

Qin Ze: "thank you very much."

Turn off the light.


There are women in my family who have just grown up and have been raised to twenty-six.

When the waiter picked up the delicate and weak, it was time for a new grace.

The clothes are getting wider and wider, and I don't regret it at last. My kidney is haggard because of Iraq's disappearance.

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