My Elf Simulator

Chapter 204 Personal Level LV5

With anticipation, Kurosawa chose to confirm.


"Congratulations, your personal level has been upgraded to level 5 (9/200)"


"System upgrading."

Taking advantage of this brief interval, Kurosawa glanced at the upgrade prompt.

Level 5 (9/200)

The experience required for personal level upgrade is indeed increasing exponentially. According to the current rules, level 6 requires at least 400 experience points, and level 7 requires at least 800 or more experience points. The difficulty of upgrading will increase as time goes by.

It is impossible to maintain the high growth rate as in the early stage. Kurosawa seemed to have realized something.

He sat back in the waiting seat.

Many people cast their eyes on him because of the previous battle.

Especially the defeated Nonglan Shinawat and her Thai-Singapore companions, just like Kurosawa watching other elite players in the provincial competition, they were also surprised by Kurosawa's strength. It was not until a companion who mastered the common language of Haihua conveyed the relevant information to others that they knew the meaning of the robe on Kurosawa's body. It was a dress that only the top talents in the Jinling School were qualified to wear.

Kurosawa leaned back in his chair with his eyes closed, as if he was unaware of the eyes around him.

"System upgrade completed."

The progress bar moved faster than Kurosawa expected, and a crisp voice soon sounded in his mind.

He suddenly shuddered, and a magical energy in his body flowed into his spiritual energy.

"Your spiritual energy has been enhanced!"

"Current spiritual energy: 5 (C-)"

The familiar spiritual energy enhancement link after the upgrade, but unlike usual, Kurosawa found that his spiritual energy level was also digitized after the end of this time, and the increase brought by the upgrade was not enough to improve the level of spiritual energy. It was still C-level, but the energy became more abundant.

Is this his current spiritual energy level?

Kurosawa pondered for a moment, and soon the system flooded with some additional information. He had a new understanding of the system function after the upgrade.

The magnitude of psychic energy displayed has little to do with the attribute energy value of the elves. They are two completely unrelated types of energy. The impact of psychic energy on the real world is very limited, and attribute energy has a stronger destructive power, so not 1 unit of psychic energy can be equivalent to 1 unit of attribute energy value.

The reason why the energy value was not displayed in the form of data before was because the psychic energy level in his previous body was too small for the system and had no statistical significance. It was only after entering C- some time ago that it ushered in a significant improvement.

"Get the level upgrade reward: 200 coupons"

"Current number of coupons: 1950"

"The store has been upgraded. Please click on the corresponding page for detailed viewing."

Kurosawa clicked on the store.

[Exchange Shop]

[Fruit of Elf Growth - 10 points]

[Primary attribute affinity badge - 500 points each]

[Master cooking - 250 points]

[Directional skill training acceleration card (white/blue/purple) 30/50/100 points]

[Directional skill training acceleration card special type (white/blue/purple) 60/100/200 points]

[Blue Crystal Synthesis Blueprint - 300 points]

[Concept Armed Lottery Machine]

The above are the types of goods that were previously owned. After the exchange shop was upgraded, several new small icons were added.

[Detector Module - 500 points]

[Skill Fusion Device (cost calculated separately)]

[Creation Disc (cost calculated separately)]

Kurosawa read the specific details of the three new products.

The detector module is similar to a nutrient reserve. Compared with the detector that Kurosawa already has, it has higher accuracy, and as long as the strength of his core elves is not greatly exceeded, the opponent will not detect it during detection.

The detector is a function derived from Kurosawa's own perception ability. In addition to the attribute energy value, it can also roughly display the specific common skills of the opponent's elves and so on.

Generally speaking, the function is equivalent to an advanced version of the detection instrument in the real world, which is more obscure and difficult to be detected by the opponent.

The skill fusion device, as the name suggests, is a function that can combine skills to deduce new skills, but skill fusion is not without restrictions. The skills to be fused must meet a certain degree of fit, otherwise there is a high probability of failure.

The overall principle is: the lower the level, the easier it is to deduce the fusion of skills, the less cost is consumed, the higher the skill level, the higher the difficulty of deduction, and there are also requirements for the proficiency level required for the skills.

This function is still quite practical for Kurosawa. For example, Xiao Shining has a large number of white-level skills, which are very practical at the low level stage, but they are basically useless at the current stage. Skill fusion can play the role of repairing the old and revitalizing the waste, and it may also make the skills strong.

The function of the fortune disc is more magical. It can open the secondary attributes of the elves, that is, the second attribute.

Kurosawa is no stranger to this. His second spirit, Nightmare, has two attributes at the same time, the main attribute is dream, and the secondary attribute is ghost.

The existence of the secondary attribute also brings more diversity to Nightmare's fighting style.

The difficulty of Nightmare is largely due to the hidden nature of its ghost attribute.


The game is still going on.

Around noon, Kurosawa received a message from his second opponent on his mobile phone.

"Jinling School, Qiao Huai"

It was a name he had never heard of, but it made no difference to Kurosawa. Most of the members of the Jinling School were strangers to him.

He closed his eyes and began to rest.

The system had been upgraded, and there were a few more places where he could spend coupons. Although it was not suitable to try new features now, he had to rely on this competition to accumulate more coupons to be prepared.

A dozen meters away, a man with shoulder-length hair was also looking down at the notification information in his hand.

"Qiao Huai, who is your next opponent?" Jiang Yaobin found that his face changed several times in a short moment, and he couldn't help asking curiously.

Considering his own level, Jiang Yaobin did not join in the fun and sign up for the 21-35 age group competition, but chose to accompany his genius cousin.

"Kurosawa." Qiao Huai pursed his lips, his eyes flashing with light, and he looked ready to fight.

"Oh, that's the opponent you have been paying attention to." Jiang Yaobin nodded. Although Qiao Huai did not tell him too much about the relationship with Kurosawa, he had already made up many specific details in his mind.

The peers that made his proud genius cousin unforgettable, the competition and exchange that his cousin said a few days ago was probably not a small victory as he said. The opponent must have caused him a lot of trouble, and it is even possible that he defeated his cousin.

With the same strength of top professionals, Qiao Huai was not convinced by the defeat, so he always wanted to fight with the opponent again to show who was better.

He felt that his guess was reasonable.

"Then you do your best." Jiang Yaobin looked like he saw through it but didn't say it.

"Well, he won't be my opponent." Qiao Huai recalled the elf of Hei Ze just now in his mind. He was not comparable to those southwestern guys.

If he was still at that level, he would definitely be the winner.

His strong self-confidence came from past experience. In his hometown of Hui'an, the same top profession was not his opponent.

In a blink of an eye, it was time for the second game.

Hei Ze walked to the edge of the ring.

The opponent named Qiao Huai stared at him with a strong desire to attack from the beginning.

He checked the time on his mobile phone, not knowing why.

A few days ago, before entering the test room, he had been talking to his senior brother beside him, and did not pay attention to Qiao Huai who was also present and left through the side door.

So Hei Ze did not have any impression of him, only thinking that he was the kind of person with a strong desire to win.

Hei Ze had checked the other party's information, professional level.

He was wearing the uniform of the Element Society, and the other party was a member of the Jinling School, so he should understand the meaning of this.

The bottom line standard of the Element Society is elite level.

Knowing that he was elite level, he still showed an eager look.

Could it be that the other party also had the ability to challenge opponents of higher levels like himself before?

Thinking of this, Hei Ze appeared calm on the surface, but he had a little expectation in his heart.

The stronger the opponent's strength, the more rewards he would get. He had just upgraded the store, and it was time for him to need coupons.

Qiao Huai didn't know what was in Hei Ze's mind. He noticed that Hei Ze looked at his phone for a while, and then looked absent-minded. He was instantly furious, and the suffocation blocked his heart, making him particularly impatient.

Are you looking down on me?

The referee on the sidelines suddenly shouted loudly.

"Please ask both players to step onto the stage."

Hei Ze came to the command area. Because they had already fought a round, the referee did not give them time to adapt to the venue like in the first round.

He glanced at his opponent and became more and more confused.

The opponent's eyes became more vicious, as if he had offended him.

Hei Ze didn't understand why, and couldn't help but start to review whether he had done something to anger the other party when he didn't notice it.

But he thought about it and got no result. In the short time he came to Jinling School, he spent most of his time in the Meteorite Training Field, practicing his own cultivation in peace with the world. There was also a period of time when he went out to Shenhai City to perform tasks, and it was impossible for him to have any intersection with the other party.

But the more he looked at the other party, the more familiar he felt, as if he had vaguely seen him somewhere before.

But he didn't have time to think carefully, a crisp whistle sounded on the sidelines.


The game started.

Kurosawa heard the whistle and instantly gathered his thoughts.


He exhaled a long breath.

He became a little calmer.

He waved his hand and a flash card flew out.

A white light flashed, and it was still Mumu.

Qiao Huai summoned his Dragon Vein Digger almost at the same time.

This is a three-star elf.

It stands upright on two feet and is one meter tall, which is rare for rat elves.

Its surface is covered with forest green scales, and its head is more rugged and angular than other rat elves.

Transition stage.

Kurosawa instantly grasped the strength level of the opponent's elf.

As a transition stage, it should be able to bring some training effect to Mumu.

I don't know if it has the leapfrog ability he expects.

It would be better if the little Shining could have room to play.

The Dragon Vein Digger, like its master, hissed sharply as soon as it appeared. It was provoking Mumu!

Mumu, who had been relaxed because of the three boring battles, slowly focused under its provocation.

Mumu's golden eyes stared at the Dragon Vein Digger.

Kurosawa activated the spiritual energy attached to Mumu's body and chose to harden his hand.

Mum's figure has become slightly smaller, but she looks more solid.

"Ada, transform into a dragon!" Qiao Huai shouted loudly.

He had accumulated a lot of anger before taking the stage, and now he couldn't wait to defeat Kurosawa and prove that they had overlooked him when he was rejected by the Elemental Society that day.

If he defeated Kurosawa and Kurosawa could join the association, he should be more qualified.

However, he has made up his mind. Even if he breaks through to the elite level in the future, he will choose to join the extraordinary association, just to vent his anger for no reason.

He was also at the professional level, so he could accept it if he was rejected at the same time, but the reality was not like that.

He hated guanxi households the most in his life.

The dragon-veined gopher swelled up visibly to the naked eye, with a forest-green halo surging all over its body.

In just a few seconds, it expanded to three meters high, surpassing Mom in one fell swoop.

This is one of the common abilities of dragon-type elves, dragon transformation.

The elves will be strengthened after transforming into dragons.

Transformation into a dragon will allow the elf's body to be infused with powerful dragon-attribute energy, and its strength and physical fitness will be comprehensively enhanced, and energy shocks can erupt from every move.

The two elves stood on both sides, attracting a lot of attention.

Their size may still be quite petite compared to some giant elves, but since they all stand on two legs, their vertical height cannot be underestimated and they are particularly conspicuous.

"Super Breath!"

Qiao Huai was the first to lose his temper.

Driving the dragon-veined gopher to activate the breath skill.

The dragon-veined gopher opened his mouth, and green light emerged from the depths of his throat. After a very short moment, his momentum reached its peak, and it turned into a beam of light and shot out fiercely.

The green light spanned a distance of more than ten meters in the blink of an eye.

But Kurosawa was not slow to respond.


Mumu hit the air and completed dodging the green breath.


The green breath reached the ground where it was and exploded.

A little impatient? Kurosawa raised his eyebrows.

Although he didn't know why the other party always seemed to be so angry and even brought his emotions into the battle, he felt that it was necessary to make the other party take it seriously.

"Mum, jump up."

Now is the moment when the dragon-veined gopher's old strength has gone and new strength has not yet emerged.

Mumu bent her knees slightly, and her strong core strength sank down her waist and abdomen to her thighs, calves, and finally to the soles of her feet.


Along with the loud noise, its body jumped up high, and its eyes were firmly fixed on the dragon-veined gopher.

"Buzz buzz!"

The golden texture on the surface of its body lights up instantly and flows quickly.

The special power contained in the golden ancient texture poured into the shoulder blade area on its back.


The golden wings of light unfolded instantly, emitting a dazzling light.

"So the heavy elf is actually a flying elf?"

"How can you fly?"

There were comments from those watching the battle on the sidelines.

Including Nonglan Chinawat from Thailand and Singapore. She looked startled and then a little frustrated.

When Kurosawa fought with him just now, he didn't use its flying ability. It seemed that it was because he was too weak.

Kurosawa looked at Mumu, who was flapping her light wings and hovering in the air, with a smile on her face.

The ability to fly was just mastered not long ago.

As Mumu's strength increases, the power of ancient textures in its body also increases. Although it is still unable to fly for a long time, it can still fly for a short period of time.

The pair of light wings condenses the essence of most ancient textures, which is very powerful.

He didn't just do it for Mumu to fly, though.

"Use, Holy Light Explosion!"

As soon as Kurosawa's words fell, Light Wing surged again in an instant. The power of countless ancient textures came out of the body, emitting a blazing light like the sun, and even distorted the air for a time.

Qiao Huai raised his head and glanced at his mother above him, and immediately felt a light on his back.

Mumu's pair of light wings flapped heavily, and two overlapping bright rays of light slashed towards the position of the dragon-veined gopher in an X-shape.

The speed is so fast that no one has time to react.

The golden light engulfed the three-meter-tall dragon-veined gopher.

The aftermath of the burst of power caused ripples in the surrounding protective layer.

"It's bad, it's so strong?"

This was also the first time Kurosawa asked Mumu to use the light wings to release a sacred light blast and incorporate the power of ancient textures. The power of the skill completely exceeded his expectations.

Shouldn't it be an instant kill?

Judging from Kurosawa's experience in the morning, when there is a big difference in strength, the rewards will shrink to a certain extent if the combat process is too brief.

Because the opponent's elf has not fully demonstrated its strength, the system will lower the enemy elf's strength rating.

The halo dissipated and he quickly looked away.

At the center of the energy explosion just now, the churning turbulence blocked his perception.

It would be nice to hold on for two more rounds.

However, to his disappointment, the dragon-veined gopher was already lying motionless on the ground, panting.

The power of ancient textures is so terrifying?

The first round was a clean victory.

"What a pity." Kurosawa sighed.

Qiao Huai swallowed, his face turned red, and just when he felt ashamed and annoyed in his heart, he heard a voice of regret coming from the other side.

What did he hear? Ridiculing yourself?

Taking a deep breath, the anger that had just dissipated suddenly burst out of his chest again.

It’s hard, the fist is hard.

Thanks to "Hai Ziyuan" for the reward of 1,600 starting coins, and thanks to "New Fatty Ah Feng" for the reward of 7,628 starting coins.

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