My Elf Simulator

Chapter 33 The auditions are over (Chapter 3K)

Cen Biyao threw out another flash card.

The light dragon elf appeared.

The prototype of this elf lived in the plain forest environment of the late Jurassic period. It was slender and light, and could run very fast on its two hind legs, like a cheetah.

Since it was impossible to use "tanks" to wear down the opponent, it would use speed-type elves to kite pull.

This is what Cen Biyao planned.


The light dragon raised its neck and roared, and its two short front paws waved twice in the air.

It seemed to be demonstrating to the "little one" on the opposite side.

Then the blood energy flowed all over its body.

The two hind legs with smooth muscle lines swelled a little, and the curves of the muscle fibers became more obvious, full of strength and explosive power.


It kicked its legs and its body suddenly disappeared from the original place.

Its figure in the field was unpredictable, and the human eye could even see several flashing light dragons.

In the limited area of ​​the stadium, speed-type elves would be subject to certain restrictions.

But the light dragons themselves are elves active in the woods, and their slender tails can help them maintain a good balance during rapid turns, thereby maintaining their agility in high-speed changes of direction.

Kurosawa mobilized his spiritual energy.

He silently activated [Run].

The running skill catalyzes the main energy in the body of the bird to concentrate on the legs, and the other part is maintained on the wings.

The bird jumped left and right, forward and backward, while its eyes kept scanning the surroundings.

Suddenly, one of the light dragon afterimages behind the bird became solid.

The next moment, it swung its tail nimbly, and the strong and slender tail lashed at the bird like a whip.


There was a faint sound of breaking air in the air.


The whip-like long tail lashed at the bird, but in an instant, the bird's figure dissipated like a bubble.

It turned out that when the bird sensed the fierce wind behind it, it instantly increased the catalytic amplitude of running, bursting with power between its feet, and its body left the original place in a flash.

Being able to train in a high-speed rubber bullet launcher, its reaction and speed are equally outstanding.

The body of the light dragon that failed to attack became ethereal again, flashing around the body of the bird.

"It feels good."

Cen Biyao was temporarily relieved.

Although the attack was not successful, the agile light dragon did not become a live target for the opponent like Starler.

This attack and defense lasted for several rounds.

Through observation, Hei Ze and the bird roughly knew the speed limit of the light dragon and the delay time caused by turning.

Each afterimage is a slightly longer delay moment when the light dragon changes direction at high speed.

This ability to quickly produce several clones looks bluffing, but each afterimage is its flaw.

The bird was already a little irritated by the opponent's jumping up and down harassment.

It opened its goose yellow beak, and a sound wave spread around its body in circles.

All the afterimages of the light dragon became more solid in the sound wave interference of [Scream], and the burst of it turned at the moment of turning was enlarged!

At this moment, Kurosawa and Dudu Bird were connected in mind.

Psychic power was activated, and Dudu Bird jumped high.

It was still a furious combo.

But this time the furious combo was slightly different, and Dudu Bird jumped particularly high.

Reduce the force to maintain a larger attack range!

One afterimage was destroyed.

Two, three.

The fully fired Dudu Bird instantly locked and destroyed all the afterimages of the opponent.

"Zha!" The real body of the light dragon roared in pain.

The legs were pierced by several small holes by Dudu Bird.

Kurosawa did not miss this perfect opportunity, almost at the same time.

"Furious combo, keep going."

As expected, all the attacks of Dudu Bird hit the body of the light dragon.

The scars on the light dragon's body became heavier, and it roared angrily, but it still did not lose its fighting power.

With a kick, the light dragon's body disappeared again.

Want to escape?

"Furious combo!"

Ruthlessly beat the dog when it fell.

After enduring three consecutive angry combos, the light dragon flew out like a cannonball, hit the field heavily, and could not get up again.

The bird landed lightly on the ground, turned around and looked at Kurosawa, spread its white wings and jumped two steps, and its eyes were smiling like crescents.

It was celebrating its victory.

Just now, the light dragon jumped up and down like a flexible flea, which really annoyed it.

If the bird could speak, it would probably want to talk trash to the light dragon at this time.

"You are easier to beat than Starler."

The audience on the sidelines talked louder.

"What kind of monster is this bird? This is the nth angry combo."

Even if they did not have a contract with a spirit like the bird, they knew that this move consumed a lot of energy.

If it were other birds, they might have completely lost their ability to move after using it three or four times.

However, the pure white bird on the stage became more and more energetic as the battle went on, without showing any sign of decadence.

"Maybe it's the last gasp of a dying horse."

"I can't say."

The elves were talking to each other.

They definitely didn't think highly of Kurosawa before the game, but now the tide is turning.

This man and his elves are really weird.

They watched with their own eyes that the doodlebird defeated two primary elves in a row, and the total time it took was less than ten minutes. It really overturned their perception of the doodlebird.

The key is that his opponent's elves are not weak either.

Starler's strength and Light Dragon's agility have been cultivated to a fairly good level among primary elves.

But they were still ruthlessly crushed by a Dudu bird.

If they were on the field, they would lose even faster.

"Come back, Light Dragon." Cen Biyao held her breath for a moment, and then took back the Light Dragon that had lost its ability to move.

Her expression was somewhat stunned.

But she still had to keep her mind, she still had the last trump card!

She reached out and threw a flash card from her chest pocket.

A half-meter-tall ancestor horse appeared.

Its momentum was particularly full, its head held high, and its light white horse mane was soft and slightly shiny.

Anyone could see that this primary elf was extraordinary.

Its bloodline energy was almost perfect, and the only difference from the intermediate elf was the attribute energy being refined and the attribute awakening.

[It's out, Yaoyao's trump card! ]

[The winner is decided! 】

【What a handsome pony】

【Although the previous loss was a bit strange, the tactical goal of Starler and Light Dragon has been achieved】

【This man is too pure, using so much energy recklessly in the front】

With the appearance of her own ancestral horse, Cen Biyao's uneasy mentality suddenly calmed down.

The ancestral horse is the initial elf that has accompanied her two-year elf master career. Most of her energy, resources and time are poured into this beige pony.

It can be said that the combined strength of Starler and Light Dragon is not even half of that of this ancestral horse.

And the opponent's Dudu Bird has used so many big moves in a row, it is definitely not as easy as it looks.

Got it! She thought so.

Kurosawa also breathed a sigh of relief.


Finally, it's the last elf of the last round.

And it seems that the opponent's ancestral horse is quite strong.

In this case, he can also use that move boldly.


Kurosawa and Dudu Bird exhaled at the same time.

"Use the ultimate transformation, fury combo!"

The spiritual energy formed countless threads between him and the bird.

The dense threads connected each other's hearts like a bridge.

At this moment, they were in tune with each other.

A layer of crystal white light appeared on the surface of Kurosawa and the bird at the same time.

Powerful fluctuations burst out from their bodies!

"Wow! So bright!"

"I'm awesome!"

"What skill is this?"

"Innate ability?"


Ignoring the surprised voices from the audience.

A sonic boom spread in the center of the venue.


The bird turned into a flashing sphere and pierced the air.

Layers of air waves kept surging as it flew.

It's so unreasonable!

The white light bombarded the ancestor horse who was about to take a step.

In an instant, time stopped.

It split into countless flashes and fell violently!

One, two, ten, dozens of times.




The ancestor horse had no time to move and froze in place.

The next moment, countless, seemingly endless attacks erupted on its tough body at the same time.


The painful scream from its mouth stopped before it could even finish.

Dozens of wounds on its body surface tore open.

The severe pain made it faint instantly.

The violent attacks stopped, and time seemed to resume its flow.

It was so quiet around that you could probably hear the sound of a needle falling.

And the next moment, people seemed to wake up from a dream.

"Instant kill?"

"It's over!"

"A shocking upset!"

"Cen Biyao was actually eliminated."

"Hei Ze? Dark horse!"

"It definitely exceeded the ability level of the primary elves just now!"

People were talking about it, and "the weak defeating the strong" is always a huge explosion point.

The referee looked at Cen Biyao, who was motionless, and then at the ancestral horse, who had not moved for a long time.

He took a deep breath and blew the whistle in his mouth.


"The ancestral horse has lost its ability to move."

"I declare the winner to be——Hei Ze!"

"Congratulations to him for becoming the fourth player to advance to the finals in the auditions."

The referee announced loudly.

As the referee announced the victory, a joyful voice kept ringing in Hei Ze's mind.

"You have finished the Haitang City Spring Cup auditions. The level of this audition is city level★. The rewards for the event are being settled according to the results."

"Congratulations, you have won 30×4=120 points."

"The audience was surprised by your outstanding performance in this series of events, and you have gained an additional 4 points of personal experience."

"Currently available points: 265"

Players who passed the auditions have a week of adjustment time, and then they will usher in the finals of the Haitang Spring Cup.

The rewards for the city-level one-star event are much higher, and they also gain four points of personal experience.

But the balance is 265, and there is still 35 points left.

It's a bit regrettable, but there is still a week left, so he can still do something.

He breathed a sigh of relief and stopped thinking about it.

A happy smile appeared on his face. At least now, it was time to celebrate the victory.

He hugged the bird that pounced on him and rubbed its head.

"Great performance!"

"Toot toot toot!"

Due to the schedule, Nightmare Mayfly, which was temporarily put into the flash card, also sensed his emotional changes.

Jumped out of the flash card and climbed onto his wrist to join in the celebration.


There will be another 3,000-word chapter later. I'm too lazy to divide it into 2,000-word chapters.

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