My Elf Simulator

Chapter 87 Strong Enemy

When he first heard about the elves' weird attributes, Kurosawa was confused.

Other attributes are related to their own characteristics. Those who are good at setting fires are called fire attributes, and those who can emit special sound wave energy are called sound wave attributes. It is clear at a glance.

But what is weird?

However, when facing the huge spider-shaped elf in front of him.

Kurosawa felt that there was no better description than this.

There was a trace of indescribable evil in the weirdness and absurdity.

Elves are creatures that transcend the norm, and elves with weird attributes are unconventional and unconventional.

Kurosawa slightly turned his eyes away.

Even he, who has psychic powers, felt a little uncomfortable looking at the other party. It is hard to imagine what will happen to ordinary people when they see it.

Maybe it will short-circuit like a fuse, and the brain will activate the emergency plan, fainting or falling into madness?

The status of Nightmare Mayfly and Little Shining did not seem to be affected too much.

They bared their fangs and claws, constantly releasing their power, trying to warn Cold Spider not to act rashly.

The cold spider stared at the nightmare mayfly and the little shining spirit with cold eyes, as if weighing the pros and cons.

Hei Ze led the nightmare mayfly and the little shining spirit to slowly retreat, always keeping a vigilant eye on the cold spider, not leaving it with its back.

Suddenly, as if it had made a decision, the four pairs of black legs with tufts of spiked hairs extending from the abdominal segments of the huge abdomen moved quickly on the spider web.

If possible, Hei Ze didn't want to fight it nearby.

The tops of the surrounding trees were full of spider webs woven by it.


Its eyes instantly emitted a purple glow.

It made an unpleasant and noisy scream.

The sky was full of tiny leaves rustling and falling, and the whole forest echoed with its strange roar.

Hei Ze frowned.

A feeling of wanting to vomit surged in his body, but was immediately suppressed by the power of nature.

The ice-blue gas covering his body tightly guarded him.


While Leng Zhu was roaring, Hei Ze did not stay in a daze.

He controlled the Nightmare Mayfly to activate the skill.

Magnificent bubbles spread around it, reflecting colorful light.

Hei Ze used the shallow Dawn.

After using the skill, the Nightmare Mayfly was visibly weaker.


Following the Dawn was the Hypnosis skill, which reached the peak of proficiency at LV2.

Under normal circumstances, the probability of the Hypnosis skill hitting the target is not high when there is a gap in strength.

But the Dawn caused Leng Zhu's mental state to decline in a short period of time, and the Hypnosis hit instantly.

The purple light emitted from its pupils flickered for a moment.

Hei Ze did not launch an attack in this gap, but instead solidified his thunder clothes.

Commanding the Nightmare Mayfly and the Little Shining Spirit, he ran quickly in the forest.


There was a huge movement behind him.

Above Kurosawa's head, countless spider webs melted in an instant, and the sticky gray-white mucus poured down like rain.

The soil, lawn, and tree trunks lost their color and withered visibly under the erosion of this filthy mucus.

A strange cry was faintly heard in the air.

Kurosawa retreated in time.

Although the spider webs covered a wide area, hypnosis bought him a small amount of time.

And with this little time, with the thunder robe attached, he could run a long distance.

The thunder robe on his body was only stained with a few splashes of filthy mucus.

Under the protective thunder light, it was quickly evaporated by the high heat and turned into black smoke and dispersed.

Kurosawa ran quickly in the forest.


Behind him, the awakened cold spider screamed angrily.

Its steel-like body gave it powerful mobility, and its sharp legs were stuck on the tree trunk.

Using the force to kick out, the huge body shrank into a ball and shot out rapidly.

The body scraped through the air, making a sharp hissing sound.

Too fast!

Kurosawa didn't look back, but he could feel the figure behind him approaching rapidly.

It seemed to be angered by the dawn of the nightmare mayfly.

During the high-speed run, Kurosawa's chest was slightly panting, but the spiritual energy in his mind was particularly calm.

He turned his head to look at the little shining spirit following him.

He and the little shining spirit had a tacit understanding.

In an instant, it understood Kurosawa's idea.

The flying little body instantly pulled up and turned over to face the cold spider.

Electric shock.

Kurosawa mobilized the spiritual energy of his body almost at the same time to assist it in releasing several electric shocks.

With the help of natural forces.

Although he suddenly launched an attack while running, he still found the opponent accurately.

Several lightning bolts were aimed at the eyeballs of the cold spider.


The fast-moving cold spider instantly adjusted its body in the air.

The lightning didn't hit its eyeball, but it still left a mark on its indigo armor that was emitting black air.

When the cold spider was avoiding the attack, Hei Ze's figure pulled away again.

This chase and escape opened up a long distance.

Finally, Hei Ze stopped in an open lowland.


The cold spider cut through the trees and rushed out of the forest.

The spiritual energy in Hei Ze's body has been adjusted to the best state, and his eyes are fixed on the huge body.

He was not running away just now, but just strategically shifting.

The huge web formed by the cold spider exudes a huge, cold and dangerous atmosphere in his perception of natural power.

Fighting it there is undoubtedly an unwise decision.

Even in a forest without spider webs, the environment is still unfavorable to him.

This problem was exposed in the previous battle with the ghost spider.

The breath of this cold spider is slightly stronger than the previous ghost spider.

"Trigger the event task [Strong Enemy], this is the strongest opponent you have encountered at this stage, defeat it!"

The system prompt sounded in his mind.

The description was short, but Hei Ze's heart was startled.

The strongest opponent?

Sure enough, this cold spider is very strong.

No wonder even his perception of natural power can only vaguely sense that its energy value is stronger than the ghost spider, but it is difficult for him to sense how much.

The little shining spirit turned into golden light and took the initiative to push forward.

Several electric lightning flashes were fired from its beak in one second.



The arc was stirred.

A black light passed with a fishy wind.

The cold spider dodged.

Only one electric shock hit its armor, and the energy vibrated.

The explosion of electricity was spreading in the air for several meters, and the scene looked grand.

But in fact, the cold spider did not suffer much damage.

What is its energy value?

Maybe 40?

Attribute energy value is hard power for elves.

The energy value of the little shining spirit is still growing rapidly, and now it has reached 16.23 points, with a gratifying growth rate.

But compared with the cold spider in front of him, it is still too weak.

The cold spider in front of him is undoubtedly the strength of the late intermediate elves, while the conventional strength of the little shining spirit is still in the early and middle stages.

Fortunately, he has many unconventional offensive means.

Hei Ze disintegrated the thunder robe and condensed the dream shield of the nightmare mayfly.

Without the energy of the thunder robe, the breath of the little shining spirit became stronger again.

Sorry. The weather suddenly cooled down, and my nose was completely blocked when I woke up in the morning. I kept sneezing and felt very uncomfortable. There is only one update today. The remaining update will be made up tomorrow. The state is very bad. Sorry, sorry.

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