My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 311 Gorgeous little egg

The evolutionary opportunities of the single-headed dragon are obviously better to explore than that of Boscodora.

It's the same battle.

Unlike Boscodora's evolution, which is to better defeat the enemy, the evolution of the single-headed dragon should be a reward for it, because the two characters are so different.

Kashiwagi didn't know how to guide it at first, but after seeing Miss Iroha using the Tanabata Blue Bird, he suddenly had an idea.

How about using victory to stimulate the one-headed dragon?

Therefore, in order to effectively win the Tanabata Blue Bird, after discovering that the Dragon Wave failed to defeat the opponent, he deliberately let the single-headed dragon use the Ice Fang to show off its weakness and gain a chance to knock it down in one fell swoop.

The Dragon's Dive under the Vitality trait was indeed particularly powerful, and in turn, it took advantage of the Dragon's Wave released by the Tanabata Blue Bird to knock it off the street on the spot.

And after tasting the taste of victory, the single-headed dragon, excited and inspired, indeed evolved.


Then become stronger!

The simple thinking of the single-headed dragon gave it a new attitude——

Two-headed tyrannosaurus.

Kashiwagi rushed towards Vivian as soon as he announced the result of the game, and hugged the two heads of the two-headed tyrannosaurus tightly without hesitation.

"Hey woo..." "Hey woo..."

The soft screams in unison meant that the two-headed tyrannosaurus was very relaxed at this time, apparently because it smelled the trainer's scent.

"Just rest in peace, thank you for your hard work." Kashiwagi put it back into the elf ball.

The evolution of Single-headed Dragon will bring about different derivative developments from other Pokémon, but there is definitely not that much time to mess around at the moment, so let it go back to the Poké Ball to rest first.

After the glamor contest is over, think about some other things about it.

This is also the best way.

Return to the preparation room.

Xiaoguang said in a frightened tone: "I almost thought I was going to lose. Qixi Blue Bird's cotton defense was so good! I didn't expect that defeat turned into victory at the last moment, and the single-headed dragon evolved!"


Bogaman was particularly shocked by the evolution of the single-headed dragon. It was the one he fought against the most these days. In addition, both sides were in initial forms, which made him have a good impression of the single-headed dragon.

As a result, it has evolved in just a few days!

"Cotton's defense is really good."

Kashiwagi nodded. As one of the few moves that can bring about a huge increase in ability value, the increase it brings is enough to stun many physical attackers.

Faced with Xiao Guang's enthusiastic expression, he said: "It's a little inconvenient to release the two-headed tyrannosaurus. Let's wait until the game is over. Now let's concentrate on the game."


Xiao Guang was slightly disappointed, but nodded in agreement.

at the same time.

The fourth game of the first round has also ended. The winner is undoubtedly the coordination trainer who uses Menas, but maybe in order to preserve the physical strength of Menas, she changed to a yo-yo ball.

In the end, he succeeded in winning by scoring more points.

"Her yo-yo ball is so powerful..."

Xiaoguang looked at the screen solemnly, "How strong will Menas be?"

"Soldiers are coming to cover up the water and earth, so don't worry and leave it to me."

Kashiwagi was calm and said: "We have made an appointment to meet in the finals, but we can't give up halfway, and you can't do the same."


Xiaoguang nodded heavily when he heard this.


As the first game of the second round begins.

Xiaoguang stepped onto the stage first.

Her opponent uses Mega Meowth, a Pokémon from the Kalos region. Judging from its mainly white appearance and apricot-yellow pupils, its gender is female.

Since he didn't know much about this kind of Pokémon, the ivory pig sent by Xiaoguang was deflated several times after the start before he turned to the offensive.

First, he swallowed the boulders to create spike-like ice armor, then used his awakened power to surround his body and reflect the ice spikes on his back. Finally, he successfully took down Super Mew with his lunging ice teeth.

A whole set of combos is so smooth that if it were used in the animation, Xiaoguang's exclusive BGM might sound.

"Sure enough, what was shown in the gorgeous contest is her true 'combat power'." Kashiwagi couldn't help but sigh.

Xiaoguang's growth can be seen in many subtle details. In the years she has traveled, the people and Pokémon she has met, and every gorgeous competition she has participated in have become the nutrients for her to become stronger.

She may still be some distance away from being a top coordination trainer, but I believe she can eventually cross this step.

The phone vibrated slightly.

It was Lucia who sent congratulations on the single-headed dragon's evolution. He replied with a few sentences and took a deep breath.

"It's our turn to play."

Kashiwagi held a poke ball and whispered: "Get ready to go!"

The Poke Ball trembled slightly in his palm.

Passing through the contestant tunnel, Xiaoguang just turned around and came in when he was about to go out.

The two did not communicate vocally, but just nodded to each other.

Inside the stage.

Host Vivian read aloud.

"In the second round of the semi-finals, in the second game, let's invite two contestants - Mr. Kashiwagi and Miss Mira!"

The two came on stage, each stood at their designated position, looking at each other from a distance.

"The battle begins!"

Following the order, the two of them threw the elf balls one after another.

Bang bang!

Countless pink little hearts are flying everywhere, and the auspicious egg slowly appears bathed in many dazzling hearts.

And not far away.

As countless stars fell from the sky, the East China Sea version of Aplysia, with its green dorsal fin and sky blue belly, fell to the ground. It was not the Menas that Kashiwagi imagined.


Is he being looked down upon?

Kashiwagi looked at the calm face of his opponent Mira, and thought of the opponent's information he found on the Internet.

Compared to him, a coordination trainer who just debuted not long ago, Miss Mira has already participated in countless gorgeous competitions, and has won three ribbon medals in the past year.

Based on various videos and introductions on the Internet, it is enough to conclude that this person is a master.

However, the opponent failed to use all his strength to deal with him, which made Kashiwagi somewhat regretful. Did he see clearly that he was not "strong" in gorgeous battles?

In fact, you are right to think so.

The Pokémon he uses for flashy battles tend to have moves that aren't really flashy at all.

"Please rain!"

Seeing that Kashiwagi had not launched an offensive for a long time, Mira stopped following him and raised her hand to issue an order.


Aplysia looked up to the sky and let out a long cry. Silver-gray rain clouds quickly gathered in the sky. Sparse rainwater fell from the sky and dripped on Aplysia's body, causing a crystal clear water film to appear on its surface.

Vivian said excitedly: "Aplysia's request for rain has created an environment more suitable for it to move! Look, it has become more energetic! The shining water film is also so beautiful!"

Kashiwagi's points were deducted from the scoreboard.

This is because the way Aplysia performs its moves particularly satisfies the judges, and any coordination trainer can do the same thing as long as the Pokémon shows its own characteristics.

at the same time.

Kashiwagi also gave the command, "Electromagnetic waves!"


Gilly Egg rubbed his two small hands on his chest, forming a bolt of lightning and shooting towards the Sea Hare!

"What! The Geely Egg actually used electromagnetic waves on the ground-type Aplysia!"

Vivian let out a scream, and Mira and Aplysiamon also looked puzzled.

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