My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 343: Touching the Taisui Earth (a nearly four-in-one super-large chapter!!)

The last one.

The organizer gave Kashiwagi's Pokémon a half-hour break.

He released Bigmouth and Gilly Egg, checked the status of the two Pokémon, and used apple juice to replenish their consumed attribute energy.

Then light incense and massage to relax the intense emotions they just had.

The Apple Wild Fruit can be used to restore lost pp in the game. The actual use is to speed up the recovery of attribute energy, which is very suitable for the current state of the game.

Winning the semi-finals so smoothly was due to Big Mouth Baby's initial kill and attribute advantage. Its explosive speed made it impossible for the Pangyan monster to parry. Judging from the fact that it can resist the iron head and needs to strengthen its punches and last hits, this guy The level will not be low.

The same goes for Dunjia. He was able to avoid the ice storm that Big Mouth Boy aimed at in advance at the beginning, and quickly reorganized the situation and counterattacked with the ultimate impact. If the latter's sword dance and enhanced fist were not too powerful due to the multiple amplifications, he would not have been able to do so. So easy to win.

The Crab of the Rock Temple... let alone this, another unlucky guy who was sealed by the teleportation object of the auspicious egg. But judging from the fact that he only relied on breaking the shell to break free from the shackles of spiritual power, the teleportation object is not strong enough to ignore everything. the point. If it breaks its shell again, it might be able to break out.

It's a pity that it was scared out of its wits.

Logically speaking, there are actually many disadvantages to moving objects with your mind. The most important point is that without the continuous output of the auspicious egg, it will only make people levitate.

This also means that as long as the Pokémon of that type has the ability to move in the air, it is not afraid of this move. This move is actually not that useful against bird Pokémon.

Of course.

As long as Geely Egg is not stupid, he will definitely use [Gravity] when encountering bird Pokémon. Most bird Pokémon will turn into free-roaming chickens if they lose the ability to fly.

Kashiwagi worked hard.

The fatigue on Big Mouth Baby's face immediately disappeared. The battle with Dunjia's ultimate impact was not without any consumption, and the aftermath of the powerful moves also brought a lot of burden to it to some extent.

Seeing Kashiwagi's expression, the big-mouthed boy suddenly became vigilant, "What?"

"If you don't change it, you can rest peacefully."

He quickly reassured her.

The idea of ​​replacing the big steel snake on the big-mouth baby did flash through my mind just now, but I didn't expect that this guy would notice it. Was his expression so obvious?

A big-mouthed kid doesn't seem like the type to read people's faces...

Kashiwagi thought about it for a while and felt that the intimacy should have increased, reaching the level where others can tell whether they want to shit or fart just by frowning.

Will there be telepathy happening further forward?

It's probably difficult. Both Ash and Pikachu have only experienced similar scenes when they were near death. In the theater version, Pikachu suddenly said "Because I want to stay by your side" which was both touching and shocking.

He put the big-mouthed baby back into the elf ball, rubbed the Ghillie Egg's furry head again, and praised its performance just now.

"I didn't expect you to be able to complete a whole process on your own. It's not easy."

Kashiwagi knew very well that the walls in his heart were not so easy to break through.

Gilly Egg can defeat a Pokémon with poison without his command, which shows that it is not far away from it taking the initiative to use offensive moves.

It’s not that he definitely lacks the combat power of Geely Dan, and he refuses to let it go to the logistics. It’s just that he wants to make up for his spiritual weakness. As a trainer, what else can he say besides support?

Moreover, it failed to appear in the previous three gym challenges. The Geely Egg did not say it on the surface but was actually so disappointed that Kashiwagi had to draw a pie for it that would give it a chance to appear in the future.


Geely Dan showed a happy smile, and the little curls on both sides of his head trembled.

Kashiwagi put it back into the elf ball, looked at the surrounding environment, and began to move the coffee table and sofa. It took a lot of effort to expand a space where Boscordora could feel comfortable.

It's just that the floor height is a little low...

You can’t ask for too much in this kind of environment.

He released Boscodora, checked his physical condition, and conducted pre-game mobilization.

"There is only one game left. Don't be too burdened. Face it calmly. If you can learn how to attack us with sharp rocks, it will be a good thing for you to participate in this competition."

Kashiwagi patted its big head.


Boscodora raised his tail and shook it, indicating that he was very relaxed now and was not burdened.

Naturally, I participated in this competition for fun and Pokémon eggs.

It would be best if he could get the egg. He would be a little disappointed if he couldn't get the egg, but he wouldn't particularly care about it. It just proved that he had no fate with the egg.

The point is that the competition can train Pokémon's independent fighting awareness.

Judging from the current situation, Boss Cordora and the others are performing very well. Although Big Mouth Boy is a little stupid, he has not made any big mistakes. He realized that his lack of knowledge quickly made up for it. one time.

I believe that after the battle tent game is over, it will definitely try to learn text to avoid encountering similar embarrassing scenes again.

Thinking of this, Kashiwagi felt somewhat happy.

He began to look forward to the expression on the big-mouthed child's frown when he was learning to write, and he had to learn it again.


Not long after.

The finals kicked off.

After Kashiwagi once again confirmed that Big Mouth Baby was in good condition, he placed the three elf balls on the transmission device.

Judging from the three Pokémon in the semi-finals, the Pokémon in the finals should not be too weak. Whether they will be stronger than the three in the semi-finals remains to be determined.


Change a new routine and let the lucky eggs come first?

Although the single poisonous move is easily broken by the opponent's healing moves, in addition to it, it also has singing, electromagnetic waves and light wall. Telekinesis, gravity and characteristic swap may also come in handy.

Not to mention the Invisible Rock.

The reason why he can't match Boscodora is because this guy failed to learn electromagnetic levitation. This move is tantamount to being too critical for his current team's core move.

Especially under the premise that this product has four times weaker ground attributes and insufficient maneuverability.

After thinking briefly, he made his final decision.

The final venue also appeared on the screen——

The most basic level ground.

When Kashiwagi saw it, he immediately thought about the reason why he chose an ordinary venue. Was it because of the influence of auspicious eggs?

The next second.

As the two machines released Pokémon, he knew the answer.

Inside the arena.

The lucky egg starts running as soon as it hits the ground, and moves in an irregular route.

At the same time, it also saw its opponent——

A particularly ferocious-looking Kentero.


After the opponent appeared, he let out an extremely long and alarming moo. Maybe the lucky egg used to be scared when he heard it, but now he basically feels nothing.

I panicked for a moment, but soon returned to normal.

It seems to have intimidating properties.

The "knowledgeable" Geely Egg quickly recognized the reason for its panic just now, but this characteristic was of no use to it.

Because it doesn't have any physical attack moves at all...well, except for slapping, which is usually used to slap dough to increase its toughness.


The auspicious egg did not come forward like before. It knew that Kentero was different from the rock temple dweller crab and would definitely come closer.

But who would have thought that as soon as Kentero mooed and was about to rush forward, the machine in the sky would take this guy back.

Geely Egg: “???”

Exchange at the beginning?

It really didn't expect such a good opportunity. It immediately raised its little hand to gather the dust and sand on the ground and in the air, turning them into suspended rocks that emitted white light.

After the rock appears, it quickly disappears, waiting for the arrival of the destined person.

And the destined person came much faster than expected, and it was a special kind of destiny.


The black-feathered, red-faced, red-breasted and white-bellied King Swallow cried loudly, fluttering its broad wings, allowing it to soar freely in the sky, and also freely hit the invisible luminous rocks.


The glowing rock exploded, and the explosion and flying pebbles hit it crazily.


The big king swallow screamed in pain.

Invisible Rock will increase its power when encountering Pokémon with weak rock attributes. In other words, the pain felt by King Swallow at this time is twice that of other Pokémon.

But this is not the end.

Kashiwagi in the room knew very well the reason why the other party would choose the opening exchange, because he knew that Kentero had no way to move objects with his mind.

But the other party may not know that the auspicious eggs can not only move objects with their thoughts, but also use gravity!


When Wang Yan was still immersed in the pain of being bombarded by rocks, Geely Egg raised his two little hands high, and an invisible wave instantly affected the entire field.

The terrifying strong gravity was like a high wall pressing down from the sky, directly causing King Yan in mid-air to be suppressed to the ground!



The sudden change made Wang Yan completely unbelievable. He appeared on the stage without doing anything, as if he had been blown up and pressed to the ground, unable to fly. Even though he was relatively alert, he couldn't recover for a while.

The opponent who watched the scene through the machine was even more wide-eyed. He never expected that after moving objects with his mind, Geely Egg could also control gravity. In order to better detect the enemy's strength, he ran out to watch the game. .

Want to exchange? In this case, it can only be exchanged, right?

But what should I do if a new Pokémon is replaced and it is controlled by teleportation in mid-air?

While he was hesitating, the auspicious egg "happily" approached the king swallow that was fluttering on the ground, and when the latter was stunned, he handed a drop of venom to its beak without hesitation.


King Yan flapped her wings quickly in fear, and finally stood up after struggling for a long time.

It looked at the auspicious egg that distanced the two. Although it was confused as to why the other party did not continue to attack, it finally stood up——


King Yan spat out a mouthful of "old blood" on the ground in front of him. The reaction to the poisonous state was much faster and larger than expected, but it also triggered its characteristic [Perseverance].

If it can still spread its wings and fly high, it is sure that the lucky egg will never be its opponent.

However, in this current situation...

King Yan thought for a moment and began to try to move with his own claws like the Duduli he met earlier, and tried to attack the auspicious eggs.


It will never admit defeat!

Da Wangyan looked at Geely Egg with bright eyes, never expecting that after a brief hesitation, the latter would show an expression similar to "Come on!"

Such arrogance made it unable to hold on any longer. It screamed and rushed towards the auspicious egg, while its wings flapped forward rapidly!

All of a sudden.

Countless white wind blades roared and flew forward!

[Air Slash]!


Geely Dan turned around subconsciously and easily dodged this unruly air slash. Perhaps the accuracy of what King Yan Fei unleashed in the sky was a little higher.

As for the current attack, which was basically inaccurate, no matter how many times it came, he could dodge it.

the other side.

Da Wangyan is trying her best to learn how to walk with her two claws. She can definitely walk, but it is also true that she cannot walk fast. There is basically no way she can expect to get close to that sensitive auspicious egg.

What to do...

It impatiently wanted to find a way, but couldn't help but start to spit out purple bubbles from the corners of its mouth.

The highly toxic state is different from the poisoned state. The damage will be increased step by step as time goes by. Even if King Yan uses Yuqi to restore his physical strength in the later stage, he will probably not be able to recover.

Wang Yan knew this, so he became a little impatient.

This rapid, intensified activity causes it to become more toxic.


It looked at the auspicious eggs waiting for it to attack not far away, and had the idea of ​​​​sacrifice for charity.

Since there is no way to defeat the opponent, he has no choice but to increase the possibility of winning for his teammates, just like his trainer taught him in the past.


The King Yan began to flap its wings rapidly, and a strong wind instantly swept across the entire venue.

【Clear the dense fog】!


The invisible stone quickly appeared in mid-air and shattered into countless light spots.

Geely Dan looked at the broken invisible rock in shock. Even a good student like him didn't realize what was going on.

Not only that.

The King Swallow's wing fluttering action hadn't ended yet. After it completed a move, it flapped its wings even more desperately, regardless of more and more purple bubbles popping up from the corners of its mouth.

Want to use moves again?


Geely Dan was a little flustered for a moment and released his spiritual power to Da Wang Yan.

However, it is not possible to move objects with your mind under gravity.


Seeing that the auspicious egg move failed, Wang Yan suddenly became excited and flapped his wings faster and faster.


The other party's effort made Gilly Dan sweat on his forehead, and gentle breezes suddenly descended on the field.


And in the end.

Geely Dan could only watch as Da Wang Yan used two moves in a row, but he still didn't know what happened or what moves the other party was using.

After all, the accumulation of knowledge is still insufficient. I only know the attributes and characteristics of all Pokémon, which are two things that are helpful for dealing with diseases, but I have not yet developed a further understanding of moves.

Singing is also unrealistic.

The other party is in a unique and highly poisonous state. Singing can't hypnotize it and it will have no effect. Of course, it's not that Da Wangyan can't sleep due to poisoning. It's just that you can't use moves to force it to sleep. Both of them The concepts are very different.

In the same way, electromagnetic waves will not have any effect.

Teleportation, singing, and electromagnetic waves were suddenly unavailable, and the originally calm Geely Egg became completely panicked.

Fortunately, when King Yan ran out of tail wind, the poisonous effect also caused him to faint.


Its claws twitched and it fell to the ground.

After successfully defeating the first opponent, Geely Dan was really not happy. The anxiety about the backhand left by Da Wang Yan outweighed the joy of defeating him.

There was definitely something going on at the venue.

Geely Egg looked around and could clearly see a milky white airflow surrounding the venue, as if it was inciting something.


It looked rather anxiously at the machine that took back the King Yan.

inside the room.

Kashiwagi noticed something was wrong with the situation of the lucky egg at this time, and took it back without hesitation.

"Don't panic, it's okay."

He knew that the latter couldn't hear now, but he still whispered to himself.

I have to admit that in the last few moments of the battle, when Gilly Egg saw the unfamiliar moves, he acted a little panicked. In addition, there was really no move that could stop the opponent, which gave the opponent an opportunity to take advantage of it. .

It's just generally innocuous.

It's just clearing nails to speed up, it's a normal counterattack process.

There is no reason to say that you have to keep crushing the opponent without making any mistakes unilaterally. The reason why Geely Egg panics is because the pressure is too much. Normally, if you don't believe in Geely Egg's mental strength, you can't control Da Wang Yan.

I believe that if you keep the Geely Egg calm, there will definitely be no problems in the future.

So who should come on now?

After a brief hesitation, Kashiwagi sent out the big-mouth kid.

When the opposite side saw the Geely Egg being taken away, the Pokémon that had been originally decided to be released were immediately replaced, and the bull-like Kentaro appeared again.


It mooed threateningly at the big-mouthed baby.


The big-mouthed kid frowned, and it didn't seem to be emotionally affected by its intimidating characteristics. It glanced at the remaining purple slime on the ground and the unknown milky white airflow around the venue, and it probably knew that it was not the starter.

But soon, it discovered another anomaly.

Electromagnetic levitation is no longer available.

Is it the gravity of the auspicious egg?

It's not that it can't even recognize its companion's moves, but it's just more troublesome. Its high-speed mobility is basically achieved by electromagnetic levitation, and it's not very fast when it's actually running on the ground.

what to do?

After the sword dance, can I take over the baton and change the boss?

Just as Big Mouth Boy was about to do this, Kentaro on the opposite side was already breathing white air from his nostrils, wildly beating his butt with three tails to increase his fighting spirit and rushed over.

There is light wind between its four hooves, which increases the speed of charging at a frequency visible to the naked eye.


With his horns forward, Kentero's body emitted a dazzling yellow light, like a shooting star!


So fast!

The big-mouthed baby had a solemn face, knowing that it had no time to hesitate now. Facing the charging Kentero, he slightly raised his fists, crossed his feet and jumped nimbly on the spot.

When it couldn't get off the ground, it picked up the pace of boxing again.

Kentero, wrapped in yellow light, roared in instantly!


Hearing a long moo, Kentero suddenly raised the thick horn in front of his forehead, trying to push the big-mouthed kid in front of him away.

Unexpectedly, the latter suddenly fell to the right, quickly dodged its charge and thrust, and punched it in the cheek with a fist!



The dull sound of fists colliding with flesh!


Kentero staggered and almost fell over. Fortunately, its steps were still steady and it managed to hold on.

Who would have thought that when it shook its slightly dizzy head, the big-mouthed boy jumped on its back, grabbed the rough mane on its back, transformed into a matador, and raised its fist with shining brown-red light. Just one punch!



Kentero groaned in pain again, but he was also aroused by the attack of the big-mouthed baby. His body shook and swung violently, and his tail kept trying to hit the big-mouthed baby on his back, and his body surface lit up with a dazzling white light. , trying to get rid of it with [Making a scene].

Unfortunately, the latter's stickiness was stronger than it thought. He just hid on its back and attacked the blind spot, punching it on the head one after another!

Bang! Bang!

There were two muffled sounds in a row, each punch harder than the last.

Kentero gradually couldn't bear it anymore. With his eyes red, he simply hit the wall at the edge of the field!

But just before it hit the wall, Big Mouth Boy stepped on its back and suddenly jumped back, without having close contact with the wall with the guy.

When Kentero staggered to his feet, he was already dizzy and couldn't tell where the big-mouthed kid was.

The chaos caused by the end of the big fight made him a little confused about the situation, and he acted like crazy in the venue.

The machine in mid-air tried to retract Kentero, but its movements were too sensitive, and the machine's accuracy was not strong, and it failed to hit the recovery beam several times.

Upon seeing this, Big Mouth Boy immediately stayed away from Kentero and checked whether the electromagnetic levitation could still be used. He found that the gravity state was not over yet, so he had to silently use the iron wall and sword dance.

Three enhanced fists plus sword dance, plus an iron wall.

This is the gift it wants to leave to Boss Cordola. I don’t believe that under such conditions of increase, the latter cannot easily defeat the last opponent!

not far away.

Kentero finally finished his troubles and used up the last of his energy.

The big-mouthed boy watched the opponent moan and fall over and was retracted by the machine. He did not underestimate this bull-like guy. With the sudden attack and three consecutive strengthening punches, it was very scary that this guy could sustain his endurance for such a long time.

If there is a trainer to command, God knows what kind of power it can exert.

It's a pity that there is no if.

It raised its fist and used the baton to send itself back into the Poké Ball.


The chance to shine is yours!

Kashiwagi, who saw through the big-mouthed boy's thoughts in the room, laughed and exchanged Boscodora.


"Goo ho!"

The shining silver beast landed on the ground, but the surging power emerging from the body made Boscodora uncharacteristically suppress the desire to roar.

It stared at the big white cat released from the opposite side and hit the ground with its fist without hesitation!


The earth trembled, and many huge light blue stone pillars broke out of the ground amidst violent rumblings, spreading forward quickly until the sharpest and majestic one jumped out from under the enemy!


There was just a scream, and then countless light blades flashed, and the rising stone pillar was instantly dismembered.

[Tearing Claw]!

Bloody light wrapped around Mongoose Zhan's claws. Seeing the rocks scattered on the ground, it was slightly relieved. If it persisted, something might happen next.

Boscodora, who was not far away, looked calmly, slightly regretting that he could not kill the mongoose in one fell swoop.

What surprised it even more was how easily the rock was shattered.


We still have to fight close combat!

"Goo ho!"

Boscodora rushed towards Mongoose, and its huge body exploded with extraordinary speed at this moment. The latter was not surprised but happy to see the former approaching.


Mongoose Slash is very experienced in fighting Pokémon like Boss Cordora, and he also knows very well what their weaknesses are——

Fighting attributes!

In a blink of an eye.

I saw the brown-red air flow between the claws of Mongoose Zhan. Facing the running Boss Cordora, it waved its sharp claws like a violent storm, tearing at the iron armor on Boss Cordora. .

Clang, Clang, Clang——

The crisp sound and sparks of metal clashing constantly appeared where the claws and armor collided.

Boss Cordora took a step back with each claw, and the torrential attack made it retreat involuntarily.



The meerkat shrieked and swung out its last claw, and Boscodora's body surface lit up with numerous brown-red energy damages, as if the energy accumulated earlier had burst out together. Shrouded in smoke!


Seeing Boss Cordora howling and retreating, Mongoose's eyes lit up, and he quickly wanted to rush over and give this huge guy a fatal blow!

But when it passed through the thick smoke, what it saw was indeed Boscodora's cold eyes, and a silver energy bomb that was so suppressed that it caused violent fluctuations in the surrounding air.

【Metal Explosion】!


boom! !

Mongoose Zhan's shrieking howl was masked by the deafening loud noise, and its body flew out along with the smoke rising into the sky in the silvery fireworks.

But in the thick smoke, a huge figure quickly chased after him.

I saw the smoke and dust dispersed as if being stirred by a big hand, revealing the posture of Boscodora rushing towards the Mongoose Slash. It raised its claws, and the brown-red shining light turned it into a heavy hammer. , and hit the ground in front of where Mongoose Zhan fell!

Boom! !

The energy blast blasted the Mongoose Slash away again, and the arrogant force caused a ferocious pit to be blasted out of the ground, filled with spiderweb-like cracks.

Mongoose Zhan hit the wall and collapsed to the ground weakly, his eyes covered by circles.

no doubt.

Boscodora ended with brute force and took away his last opponent.


Its suppressed roar finally spread over the field.

in the room.

Kashiwagi stood up and clenched his fists excitedly.

"Win! No doubt about it!"

Before the competition, he was still a little nervous, worried that his opponent would be too strong, but the three confidant generals, Boss Cordora, Big Mouth Baby and Gilly Egg, finally brought him the victory he longed for.

How could this keep him from feeling overwhelmed?

Outside the battle tent.

There are also many people talking about Boscodora on the screen.

"Why does it seem like your condition hasn't changed even after a close combat? It's too tough!"

"This Boss Cordora is so strong!"

"Is it possible that it was bred by Daigo? I remember that the champion has many powerful Boscodoras, right?"

"You're overthinking it. Why does the champion have time to participate in such a small competition like this?"

They had a heated exchange, and everyone was curious about who the trainer of Boscodora was.

Somewhere in a corner.

A figure carrying two large cloth bags walked out from the back of the battle tent and looked at the screen above thoughtfully.

"He actually has such a powerful Boss Cordora and Big Mouth Baby? Just steal them both."

"I think it can be used, so let's sell it using the name of the Pokémon cultivated by Daigo!"

"Hey! You're smarter now!"

"Hey hey hey!"

"Very good. In order to avoid a long night of nightmares, we will take action tonight. There are really more and more police officers patrolling the streets."

"Yeah, yeah."

The two people were wrapped in a puff of smoke and disappeared into the darkness.



Kashiwagi, who was originally smiling, was now frowning.

"Stolen? All the Pokémon Eggs?"

"Yes, it is."

The person in charge of the battle tent wiped the sweat from his face and kept bending down to apologize, "I'm so sorry! We didn't expect to encounter such a theft. Please don't worry, we will definitely give you a satisfactory answer!

"In the meantime, please go back to the hotel and wait for a while, and we will give you the compensation you deserve..."

"There's no need to compensate, and you didn't mean to do it."

Kashiwagi waved his hands, and the expression on his face softened. Seeing that the official of the battle tent said that he was willing to take responsibility to the end, he stopped aggressively saying some meaningless words.

"Thank you very much! Thank you very much!"

The person in charge bowed repeatedly to express his thanks.

Leave the battle tent.

A look of worry appeared on Kashiwagi's face. He thought that the thief who stole the Pokémon had left, but who would have expected that he would be so bold as to commit another crime.

Miss Junsha and the others are somewhat incompetent.

Just be a little wary.

Although there is a high probability that it will not be stolen from him, Kashiwagi's cautious thinking has made him accustomed to leaving some escape routes for himself in everything.

"The Pokémon egg I was thinking about so much is gone... I wonder if I will be given an egg of the same type, or simply a rare Pokémon egg to compensate?"

He thought silently.

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