My Enhanceable Equipment

Chapter 101: Finished backpack

   The time of six days is fleeting.

   At this time, Lin Yu's workshop had changed greatly, and a lot of equipment and materials had been piled up. On the innermost table of the workshop, a gray-yellow backpack had taken shape.

  Thanks to the upgrade of saline, he also has a new understanding of his powers.

  It is good to directly upgrade the complete item, but in fact, the power can also be used to upgrade the equipment and semi-finished materials. By landing and continuing the live broadcast, the space backpack is almost perfected under the attention and expectation of the audience.


  【Void Kangaroo Special Organ Preservation Solution·Change】


  【Introduction】: The organ preservation solution specially formulated for the empty kangaroo can stimulate the dormant mechanism of the empty kangaroo and provide the necessary nutrients for survival, so that the isolated organ is in a long-term active state.

   [Evaluation]: You really let me realize what it means to be dead, um, literally.


   This is a three-level organ preservation solution. The only difference is that he did not upgrade directly, but tried to add the extracted kangaroo milk to it.

There was nothing wrong with his initial thoughts. The milk of the Void Kangaroo is indeed one of the necessary conditions for the Void Kangaroo to enter the dormant state. He mixed the milk in the second-level organ preservation solution and upgraded it again. The experience requirements have been slightly improved. , But it also makes the two perfectly mixed into a new organ preservation solution.

   Of course, there is a more important point, that is, the organ preservation solution mixed and upgraded can be affected by the repair effect of experience. As long as there is experience, the energy source can be replenished continuously, eliminating the trouble of analyzing the composition of milk.

   is the thickness of an arm, the two ends are a pipeline and a metal cover, and the center is a cylindrical body with a transparent shell.


  【Simple thermostatic perfusion device】

   [Level] LV3: 26/40000

  【Introduction】: A simple perfusion device that excludes various testing equipment and dialysis equipment.

   [Evaluation]: Do you call this stuff a perfusion device?


   This is an upgrade he made with a micro water pump and some pipelines. It is very similar to a disposable perfusion device. There is no detection or dialysis. All parameters have to be set by themselves. To put it simply...this thing is still a water pump.

   Its only purpose is to connect part of the blood vessels of the empty kangaroo, and then let the organ preservation solution replace the blood of the empty kangaroo to achieve self-circulation and constant temperature.

I have to say that the Void Kangaroo is definitely a well-deserved model kangaroo. After using these two things to maintain its activity, some of its wounds and exposed small blood vessels gradually healed. Then, using temperature regulation and a decreasing nutritional supply, the baby bag entered A stable sleep state.

   Such ‘materials’ that fit the experiment, aren’t they exemplary models?

   So far, the foundation of the space backpack has been completed.

Then Lin Yu took the materials locally and used the kangaroo's fur to make a simple nitrate. Then he asked the "professional" mother to sew a prototype of a backpack for her, and installed the childcare bag and the life support device at the bottom of the backpack. .

   "Well, the auxiliary wear system is also completed."

   Connected a piece of battery removed from the hydraulic armor to the line and tucked it into a specially fixed pocket in the backpack. Lin Yu showed a smile full of accomplishment.

In addition to the organ preservation solution and the perfusion device, the entire backpack can be said to be designed by him. The backpack is also a backpack style, but there is no zipper on it, the opening is directly open, and the opening is relatively large, similar to the zipper of the school bag The state of the backpack is completely opened, and the space inside the backpack presents a V-shaped structure. The bottom is aligned with the childcare bag of the empty kangaroo. The empty parts are various pipelines and parts.

These parts are made by sensors and small motors to assist in wearing hydraulic armor. The armor can automatically be attached and fixed, but the backpack is not very convenient in the back, so the two armors are fixed by small motors and mechanical structures When he was wearing it, he lifted his armor to assist it.


   "Try it quickly, let's see the effect."

   "You may not believe it, I feel that I am really watching Iron Man make Mark armor in the past few days."

   "Same feeling!"


   Hearing the news of the completion, not only Lin Yu was full of accomplishment, but also the audience who watched the space backpack a little completed through the live broadcast was also happy.

   Lin Yu couldn’t wait to try it. He gladly accepted everyone’s suggestion. First he put on an armor and lifted his shield axe into the backpack.

Part of the space near the childcare bag is within the influence of the childcare bag, and the position of the childcare bag is also specially adjusted, so the shield axe starts to'shrink' as soon as it approaches the mouth of the backpack. The very deep backpack engulfed the entire shield and axe, leaving only a small **** exposed outside the center of the backpack.

Immediately afterwards, the two hydraulic armguards were also tucked in, but this time it was tucked in from the sides of the backpack mouth, so that when you carried the backpack, you turned it over and it just fits into the hydraulic type. In the armor.


  Seal the hydraulic arm until only a bar is There is a subtle sound of parts moving inside the backpack.

   This is the'Auxiliary Wear System' which stuck the hydraulic arm armor. When Lin Yu wore it, he would put the hydraulic arm armor through the sensor and motor.

   "Okay, let's try the results of labor."

  Lin Yu smiled, called up the panel of the Xueba system to play the BGM of Iron Man’s first test flight, and then carried his backpack on his back.

   is slightly heavy.

   The Kangaroo's childcare bag is not really a self-contained space, so even if it can hold items but the weight has not been reduced.

Fortunately, he was wearing a venom suit at all times. After being stressed, the lines of the venom suit were slightly hardened to resist the pressure, which greatly buffered his burden. Acceptable.

  Kaka Kaka Kaka!

As the BGM gradually soared, Lin Yu's hands were also put into the hydraulic arm armor, and bursts of sound continued, the mechanical structure in the space backpack lifted the hydraulic arm armor, and the hydraulic arm armor also quickly closed Tightly fixed, the shoulder armor fell and covered and stuck.

   In just one or two seconds, when Lin Yu pulled out his arms again, the hydraulic armor had just covered his arms.

   "Next is the shield and axe."

  Forearm was raised with a flat arm in front of his chest and clenched fist, Lin Yu moved his palms back to his head again, ten fingers clenched tightly on the handle of a mechanical shield axe showing a bar.

His head was slightly lowered, his hands were pulled out, and the mechanical shield and axe were pulled out a little bit. Because of the "shrinking" effect of the childcare bag, he did not scratch anything. He was successfully pulled out by Lin Yu and chopped forward without delay. Go down.


   Crisp metal clashes sounded, and the axe of the shield was deeply embedded in the concrete floor.

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