My Enhanceable Equipment

Chapter 113: Inner Vision and Internal Force

   Several people got acquainted with each other and went into the dormitory together.

   Xu Han also arrived today, but because they had to come from Liushi, they set off a little earlier, but they arrived before the awakeners in Changhai.

Lin Yu’s impression of Xu Han is pretty good, don’t look at the big five and three rough, but he is actually a kind person, but he seems to be a bit of a fighting madness. Lin Yu refused, but he was not a fighting mad, but he thoughtlessly and meaninglessly hit a fight.

   After a long morning, I was screamed by the rapid whistle early the next morning and officially started the training camp course.

   didn't teach martial arts as soon as he came up. Almost all of the previous days were theoretical lessons, mainly based on the official martial arts theory, and took into account some knowledge such as first aid and deconstruction.

   "Boss, help me... I didn't understand what I said at all."

At the end of the first day of class, three people in the dormitory including Xu Han immediately found Lin Yu, a well-known "student", for help...These three were all scum, and Xu Han was full of brains. Muscle, Lin·Xueba·Yu instantly achieved the highest status in the dormitory.

   "The simple point is that your mind will be lazy, so that you can learn to arrange their working hours properly, and then control every muscle in your body."

  Looking at the three pairs of eyes with hopeful help, Lin Yu had to make up a lesson for them.

Although it is a pseudo-study, but this period of time is not in vain. At least the habits and learning and understanding skills have been strengthened a lot, and the teachers arranged by the training camp have also tried to explain it as simple and straightforward as possible, so he listened to the training Camp courses are not difficult.

The martial arts sorted out by the country through domestic martial arts does not have any extraordinary powers, but is a set of alternative exercises and power-generating methods, and it also distinguishes the three realms of energy, dark energy, and energy. But in the final analysis, it is a kind of exercise Force skills.

Ming Jin refers to the ability to control the muscles of the whole body to the greatest extent, which can congeal most of the muscles in the body and burst out a greater force. In fact, most fighting techniques have more or less this effect, but the degree is different. .

   Usually the way to do this in martial arts is to stand on piles, constantly sense and control muscles, and finally be able to freely control most of the muscles in the body to cooperate with each other to explode, even if it is really energetic.

Darkness can be regarded as an upgrade of Mingjin, or it can be said to be an independent force-generating technique. In simple terms, it is skillful. It produces effects such as attacks or shocks that explode with stronger power and cohesion. After the eruption on the fist, it is considered a dark warrior.

Metabolism is even simpler, that is, to train Darkness to be enchanted, to use Darkness from any part of the body, and to sharpen the perception is also very keen. Applying the more common words in the novel is that mosquitoes can not drop the feather without adding Body-In the words of using force points, it means that mosquitoes can be detected when they land on their shoulders, and then shake their shoulders and die with a dark vibe.

Of course, these three realms are different from the realms in the cultivating novels. There is no real difference between the three realms, but the difference in skills. It’s just a gap in skills. When you talk about skills without physical fitness, you are just hooligans. Popular sayings such as chaotic fist killing the teacher spread.

But it is undeniable that this martial art can really greatly enhance the survivability of the awakeners, even if they are trained into Mingjin, they can explode stronger power, at least they can run faster and jump higher, and more or less The awakening who can strengthen a little physical quality is especially advantageous.

   However, these are all common concepts in martial arts, and the teachers in the training camp are more straightforward and more scientific. The most important thing is the special training methods organized by the nation.

  After listening to several theoretical lessons, Lin Yu really didn’t know whether to say this kind of ‘martial arts’ was scientifically good or not.

  Speaking of science, it’s not exactly that. In general, martial arts training is to stand up stiffly and practice routines and physical exercises. However, the training camp teaches the same thing as practicing qigong. It is supported by meditation and meditation.

   Say it's not scientific. People come up to teach medical anatomy to let students get a preliminary understanding of the human body structure and recognize their own muscles. The theoretical basis of meditation is also very scientific, which is just in line with Lin Yu's own experience.

  Meditating is similar to the meditation he studied when he did the schoolmaster system. It is also focused on concentration, but not for training concentration, but training the five senses.

The human brain has a perfect operating mechanism, and many five sense information will be ignored by'laziness', such as afterglow, such as the murmurs that are usually not heard carefully and heard, etc., the five senses will receive this information, It's just that the brain has a processing mechanism and limit that only processes important sensory information, and the rest of the unimportant everything will be ignored. For example, vision, the brain only processes the scene with the focus of the eye, and the remaining light is blurred and ignored.

  Meditating is to let yourself learn to control the ‘lazyness’ of the brain. Using the Lin language program ape’s thinking and understanding is actually interfering with the allocation of computing resources in the brain.

Normally, the brain needs to calculate the perception information of the eyes, ears, nose and nose, and receives the undetectable electromagnetic waves, smell, hearing, etc. around it all the time. This also causes the five senses to be weakened and paralyzed to a certain extent, and it is used to people with body odor. I never feel smelly after my own taste.

To meditate is to eliminate this perception information, and let the brain concentrate on the main calculations on nerve touch, to sense the muscles of the body, and to get used to controlling their usual muscles and muscles lacking in The level of knowing yourself.

   However, it is impossible to directly block the five senses. At most, we can only use the brain's own mechanisms to reduce the distribution of the remaining perceptions, so that the need to deal with other perceptions is minimized.

If you want to achieve this, there are two ways: inside and outside. Outside is what the special training camp is doing now. Set up a camp in the old forest of the deep mountain. Try to exclude sound, electromagnetic waves and outside disturbances. Inside, it is very old-fashioned in various qigong. In a word, watch the nose and nose.

The eyes look at the nose, the nose breathes slowly, the ears listen to the breath, and the tongue also senses the smell of the inhaled gas. All five senses are concentrated on the breath, forming a mechanical numbness cycle to reduce the amount of brain calculation, and then concentrate most of the attention The nerves inside the body can sense and exercise those muscles that are difficult to control because they are not commonly used. To a certain extent, they can also be regarded as "insights".

   It's just a matter of inner vision and meditation. According to the teacher of the theory class, domestic experts are now even studying ‘internal force’.

   is not the internal power in a martial arts novel, but the internal power, a concept rather than energy.

  Practice to strengthen the body is basically to damage your own muscle fibers, so that the brain can automatically adapt to the environment and strengthen the survival ability when it senses the survival crisis. The brain feels that the muscles in the damaged part should be cool, and then mobilize the nutrition to repair and strengthen the muscle fiber damage.

   The so-called internal force is to increase the willpower to the extreme, violating biological instincts to force the brain and subconscious to directly strengthen the body and let the body grow for the second time.

When I heard this, Lin Yu was shocked and asked whether these domestic experts and professors were open. Unfortunately, the teacher of the theory class did not speak much about the internal force. It just said that just after a breakthrough was found, the way of strengthening willpower has not been studied and understood. .

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