My Enhanceable Equipment

Chapter 145: Reawakening Elixir

Shaking, shaking, after a cruel torture, the truck finally got on the asphalt road, and drove all the way back to the door of the relevant department of Changhai City.

"Brother Lin, here!"

Lin Yu, whose legs were weak, heard someone shouting at herself just after getting off the bus.

Lin Yu turned his head and his eyes lit up.

Lin Hai was standing in front of the affairs hall of the relevant department, and was waving to him.

Of course, this is not the point. A rough old man who likes to check the delivery of water meters is naturally not worthy of his excitement. What really makes his eyes shine is that Lin Hai still holds a little loli in his hand.


Lin Yu's eyes brightened, and he walked quickly with open arms.

"Hahaha, Brother Lin, I heard Professor Li say that you even made big news in the training camp."

Seeing that Lin Yu was so enthusiastic, Lin Hai vacated one hand and held Xiao Ke with his right hand, and the other hand opened to prepare for a warm hug.

Who knows... Lin Yu didn't take care of him at all, just hugged Xiao Ke in his arms very skillfully, and Xiao Ke also cooperated and stretched out a small white arm to hug Lin Yu's neck.

"Xiangxiang is soft, still familiar."

With a pillow in his arms, Lin Yu suddenly showed an idiot-like intoxicated expression, and immediately his waist was not sore and his legs did not hurt.

"Brother Spiderman, what's wrong with you?"

Xiao suspiciously looked at Lin Yu's pale face.

"It's okay, brother motion sickness, but just hug Xiaoke."

Lin language (ˉ﹃ˉ).


Xiao Ke ‘oh’ and cleverly lay his head on Lin Yu’s shoulder.


Lin Hai withdrew her hand embarrassingly: "Brother Lin, take it easy, she can..."

"It's your kid again."

Before Lin Hai's words were finished, a roar came from behind the hall, and a big beard glared at Tongling's big eyes and rushed over.

Before Lin Yu even hugged, the external pillow was taken away by the beard with a vigilant look.

As soon as he took away Xiao Ke, the bearded man changed his expression as a daughter slave, and coaxed: "Xiao Ke, there are so many strange crocodiles outside now, the favorite is..."

"But Brother Spider-Man is not a bad guy..."

"We are so cute, everyone who is under 30 may become a bad guy..."


"Damn beard, sooner or later I will grab the pillow."

Lin Yu's heart left tears of grief and indignation.

"Brother Lin, don't mind, Li Xuewen is his character."

Lin Hai comforted him.

"Well, Uncle Lin, what are you doing with me?"

Lin Yu reluctantly looked at the back of the bearded man holding his pillow and left, before taking back his sight.

"This is Wei Xu asked me to give you."

Lin Hai led Lin Yu to the service desk and asked the help desk lady to take out a box that Lin Yu was familiar with.

"Awakening Elixir?"

Lin Yu was slightly surprised.

When Wei Wuji challenged before, he did say that he used the awakening potion as a bet, but it was a secondary awakening potion, and he also mentioned it later. He almost forgot about it.

"Yes, it's a bet and a gift."

Lin Hai smiled, pushed the box in front of Lin Yu, and then said: "Oh, I still remember to update the client of the live broadcast platform. We here in Changhai plan to set up an emergency contact channel to facilitate negotiation and cooperation. You go in."

With that said, Lin Hai reached out to the waitress sister again, and came to a small box and handed it to Lin Yu: "There is a newly distributed tactical headset in place of the temporary intercom."

"This is getting more and more formal."

Lin Yu put the two things in his backpack and laughed.

"There is always progress."

Lin Hai also smiled and patted Lin Yu's shoulder: "Okay, when things are delivered, I will go first. If there is anything else later, remember to pass the group chat on the platform."

After finishing the speech, Lin Hai hurried away. After a while, Lin Jin and others were also brought in by several staff members to pick up the tactical headset.

Lin Hai just said that just by the way, these anchors who just came out of the special training camp will distribute tactical headsets and even explain the functions of the new client. Two months later, the training camp has been isolated from the world, and the outside development is also changing with each passing day. It didn't stop at all, and the original rough patterns became formal.

After receiving the headphones, Lin Yu and Lin Jin were separated from Zhao Xiaolu, and they took a minivan and embarked on their way home.

"Your clothes have been upgraded again?"

Father and son were alone, Lin Jincai looked at Lin Yu while driving and asked with a little curiosity. He celebrated yesterday until late, and Lin Jin never had the opportunity to ask.

"Well, the defense has increased a lot, and then the skills are strengthened."

Lin Yu nodded his head, summoned the retina projection of Xueba system and started to update the anchor client of the hero live broadcast platform.

"I don't have your father yet, so you didn't want to give me one too?"

Lin Jin suddenly had a sour look on his face, and said quietly: "Maybe your mother gave me a fist and missed it, you really have no Puff...cough. "

Lin Yuwen said that he almost didn't laugh, and was caught off guard by Lin Jin. They were all choked by saliva, and he only breathlessly said for a long time: "Dad, do you want to be so exaggerated, the mother will be more powerful. Well, just how awakened it has been, how powerful you are now, you can’t stop it and can’t hide it?”

"I tell you, it's not an exaggeration."

Lin Jin said quietly.

"Okay, okay, I'll get it."

Lin Yu smiled.

At this time, the client of the hero live broadcast platform has also been updated.

Before he could see what had changed, a message window popped up.

[The relevant department Changhai Branch invites you to join the Changhai City emergency contact group, do you agree? 】

Lin Yu easily agreed, and then jumped to a branch page similar to a penguin group.

[Prop master joins group chat! 】

"Hey, there is a big guy coming in again?"

"It seems that today's special training is over, a lot of big guys are back."

"Wow, the props master, please hold your thighs, and be cute and familiar."

"Is it a handsome little brother?"

"@Prop division trouble change the name, team name + (team number) + nickname."

Just jumped to the group page, several messages popped out.

Lin Yu took a cursory look. There were about 40 or 50 people. In front of him were Zhao Xiaolu and Shao Yongjia.


Lin Yu replied and was preparing to change his nickname. Who would have popped up a group voice communication interface directly.

"The temporary expansion of the temporary wormhole in Hexi District requires additional teams to send reinforcements to get past the registration!"

The people in the group joined the group chat one by one, and Lin Hai's voice also came out.

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