My Enhanceable Equipment

Chapter 159: 6-type molding

Light Special Warfare Gaussian Blade】

[Level] LV3: 3580/200000

[Introduction]: The gun-blade special warfare weapon can meet the dual needs of electromagnetic firearms and short knives. It is equipped with a nuclear battery for energy supply and the power is adjustable.

[Evaluation]: Your needle... so horrible!


After half a month, Lin Yu's electromagnetic blade first came to the third level.

In fact, from the alternative materials at the second level, we can also see some clues. The third-level gun blade is not unexpected. The main enhancement is still the function of the electromagnetic gun. The first thing should be to change the exotic superconducting material into real meaning. The stable superconducting material on the board can be in a superconducting state from ultra-low temperature to a certain high temperature, so there is no need for energy storage preheating, and it is equipped with a nuclear battery with more energy.

Then there are the remaining weapons produced one after another.


【Heavy Special Warfare Gaussian Blade】

[Level] LV3: 206/250000

[Introduction]: The gun-blade special warfare weapon can meet the dual needs of electromagnetic firearms and short knives...Enhance the caliber, output power, energy reserve, reduce the rate of fire accordingly, and increase the recoil.

[Evaluation]: It is said that this gun was transformed by Ling Lingqi and Da Vinci, and you think this is a gun? No, this is actually an orthopaedic business recruiter.


This is the second short knife, which is slightly different from the light Gaussian blade in appearance. It looks thicker and has a larger caliber.

The heavy-duty Gaussian blade was made with reference to the first and second-level blades, absorbing the details of optimization and even dismantling the special high-temperature superconducting materials from the second-level blades, which were made after fine-tuning.

The light Gaussian blade is based on his original idea, using a weak metal needle, so the amount of ammunition is high, and the ammunition acceleration time is faster. Therefore, it has a high rate of fire and low recoil, and the heavy Gaussian blade is diametrically opposite. Large, small amount of ammunition, acceleration time needs to be extended, and recoil has become larger.

Even electromagnetic weapons have recoil, but the use of magnetic fields to accelerate projectiles is a gradual process rather than instantaneous bursts like gunpowder weapons, so it is relatively weak.

The light Gaussian blade can be used as a rapid-fire pistol, the power is relatively low, and the recoil is basically not felt. It can be said that a pistol can hit the sudden effect.

The heavy Gaussian blade requires a certain amount of continuous acceleration time, and the recoil also becomes very strong. However, Lin Yu tried it. The recoil of the heavy blade is gradually accelerated, so it is better than the gunpowder weapon controllability, maybe just right. Used to play gun fighting.

Whether it is in his subconscious or in the concept of the audience, the gun blade seems to be inseparable from the thing of gun fighting. It is no surprise that such small details of optimization appear, even the heavy gun blade reflects such a strong recoil. It is the result of this guidance.

Of course, the use of recoil and even combat is only a secondary aid in concept. The core is still shooting through accurate calculations. It is not necessarily close combat to be called gun fighting. Long-range sniper is also. The division in the end of the day is only a tendency to different categories.

It's a pity that when Lin Yu did all six weapons, he didn't have the function of assisting him in the calculation of aiming. After all, several gun blades didn't even have an aiming auxiliary component, and the eight poles could not hit, only the back. Then think of a way to make related equipment.

In addition to the two short-knife gun blades, the remaining four weapons are two one-handed knives, a large sword, and a large knife. The remaining four weapons are designed as sniper gun blades except for the main sword. The rest is not designed as a gun blade. After all, two pistols and one sniper rifle are enough, and they are only repeated functions.


【Heat Energy Single Pole】

[Level] LV3: 1520/150000

[Introduction]: A special one-handed knife forged with various alloy materials such as high temperature resistance, high toughness, high hardness, etc., the blade body blows hair and breaks, supplemented by the inner core heating and melting gold to break iron.

[Evaluation]: I don’t know why it always makes a buzzing sound after starting, maybe it comes from a rich woman’s collection.


This is the attribute of two-handed one-handed straight knife. In close combat, you still have to take care of details such as the feel of the hand. In addition, you may have to hold both hands when using it. Therefore, Lin Yu did not make any difference in the production.

The initial production ideas come from thermal swords and high-frequency oscillating swords, one is to melt through the object with high heat, and the other is to enhance the cutting ability with ultra-high-speed oscillation, which is also very simple to implement. The heating directly embeds some high resistance in the sword body A high-melting point material is enough, just like a tungsten filament light bulb, except that the initial thermal single-pole uses new materials purchased from a material company and will not oxidize and evaporate like tungsten filaments.

The shock is more perfunctory, but the two small motors at the sword grid are slightly oscillating, but unfortunately I don’t know whether it is too perfunctory or the reason for the subsequent upgrade. There is no such thing as high-frequency shock for the time being. effect.

Next is the big sword and the big sword. The big sword basically has nothing to say. The basic experience is 150 points. This is probably because the shield and the big sword are used as the material.

This big knife is mainly used as a part of the Fenrir six combination of giant swords, mainly based on the appearance, and in order to prevent the audience from seeing that they have not completely figured out the required form at the beginning, the audience in the live room I'm afraid he just thought that he was trying to match the material and structure of the cold weapon that is more compatible with the gun blade. It took a lot of effort to upgrade to the third level yesterday. After the upgrade, it has nothing more than toughness and toughness. Transformation and processing.

Finally, the big sword is the main heavy firepower, the sniper blade.


【Electromagnetic Sniper Blade】

[Level] LV2: 21860/30000

[Introduction]: An electromagnetic sniper Just don’t know why the creator made it the shape of a big sword, which is simply superfluous.

[Evaluation]: How about letting us become a magic? I decided to turn you into fireworks.


The sniper blade was finally made by Lin Yu, and because the six-handed weapons were only broadcast live in the initial production process and the material upgrades and structural optimizations when making the heavy Gaussian blade, many viewers thought he was exploring how to improve the blade. It is inevitable that there is a bit of aesthetic fatigue, and the efficiency of experience collection is much worse. Until now, it has not been able to reach the third level.

However, even if it is a second level, it is no longer a gun, but a cannon! A more authentic sniper gun than Barrett!

Fenril six-type six-sword swords, and one more large sword is actually somewhat duplicated in function, and it is not comparable to the one-handed sword or large sword specializing in melee, but it is evaluated as a cannon blade that is recognized as an independent item by the upgrade ability. The reason for this is not because of the duplicated function of the cold weapon, but because of the long-range power of this gadget.

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