My Enhanceable Equipment

Vol 2 Chapter 260: Life can't pass

"Shock: The legendary martial arts really exist!" 》

"The prop tech's black technology is in mass production? 》

"Sexy seats are online, all kinds of black technology dominates! 》

"How advanced is China's science and technology? A super soldier with a hundred shots and a hundred strengths is about to be born on a large scale! 》

As soon as the press conference ended, all kinds of domestic news in China suddenly covered the ground, and even international news ushered in a major earthquake. The uproar caused by Longteng Technology and Lin Yu's first global vision.

With the tactical eyepiece and the Longquan suit, Hua Guo's press conference was a complete victory. The exposed low-level technological capabilities alone made some countries frightened.

The mass production and popularization of technology and industry are incomparable by any system. All countries on the bottom of the battlefield can now be said to lose all, although they have adopted some public opinions such as our powerful awakeners for the first time. Coping measures, but only to reduce the impact as much as possible, inevitable in the public's vision is still lowered.

Of course, this technology competition is actually just an episode. No matter whether it is a loser or a winner, it does not mean to continue. After all, at present, we are facing the threat of dimensional creatures and temporary wormholes. Most of them will not be at this time. Intensifying contradictions, even if this'arms race' is, in the final analysis, countries are forced to get involved in order to stabilize the situation.

But in any case, the two names Lin Yu and Long Teng Technology are now well-known, not only at home, but also abroad, a large number of fans have emerged, and those who have good things simply call it the actual version of Iron Man, As a result, the audience between the two has greatly overlapped, and some foreign fans are even more enthusiastic than domestic ones.


The fifth day.

For the time being, there is not much mention of the outside world. Lin Yu, who has become the center of the storm, has no consciousness of the protagonist of the incident. He has brought his father and mother in a low-key van and returned to Changhai City in a low-key manner.

However, some things can't be kept low-key. The three people's cars were a little dumbfounded just after they got downstairs.


Densely packed people!

It is not an exaggeration to describe them downstairs at this time, and there are almost no places around them. A large number of reporters holding cameras and people who eat melons surrounded the building tightly.

"Scrap, these aren't those troublemakers again?"

The car stopped not far from the crowd, Jiang Yue looked at Lin Yu with a ‘fearful’ look on the face of the crowd.

There are not only Chinese people around here, but also a large number of foreigners, both black and white. Lin Ma, who had just experienced the conversion incident and was blind to foreigners, would inevitably think so.

"Mom, China is not a foreign country. I really want to do what I want to do so.

Lin Yu rolled his eyes in a speechless manner: "Besides, I think this expression of yours should be more appropriate for those who are going to do things."

Since the last time he saw the outbreak of his mother, he has been curious to understand it. Now, he has a vague understanding of the degree of abnormality of his mother. The pure physical quality is not much more than the attack on the slaughterer. The scary thing is that it absorbs dark energy and strengthens itself all the time. It's just like the wall hanging of the automatic hook.

"It's really unlikely, it should be foreign journalists and fans interviewing this kid."

Lin Jin also smiled helplessly and said: "But beware of it, you have to beware of it. There are too many strange ways for the awakeners, so pay attention."

"What should I do now? I must be surrounded in this way."

Lin Yu shrugged innocently.

Lin Jin’s minivan did not drove out while performing his mission. Someone could not recognize the license plate if he was close.

"Anyway, it's your kid."

Lin Jin scolded and pointed to some souvenirs and luggage lanes in the back seat big bags and small bags: "Go, get the right wine to find you Uncle Zhao for a year, and call them to eat at home by the way, your mother and I will go back first sort out."


Lin Yu reached back and tucked the wine into the space backpack, carrying the backpack to open the door and getting off the car, but the sound of surprise and complaint sounded out of the window.

"Eh, isn't this Lao Lin, just returned to the city? Hurry up, these reporters made us..."

The neighbor's aunt's loud voice broke the silence.


This call is good, the people downstairs in the community subconsciously raised their ears and cast their eyes over.

"It's Lin Yu's car! I know this brand!"

"The prop master is back!"

Along with the exclamation, the crowd threw away.

"Dad, take care."

Lin Yu's neatly opened the door and drilled out. He ran a few steps and popped a few threads of silk to blink away.

"Mr. Lin and so on..."

"Wow! Spitman!"

"Snap shot, snap shot! Keep up!"

Numerous reporters screamed and chased all the way up, but Lin Yu Gao Lai Gao and mobile shelters shielded the perception outside the They are obviously impossible to catch up, and the time of interest is lost Off track.

"It seems that it is time to find a few disguised items."

Squatting on the top of a building watching the reporters chasing away, Lin Yu wiped cold sweat.

This treatment of chasing and blocking, and occasionally coming through the obvious addiction is okay.

His current crowd is more than those of super-traffic stars, and it can be expected that this situation is by no means impossible.

"The clothes are easy to solve, but unfortunately the face is too easy to be recognized. Alas, looking handsome is also a trouble."

Narcissistic whispering in the mouth, Lin Yu silently asked Xiao Ke to add a mask option to his props list, his hand movements were not slow, and he took off the very dazzling mobile shelter from the tactical props After changing into a normal casual jacket, he went downstairs.

"Boss, took a mask and the money changed."

I specially found a small supermarket where the boss at the door of the community was obsessed with the king's pesticides every day. Lin Yu put on a mask and put it on, then ran to the counter to pay.

"Prop division?"

Normally, it is WeChat scan code, the boss will only glance at the goods at most, the salted fish shop owner who is addicted to the game will not raise his head after hearing the payment prompt, but the surviving salted fish looked up. Glance.


Lin Yu: "Did you see it? I obviously wore a mask."

The owner of the salted fish didn't speak, and pointed at the backpack behind him.

"...I can't pass this day!"

Lin Yu's face was stiff and he didn't hesitate, "I don't, I'm not, don't talk nonsense".


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