My Enhanceable Equipment

Vol 2 Chapter 336: Wall hanging

"The captain actually lost?"

Contrary to the cheers and laughter of the technology team, the Wuji team has formed a strong low pressure.

They cannot accept this result at all.

It's not that you can't accept it, but you can't accept it...Wei Wuji even lost.

Starting from knowing each other, what Wei Wuji set up in their minds is the almost impeccable, perfect and invincible image.

This is the result of breaking the cognition time and time again, and the victory and the desperate life are built up. Now this result is tantamount to a disruptive dimensionality reduction.

"Captain, what now? What about you?"

After making a lot of psychological preparations, all the talents of the Promise team reluctantly accepted the result. With the inquiries of Luo Luohan Jialan, Qi Qi looked at Wei Wuji.

"Yes, when I didn't ask."

Seeing Wei Wuji's present look, Jialan sighed directly at her face.

Wei Wuji did not pay attention to them at all, but stared straight at the direction of the technology team, his face full of mildly grinning aunts.

"It's over. The dead brother has controlled the disease. It seems that the captain can't count on it. Let me come."

The winter arrow Tu Tu also groaned with his forehead and walked out consciously.

As we all know, their captain is a person who is extremely close to perfection. He is gentle and sunny, he is friendly and powerful, and his wisdom and knowledge are not low.

So why is it near perfect instead of perfect? Well, this is a good question, because the captain is good at everything, but there is a problem controlled by a dead brother. When it comes to his brother's IQ and EQ, it will drop by countless percentage points.

"Who are you? Hurry up and finish, we need to give the captain a stick treatment."

Xiang Tu came to the center of the game and shouted to everyone in the technology team, but his eyes fell directly on Lin Yu.

Wei Wuji's exoskeleton armor was just a little scary, and he has physically improved his physical fitness to the level of Tier VI, but he does not believe that this kind of armor can still have a set of hands. If it is so, the relevant departments will not have to organize their awakenings. The person.

Therefore, the main combat power of the technology team is basically only Steel Boxing, Props Division, and Card Uncle. He is a great player against Steel Boxing, and Card Uncle seems to be a hybrid of long-range archers and melee, and he is not Virtually, the only thing that has a great possibility of overturning is the prop master.

However, even if lost in the hands of the props division, the props division can no longer be dismissed, and can eliminate a big enemy for Wei Wuji and Cheng Yuxing, so now he is the best choice to play, no matter how.

"Let me do it."

Lin Jin smiled and went straight out.

In fact, there is no choice for the technology team. Zhao Jianwu does not have Zhao Xiaolu to play with. "Lost your dad" is a short leg. He can only give white to the items that are good at shooting and frost control. Lin Yu must be prepared. The absolute main force of the two Promise teams, Wei Wuji and Cheng Yuxing, is only him.

"Game start!"

Compared with the melee in the melee, the sound and light special effects filled the destruction of the arena, the competition between Lin Jin and Xiang Tu was somewhat pleasing.

The referee announced that after the start, Lin Jin still condensed bone armor, but Xiang Tu's skill was extremely flexible, and he was good at frost. The arrows he shot had a small area of ​​freezing effect, even if Lin Jin could not shoot. The ground formed the ice which frozen Lin Jin's feet out of thin air. Although Lin Jin in the armor of white bones could easily break free, the slowness was inevitable. He couldn't catch up at all. .

Xiang Tugan claimed that the arrow of the winter's arrow is not bad, but Lin Jin is not to mention, with the ability to grasp the distance and other feelings, whatever is used is a natural marksman, and one uses the power of frost. The special longbow is a giant white bone bow generated from its own meridian bones. The ordinary arrow is stunned to play an effect comparable to a sniper rifle.

The two of you come and go, the arrows are whizzing in the sky constantly, and even come up with exaggerated scenes such as arrows blocking arrows, arc arrows, refracting arrows, etc., and countless people are stunned.

Xiang Tujian and Frost Power are extremely powerful, and their physical qualities are not bad. Coupled with their sharp five senses and familiarity with bows and arrows, the arrows shot by Lin Jin can basically dodge.

Lin Jin is also the same, hiding arrows with super five senses is just like playing, and the protection of the bone armor is not bad.

For a while, neither of the two parties could help anyone, until... Xiang Tu touched the oversized arrow barrel on the back, and finally touched a blank.

"Hahaha, lad, you can't stay strong."

Lin Jin, who had an endless stream of bones, laughed and took the opportunity to strengthen his offensive.

Although Xiang Tu also reacted extremely quickly, forcibly using power to condense and consume more ice arrows, but the opportunity has been lost and he was undoubtedly crushed.

Tenaciously shot again for more than 20 minutes, Lin Jin took out the dark energy nutrient solution and poured his head.

"Specially why your technology team can open unlimited blue plug-ins! I want to report!"

Xiang Tu, whose dark energy was close to exhaustion, gave a silly look at Lin Jin, who was in full condition. He grieved and threw away his special longbow and chose to surrender.

He was able to see that the group of people in the technology team had all started.

The dark energy of the magnetic detonation infantry and the endless ammunition of the props division. The firepower of a person is comparable to that of the armored division. He recognized it.

Wei Wuji wears a special exoskeleton armor, which has a strong endurance and even dark energy recovery effect.

But what about you, an archer duel, can still take drugs to restore physical strength and energy, and then use the energy to directly generate bones as arrows, too much!

"You said that, we call the technology team, technology is power."

Lin Jin smiled and shrugged, Shi Shiran lifted the bone armor and walked back to the ranks of the technology team.

"Lying trough, it was only after Xiang Tu mentioned it that I responded. The technology team seems to be really blue."

"Otherwise how to call it the props division, without the black technology, we dare not dare to call this nickname."

"Pooh haha, this is about to suffocate and cry. For me, I have to be angry."

"This baby doesn't play with open hanging/bow falling.gif"

Xiang Tu's appearance was perfectly recorded by the black-hearted camera crew, and the audience in the live broadcast rooms of the national game also watched the music. Unsurprisingly, there may be a talent rush emoji and animation from the sand sculpture netizens tonight Technology Team! Win! "

The referee announced the result.

So far, the technology team has won three games in a row, three wins and one loss.

Since it is a play-off, the total net points are not counted, as long as you win another technology team is the undoubted national championship.

However, at this time, Lin Yu and Zhao Jianwu were the only ones who could get it. No matter whether they face Wei Wuji or Cheng Yuxing, Zhao Jianwu, who is still a little bit away from the fifth order, is a food delivery. The field is still not easy, and one accidentally loses all of it.

"Yu Xing, come on."

In this crucial game, the science and technology team didn't need to think that Lin Yu was playing. Wei Wuji and others also looked dignified. After discussing with each other, they sent Cheng Yuxing directly.

Neither party can lose in this round. Although Wei Wuji and the props division Lin Yu played well, they did not have any advantage. Only Cheng Yuxing was strong enough and had a comparative advantage.

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