My Enhanceable Equipment

Vol 2 Chapter 340: Upgrade Face Mask

"Boss! Let's get the nuclear battery and superconductor at room temperature!"

In the afternoon of the same day, Lin Yu came to the R&D department of Longteng Technology and wandered around.

"Good job, I'll find you Zhou Zhou processing capital later."

Lin Yu glanced at the increasingly worrying hairline of the researchers and immediately waved a bold hand.

This is a hero for replacing his hair loss, but he can't treat it badly.

"Hey, the salary is easy to say, our company's treatment is already generous enough, or how about the boss giving you a leave?"

The researcher who came to report to Lin Yu laughed.

This man is a student introduced by Professor Li and his name is Liu Yaowen. Now he is the head of the R&D department of Longteng Technology... The price paid is that the hairline has moved a full centimeter later than it has been.

Most of the research and development department of Longteng Technology is studying some materials that Lin Yu threw to them or some cumbersome and repeating preliminary design drafts, and some small projects are only occasionally proposed, so they have not been subdivided into multiple departments. In a way, Liu Yaowen is the biggest head of the R&D department.

"Holiday? That won't work. The wages are negotiable. There is no need to talk about the holidays."

Lin Yanzheng resolutely refused, and then said: "You came just right, the relevant department over the cold fusion reactor and metal storm weapon system, you are responsible for it, you take someone to study the mass production plan, come up with a suitable Standard comes out."

"Ah? Isn't that going to work overtime again?"

Liu Yaowen, who had wanted to take a vacation, was dumbfounded and wished he could slap himself.

I'm so cheap.

Knowing that his boss, the dragon who had never seen it, would have something to do with it, and he came back together, this is not to ask for baldness.

"There is no way to stick to it. It's all for the country. If you think like this, you may be able to reduce the sacrifice of a dozen people by working overtime, and working overtime for a will get used to it."

Lin Yuyu patted Liu Yaowen's shoulder with a long heart and relieved. Finally, the edge turned sharply and almost did not let Liu Yaowen flash his old waist.

"Boss, you're too human, right? I can't get used to it. I haven't been used to it for so long."

Liu Yaowen wanted to cry without tears.

To be honest, after I came to Longteng Technology, I have learned more things than I have seen in the past ten years, and the wages are also extremely generous, but there is only one thing that is bad, that is, working overtime is endless. .

But this overtime is not all the above requirements. After all, the basic contact is basically the cutting-edge technology or even the black technology that the boss has leaked. What kind of nuclear battery room temperature superconducting exoskeleton, what the outside world can’t find is whatever they research. For example, when evil spirits meet beautiful women with red stripes, for these researchers, they can't bear to see the various black technologies sent by their bosses. Only staying up all night with friends.

Don't worry about the hairline, he is actually five or six years older than the boss in front of him, but standing together in such a contrast, it is almost a year or twenty years old.

"That's because you don't have enough overtime."

Lin Yu haha ​​smiled, leaving a sentence of ‘It’s so decided’, and then went straight upstairs to his private laboratory.

Thanks to the momentum of the national game, his equipment experience has been growing rapidly in the past two days. The metal storm has even been close to upgrade. In addition, the small cosmetic mask props have enough experience to upgrade to the third level.


Take out the facelift mask and order an upgrade, and the glorious blue light of Hualu dissolves without a trace for only a few dozen seconds.


【Smart Facelift Mask——Customized Upgraded Version】

[Level] LV3: 14280/100W

[Introduction]: An easy-to-adjust facial mask that can adjust facial muscles and contours, has formed a recordable face, easy-to-fix face can be temporarily cured, newly added transgender function, and can undergo permanent **** changes after a month of endocrine and tissue structure adjustment .

[Evaluation]: Four major magic techniques-transgender surgery!


"...Dog stuff, what about me?"

Looking at the attribute board, Lin Yu's mouth twitched, and he almost threw away the newly emerged facelift mask.

It's really special. I upgraded this pit father function. Although it needs to be activated, how can I think that this mask has become a little dangerous? If I don’t look at the evaluation of the four major characters, he may still Really got this stuff into the cold palace.

"Forget it, keep it first. Three of the four evil spells have already come out, and finally PS is left. How can I really achieve the level of the P picture?"

Lin Yu, who was feeling tired, put the face mask back in his backpack, and then took out the awakening potion rewarded for this national competition.

"Xiao Ke, always ready to wake up with strong stimulation, contact me every two seconds."

Lying on a sofa in the lounge of the top-floor laboratory, Lin Yu instructed, and then took a deep breath, clenching his teeth and pouring the awakening potion.

The almost schizophrenic transformation process of the last time has made him a bit of a psychological shadow. This time he really wants to fall into the state of hundreds of millions of incarnations. He is really not sure that he can break free.

The reason for not being at home and awakening the pharmacy is also for this reason, he does not want to worry about his parents.

At this time, drinking the awakening potion is actually a bit of a gambling character. Of course, he does not want to take risks if he can. However, he has always had a sense of crisis in his heart. Compared with some risks, he can't bear to stand still.

Even if my heart comforts me that the sky is falling down and there is a tall man standing on top of it, what if the tall man can't stand it?

Even... he may be a member of the tall man now, at least from the bright side, it is the national championship anyway, not to mention the official and some hidden awakeners, he is the top one.

The farther he went on this road, the more pressure he felt in his heart.

"Okay, sir!"

"Sir, how are you?"

" Do I need to contact medical staff?"

One minute and one second passed...

Fortunately, this time I did not fall into the state of the last time, but the normal metabolism and body temperature increased, and the whole body became warm, and I exchanged with Xiao Ke for nearly half an hour. After confirming that there was no problem, Lin Yu slept deep.

"Sir~sir~ it's time to get up."

At the preset alarm time, Xiao Ke's screaming awakened Lin Yu.

"Yawn, wake up and wake up."

Lin Yu yawned and rubbed his eyes, then felt his own changes.

The body is not enhanced, and the speed of thinking and the five senses do not change much.

"Isn't it possible to have no effect? ​​Is it possible that the ability has a new function?"

Lin Yu's heart moved, pulled out a piece of equipment and opened the property board.

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