My Enhanceable Equipment

Vol 2 Chapter 391: occupied

After a bit of'defense arrangement, Lin Yu returned to the fortress hall again.

The lobby is actually a luxurious ancient mansion. The backyard is a courtyard for life, and the front is the lobby of Caicai.

In the real world, this hall is probably the main hall for people or things, but in the real illusion, it is basically just a look, empty even without furniture, the only thing that can be regarded as a functional appliance Only a waist-high stone monument stood in the center of the hall.

【Fortress of Lacanicius】

Before I had time to take a closer look, it was at this time that Lin Yu approached and looked at the stele, which even had a line of inscriptions written on it.

"Don't think I don't know that Lacanixius is a sinking demon. This Goblin has learned to recognize the ancestors indiscriminately? The cottage also talked about the basic law."

Lin Yu rolled his eyes and burst into tears, then pressed his hand on the stele.

heavy atmosphere!

With the touch of Lin Yu's palm, a slight trembling touch suddenly came on the stone tablet, and at the same time, the top of the inscription from top to bottom also lit up with a blue shimmer, a little bit infested with the engraved'pull' 'word.

Very typical magic reading special effects, all kinds of online games are ruined, I don’t know if it’s the phantom map designer or the phantom that automatically guides the brain to fill it out, after a total of five minutes, the blue shimmer only After thoroughly infecting the words of "Lakanihu Fortress", the whole stone tablet was slightly shaken again, and a converging particle special effect engraved three lines of slightly smaller handwriting beside the inscription out of thin air.

[Science and technology team occupied...]

【Fortress Points: 100】

[Fortress output: 10/day]


After glancing at the fortress, Lin Yu nodded slightly.

One hundred points, which is a fixed reward point for occupying the unmanned fortress. The output of the fortress is also well understood. You will get ten points for one day of occupation.

The real illusion of the finals and the outside world are actually similar to Lin Yu’s lucid dreams. The perceived time is actually based on the time of consciousness, and the time ratio with the outside world is time lag. Yu started to broadcast her lucid dreams at the beginning, and they were all specially processed pictures.

The whole final is a day, and the conversion is one to thirty in the real illusion, which lasts for a month. That is to say, if the technology team continues to occupy the Lacanius Fortress, it can get almost 300 points.

Of course, the number of points generated by the fortress is not necessarily the same. The ten point output of the Lacanius Fortress can only be said to be the standard level, and some of the larger monsters that occupy a larger area can naturally produce more points. More.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that the points of the fortress are not actually equal to the points of the team. The points of the team will count the points under the occupation of the fortress. If you want to convert them into the points of the team, it will be automatically converted every six days. Fortress cores destroyed by other teams and unconverted fortress points will be looted by half.

Just like now, the ranking of the science and technology team jumped with Lin Yu to complete the occupation of the fortress and jumped to the first place with the Shenyou team and the other lucky teams one after another with a total of one hundred points, but if there were people within six days One hundred points will be halved if you capture Lacaniushu Fortress and destroy the stele.


"How is it all resolved?"

After Lin Yu occupied the fortress, Zhao Xiaolu and Wei Wuji completed the settlement of the Goblin City Defense Team on all sides of the city wall and gathered towards the fortress hall.

"Well, it's all done."

Wei Wuji's most advanced door, with a slightly jaw-like head when he heard the words, counterattack armor was covered with scab-like dark red shells.

Zhao Jianwu was not much better at this time. Since ancient times, he has struggled hard, but just after a battle, the clothes on his upper body were directly sent to the shirt. The pants on the lower body have also become a thick, dark red hard cloth, which seems to be very good. Socks not washed in months.

Lin Jin and Zhao Xiaolu Fan Lei were in very good condition. The three of them just played remotely. They basically stood outside the city and did not move much, even if there was blood or the like, they could not splash on them.

"Hurry to find a place to change it, and then come over to dinner. It's just for now. I flew out in the afternoon to find a map. I will try my best to grab the main stop tomorrow."

Lin Yu led several people to the backyard of the fortress hall, while pulling out two sets of clothes from his backpack and throwing them to Zhao Jianwu and Wei Wuji.

Space equipment is convenient for this. Daily necessities such as clothing and food do not take up much space compared to tactical backpacks, let alone an upgraded endless arsenal. He has prepared a lot of these materials, but within the real illusion. In fact, it is just a subconscious illusion, just like the brain's aggregate processing of its own memory fragments and consciousness when dreaming, you know you have it, you can use it if you think you have it, but it is a deeper requirement or some kind of judgment mechanism , So hypnosis yourself is invalid.

"Little whisper, if you want to occupy the fortress in a large amount, it is best to prepare early. According to the format, waiting until the sixth day of the settlement cycle will inevitably start as full as the whole gunpowder barrel."

Zhao Jianwu and Wei Wuji ran to change clothes. Lin Yu found the restaurant to take the same self-heated dishes and even hot pot from the endless arsenal. Lin Jin and Zhao Xiaolu helped them together while reminding them.

"Well, depending on the situation, first lay down all the nearby fortresses, and then decide whether to be a two-pronged approach or a housekeeper, and if there are fewer, take the pure predatory route."

Lin Yuwen nodded slightly, but did not make any conclusions in advance.

The plan will never catch has to be adapted to the local conditions. To decide how to play, you must first clarify the surrounding environment and the participating teams.

What’s more important now is to seize the unmanned fortress. As long as you hit a fortress, you will get 100 bonus points. Even if you turn around and get taken away, you will get 50 team points. The more you hit, the more you earn More, when the defense will give up at that time, it depends on the situation, anyway, to earn more for a day.

As for what Lin Jin said, he can naturally think that unless they collided with each other a few days ago, otherwise there will be basically no fierce competition. Everyone is busy occupying the unmanned fortress, struggling to lay down the fortresses occupied by other teams. It's only a 50-point guarantee. It's not a good idea to lay down a few more unmanned fortresses while the unmanned fortresses are still more competitive.

Therefore, if you want to start a full-scale war, or detonate the depressing gunpowder barrel, you need an opportunity. Originally, this opportunity should be after the number of unmanned fortresses has been reduced to a certain level, but because of the existence of this point conversion mechanism, The sixth day is when a round of points is transformed, and the highest point of return is not once every six days. Under the stimulation of human greed, the fuse will be ignited in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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