My entertainment circle

Chapter 990 Spring Festival Files (4)

It is definitely the perfect choice to eat a pot of lamb in winter.When Zhang Ping An and Fatty arrived at the restaurant, there were already countless vehicles parked in front of the restaurant.There are luxury cars as well as some ordinary cars.. Lamb is really the best supplement for winter.

When Pang Di was eating kebabs, she said to Zhang Pingan: “The lamb in our hometown is actually better, and it doesn’t require excessive seasoning, just salt and cumin. The simplest seasoning will do. Make the most delicious flavor. Now the seasoning is chili noodles and five-spice powder, but the deliciousness of lamb has been suppressed a lot."

Of course Zhang Pingan knew that the quality of lamb in their hometown was higher. He responded: "Although I have not been to the Western Regions, there will be people who sprinkle chili noodles and five-spice powder when roasting lamb?"

Pang Di nibbled a tuft of mutton from the red willow branches while chewing it, and said, "That is to match the taste of tourists. In fact, what we locals like is salt and cumin. Some people don't even like the smell of cumin. , Just use salt, which can preserve the taste of lamb more primitively. And our lamb smell is not as big as here."

Zhang Ping'an followed Fat Di, and he slapped a pile of mutton in his mouth and chewed slowly. The spices were matched just right. The aroma of charcoal fire and the slightly special scent of mutton made Zhang Ping'an very satisfied:" Roasted, I personally prefer some spice flavor. Come on, dry this bowl of lamb soup!"

Zhang Pingan didn't order wine because he had to drive.Fatty has a driver's license, but she doesn't have many opportunities to practice driving by herself, and she is unwilling to open a safe Rolls Royce.

When she heard Zhang Ping’an talk about cooking the soup, she was bright and happy in an instant, and laughed: "Hahaha~~ Come on, do it!"

The freshly cut lamb is placed in a hot copper pot. The soup inside is boiled from the bones of the lamb. The pure white soup itself is covered with a strong aroma. Boil some chrysanthemum chrysanthemum, then mix the lamb and put it in the seasoning bowl. Wrap a circle with tahini sauce.Fresh, fragrant and hot, people can't help but lift their heads and breathe out.Lamb is definitely the magic weapon for winter cooking!

Zhang Pingan and Fatty came out of the restaurant after eating lamb dishes, feeling warm all over, and the cold night made them feel comfortable.

After getting in the car, Zhang Ping’an said, “I’ll go buy some coffee beans first, and then let’s go shopping in the supermarket. There is nothing but water at home. We will buy some snacks then.”

Fatty nodded and said, "Okay, I haven't had time to go to the supermarket for a long time."

Regarding the thing of'snacks', occasionally when watching movies at home, playing games, or making music in the room, its role is more like a pastime and a kind of spiritual relaxation besides temporarily filling your stomach.

Driving the car, Zhang Pingan walked towards the nearby Starbucks. On the way, he chatted: "I went to the American West some time ago and took a self-driving tour. The natural scenery in the wild really moved me a lot. So I have been thinking that when I have time, I will definitely go to your hometown for a self-driving trip. And I have read the travel logs written by many people, and they all highly recommend self-driving in the Western Regions."

Fatty nodded and said, "Although I live in the Western Regions, I haven't driven by myself since I was little. But I have heard from the elders in my hometown that the roads over there are very well repaired, so it is suitable to drive out by myself. I don’t see the same scenery. Hey...but I don’t have so much time."

Regarding the scenery of the self-driving western region, you can indeed enjoy the different scenery of the inland area.Whether it is the endless grassland, or the barren Gobi Desert, the clear lake, and the purest blue sky, these are all refreshing beauty.After experiencing self-driving once, Zhang Ping'an became interested in trying more about self-driving in China.

Of course, a person's self-driving journey is lonely, boring, and even tiring.So Zhang Ping'an really wants to have a two-person self-driving tour, but the other half is hard to find.After all, after the beginning of the new year, Fatty's workload would double as soon as the "Three Lives III" was broadcast. Taking a break is even more a luxury.

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said, "I really want to go to the Western Regions and Snow Regions. Didn't I always say that I must go to the Western Regions in my life? If I make some time next year, I must visit them."

Fatty echoed: "If next year, if I have time, I will go with you. In fact, I really want to drive on a self-driving tour."

"Okay, then we will wait for free next year to go together."


The two went to buy coffee, bought some snacks and the like, and returned home.After Pang Di came to this Tomson First Product, where she could see the prosperity of the opposite bank, she stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows and looked at the brilliance of the opposite bank and the magical lights next to it.

Fatty looked at the bustling lights on the opposite bank and said with a smile: "The house still has to look at the riverside. The scenery is good, the location is good, but the price is not very good. And the houses here are all large flat floors, and every suite has no one. Tens of millions can't come down."

Zhang Pingan was sorting out the things he bought in the open kitchen. Hearing what Fatty said, he responded with a smile: "Why are you considering buying a house?"

Pang Di came back from the floor-to-ceiling windows and walked towards Zhang Pingan’s kitchen. He said, "I don’t think about that for the time being, and I don’t have the money to think about it. And even if I have money, I have to stay in Shanghai and Yanjing. Consider it in time, because Yanjing is closer to my home."

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said, "When you get rich, one set in Shanghai and one set in Yanjing will be fine. Why is it so troublesome?"

Fatty rolled his eyes and said, "It's easy to say, whether it is Yanjing or Shanghai, as long as the location is better, who is not tens of millions? One set? Where can I earn so much?"

After Zhang Ping’an packed his snacks, he took some fruits out and washed them: "No, is the new drama going to be released? I watched some clips, and your character is very brilliant in it. I think you will wait until the show is broadcast. The role of "Feng Jiu" will definitely get the attention of the public. Once you become famous, are you afraid of not earning money? Or, I will lend you 100 million first? I am confident in your future, 100 million, I don’t Calculate your interest."

Fatty said with a smile: "Money, I will earn it slowly. At least this will make me feel that every performance I perform is a return of value, instead of thinking about whether'money' is made or not. You believe that I will get better next year, so I will lend you a good word. When I make money, I will give you a watch you like!"

Zhang Ping'an shook the seven million-dollar McLaren co-branded watch he was wearing and said: "The watch I like is not cheap."

Fatty smiled and came to Zhang Ping’an’s back and hugged him from behind. Her cheeks were lightly thoughtful on Zhang Ping’s back and smiled softly and said, “Hehe, even if it’s not cheap, I want to buy it. Come to give it to you. Because I have always wanted to give you a gift that can be collected and worn all the time."

Zhang Ping’an smiled and turned around to hug Fat Di, picked her up, and let her sit on the kitchen counter. Fat Di smiled brilliantly with his hands around Zhang Ping’s neck: "Hahaha~~"

She hugged him and refused to let go, then bowed her head and kissed him on the mouth.

At night, young people’s homes are always full of romance. Zhang Ping’an originally wanted to wash some fruit to eat, but the kiss between the two became enthusiastic...


It was late at night, and the combined lights of the nearby buildings went out.Fat Di nestled in Zhang Ping'an's arms, and her toes under the quilt were playing with Zhang Ping's calf in a dishonest way.After that period of enthusiasm, she was not awake at all, lying in his arms and chatting with him: "The Spring Festival is coming soon. It seems that the excitement outside is very strong. If it weren't for you, I might just I can live alone."

In fact, the more traditional fake festivals, the more lonely people who wandering outside and unable to return to their hometowns.During the Spring Festival in recent years, although the public often said that the taste of the New Year has become weaker, the "going home" has always been engraved in the heart of every Chinese person.

No matter how prosperous Shanghai is, it's not as good as returning home during the Spring Festival to see the warm smiles of parents.

Because of professional relations, there are not too many friends around Fatty who are serious about getting along. Maybe those friends are either going home or busy during the Spring Festival, and she can't go back alone and doesn't want to go out wandering, so loneliness is doubled.

Fortunately, Zhang Ping'an came back this year, which made her less lonely during the Spring Festival, and this was the first time the two spent the Spring Festival together.During the Spring Festival two years ago, Fatty went home once, and once because the crew worked overtime and spent time with crew members, so it is meaningful to spend the Spring Festival together.

Ben's hand on her pillow patted her shoulder to comfort her: "Our family's Fat Di is really pitiful. Last year, because of overtime work, this year because of the beginning of the new year because he is about to start work, he cannot go back."

Fatty patted Zhang Ping’an’s stomach, turned his head to stare at him, and said, "What is pitiful. Will you use words?"

Zhang Pingan smiled and said, "Well, cute head office, right?"

"It's almost the same~~" said Fatty with one hand propped his head and looked at Zhang Ping'an who was sleeping beside him seriously, waiting for his eyes to meet her again, the two of them burned again. The flame in the heart.

Love, in many cases, needs more release.

The night has become a lot more exciting.


The sky was bright, Zhang Ping'an got up quietly because of the biological clock, and the movements were so light. Fat Di still woke up. She opened her eyes dimly and looked at Zhang Ping'an and said, "What time?"

"In the morning, it's only six o'clock, I go out for sports and running. You are taking a break, and I bring breakfast when I come back."

"Okay, I want to eat raw fried buns."

"Okay. I'll buy it in a while." After saying that, Zhang Pingan gave Fatty a kiss on the forehead, then turned over and got out of bed and put on the pajamas on the floor to wash...

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