Can't tell if it is lucky or unlucky, anyway, Taeyeon and Pani are extremely embarrassed at this time.Originally, they wanted to ask Zhang Pingan for some information, but in such a scene, they didn't know how to speak.This scene is extremely embarrassing for both of them, because the venue is their choice. If they don't worry about being followed by fans, if they don't choose this place... wouldn't it happen?

How do you say this question?I can't blame them for choosing here, right?It can only be said that some things are wrong, maybe they are destined in another way?Even if there is no such problem today, he and Yin Suwan will not be able to go on for long, because when he was in Shanghai, he became a little concerned about Yin Suwan's live broadcast work, and he couldn't accept it.

So Zhang Ping'an actually knew in his heart that he and Yin Suwan could not go on for long.If both of them want to go on for a long time, there must be a compromise. Either Yin Suwan will stop her live broadcast career that is getting better, or Zhang Ping’an will accept her showcasing sao in front of the camera!

Zhang Ping'an would definitely not accept it, and Yin Suwan would not give up easily, so in the end the two would still get there.It's just that I happened to meet such a short time today, is it an advance of the'time point'?

Today’s scene can only say that if Taeyeon and Pani hadn’t chosen this place, they would not face this embarrassing situation.Especially when Pani felt a little sorry in her heart at this time, if it weren't for her anxious desire to meet right away, she wouldn't let them face this matter.If you know it, follow Zhang Ping’an’s advice and see you after dinner.

The scene was extremely embarrassing. Taeyeon looked at Zhang Ping an apologetically and said, "That... Zhang Ping xi, or what happened to us today..."

Zhang Ping'an didn't pay attention to Yin Suwan who was crying beside him. He smiled and said to Taeyeon and the other two: "It's okay, let's go, and find a quieter place to talk."

Yin Suwan listened to Zhang Pingan about to leave, she reached out and grabbed Zhang Pingan’s sleeves, howling and crying: "op...oppa, have to believe me, I really...I really didn’t expect it. It would be such a thing."

Zhang Pingan patted the back of Yin Suwan's hand on his shoulder: "Okay, don't cry. There are so many people here watching, you should go back and rest first. We will talk about other things when you calm down."

Yin Suwan squatted on the ground in tears, her hand still pulling Zhang Ping's sleeve position: "oppa~~I really, I really..."

Zhang Ping'an sighed and said, "Is there anything waiting for you to calm down and then talk, you go home first, I really have something to do!" After talking to Yin Suwan, he tore her hand from his sleeve. Then he said to Taeyeon and two of them: "Let's go, change place."

Zhang Pingan's words made Taeyeon and Pani hesitate.If this happened, they don't know if they should be held responsible?Taeyeon glanced at Yin Suwan who was squatting on the ground, then looked up at Zhang Pingan, and said hesitantly: "This..."

"Stop this and that, let's go." Zhang Ping'an left these words and turned and left without looking back.Even when she passed by her friend's table, her friend called Zhang Ping an aloud: "President, President, you can listen to me explain."

Zhang Pingan just said to them with a flat smile: "Don't affect your work because of your love." After leaving this sentence, Zhang Pingan went downstairs.

Taeyeon and Pani were a little stunned when they stood there. They didn't know if they should say a few words to comfort the crying woman, or leave the Shura field with Zhang Ping An?

In the end, Taeyeon said something that seemed to be comforting to Yoon Suwan: "Um... after you calm down, let him have a good chat."

After that, Taeyeon and Pani also got up and left.Because her friends all came here and patted her on the back to comfort Yin Suwan.One of the friends kept holding Yin Suwan's apology: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. Then I will explain to him with you, I believe he will understand."


After coming out of the cafe, Zhang Pingan was very plain, not too sad, but felt relaxed.I don’t know if it’s because it becomes dispensable after getting it?Or is it because he knew that this relationship would not last long, so he wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to break it, at least this kind of breakup'reason' is on his side, right?

Although this kind of thinking is a bit despicable, Zhang Ping'an does want to make his heart feel better. Perhaps this is a kind of extremely selfishness?For the sake of her own heart, it doesn't matter whether she is feeling well or not.

Taeyeon and Pani have been following Zhang Pingan since they left the cafe. Pani said with a headache: "I really didn't expect such a thing to happen. This is definitely the strangest thing I have encountered since I grew up. Thing! What do we do now?"

Penny doesn't know if he should continue to inquire about himself at this time?Pani doesn't know, Taeyeon doesn't know either!If it is only from their perspective, then I definitely want to continue to ask questions.But they had witnessed this happening with their own eyes. Obviously he should be in the saddest moment right now?

At this time they are continuing to ask about themselves... Is it a bit too much?

Zhang Ping'an, who was walking in the front, turned his head as he walked. His gaze first turned to the cafe in front, and then fell on the two of them after a while. He smiled when he saw them.. But his. The smile in Taeyeon and Pani's eyes was so bitter.Is there anything more bitter than witnessing the betrayal of your love?

When Zhang Pingan looked back at the cafe, he actually found that he didn't feel too much parting sadness in his heart. Perhaps this relationship was a mistake from the beginning?

He made the mistake of making the original friendship surpass the definition of love when he was lonely. From the beginning, the two have maintained a friendship relationship, even if they get along with a little love.However, because of his loneliness and the slightest liking, he did not refuse.So when Zhang Ping’an looked back at the coffee shop, he must grasp the boundary between friendship and love after introspection, and friendship must not be allowed to prevail when lonely!

If the next time love comes again, he feels that he should choose someone who is willing to take it seriously.Because in Zhang Ping'an's eyes,'love is love' requires both parties to take seriously.

As for "playing", it's just casual, you can play whatever you want, because it's just an exchange of benefits.What I need is companionship when I am lonely, and what you need is material needs, so take what you need!

Zhang Ping'an turned his gaze from the cafe to Taeyeon and Taeyeon. He smiled and stopped waiting for them to follow.

After the two of them approached, Zhang Ping'an clearly saw the embarrassment on their faces, and Taeyeon said, "Well... why don't you handle your own business first, our business... .Next time?"

After this happened, Taeyeon was really embarrassed to continue to inquire about this question at this moment. Zhang Ping An waved to them and said: "It's okay, let's talk about your affairs first, lest you are all in fear. You Look, are we looking for another cafe, or just find a place to sit in the Seoul forest?"

Seoul Forest is an urban green park, and the residents around like to go for a walk, exercise, and sports, but most of them are elderly people.

Taeyeon thought for a while and said, "Then go sit in the Seoul Forest."

"Alright, actually I don't have much to say, because I don't know much inside information." The three of them walked slowly into Seoul Forest Park like that.

The air is good when walking in the woods, and the green vegetation always gives people a sense of healing. This is the magic of nature.

The three learned that the uncles and aunts walked slowly in the park aimlessly, and did not choose to sit down on the benches.Because three people sitting on the bench will stick closer. After all, they are not so familiar with the relationship, so the best way to walk is to keep a certain distance.

When there were few people, Pani asked, "Ping xi, you sent a message to Taeyeon earlier that the news about my relationship with Ni Kun is going to be published in the newspaper? Is this true?"

Zhang Pingan nodded, and started to make up the story in person without changing his face and heartbeat: "It's true, my friend told me this news. Oh, my friend is from the'D company'. About you and Nepal In fact, they found out about Kun’s news last year. Because'D Company' revealed the affairs of Yoona and Sooyoung at the beginning of the year, so the news about you and Ni Kun has always been there. I don’t remember. Which day is the exact date? Anyway, my friend showed me a photo of you and Ni Kun dating late at night. You two went downstairs from the xx restaurant in Itaewon."

When he heard Zhang Ping’an accurately say a certain restaurant in Itaewon, Pani followed his words and thought of the day.It was true that one day late at night, she and Ni Kun met in Itaewon, but she did not feel like being followed by paparazzi.

Pani frowned and said, "You said xx restaurant in Itaewon. I remember it was at the end of February. Why didn't the'D company' immediately report after the photo was taken?"

"In fact,'D Agency' has a lot of exclusive news in their hands, but they will not throw it out all at once. After all, the effect of throwing it out at one time is not very effective, and their company's revenue is not large. So after an explosive news appeared, they They will rest for a while, and then throw a breaking news. The advantage of this is that other media will follow them to pick up the news."

As artists, they certainly understand why the media would use this method to release news?Penny frowned and said, "Why do you want to release this news now?"

Zhang Pingan glanced at Pani and said, "Because you two were dazzled by love. In the airport photos of the two of you at the beginning of the year, it appears that you two are stupid to use a couple's mobile phone case. This cannot be caused. Is the media paying attention? In addition, there is a line in your message in your girl’s generation album this time that is very similar to the message of 2PM’s album Rini Kun, this is a kind of code, right? You really think others can’t see it. ?"

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