My entertainment circle

1017 Chapter Bae Joo Hyun (Middle)

(Anti-theft chapters, anti-theft chapters, anti-theft chapters, anti-theft chapters)

The arrival time is almost the same. Arakaki sat on her suitcase and looked at the monitor with a smile on her lips without stopping.

In the Bali airport, Arakaki was not in a hurry to leave after she came out of the airport, but stood at the exit and looked at the flight information. The flight information sent to her by Zhang Pingan showed 'Arrival' within two minutes after she came out. As expected, their flight

When Zhang Pingan came out of the airport, she said with her hands full, "Is it really fate?"

Besides the word 'fate', Arakaki can't think of any other word that can be substituted, because it's too unbelievable. Maldives, Hawaii, Bali, the Japanese would definitely choose Hawaii.

She did not want to be found, or whatever, but chose Bali instead of Hawaii, which more than 80% of the Japanese would choose, because of the low probability.

But Pingan Zhang had already booked a ticket to Bali before she did, and Arakaki didn't really know how to describe the situation except that fate had brought them together. So when she arrived, she simply didn't leave, because she believed in her heart for some reason that Zhang Pingan would definitely find her, so.... I'm not a kid anymore, so why play hide-and-seek?

In fact, after Zhang Pingan's ticket information was sent to Kieyi, her inner defense line was already broken. Perhaps at this time there is no need to explicitly say what 'we are dating' in their hearts also confirmed the relationship between each other, as for Zhang Pingan and Sika's question, she can also do not ask, and there is no need to ask.

In Japan, there are many love triangles, and even many married celebrities who are found to have cheated on their spouses are often reported in the news.

Besides, Zhang Ping An is not married, so there is no such thing as infidelity or incest. The most a man can do is cheat on his wife. But if you want to talk about cheating, isn't there still such a thing in the world? And there is a survey report in Japan, at least half out of ten people have cheated or cheated on their spouses and cheated on their children.

In a short while, Arakaki Jie saw Zhang Pingan appear, and when she saw him, Jie was confused, and she called out to Zhang Pingan: "Anjou~!

I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do this, but I'm going to be able to do it. It's a good thing that she was waiting for him at the airport. It seemed that the ticket he sent her was still effective.

Zhang Pingan walked over to Aragaki with his passport in hand, his suit jacket already hot and hanging on his arm. As Zhang Pingan approached, Arakaki looked him up and down, "Where's your luggage?"

It's because Zhang Pingan was alone, with nothing but a suit jacket on his arm, which is why the moment Aragaki saw Zhang Pingan, he was a bit confused.

The first thing you need to do is to take a look at the baggage. I had to work this morning, so I went straight to the airport after the meeting, how could I have any luggage? And the traffic jam on the way to the airport scared me so much that I quickly got out of the cab and went to the subway to catch the flight."

She listened to Zhang Pingan, laughing and crying, and pointed to a paper bag on his suit jacket: "What's this, and you brought your work here?"

Zhang Pingan pulled out the paper bag and handed it to the knot, "Put it here, this is the money I exchanged for two thousand US dollars in Indonesian rupiah, have you booked the hotel?"

Zhang Pingan's money can't be exposed like this, so following the paper bag he handed over, Knotty turned around and took off her backpack and put the money inside, then pointed to the passport in his hand, which Zhang Pingan also gave to her in passing.

"I didn't have time to book a hotel. Did you, book it?" The Japanese passport can be used in many countries without a visa, so there is no need to book a hotel in such a hurry, and the time of her landing is 5:30 p.m. It's still early, so the hotel can be selected slowly.

Zhang Ping An pointed to a person with a sign that said: "Book it, that's the one who will pick me up, let's go. I'm going to buy some clothes first. It was fine on the plane, but I felt a heat wave when I left the airport."

The 'vacation' look of Zhang Pingan, who was wearing pants and a shirt, made the knotter laugh happily: "Hahaha~~"

Zhang Pingan also smiled and pushed up her suitcase, then took her hand and walked toward the people who would meet her at the airport. The two of them were seen by everyone as a couple who had come here on vacation.


The hotel, Zhang Pingan booked the Bulgari. On the way to the hotel, Zhang Pingan conveniently bought a pair of flip-flops and short sleeves and shorts on the side of the road.

Zhang Pingan and knotted together into the hotel, at the front desk check-in, Zhang Pingan suddenly heard the Chinese scream: "Wife, er, Gakki!". Following the voice, Zhang Ping An cast his eyes over, and at a glance, he knew it was Huaxia's 'wife fan'. However, in the face of fans calling the knotted clothes like this, Zhang Ping An also has no way.

Zhang Ping An did not have a good temper toward the Chinese tourist said: "What the hell is the ghost called? Who is your wife? It's the one next to you."

When this Chinese tourist saw Zhang Ping'an, he instantly stared at him, "Ang'er?"

Zhang Pingan's nickname in Warsaw is extremely well known by those few high-flowers in the broadcast industry, just like 'Principal', few people call him 'Boss Wang' to his face and most call him Principal! The same goes for Pingan Zhang, who was called 'Ang Geer' by everyone who knew him.

The first time I saw this, I thought it was a good idea to have a little bit of a look. The fan was stunned by her smile, which made the girl next to him keep pushing on his waist.

Seeing the two of them leaving, Zhang Pingan instructed, "No tweeting my message!"

The tourist humorously waved his hand toward Zhang Ping'an, "I know, Angele. Bye bye~~"

The night of Bali is quite good, and the room they lived in was also a villa on the cliff. After arriving at the room, Pingan Zhang first went to change his clothes and put on shorts, short-sleeved ones before feeling comfortable.

In the bedroom, she opened her suitcase and picked two dresses, asking for Zhang Pingan's opinion: "What should I wear?".

"You're beautiful no matter what you wear, and fashion is something that's completed all by the face. And your beauty in my heart is this..." Zhang Pingan said as he gave a thumbs up, "No matter what you wear, you are the most beautiful in my eyes!"

Knotty smiled brightly, selected a flowing printed dress, and took a straw hat out of the box, "Are we going to eat out, or are we just going to eat at the hotel?"

"Let's eat at the hotel, after such a long flight today ... Rest and rest, and tomorrow we'll go out again for a good stroll in Bali."

Since Zhang Pingan had a plan, Jie Yi didn't nag, she nodded her head and agreed, "Yes! Wait, I'll change clothes and go to dinner."

They both changed into relaxed clothes and strolled hand in hand through the hotel's pathway, where the dim light added just the right amount of romance to the seaside atmosphere.

The different styles of houses and buildings in the hotel, the tropical flowers and trees, and the echoes of the waves hitting the shore all told romantic love stories.

If you're looking for a romantic encounter, then a bustling city is the way to go. But islands have always been wrapped in romance!

The night here is very quiet, and she is very close to him, holding hands with each other from time to time to glance at each other will unconsciously show a smile. The two of them walked slowly and leisurely towards the hotel restaurant on the way.

After arriving at the restaurant, Zhang Ping An picked up the menu, Jie Yi can't speak English, and Zhang Ping An's English is poor, but at least he has passed the level. The first time I saw him, I thought that he was a good man.

And the menu, even if he does not know how to do, but he knows what the ingredients are, after all, Zhang Pingan is considered to be a food!

Both of them chose the lobster set meal, so there was no need to hesitate. Although he didn't know the specific difference between a famous wine house and a normal one, there was no mistaking the wine. As the saying goes, "People don't know goods, but money knows goods, right?

They sat facing each other and stared at each other while waiting for their meal to be served, shaking their red wine, the smiles on their lips not even slightly withdrawn.

Zhang Pingan smiled and said, "Actually, I don't know much about red wine."

Seeing that Zhang Pingan was so frank, Knotty also laughed: "I don't know much either. However, it seems like it's a bit unreasonable not to order red wine in such an atmosphere?"

"Yes, they say red wine is the catalyst for romance, but I think the romance in my eyes is you, and red wine . It's less than one ten thousandth of your smile."

In terms of burning words, Zhang Pingan has never been vain, he can speak for an hour of love and he doesn't even repeat himself. In the era of the Internet explosion, there are too many romantic lines, which Ping An Zhang has memorized in his heart specifically for such moments.

Jie Yi listened to Zhang Ping An's words of love and she smiled brightly, "Every time you only know how to say nice things!"

"Because beautiful you deserve such beautiful words. By the way, how long did you wait for me at the airport today?"

Jie Yi smiled and clinked glasses with Zhang Ping An, and after they had a shallow taste she responded, "I didn't wait long, I just came out and saw your flight information said 'Arrived', so I waited at the door."

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