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Chapter 1099 is ridiculous? Deli!

Zhang Pingan said this' marriage, divorce 'method is quite absurd, but this is the only way to give the woman. After all, it is not' small three. Because this era of this era is quite high, even after divorce, women will not recruit different eyes.

However, if there is no name, it is just a lover who wear them. That way, the child is born .. It is difficult to listen to a wild species! This is the name and no name, but the family of Zhang Pingan also knows that he has a lot of girlfriends, so he has never been married, because he will not give up.

Although Zhang Pingan is a slag in the emotion, Zhang Pingan's family also said, no matter whether it is 'ex-wife', their families are admitted to this daughter-in-law. However, for the white stone, it is good for her way such a way. Because she can't enter Zhang Ping's home, after all, Zhang Pingan's family exposure ... that identity is a level that she can't get.

But now Zhang Ping'an is the practice, she can go to Zhang Pingan's home, at least one name can be obtained. In this case, it is impossible to be absurd, but this 'absurd' is benefited from her. Sometimes, there is a relatively heavy selfishness.. White stone is no exception, she has been following Zhang Ping, in the time of these years, she naturally wants to get a name!

Now Zhang Pingan does not say it, he is willing to give her this place, so what is good for?

Zhang Pingan took a glass to the white stone, poured a cup: "Don't cry, I will definitely give you a name, just wait until you choose to exit the love bean combination. Oh, I have been going today. The designer studio, but after thinking about you, ask you, ask you, don't need to be changed at home? "

Mason turned to the living room, then said: "I think this design is very good, I think the sofa can be changed, and there is no deformation in the sea. There is also a curtain, buy one Set, it will be changed, the mattress is a bit aging, let's change a mattress. There is also a bit dirty in the wallpaper of the bedroom. If you can, I will change a batch of wallpaper, change the color of the color. "

The living room is double-sided, while the wall is used as a decorative, so doing the aunt who is hygienic. Every time, wipe the marble wall is bright as new. Just the wallpaper used in the bedroom, you need to replace it, after all, this weather is on the window is sleeping. The air always takes the gray layer and then adsorbed on the wallpaper.

Zhang Pingnan said: "Well, since you have an idea, I will ask the room. When you take a break, you will find a designer to do the project. Yes, there is money in your home?"

Mason sued: "Some, there is also a cash close to 10 million yen in the safe."

Zhang Pingan said: "I will take 20 million in the safe tomorrow. If the sofa set is not done, you can see the manufacturer to make a sofa."

Baishi Siyi said: "In the place where the sofa is customized, it will definitely do the sofa set. Don't put money at home, when you pay the house tax this year, these I took the money in it. I usually make a lot of money. Money. "

"Last year, how much you earn a year, I just asked some curiosity."

Baishi Mason said: "Last year, there is more than 10 million."

Zhang Pingan did not dare to say: "Eight millions? You are white stone, 80 million? Are you still a lot of advertising last year?"

In fact, Baishi Mi can more than 80 million is very powerful. Although she is now, she is also six or five million, and these millions will be divided into the company. The rest is some of the costs of activities, 80 million, have surpassed countless love beans.

Baishi Si Hai said: "I now this level is very good in love, although I didn't ask Sam Friendi to earn much last year, but I can surely say that she does not exceeds 20 million last year."

Zhang Ping said: "It is also, Japan's ability to pay very low. New clothes seems to be more than 300 million yen, this year should be more. I have made almost $ nobi in last year."

White stone is amazed: "Schikiyi ~~"

Zhang Ping said, said, said: "Dollar!"

"?" White stone is widened to look at Zhang Pingan, she thought Zhang Pingan is about billion yen.

Zhang Ping smiled and said: "Well, last year earned almost billion dollars. It is almost a million yen."

White stone is surprised: "Hu said? More than 100 million? How is this possible?"

"How is it impossible? What do you do at home?"

"I see the report, your home is an investment company."

Zhang Pingan said: "For investors, if you see a product to invest, wait for it to harvest, then this income may be a thousand times, or even a time. I .. See a good future thing And then investment, and earned billion dollars. However, these are small and small. I have given you this, not showing it, but tell you, I have the ability to make money. As long as you don't gamble, if you are It is the normal life, even if you buy luxury goods, you will not have money to make money. "

(PS: Returning again "normal life sales" refers to the daily life. It is cold to buy clothes. It is warm to buy clothes, women's favorite sachets, cosmetics, daily necessities, even if you eat Shanzhan To the rice Samsung dining, etc.. What to go to the Cowherd, go to the casino, and the money is like the soil, this is not a regular daily life.)

Bai Shi Si smiled and said: "Do you have to give up me?"

Zhang Pingyan shook his head, with a little bit of X 'feeling: "Not this, just say what to buy, don't think about' too expensive '."

White stone is a crying, but it is said: "I know, I will buy anything after I want to buy."


Early the next morning, Baishi Siyi as always went to work. There is not much mood change, maybe I just heard him last night, I still have some sad feelings when I was going to get married. But I finally learned Zhang Pingan's ridiculous practice, she was relieved, after all, according to his Speaking, she is a beneficiary, what else is there?

And this period is the continuous rising period of her work, even if Zhang Ping is married at this time, she can't work on her work. So .. It doesn't matter for several years.

After coming from his own home, Zhang Ping went to the bank to take some cash back home, and then he has turned 50 million yen to Songcun Shayou in the bank, and then he sent a message to Songcun Shay: "Money , You should take it. I heard that last year, one year, you didn't make any money, and I borrow you. "

Shayu replied: "Do you have to do so much? I haven't spend the place to spend money recently? And .. Last time you lend me, I haven't spent it yet." "Hey, talk? "Zhang Pingan!" "Zhang Pingan!"

Zhang Pingan replied: "Tell you to hold, more, give me a message, I will black you!" Because Zhang Pingan's loss of Shayu's default, or "Wenchun" incident gives her The influence of bringing, maybe Shayu's current situation will not be the case.

Then Zhang Pingan also gave his own Golden Snary, Xinmu Sanzi turned 20 million yen: "Summer is coming, remember to buy some clothes."

After handling these things, Zhang Ping returned to the home of Xinyi. In the next two days, Zhang Ping is spent in the homes. It is until he got the 'marriage offer'. Zhang Pingan took this in his hand and went home. He said: "I have a marriage, I got it, I can go to register for marriage tomorrow."

The clothes are laughing and responding: "That tomorrow, should we take the time to register?"

"Okay, I will register tomorrow."

These days have no protection measures when they have the event before the end of the clothes. I also want to look good, two people are waiting for the child.

After a few days in Tokyo, Zhang Ping returned to Huaxia. Because there is a lot of things waiting for him to deal with it, after the brokerage company is very good, Zhang Pingan is almost the departure of Seoul. Because the 10th anniversary of the girlhood is about to be published.

At the end of July, Shanghai's weather became hot, and the big white legs on the streets were more and more. In recent years, the somarin of the old legs will continue, and the young sisters of the legs are also bravely exposed their beautiful legs. Hot summer, let night beer more best-selling.

Zhang Ping returned to the first to call Yang Betou again, Yang Besong, wearing shorts, is very long, Zhang Ping'an is like finding the new mainland: "Yue, the more, , I used to find your legs. Is it a bit long? And it's straightforward, very beautiful. "

Yang Yue also turned straight into the white eyes: "Ang, have you never look at me before?"

Zhang Ping said speechless: "Yeah, I have to stare at you before, I am not a crime? When I know you, you still have not admired!"

Yang Yue smiled and said: "Hey. Now I have adult, Ang, I have an idea for me?"

"I have speechless to you! You .. Calculated. I called you out this time, just tell you, the venue of the show has been completed. At present, the smell of the decoration is spread, the most late At the beginning of next year, it may be taken at the end of this year. The first time you go to the forefoot, you look at it! "

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