My entertainment circle

Chapter 1108 Ten Anniversary (2)

Tokyo Airport, Zhang Ping'an is in the fence of the exit, and his eyes have been concentrated in exports, and the flight from Los Angeles has shown arrival near 20 minutes, but he has never seen Li Zhun Out of the airport. Just when Zhang Ping was now ready to call, a black bandwood was wearing a black band, and a small child girl with a baseball cap appeared.

"Oppa." Li Zhun's voice appeared in Zhang Pingan's ear, Zhang Ping looked up at her, she actually was a dress, and she worn out the sweater, as if it was in a hurry. Zhang Pingan also guess why she will come out so late, the temperature difference of Los Angeles and Tokyo is quite big. After the plane, she waited until the suitcase will definitely drag the box to the bathroom to add clothes. It may be worried that Zhang Ping is waiting for a long time, so it is simply casual, and it will run out.

After seeing Zhang Ping, I found myself, Li Zhigen didn't care about him, and she even forgot the suitcase when he ran over Zhang Ping. Looking at the movements of Li Zhien, the cute image made Zhang Ping unbearable laugh. He smiled while he greeted her.

Li Zhi En flew directly to Zhang Pingan's arms. She looked up at Zhang Ping, when she turned her back, she looked up at Zhang Pingan. At this moment, her smile on her face is absolutely more than flowers. Be cute. Zhang Pingan did not think that Li Zhin would hug him in the airport. He smiled and took the shoulder of Li Zhun: "Don't you have a luggage?"

Said, Zhang Pingan touched a medical mask to deliver Li Zhun: "Wear it, the Koreans traveling in Japan still very much. After shooting, I was awkward, but if you were awkward, you will make I am very sad. "

Li Zhun also knows that the favorite country in which Koreans choosing overseas travel is Japan. There will be a Korean appearance in the Tokyo Airport, so some of the actions that converge is still a point. Li Zhihen said in Zhang Pingan and said: "It was taken to be photographed. I am not worried. Do you worry about Sika senior?"

Zhang Ping said with a smile: "Sika? That is not, I just worried that I will affect your career after shooting. The media said to my most reports I have broken up with Western card, and then with you, About my part may be over here. But what about you? Maybe you will become the 'third party', I don't want these problems to affect your work. "

Li Zhihen said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, I am very much careful. As for the shot, I will admit that we are together. I look, or you are worried that you are really true."

Zhang Pingyan shook his head and did not argue these problems. He went to help Li Zhun's luggage to push it, and the two left the airport side by side. Going from the airport to the urban area, the two choose the tram. There are not many people in this car ride, and Li Zhun chooses to sit in the window of the window. Zhang Ping said with a smile: "Tokyo in the sun goes down the mountains."

Li Zhion laughed and responded: "I appreciate the sunset on the beach in Los Angeles. I looked at the sun to fall down the sea. It was called beautiful. The red sun is hung in the sea, that kind of shock is really unparalleled. of."

Zhang Ping said: "Well, last time I also deliberately appreciate the sunset when I was in Los Angeles, it was really beautiful and spectacular. But the sunset of the city has a different kind of beauty, but it is a warm I feel. Because people live in the city, the first picture of the mind in the mind during the sunset is home! "

Li Zhun smiled and turned to the window: "Unfortunately, there is no sun today. Although the sky has a gold, it will not see the sun."

"Are you not the sun? You are the sun and the moon in your heart, fall here .." After Zhang Ping, Zhang Ping sang with Chinese songs, Li Zhun only heard the front of the sentence 'You are not the sun? 'She turned to look at Zhang Ping, a lot of laughs, and the eyes appeared because of the smile.

After laughing, Li Zhun said: "What are you sing?"

Zhang Ping said with a smile: "As if the Chinese song is .. It seems that the song is called 'You are the day of my heart' accurate remember, anyway, the secondary song is like this."

"Oh ~~~~ You are the sun and the moon in your heart? Hey, good .." Zhang Pingan also said a lyrics, Li Zhoushen felt very happy. She then said: "Next year, I plan to play .oppa in Huaxia, teach me a Chinese song?"

Zhang Ping said with a smile: "Okay," I like you "how? I personally like the song. I like you, the eyes are moving, laughing is more charming."

Li Zhun listened to Zhang Ping's Chinese song lyrics included in Korean, she was happy to hold his mouth: "The song is called 'like you'?"

Zhang Pingan said: "Well, very old songs, 190s, a very popular HK band sing. Their combined songs can be influencing a generation of young people, their songs are in China. Practice songs. "

Li Zhin is curious about: "What about now?"

Zhang Pingan said: "Nothing. At the concert, sing, because the mistakes fall from the stage, the rescue is invalid. You must pay attention to safety, you must pay attention to safety, must."

"Ah .. I know."


Tokyo, Ritz Carlton, Zhang Ping, took Li Zhun, a bar (in the hotel), there is a bar (in the afternoon, afternoon tea), so people who check in, let Zhang Ping An: " This is a hotel in which I have the lowest efficiency. "

Li Zhun is very understanding of the front desk. She smiled and said: "We are not nothing, wait, you have to be a bit patience."

Zhang Ping looked at Li Zhien's eyes had a hard-knife, he smiled and said: "Eat in the hotel at night? Still going out?"

"It's a bit tired, it may be a time difference. How is the hotel dining today? I work hard to make myself not sleeping, I have been in the present."

In order to adjust the difference, Zhang Ping is understanding. He nodded: "After the next floor, we will take the room service. I will take a break early. I will take it apart from the morning."

After half an hour, the two got the house card. After entering the room, Li Zhiwen looked at the Tokyo Tower under the golden sky: "Oh ~~ No wonder this hotel is so many people, the landscape is really great! Waiting for the sky, from Will it be more beautiful here? "

"Well. Six wood is one of the most prosperous sections in Tokyo. After the lights are bright, they will definitely be beautiful from the room. Room service, I will see .. French." Zhang Ping turned to look at Li Zhun said: "French, no problem?"

After entering the room, especially after seeing the warm bed, Li Zhien really didn't sleep. She strongly said: "Casual, all, mainly, I don't want to go out."

"You go to a bath, you will take a while."

"Well, I will flush first."

Zhang Ping'an began to contact the room service, and did two steaks, and then a salad, a past.

Zhang Pingan was like a person waiting for the delivery, after a while, Li Zhin, who was wearing a bathrobe, washed his head, and she said: "Oppa, help me blow."

It may be a lot of time to take a shower, and Li Zhun's spirit is slightly returned. She is like a child like a boiled egg, and it is a cute to foul under the blessing of the whole makeup. The advantage of the doll face, so that she is particularly tender, like a high school.

Looking at Li Zhin's lovely appearance, Zhang Pingnan nodded: "Well." He found a hair in the bathroom, so that she sat in front of the dressing table and started to blow her hair, of course Zhang Pingan's way. I have painted Li Zhun several times, and he can only help her blow.

Looking at Zhang Ping An Si's craft, Li Zhi En instead said with a smile: "Don't help women blow it?"

Zhang Pingyan shook his head: "No, only you, I will help you blow. I have a few towels to play a few times, wait for natural dry."

"Right, I have the sweater to you, Oppa, OPPA, how do you try?" Said Li Zhun's got up, Zhang Ping reached out and pressed her: "Don't you do it in this room? I want to take off me now. "

Li Zhun looked at Zhang Pingan from the mirror, and said: "The heat is taken off, and I have never seen your body."

"How is the room service? I am going to pick up?"

Looking at Zhang Pingan's wearing sweater, Li Zhun reached out to take his belly: "Don't wear T-shirts inside?"

Zhang Pingan said: "No. Ok, sitting, don't move, do you have this in the beauty salon? The makeup artist doesn't know how depressed."

"Different, isn't it OPPA?"

Zhang Ping listened to this sentence of Li Zhien, he was also a sweet smile, then continued to give her a blow: "You have never tried short hair? I have been in my memory, you have been long hair. "

Li Zhun nodded: "Well, long hair. I can't make yourself decided now. Because the brand with many endorsements signed the image agreement, I can't cut hair in the contract."

The star's late endorse is also a good thing.

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