My entertainment circle

Chapter 129 Men's Curious Thinking (Part 2)

Some people become special when they are in love... how to say?It should be said that their love model is a kind of'thorough'?Because once he confirms the relationship, he will devote himself to it, and he is the kind of lover who wants to dedicate everything to himself.Is this love mode good?Still not good?Should he be stupid?Or is he overly devoted?

From the perspective of the bystander, such a person's love is too thorough, to a degree of blindness. In fact, it is a very stupid performance. Perhaps this is often referred to as'obsessiveness', right?

But maybe the answer to this question is different from another angle?For example, having reservations when in love.. Can this kind of love really be called love?Maybe it will become what everyone often talks about, "I have another picture, ride a donkey to find a horse", right?

So everyone says that "love" can't tell whether it is good or bad, only the person in love knows it.But if you have such a friend by your side, it is a very troublesome thing.Because such a dedicated person will cry to you when they are sad. As the person next to you, you will definitely tell him something not to be stupid, just divide it.As a result, the next day he went back and continued to commit a crime, but in the end he became a bad guy!

In the past month that Zhang Ping'an left, he didn't know how far the little fat man and his girlfriend had progressed.Of course, he can also understand that the little fat guy wants to do his best to support his girlfriend's career, but he doesn't say what he supports, and he also'prescribes' how much his friends should support, which is wrong.

It's understandable that you ask your friends to help and support. As for how much your friends are willing to support, it is your friend's business.But you rely on the friendship between you to use such a'prescribed' method to ask your friends to support how much, which is definitely wrong.

It’s like chasing a star, you like a certain star, you can’t ask your friends to like it with you, right?However, Zhang Pingan also understands, because some men are indeed very stupid in love.

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said: "He voted to please his girlfriend. If he spends ten or twenty thousand, it is treated as a brand-name bag. But what happened to him when he found you? Besides, he asked you to vote , Shouldn’t you explicitly reject it?"

Xiaoxiao began to complain to Zhang Ping’an: “We went out to play together that day, and his girlfriend brought a group of friends out and said that she introduced me to me. When we had dinner, she talked about the general election. The little fat guy patted his chest on the spot and said something. He can buy 20 albums worth 1680 yuan to vote for her. He may be just like you said, Ang, as a gift for his girlfriend after being in love for more than a month. A brand-name gift..."

When men are financially able, most people are quite generous to their girlfriends.The little fat guy has 2.5 million Chinese coins for his signing. He can be regarded as a kind of person with small savings.Maybe he really wanted to go with her, so he felt that it didn't matter if he spent 20,000 to 30,000 on his girlfriend.

Zhang Ping’an nodded and continued with a smile. He began to talk about how he had been cheated: “Later he turned his head and told me to ask me to support me. I wanted to support her and her friends one by one. A voting album, it was only 3,000 yuan, and it was within the range I could bear, so I agreed. I said on the spot,'You are my friend and she is your girlfriend. I definitely support her work. "When I said this, I was thinking of supporting the two albums. Isn't that reasonable?"

Faced with his question, Zhang Ping'an also nodded. As a friend, it is indeed reasonable to support him for a total of three thousand yuan when Xiaoxiao also has the ability.

Seeing Zhang Ping’an nodded in agreement with his point of view, he smiled and said, “But the little fat guy is very ignorant. After I agreed, he said,'OK, you also support 20 photos, my girlfriend has 10 photos, her friend Ten cards.’ And the most annoying thing was that he added a sentence of “It’s only 30,000 yuan.” I just said go off on the spot, and it wasn’t me talking about friends. So he went on to say that he supports ten cards. Ten cards are fine, right? Five cards per person!"

Zhang Ping'an laughed when he heard this, because he had almost guessed the following story, so he started to help with a smile and said: "He has dropped you down to'ten sheets' in one sentence, although your heart is very unhappy. Yes, but you are also preventing you from sitting next to the little fat girlfriend who brought out this woman who is more beautiful? She talks well with you, and looks like your ideal type. Maybe you are so selfish and want to be with you What did she develop. As a result, you couldn't lose your face on the spot, so you didn't continue to refuse?..."

"But in the next few days, you didn't have much contact with that woman? Or if you went to see their performance today and found out that you have so many future rivals? So I couldn't figure it out? I thought I would be inexplicable. Spent more than 10,000, just have a meal together? So you think she is a little bit out to solicit votes? So in my heart a little can't figure it out, a bit want to go back, but don't know what excuses to go back. So you called me? Why, do you want me to give you back? You want to tell me your grievances, and then want to hear me say to you, "Don't buy the album." 'So you can use my excuse not to fulfill your promise? That's what you planned, right?"

Zhang Ping'an had a clear picture of what happened to Xiaoxiao and his current psychological activities.This made the smiley face that had only drunk a glass of beer turned red, and it was really uncomfortable to be seen through.

He said with a hot face: "Indeed, it feels a bit uneconomical when I think about it now. The little fat guy is in love, why should I spend money?"

Zhang Ping'an smiled and poured himself a glass of wine, and then motioned with his eyes that he was also full.When both of them were pouring wine, Zhang Ping’an said, “Actually, I think that between friends.. Under such financial conditions, it’s not important to support each other. And at first, you think too much. It's also because you want to pretend to be X in front of women, or if you want to earn performance, then you should pretend to be in the end. Or you can directly say in the light at the beginning, saying that you can support one at most, after all, more than 3,000 yuan It’s a month’s salary in some second-tier cities.."

Zhang Pingan and him picked up the cups and touched them, and after a mouthful, he continued: "You want to pick up girls but don't want to spend money, how is that possible? Now high school students have to spend thousands of dollars chasing girls. , Let alone we are adults. How can there be a free lunch in the world? Besides, you are not Daniel Wu. If you are a girl Daniel Wu, you can post it upside down! So next time you face someone introducing a woman, don’t just start pretending you come You have to be very cowhide. Your two money can't withstand the torment of a few women in the devil..."

"After your live broadcast is very successful, it doesn’t matter if you pretend to be occasionally. Now.. be honest! No one is stupid to come to the magic city. However, if you hold you two million times In that second-tier Yudu, you might find pretty girls, because there are so many pretty girls in Yudu. I met one at Tokyo Airport this time."

Zhang Ping'an's remarks were meant to tell him to relax.At the same time, he warned him not to see his friends falling in love. He also wants to get involved in the relationship immediately. Men tend to get dizzy and fooled when such mentality occurs.This time it was all regarded as his ill-intentioned'tuition'.

Zhang Ping'an's words calmed him a lot, and he stopped talking about the issue of the'general election'.He smiled and picked up his beer and poured a glass again, sipped his head and drank it in one sip, and then he sighed and said, " seems I have to seriously invest in the live broadcast."

Zhang Ping An took a drink with him with a glass of wine: "Well, the industry of live broadcast and the game "League of Legends", I have confidence in the future. I believe you can find someone who likes you in your future game live broadcast career. . And after the live broadcast industry is booming, you can find a beautiful female anchor who can talk about it. Emotions are about fate, not excessive force, and you should not think that what a friend introduces will definitely be fruitful. "

Smiled and said: "Of course I understand that introduction is introduction, which is different from success or failure."

"Just know it, I won't say much." Both of them chatted for a while before serving the barbecue.

Shao beer, in China, the roast beer is barbecue with beer, this is the perfect supper match.While eating his favorite roast chicken skin, Zhang Pingan asked casually: "How did you feel about going to see their theater today?"

She smiled and said with her lips: "It's not very good. It feels like a group of high school students performing activities in the school. There is no professionalism of an artist at all. Singing is not good, and dancing is not good. It is very amateurish."

"The AKB model is not as professional as the Korean idols. Do you know the'cultivation'? AKB model is a training model. We all use money to cultivate our favorite stars. The biggest selling point of their model is You can get in touch with each other up close, such as a handshake meeting, a small theater, it feels like the star is very close to us, and you can even chat face to face."

Xiaoxiao pushed his glasses with a smirk: "Angel, do you know a star?"

"Yeah, what's the matter? You don't want to meet a celebrity, do you? The'Shanghai 48' you go to the theater to enjoy the performance is not the future star. If you do well, maybe someone will associate with you."

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