My entertainment circle

Chapter 133 Love Trap (For the leader: love yourself, add more!)

(PS: Thanks, I love myself and become the first leader of this book! Hereby add more celebration!!)

The EQ test questions Zhang Pingan threw to the little fat man is really a bit awkward, because more is mentally retarded, and less is mentally retarded, so how to balance to that point is the most important thing.The little fat man was also a little dumbfounded by Zhang Ping'an's question. He could only smile and say to Zhang Ping'an: "Brother An, it's okay to look at your support."

Faced with the little fat man, Zhang Ping'an laughed and said, "How do you tell me to watch and support them? You asked me to help them support them, so you can count them. You can say as many as you want. A hundred sheets or a thousand sheets are fine, as long as you open this mouth!"

Of course, this one thousand sheets are consumed in millions, and it is impossible for a fat man to open this mouth.Zhang Ping’an’s remarks may be seen as he is deliberately embarrassing the little fat man, and also testing the little fat man’s emotional intelligence, but at the same time, it reminds him how much he has the ability to do great things as a man. Don’t be loved for a while. He stunned his head and went to do some very stupid things.

Blindly begging for help for a friend of his girlfriend, a relationship that has gone around eight feet long?In the end the suffering will only be yourself.In the future, your girlfriend's friend, her personal career has developed, do you think she will remember your little fat man?Will not!She may remember your girlfriend and Zhang Pingan, but she will never remember you, the matchmaker.

The little fat man became hesitant when he heard Zhang Ping'an's words, because he didn't know how much he should say, so he seemed very embarrassed.At this time, the girlfriend next to the little fat man said immediately: "Angel, you just support a hundred sheets at will."

One hundred sheets is one hundred sixty thousand yuan, and she is not worth so much money with a word of her.So Zhang Ping’an looked at the little fat man’s girlfriend and laughed and said, “Now he is asking me for help, so just let him tell me how much he wants me to help, because this is the favor he owes me. He will also pay the debt of favor. Come on, Fatty, how much do I need to support?"

The little fat man heard Zhang Pingan’s question again, he hesitated to look at his girlfriend, and his girlfriend kept reminding him that he wanted one hundred, because she felt that the money was not her boyfriend She even stepped on Little Fatty's foot several times under the table.

So the little fat man really said to Zhang Ping'an stupidly: "Then...just one hundred."

Sometimes men are really stupid for the sake of face. Nowadays, there are a lot of "school loans", aren't they just taking advantage of the impulse of young people?

Hearing what Little Fatty said, Zhang Ping'an nodded and said: "Okay, since you have opened one hundred, then one hundred. It's almost done. I'll go first. I still have to go to the airport. You slow down. Slowly eat, I will give you these 100 photos when Xiaoxiao and I go to the small theater in the evening."

Although there are still a lot of things on the desktop, Zhang Ping'an has already got up, and Xiaoxiao sitting next to him really feels that Little Fatty is too stupid this time.One hundred?It's a shame that he can get this mouth!

Xiaoxiao shook his head a little disappointed at Little Fatty and said: "Little Fatty, you can send them back later, aren't they going to the theater to prepare in the afternoon, and I will go back tonight with Ang." After talking, laughed and got up.Just like that, all the people at the table got up and planned to leave. Although the meal was not very good, they also got a hundred tickets for the album. This is worth it for them. As for who owes the favor to them, dry?

They all followed out the door of the restaurant, only Xiaoxiao quickly ran up to catch up with Zhang Pingan.After catching up, he said to Zhang Ping An, "Brother An, I'm sorry, this fat guy is probably crazy. I don't know how he would open a hundred sheets? This is not a canvassing for his girlfriend. I really don't understand."

Zhang Ping'an shook his head and said, "Don't blame him, some men have that character. When he likes a woman very much, he will satisfy all the requirements of his girlfriend. Of course the best can be done, those who are obviously beyond his own ability. Yes, they will do it at all costs. That's why there are many men who commit crimes for their girlfriends. Of course, women are the same. When they love a man, they will give up everything and even go to work in a nightclub. So, at this time, your friend’s role is important. Be sure to keep an eye on him, and don’t let him become so stupid that he is hopelessly stupid. Especially when it comes to money, keep an eye on him. Don't be stupid."

Listening to Zhang Ping’an’s advice, his face turned pale with a smile: “Angel, do you think that woman is cheating the little fat man with money?”

"Did you deceive money? I don't know. Anyway, that woman must be using the little fat man, that's for sure. If she didn't say one hundred sheets next to him, do you think the little fat man would open one hundred sheets? So ah , Just keep your eyes on it. As for their love, you don’t want to express any opinions. You have to let him grow up on his own? Maybe he will complain about you in the future.” Zhang Ping’an finished laughing and filming He patted the shoulder with a smile.

Zhang Pingan stood not far behind the Ferrari that many people were watching and pressed to unlock. When the unlock light came on, all the people watching the car were looking for the Ferrari owner until everyone used a kind of suspicion. Seeing this man in'Adidas' sportswear opened the car door, everyone was very surprised, because he really didn't look like a rich man!

Even Xiaoxiao didn't think that this Ferrari would be Zhang Pingan, because he drove a Mercedes when he saw Zhang Pingan last time.So when he saw Zhang Ping'an sitting on this 22.5 million Ferrari, he was really frightened.

The little fat man and the women who didn't know the car only knew that it was Ferrari, and it was not clear how much it was.But they all think it's normal for Zhang Pingan to drive Ferrari as the boss.

Before closing the door, Zhang Ping'an smiled and said: "I have something to do in the afternoon, and I will call you in the evening. Then we will go to the theater together, let's go!"

When the car door was closed, Ferrari made a deafening roar, and people onlookers all gave way to the car.I saw the red glare, roaring and leaving here.


After Zhang Ping'an left, the little fat man and others came to Xiaoxiao's side. The little fat man said: "This car is Ang's Ferrari?"

"Oh, I just found out just now, this car is called'La Ferrari' and the official price is 22.5 million!!"

Not only the fat guys, but even the group of Shanghai 48 girls were surprised: "This Ferrari is 22.5 million? Is Ange a rich second-generation'headmaster'?"

The fat man shook his head and said: "We don't know what level he is. Anyway, we only know that he is very rich. He lives in Tomson Yipin and lives alone. Last time we went to his house and sat for a while. Later, Xiaoxiao and I checked on the Internet, and his house size cost 60 to 70 million!"

One of the women said, "It seems that the house in Tokyo really belongs to him? Aren't many people on the Internet suspect that he rented it?"

I don't know why it was uncomfortable to look at these women with a smile at this time, so when the woman said this, he didn't bother to respond, even though he knew that the house was bought by Zhang Ping'an yesterday.

Zhang Ping'an drove the car home. After returning home, he put the car in, changed his clothes and went out again, but this time he didn't drive out because he had to go there to pick up the car today.In order to install a wave of beeps at night, Zhang Pingan planned to drive out his yellow McLaren P1 because the exaggeration of the appearance of the'P1' was not lost compared to Rafa.For the Porsche 918, the front face is the same as the traditional style.

Zhang Pingan was dressed very casually, with a sweater and a pair of jeans before going out.

Especially when he got in a taxi and said to go to the most expensive place in the city, the taxi driver was stunned.He also said that he could only send him to the door, he could not get in the car.

Sitting in the taxi, Zhang Ping’an called the company’s people: "I will also go to the airport in a while!"

Although he and Yin Suwan broke up, but the job is always work, it is better to face it calmly.Even if it will be embarrassing after the meeting, let's live with it, and go to the airport personally to show his sincerity.

When Zhang Pingan went home to pick up the car, he told his aunt Li, who was cooking, that he would not come back for dinner at night.Then he drove away in P1. Yesterday he read the manuals for the three cars for a long time.

The McLaren P1 with exaggerated color and exaggerated appearance is driving on the streets of Magic City.This made the automobile forum lively once again. The three great cars have already appeared in the magic city, because the Porsche 918 has appeared in the magic city in the hands of the principal.It was surprisingly discovered on the car forum that'Rafa, P1' belong to the same person, because the four digits of the license plate are exactly the same, except for the first English letter.

People in the car forum jokingly said, "He won't have another 918?If that were the case, he would be the first person to collect the three cars.'Of course Zhang Ping'an's 918 will show up, but it's something later.

The plane from Seoul has arrived at Pudong Airport. The anchors gathered in twos and threes to form their own small circle. When they came to this strange country, everyone brought some novelty and curiosity.

While they were waiting to pick up their luggage, Yin Suwan and her friend stood with her friend, Xu Yunmei smiled and walked over, because she is the only one of the three car models, and there are two Zhang Pingan in Korea waiting to be sold. 'A good price.

Xu Yunmei smiled and said to Yin Suwan: "Zhang Pingan is coming, right?"

Yin Suwan shook her head and said, "I don't know, we have broken up. If you have his kakao, please contact him yourself."

Xu Yunmei was very surprised when she heard the news. She widened her eyes in disbelief and said, "Break up?"

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