My entertainment circle

Chapter 136 Shanghai 48 Small Theater (Ninth!)

Little fat guy wondered if he was brainwashed by his girlfriend?He actually said such inexplicable things, saying that 160,000 yuan is nothing to Zhang Ping'an?It is true that 160,000 is really nothing to a person of Zhang Ping's level.But, as he said with a smile, if he had spent 160,000 for himself, it would definitely be nothing.

But the problem is not like this now. The 160,000 yuan was not spent by Zhang Ping An for himself, but for your little fat man. This favor will be paid by your little fat man in the future!One hundred sixty thousand yuan does not mean that you little fat man can't afford it. Today's little fat man has this economic strength, and you can definitely afford it just because of'money'.But the value of the "favor debt" is sometimes not a thing of 160,000.

The laughter silenced the little fat man. If he was asked to spend the '160,000' to support his girlfriend's friends, would he be willing?Of course he didn't want it anymore, so he pushed things he didn't want to Zhang Ping An's body?

Just think he has money, maybe he doesn't care?This idea is completely wrong. Although he is a rich man, he must spend money to be worthwhile.

If it was Zhang Ping’s favorite idol, then he spent 160,000 for nothing, but he didn’t even know those people and then spent 160,000 for some reason?The money that your little fat guy is unwilling to spend, do you think Zhang Pingan is being taken advantage of?So this debt of favor fell on him!The future may not be a matter of 160,000, such as renewal?

Without a girlfriend by his side, the little fat man started to think about it seriously after listening to the words with a smile. After he realized it, he finally felt that he had really made a very stupid decision.One hundred, although Zhang Ping'an didn't say the phrase "why?"But he asked himself why?

Yeah, why?Zhang Ping'an and them are not relatives.No wonder Zhang Ping'an would stare at him and ask when eating at noon. Even if his girlfriend rushed to answer, he still asked the little fat man to answer him in person.Because they are not qualified to owe this debt of favor, it is his little fat man, who was tired and smiled, and owed this debt together!

Zhang Ping'an entered the front hall of the small theater, where many posters related to'Shanghai 46' were placed, of course, albums and some surrounding sales were placed on the first floor.The entrance to the performance hall was upstairs. Zhang Ping'an didn't have a reporter to go upstairs, but went directly to the sales area after coming in.

Then he turned his head and beckoned to the two little fat guys: "Come here, why are you guys slowly?"

After the two of them approached, Zhang Pingan found that the little fat man and his expression had completely changed.He frowned fiercely, with a feeling of reluctance.It may be just a few minutes of thinking. He felt that he had done something stupid. At this time, he felt a little tangled, and he felt a little bit repentant.

One hundred sixty thousand, is it really a small number?

Looking at the expressions of the two of them, Zhang Ping'an roughly guessed that smile taught him a lesson.Now he is a little awake, but when he gets blown by the pillow wind at night, he will change that love fool again, this is really uncertain.

Zhang Ping'an said to the salesperson: "That voting album, I want the one with 48 votes, I have one hundred!"

Zhang Ping’an’s words made the shopping guide a little disoriented, because the female group'Shanghai 48' has not been paid much attention since its establishment. As for the fans, they may be domestic fans who have transferred from the'AKB' side. After all, going to Japan to support'AKB' is too far away.Shanghai 48 is right beside them.Occasionally come to see the performance, the general election bought one or two albums to support, so far the largest number of support is only'ten 48 votes'.

Zhang Pingan’s mouth is one hundred, which is more than one hundred thousand. Did you spend a domestic car in one go?So this shopping guide was a bit dazed at the scene.

Zhang Pingan smiled and looked at the shopping guide and said, "You won't tell me that there are not so many '48-vote albums' prepared on site, right?"

Because the consumption is not a small amount, the shopping guide asked Zhang Pingan again: "Yes. But sir, are you sure you want to buy a hundred of '48 tickets'?"

"Yes, trouble you." Zhang Pingan took out his bank card after he said: "Can you swipe the card? Alipay can't pay so much money at once!"

"Yes, wait a minute, sir, I will let the backstage prepare." The inventory in the box at the front desk does not have 100 albums with 48 tickets. It is great to have ten tickets, so the front desk will not prepare so many to put them here.

She quickly dialed the number on the backstage and asked the backstage to prepare a hundred '48 votes' albums to be sent to the front.In an instant, the backstage was a little frying: "Who, buy a hundred copies at a time? How about 168,000."

The news soon reached the dressing room, and the members waiting to be on stage also heard the news that someone had bought one hundred 48-ticket albums at once.

However, those who knew laughed: "I know who bought it. Today at noon, we were having dinner with Zhang Ping’an, the owner of'Panda Live’. He said to buy a hundred albums and see Zhang Ping’an up close. That's handsome."

Some people who don’t know Zhang Pingan asked the insider: "Panda, Zhang Pingan, is it just the rich second generation of the Tokyo mansion that is legendary online?"

At this time, a person who often played with bibs said: "Still talking about the Tokyo luxury house! Check the latest news, he has a limited edition'Ferrari' worth 23 million Chinese currency, which was exposed in the afternoon. And just now Someone sent a photo and found Zhang Pingan’s limited-edition Ferrari in the Tomson Yipin underground garage! The license plate is '0506' which is the birthday registered on his scarf! Tokyo real estate, Tomson Yipin, top luxury car, proper super rich second generation . But no one knows his background!"

Someone immediately continued: "If I want to tell you, it's not that no one knows, but people who know will not gossip about these news."

Some of them became curious. They asked the girl who had eaten with Zhang Pingan: "How do you know Zhang Pingan?"

The man smiled and said, "My friend is a contract anchor for his platform. He used to be a professional player of League of Legends."

"Um, the principal also likes this game, why do the rich second generations like to play games?"


It's not that the rich second generation likes to play games, but the future development potential of the game "League of Legends" is huge.This makes many rich second-generation people have seen the business opportunities contained in this game, and they have begun to invest in this game.Of course, the biggest investor in this game is still the world-class game maker "Penguin"!

Zhang Pingan and Little Fatty waited for the album to be delivered backstage, opened the box and looked at the neatly packed one hundred copies.Zhang Pingan patted the fat man on the shoulder: "Little Fatty, this is my promise to help you, and now I have fulfilled it. As for the love you owe me, I will keep it temporarily. You will remember to pay it back in the future. My favor, although I don’t know what I want you to pay back.."

Zhang Ping’an’s words made the hundred albums heavier in his hands!The little fat guy really wanted to say, "Can I pay for it myself?"'But thinking of 160,000, he immediately dismissed the idea.Let's talk about the future.

Seeing him holding the album, Zhang Ping'an said, "You plan to hold this thing forever? Would you like to put it in my car?"

"Okay, put it in your car for now. Thanks, brother Ang."

Zhang Pingan took the two of them back to their car again to put the things on the seats, and the three came to the upper floor of the performance hall together.

On the second floor, the entrance of the small theater, here is the same as the small theater in Japan. Its walls are pasted with the'registered photos' of the first- and second-year students. Zhang Ping'an stood in front of their photos and watched them seriously.In the end, his footsteps stopped in front of the second-term photo wall, he just built a bridge with one hand on his chin and looked at the pictures on the wall seriously.

At this time, a chubby fan came to Zhang Ping'an and said, "Boss Zhang, do you like second-term students?"

All three of Zhang Ping'an turned to look at the big fat man wearing a simple T-shirt, sweating profusely. Zhang Ping'an curiously tilted his head and said, "Do you know me?"

The big fat man smiled and nodded and said, "Of course, I like Japanese variety shows very much. This time you participated in "Follow My Home" and I watched it. And your'Panda Live' has been promoted on the Internet recently. Well, I think you look better than photogenic."

Zhang Ping'an laughed: "You really can't speak, you must say at this time, you look good on the mirror and yourself."

"Ha ha..." The big fat man smiled honestly.Zhang Ping'an took out a pack of tissues from his trouser pocket and handed it to him: "Wipe your sweat. Sweaty, is anyone running after you?"

The fat man smiled and took Zhang Ping'an's tissue: "Hey, I ran over after dinner and was almost late. Boss Zhang, who do you like the second-term student? I am a fan of Xiaoju."

"That's the beauty of four thousand years, she has a good vision." When Zhang Ping'an said this, his eyes fell on the little chrysanthemum photo on the photo wall, and then he said: "Do you know how the idols of'AKB' are raised? Is it successful? Just two words: throw money. And it is calling more people to throw money on her."

Who doesn't understand what Zhang Pingan said?The key is to be rich.The fat man wiped his sweat and said, "Boss Zhang, what about you? Who do you think is good in the second term?"

"Me? I don’t know it very well, I’ve only come to the small theater for the first time. I haven’t seen their performance yet. Knowing about them means knowing the "four thousand years" through the news, but the Japanese news says : Huaxia established the first idol group in four thousand years. It is not the first beauty in four thousand years. I don't know who translated it?"

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