My entertainment circle

Chapter 141 So you are Uncle Black! (on)

Taeyeon couldn't hold back a hilarious laugh, and Pani rubbed her shoulders and said, "Wow~~~ Zhang Pingan, my scalp is numb, goose bumps are all on the floor, what is your routine?"

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said, "Of course it's a way of making love talk to girls. I plan to upload this video to the website. Will it be blown by your fans?" Because this video is obviously a joke similar to a funny, fan I don't care.

Taeyeon had already burst into laughter beside her, revealing her standard "aunt laugh" "Hahaha, I can't stand it, I can't stand it, I can't stand it. This love story is too numb, right? Are there any more routines?"

"Yes, but this time I changed to Pani to shoot, and we both acted." Zhang Pingan invited Taeyeon to sit down. Taeyeon thinks this kind of shooting is also very interesting, even if it is on the Internet. On the contrary, such a fresh video will make fans feel very funny, especially Zhang Ping’an’s love story routine is really interesting.

Taeyeon sat opposite Zhang Pingan. This time it was Pani’s turn to be a cameraman. Zhang Pingan scratched his head and said, "This is an IQ test. You have to answer it quickly! Dad, mom, husband, Who has no blood relationship with you! 1..2..3..” Zhang Ping’an deliberately speeded up his speech when asking questions, and finally counted quickly, putting Taeyeon in a state of tension.

Taeyeon said the answer without hesitation: "Husband!"

Zhang Ping An immediately responded to Taeyeon: "What's the matter, wife!"

"OMG! Wow hahaha~~!" Now it was Pani's turn to stand beside him and burst into laughter: "Husband, wife? Hahaha, Zhang Pingan, you can really take advantage! Hahaha..."

Taeyeon felt that she couldn't help but burst into laughter after she was fooled. Really, she hasn't felt so happy for a long time. Even if Zhang Ping's jokes are a bit of a suspicion, his humor is undoubtedly successful!

Taeyeon happily patted the table and asked Zhang Ping An again: "Is there anything like this? Come again, this time I don't want to be fooled."

"Taeyeon, do you know the happiest number in the world?"

"7? Isn't it?" Because there is a kind of "lucky seven" in South Korea.So Taeyeon tilted her head and answered the number.

"No, it's five!" Zhang Ping'an opened his hand when he said the number, and Taeyeon said puzzledly: "Huh? Five? Why?"

Zhang Pingan opened his five fingers and said to Taeyeon, "You follow me, five!"

Taeyeon also followed Zhang Ping’an to make a gesture of spreading five fingers. At this moment, Zhang Ping’s closed her hand. The two appeared in a state of clasping their fingers. Zhang Ping’an also said at this time: “From From this moment on, let us become happy together!"

"Wow ha ha ha..." Taeyeon was fooled again, she was amused by Zhang Ping'an and slammed on the table.

While his scalp was numb, Pani didn't forget to yell at Zhang Pingan: "Ah, you still don't let go, Taeyeon's hand?"

Then Pani held the camera in one hand and interlocked one hand with Taeyeon and the other: "Let’s become happy together, Taeyeon."

After laughing, Pani said to Zhang Pingan: "Zhang Pingan, don't edit the picture randomly."

"I know, I'm not that stupid yet, deliberately went to hot searches to quote topics."

Stopping the exchange of local love words, Taeyeon's mood became very good when she was teased by Zhang Ping An. While drinking coffee, she looked at Zhang Ping an earnestly.

After the two met, Zhang Pingan smiled sweetly at Taeyeon. Only then did Taeyeon ask about the doubts in his heart: "Panxi, I always think we have seen it. Oh, I didn’t mean it last time. The time at the rotisserie, but I think we have seen it before?"

Pani said before Zhang Ping’an answered: “How is it possible, I have no impression.” Because Taeyeon said this question more than once, Pani felt that they had never met before.

But facing Pani’s remarks, Zhang Pingan smiled and shook, and then looked at Taeyeon and said, “I was discovered by you. In fact, we have seen it before and we have seen it many times. I have also seen Pani. , I have also met other members of your Girls’ Generation."

Pani's eyes widened as he heard Zhang Ping'an's answer, his face full of incredible, while Taeyeon continued to look at Zhang Ping'an in confusion and asked, "Have you been to our signing event?"

Because it was at a concert, it was impossible for her to remember the faces of fans standing in the audience, and it was only possible to impress her at the signing event.

"Well, I have been there. I have said, I am your fan, how could I have not been to your signing event?"

Listening to Zhang Ping'an admitting that he had been to their signing event.Taeyeon nodded and said, "I think you are impressed. It seems that I have met you somewhere. It turned out to be at the signing ceremony."

Pani said very speechlessly: "Do you remember that there were so many fans at the signing event? Are you too exaggerated?"

Yes, some of the fans who went to the signing event are old fans, but the old fans know Taeyeon and have deep memories.But Zhang Pingan obviously doesn't want to be an old fan?

Taeyeon always thought he was quite familiar, but couldn't tell the details.If he has only seen it once, he shouldn't give her a very familiar feeling, so contradictory!

Taeyeon frowned conflictingly and asked Zhang Ping An: "How many times have you been to our signing meeting? Is it many times? If not, how do I feel that you feel very familiar to me?"

Zhang Pingan smiled and nodded and admitted: "Well, I have been there many times."

This time it was Pani's turn to feel very surprised. If Zhang Ping'an had really come to the signing event many times, he would have been impressed.

But she really didn't think Zhang Pingan had any sense of familiarity with her?She frowned and said, "You didn't mean to tease us? Have you ever been to our signing event? I really don't have any impression at all. As you said, you have been here many times. No matter how impressed, right?"

Zhang Ping'an said seriously: "I've been there many times. You don't have the impression because you didn't pay attention, and Taeyeon paid attention, it's that simple."

"Have you been to our signing meeting three times before?" Pani was really depressed.She has no impression at all, but he has said that he has been here many times, which makes her very distressed.

Zhang Ping’an smiled and nodded and said, “Of course there have been three times. Girls’ Generation Signing Event, you Teddy Xu’s signing meeting, I’ve been there. Okay, don’t guess there, these are not important. We will be friends anyway Up."

Pani said unwillingly: "Since you are a friend, you should tell us, it is always my memory that has a problem?"

"Forget it, don't ask. Pingxi, you are right, we will all be friends in the future. Maybe he doesn't want to say it?"

"I don't want to say it? There is something I don't want to say, and it's not a shameful thing. Unless you wear a hat and mask like the'Uncle Black'..." Pani suddenly mentioned the mystery of'Uncle Black'. When she was a human, she followed Zhang Pingan's figure to compare with Uncle Hei, and suddenly, she

These words of Pani made Taeyeon stare at Zhang Ping An, ah, familiar and unfamiliar, Uncle Hei often comes to their signing meetings, but no one has seen his true face.Because every time he was dressed in black, he also had a hat, mask, and glasses to prevent himself from being discovered.

Taeyeon tilted her head and looked at Zhang Ping'an and called out, "Uncle Black?"

Zhang Ping An only knows that fans like to call him a "wall fan". As for Taeyeon's "Uncle Black", which is what idol calls him, Zhang Ping An doesn't know.So he tilted his head and asked Taeyeon, "What black uncle?"

Pani immediately said: "Did you wear black when you came to the scene? You have a hat and mask? By the way, I remembered that Sika said that there was a car next to her car that was exactly like Taeyeon. And you are not Do you live upstairs from Sika's house? Should I call Sika and ask Sika that the car that hit her last time was the same as Taeyeon?"

Zhang Ping'an smiled and applauded: "It seems that our'Detective T'is still a bit powerful. Actually guessed what kind of black uncle I am, but who made the name? So strange?"

Taeyeon finally got a "familiar" answer, it turned out that he was the uncle black who had been hiding.And Pani opened his mouth and said: "You are a very strange person! Every time you sign up, you appear in black, and you are not a fan of our Girls' Generation."

"Who said I was not? Ask Fei, I have run through a lot of your scenes." Seeing Zhang Ping An directly carried out Taeyeon's most familiar fans, Taeyeon herself laughed speechlessly.

And Pani yelled even more depressed: "Ah, don’t you know that the active girl group idols all know that there is a black uncle wearing a black suit? You, just ran to the signing ceremony. You ran Isn’t it just our girls’ generation at the scene?"

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said, "I think I've always been low-key? How come the female idols know me?"

Pani didn't say angrily: "Are you still low-key? If you are really low-key, you won't wear the same clothes every scene, you are a famous weird!"

"It seems that next time I go to the scene, I have to change my clothes. By the way, since I am a fan of yours, can I get two concert tickets?"

Taeyeon shook his head and said, "The Japanese concert is not operated by our company, and we don't have any tickets. Next time, I'll give you tickets when we tour in Korea next time."

Pani continued with Taeyeon’s words and said: "Peace, I have always heard that you are a fan of Taeyeon? Because when Taeyeon buys a Porsche, you buy a Porsche. When she buys a Mercedes-Benz, you change to a Mercedes-Benz? What have you done recently? Suddenly changed to Rolls Royce?"

"Haha.. Because every time I went to the scene, I met Sister Fei, and later she told me how good Taeyeon is, and I became a fan of Taeyeon unknowingly. This time I bought a car because I ran into Sika. Oh, I don’t have a car, so I bought a new one, and I need a luxury car for work!"

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