My entertainment circle

Chapter 144: Hot Search for Love? (under)

China’s top rich second-generation Zhang Ping’an and Girls’ Generation captain Kim Taeyeon’s love news has been spread out in Korea and China in less than an hour’s hot searches on the'N Stations’, hot searches on the scarf, and this news information. 'S boarded the'one' and occupied the top spot.This is Zhang Ping'an who has personally felt that it is not easy for celebrities to fall in love. Those brain-dead fans on the Internet continue to curse Zhang Ping'an. Of course, there are countless news about Taeyeon.

This made Zhang Ping'an feel embarrassed, because this'news' really had to bear certain responsibilities.It wasn't for fun that he would tease Kim Taeyeon with earthy love words, and there would be no news like this.

The employees of the company were quickly editing the video shot by Zhang Ping An. He was editing and laughing while editing the local love story shot in it.He feels that his boss is really too talented, and he can actually say so awkwardly about'Sao'.

At this time, Zhang Ping’an was sitting in the editing room with a mobile phone and chatting. The brothers far away in China all sent inquiries, smiling excitedly and sent a message: “Angel, you and Girls’ Generation Kim Taeyeon are in love. ?"

"No, don't believe the rumors on the Internet, I'm just jokingly teasing her. Who knew she was photographed? Anyway, I didn't suffer from the hot search, and it didn't have much effect on me. And it made us. 'pandaTV' followed a wave of hot searches. During this time, our platform has been promoting well~~"

Smiled: "Angel, cowhide, slap-up girl, slapped on Kim Taeyeon's head. Your bib has gained 5 million fans, now it is 13 million! Go ahead and seduce a few Korean stars, you Fans grow even faster."

"I don't have time to tease my sister. I'm making a video, and I will upload it later to help promote it!"

"Video? Video of teasing girls?"

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said: "Smart! Next time I will take you to Tokyo to tease Sakura girl, the girl over there is much better."

Replied to the smiled news, Zhang Pingan looked at the joke message sent by Xiaodi: "Ping An Oppa, you actually fell in love with that Korean star? Didn’t you just say in the morning that you wanted to marry me? You changed Oh~~"

Zhang Ping An would not lose on'oil'. He immediately replied half-jokingly: "I wanted to marry you this morning, but who refused me at that time? So I had to marry Taeyeon reluctantly." Why? It was half joking, because he thought it would be nice if he could fall in love with Xiao Di.

"How can there be people like you who don't give people time to think about it? Also, you are reluctant to say that the Korean star is not your ideal type?"

Zhang Ping'an replied: "I am not as good as you, and not as beautiful as you. Compared with you, you are my first choice. It is a pity that you rejected me. I am very sad now."

"Seriously, are you in love with a Korean star?"

"Nothing. We came to find her to shoot the platform promotional video. After the filming, we sat and chatted, and we were photographed when we were making some jokes. As for the "ten fingers tightly clasped" for a while, I will post the content of the filming on the Internet. You see, the staff is editing the video now."

Xiaodi replied: "Well, I thought you were really in love with a Korean star."

Zhang Pingan: "No, didn't you say that you wanted to marry you with all your heart?"

Fat Di: "..."

Zhang Ping An: "Look, I refused again. Next time I will go to see Sakura Sister. The last time I spoke to Sakura Sister in Tokyo, it was not bad."

Fat Di: "Go, go. You really have no good impressions!!"

Zhang Pingan: "..."

Fatty: "What do you mean by a little bit?"

Zhang Pingan: "I start to miss you little by little, and start to like you little by little."


"Stop talking, I have edited the video here, and I have to send the video to the company."

When Zhang Pingan was sending WeChat with Xiaodi, he also watched a lot of messages from Sister Fei: "Ping An oppa, are you really walking with us Taeyeon? You are amazing, but she and I agree with you when you associate. I always think you are a good person! With the support of my number one fan, are you moved?"

Zhang Ping’an replied: “I moved a fart, nothing, I’ll know after watching the video sent by SM.


After SM made the statement, two hours later, they sent a video to the official cafe. The first character in the video was Pani, followed by Kim Taeyeon.. All of them were taken in the coffee shop this afternoon. Love words, in the video, Zhang Ping’an made Pani and Taeyeon burst into laughter. Some shots were shaking because of the hilarious laughter. In the video, Taeyeon’s aunt who shot the table laughed and so on.

After the video came out, the fans finally understood why Zhang Ping An and Kim Taeyeon appeared in the photos of "Ten Fingers". With the spread of the video, "Zhang Ping An" once again appeared on the hot search in Korea during dinner time.

Zhang Ping'an is capable!And his earthy love words were teased by countless netizens: "I got goose bumps, Zhang Pingan is too greasy, right? What type of you? O type? No, you are my ideal type!"

"This Zhang Ping'an's love story is too boring. If he told me this to me in person, I would feel uncomfortable?"

"Hahaha, genius, this Zhang Ping’an’s technique of picking up girls is simply invincible. I hope Zhang Ping’an will take more videos of making up girls, so that the majority of men can learn how to strike up a conversation with beautiful women!"

"The ultimate trick to tease girls, money!"

"Perhaps it is because of'Zhang Pingan' that has such an effect, right? Rich, handsome, humorous, and good-looking. It's perfect!!"

"Zhang Ping An, why is it suddenly on fire?"

"Winner in life. I am rich, and my appearance has reached the star level. I really envy such a life."

While the video has aroused heated discussion in South Korea, China has also released a subtitled version of'Zhang Pingan's Local Love Story~!The message below Zhang Pingan’s collar broke out again: "Brother Pingan, you are real Sao!"

"Wow... my God, Zhang Pingan's Sao words are invincible, hahaha!"

"Try it out on the street at night to see if you can get the girl's WeChat in this way?"

Zhang Ping'an has become the current "Red Man" with his hand of "earth-flavored love words". Of course, the reason for the "red" is because of his strong financial background and his excellent appearance.As countless netizens said,'young, rich, handsome, and humorous.'

Of course, after Zhang Pingan's video was sent, countless people felt that he was sensationalizing, blogging and other comments.But this kind of remark was quickly countered by others: I hope you can also have a'grandplay' performance with Girls' Generation!Then many netizens started a scolding war under Zhang Pingan’s message board. What Zhang Pingan is your "father" licking the dog, various swear words appeared in the message area one after another.

However, Zhang Ping'an ignored the comments on the Internet, because he was eating barbecue with Jin Zhongguo and others at the Ha Dongxun barbecue restaurant.

'Asian Prince Li Betrayal' smiled and put his arms around Zhang Pingan's shoulders and said, "I watched the video sent by SM, and my stomach hurts with laughter. Peace, can you teach me how to pick up girls?"

Zhang Pingan smiled and responded to Li Guangzhu: "Look for Brother Shi. Isn't he known as the "sage of love" in the show for a long time?"

Listening to Zhang Ping’an calling Liu Jae-shik the “sage of love,” Lee Kwang-soo’s face immediately collapsed, and the knowledgeable Kim Jong-kook burst into laughter beside him and said, “Hahaha~~Don’t mention the topic of the love sage of Brother Shi. Soo He asked him, "Who, who, who sent me a message, what does this mean?" Ge Shi always said, "This time, it must be true, she must have a good impression of you." Kwang Soo took the initiative to meet him, and then he was Cruel refusal. Hahaha~~ After watching your video, I think it’s the one that is particularly funny. Taeyeon called you "husband". When Kwang Soo just showed it to me, my stomach hurts. Your kid is too oily~~"

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said, "In fact, these things on the film are just the first step, just to get to know. After hitting up a conversation, I added kakao, how to communicate, this I really can't help you. If it is a girl who just met , You can never send'are you there?' or'what are you doing?' when you chat with her, you have to give them a choice, such as'the weather is good today, if possible, I would like to ask you to go for a walk in Han River Park. '"

"After your news is over, it's time for her to face her choice. If she has a good impression of you and wants to know more about you, she will promise you. If she says that she is really not free at work. You can ask her to have dinner together on the weekend. She can't say that she is not free on the weekend? If she still says that she has no time to tactfully refuse, then you don't waste time. She doesn't like you and doesn't plan to know you better, you have to be self-knowledge! Of course there is another kind of person, you ask me out, and I come out too, but every time you express your intentions, she neither refuses nor agrees, she just hangs you like that. If you meet such a person, don't contact you as soon as possible, because she I'm using you as a spare tire."

Jin Zhongguo smiled and said, "Wow, I feel that you are very experienced in love?"

Zhang Ping'an laughed: "Hey~~ That must be more than your experience, because I don't have your concerns."

Because the greater the celebrity’s reputation, the more cautious it will be when in love.Because they know that once the love news is exposed, it will definitely affect their work and life, so they have to be cautious.

Who knows if those people approach themselves with other purposes?

There are many precedents for such things.If you are looking for someone from outside the circle, maybe the film you have shot will go out after you break up.If it is a lesser-known person in the circle, it is most likely to borrow from you to take the after they become famous, they have to be very careful even if they associate.

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