My entertainment circle

Chapter 147 No one is simple (1)

'D Club' in Korea is too shocking for artists.Although she has no formal contacts at the moment, but because she has a guilty conscience, she wonders if it is because of frequent meetings that'D Society' has noticed something?

If the'D company' is really aware of it, then she will be more careful next and will never see anyone in Korea.

Sika, I don't know what the news about her in Zhang Ping'an's mouth is?Because he didn't reveal that little bit to Taeyeon and the others, she had to come and ask about it herself.Yesterday’s news about him and Kim Taeyeon, Sika’s mother, of course, also saw the hot search. As her daughter’s team, she of course also cares.

Afterwards, Sika's mother also asked about Sika, how did Zhang Ping An and Taeyeon meet upstairs?How did they start dating?Did you really know him before?Throwing it out, Sika was speechless. She could only say that maybe he is Taeyeon’s personal friend, and he is not an insider, so Taeyeon never introduced her before, naturally she I don't know Zhang Pingan anymore.

Sika said at dinner that she would come up to find Zhang Pingan. When Sika’s mother heard it, she was very surprised. Why did she suddenly go to Zhang Pingan?She also taught Sika a lesson. If it was said that Zhang Ping An was really dating Taeyeon, she should not go up to him alone.Sika told her mother that Zhang Pingan’s friend worked in the news agency, and he seemed to have heard some news about me.

Hearing that Sika was going upstairs to inquire about internal news, she asked Sika to bring some small dishes upstairs, which was regarded as a little bit of their family.As a result, Zhang Pingan was not at home after Sika went upstairs last night, so he came to visit this morning.

Unexpectedly, after going upstairs, Zhang Pingan said, "What is it?"'She replied: "Don't you have something to tell me?"

"I... have something to tell you? What are you talking about?" Zhang Pingan looked at Sika blankly. Yesterday he told Taeyeon and Pani something about Sika, and he forgot after drinking. Up.When confronted with her suddenly, she inexplicably said, "Did you have something to tell me?"'Zhang Ping An is of course very hoodwinked.

Sika frowned slightly and looked at Zhang Pingan and said, "Taeyeon told me, didn't you know some news about me?"

"Ah~~ Come in, stand at the door for a while and I can't finish talking about this matter." Zhang Ping'an opened the door and let Sika follow in.

Sika entered his home with Zhang Pingan, which was decorated in a completely different style from hers.After passing through the hallway and entering the living room, the bright room and the collection of girl group music albums in the collection cabinet made Sika a little confused: "What's the matter with your house, so many autographs Albums? All girl groups have them, eh, and my autograph? I bought them online?"

Zhang Pingan was too lazy to explain. He nodded and said, "Well, I bought it online. It's not bad to collect as a decoration, and the color style of each album is pretty good. Sit down and ask for coffee?"

Sika nodded and said, "Thank you."

Then she went from the display cabinet to the living room and sat on the sofa casually. After she put the side dishes she had brought on the table, her eyes began to look at Zhang Ping'an's room.This is completely different from the style of their home downstairs, a very modern room decoration, and he knocked out a lot of room walls, the layout of the room became different from the downstairs.

After Zhang Pingan received a cup of coffee for Sika, he took his slices of bread into the living room. He sat on a single sofa and said, "I'm having breakfast. Would you like to eat something? I will bake two slices for you. "

"No, I have eaten it. By the way, you told Taeyeon that'D club' knows something about me? What the hell is it?" Sika didn't change Zhang Ping'an much, just because of her own business. She had to stay here and talk to him.So she wanted to figure it out as soon as possible and go downstairs as soon as possible.

"It's okay, it's the right and what... the right and what, it seems to be the name, I can't remember clearly."

When Zhang Ping'an said'Kwon, what one', Sika suddenly became nervous. She immediately asked, "What's wrong with him?'D Society' will not be because we have seen so many times. Follow us? We are just a partnership, not a couple. He is a partner of my brand."

Zhang Ping'an casually bit the bread in front of him and said, "You know, your eyewear brand and your partner. I really don't know who introduced you to him, and what kind of mentality does he introduce to the people you know? Did he conduct a background check?"

"What's his background? The head of Asia of a brokerage company'CCP' from the United States." Sika casually spoke out the background she knew.

Zhang Ping’an laughed and applauded after hearing this: “It’s amazing. It’s the first time I heard about the company'CCP'. I bought it with a brokerage company for 10 billion won, and it was a real investment. Ten billion won! I had known that I registered a brokerage company in the United States, and then went around in Korea to empty my gloves. As soon as the suit is worn and the business card is issued, I will become the head of Asia. I dare to cooperate without any background investigation. , Are you really brave? You don’t know how his network came from, do you think he has a strong family background? I specifically asked my HK friend to ask, do you know him, and my friend said it was'Miss Zhong 'Introduction..."

Zhang Pingan took a sip of coffee and continued, "His rich second-generation circle was expanded by the female artist. Standing next to the rich second-generation, he somehow became rich second-generation? You? First think about it, why he has been entangled in finding female celebrities to work with? Whether it’s the Emperor’s'Miss Zhong’ or you, it’s not all because you stars have traffic. With the media willing to report, it’s better to promote yourself. Career! And the influence of Hallyu in Asia is quite big now. You are Girls’ Generation. This is the best sales word. Are you planning to sell the fame of Girls’ Generation? Now the second generations of HK are all about his career. He refused to invest. Haha, I said you... Forget it, next time I look for a partner, look at people clearly, if it’s not for you, I also like your girl’s generation, I don’t bother with you Say!"

Zhang Pingan's words with a contemptuous tone made Sika appear very dissatisfied.

Maybe it's because she has seen him more often, and she has a certain affection for him?So listening to Zhang Pingan's remarks made her very upset?Of course there is another possibility...

Sika was deliberately'acting' at this time!!!!

Sika felt that she didn’t beg him for anything, so she didn’t need to talk to him in a low voice. In addition, she had a very bad impression of Zhang Ping’an. He still criticized his'friends' regardless of whether it was injustice. There are other hidden purposes.

Anyway, she was extremely cold at Zhang Pingan's face: "Is he the second rich man taking care of you? Do you think you are as unlearned and skillless as you, and think that you have a lot of money to be great?"

Zhang Ping'an smiled bitterly and said: "I? I'm not learning or skillful? Anyway, I also graduated from a famous university? Forget it, I don't want to argue with you, and I don't want to argue with you. Anyway, I have to remind you. The last sentence : He is using you, using the name of'Girls' Generation', he is approaching you very schemingly. Don’t say much, go back and think about it. If you want to do your business seriously , Don’t be overwhelmed by some sweet words and sweet words."

Sika got up and threw a blank eye to Zhang Pingan: "Huh~~ Do you think you are so amazing?"

"I don't want to see you being... Forget it, it's me nosy! Just do whatever you like." Zhang Ping'an almost said that he was retired, but fortunately he braked at the end. He didn't bother to continue talking with her who was not calm, and he waved at her as an order to leave.

Sometimes kindness will not necessarily be appreciated, so it's just to blame Zhang Ping's for nosy!

In fact, from the first day of the establishment of the brand, Sika knew that her brand might be consuming the reputation of'Girls' Generation'!

But idol is not a long-term career, so she needs a suitable sideline for her, and'fashion' is what she knows most deeply, so she thinks this may be her best choice.


Sika frowned at the moment the room door closed after she came out of Zhang Ping's house angrily, because there was no object to quarrel, she could finally stop acting??

Maybe he was approaching her purposefully, but when Sika accepted him, didn't she have her own purpose?

Because her brand also needs a talent line to help her, and it happens that he has a relationship with HK and can really help some, so the two have frequent contacts.

If Sika doesn't have any thoughts about him, it doesn't have any purpose.She might be like Pani, Taeyeon and others who knew him.Just nod when you meet, and too much contact is unnecessary!

Carrying out a personal business, and using the name of Girls’ Generation to make her own business, this will inevitably lead to disputes. It is impossible for her to not know if she just wants to do some online shop’s “small trouble”.

Maybe her agency will accept it?But if Sika wants to consume the name of Girls’ Generation and expand her personal business overseas, the brokerage company is naturally unwilling. At least when the contract is in place, the company will absolutely not allow it!

Just like the anchor Zhang Pingan signed at this time, the company took more than half of the dividend rights for the "Taotao" business they were responsible for, because their naming rights and portrait rights are all in the company, which belongs to the company's property.Not the property of the artist!

But Sika is now using the reputation of the combined team to build its own brand.Then the brokerage company and her will definitely have a contest. If you want to build your own brand, then don't stay in Girls’ Generation, and exit Girls’ Generation from now on!!

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