My entertainment circle

Chapter 151: Li Zhien's Thanks

LOEN, there is a large open space at the door of the company building for parking. Zhang Ping'an directly parked the car at the door, picked up his gift box and got off the car.After he got off the car, the security guard at the door was stunned when he saw the black man. Just as he was trying to stop it, Li Ji-eun’s agent Han Te happened to come out of the company, and he saw the'Black Uncle' in a star-chaser costume. Very surprised.

Hante still had some thoughts about this black uncle who had spent super high ticket prices in Shanghai. After he gave up on security, he walked out of the company.

When he came to the door, Han Te said to Uncle Hei: "Hey, Uncle Hei, why did you come to our company? Ji-eun didn't come to the company today." (Hey, he will say he didn't come.)

Zhang Ping'an nodded and said, "I know, I came here to give her a birthday present. I didn't expect to meet you here. Please help me to bring Li Zhien to Li Zhien. I wish her a happy birthday in advance."

Hante saw that Uncle Hei was holding a big box in his hand. He was not sure what was inside, so he frowned and said to Zhang Ping An, "Uncle Hei, Ji-eun never accepts birthday gifts. If you are interested Wish her birthday, you can join Li Zhien’s birthday tree planting activity this year. This is an event organized by Zhien Guanjia this year. Are you an official member?"

Zhang Ping’an nodded and said, “I know she doesn’t accept the'tribute' from fans, but my thing is not a tribute luxury item. You can just transfer it to her for help, saying that I specially prepared it for her. It is accepted. , It doesn’t matter whether it is put in the fan warehouse, I know she has a fan warehouse."

Listening to Zhang Ping'an accurately speaking of the'fan warehouse', Han Fei nodded his head and reached out to take the more weighty box in Zhang Ping's hand. At the same time, he said to Zhang Ping'an: "Well, I'll pass it on for you. If it is a luxury item, she will never ask for it, and she will never collect it in the fan warehouse."

Zhang Ping'an nodded and said, "Well, remember to tell her that this is something I specially prepared for her. Excuse me, Han Texi. I'll go first..."

After watching Zhang Ping's driving away in the luxury car, Hante shook the box. There was no noise inside, and the weight of the box was relatively heavy. It seemed that it was not a tribute like a famous bag!Hante, holding the box, returned to Li Ji-eun's practice room, because after her birthday, Li Ji-eun will hold eight consecutive concerts, and she is now practicing for the concert.

Li Ji-eun, who was practicing singing, saw Hante come back with the box, she was at a loss: "Hantoppa, didn’t you go out to buy coffee? Why did you come back with the box? Could it be you? A birthday surprise for me, right?"

Because the box was tied with ribbon, it was obviously a gift.Li Ji-eun does not accept gifts from fans, but he still accepts gifts from agents who take care of him.So when she finished speaking, her eyes fell on the gift box and smiled.

Hante said, "This is indeed a birthday surprise, but it is not my birthday surprise for you. I was just about to go out to buy coffee, but I met Uncle Black at the door. He asked me to bring you this gift, saying it was a wish in advance. Happy birthday to you, he also said that he specially prepared this for you!"

"Uncle Hei? What happened to him recently? He went overseas to watch my performance and gave me a birthday gift? It's strange." Li Ji-eun said he took the gift from Hante. She They opened the package with Hante, and when they opened the gift box, a wireless microphone box appeared in front of her.As a singer, I have seen the microphone box many times.

"Microphone?" Li Zhien said and opened the microphone box. Inside, there was a pink-purple microphone lying quietly, and a handwritten greeting card. She reached out and picked up the greeting card and said, "This color is a special customized microphone, right?"

Han Jiao nodded and said, "No wonder he said it was specially prepared for you. It turned out to be specially customized for you."

Li Ji-eun took the greeting card and read out: "Wish, Ji-eun xi, happy birthday. I was moved by your singing at the Shanghai concert. I hope you can bring more beautiful songs to the fans with this microphone. When the microphone is customized I sent your voice to the manufacturer, and the manufacturer specially modulated this microphone according to your voice! Come on, stay strong, support you! Finally, I wish again, happy birthday!"

Li Zhien was really moved by Zhang Pingan's custom-made microphone as a gift, because he was moved by her music written in his greeting card. This is the greatest encouragement to the singer.

Li Ji-eun picked up the pink-purple microphone from the box, and muttered with tears in his eyes: "What, this uncle black... is so touching?" Then Li Ji-eun turned his head to look at Hante and said: "Who is he? Didn't you see his face today?"

Han Tetan started and said, "No, he is still in black, and he also brought a pair of sunglasses today. However, I have already written down his license plate. Would you like me to find the police to investigate the owner's information?"

Li Ji-eun became an'honorary police officer' last year, which made Hante also have some connections with the police. It is very simple to check the owner's information.

Li Ji-eun looked at Han Te's joke like an idiot: "You are really boring, do you think the police agency is'N station' where anyone can go to inquire about news?"

"Isn't I kidding? I really don't know who he is. If anyone knows, I think it's Taeyeon!" It's because there is a rumor that Zhang Ping An is a fan of Kim Taeyeon.But this time, Kim Taeyeon really knew that Zhang Ping An was the black uncle!

Li Zhien took Zhang Pingan's specially customized microphone, connected it to the live speakers, and practiced. The customized microphone with special sound line analysis actually produced much better results than the microphone provided by her company.

Hante sighed after hearing Lee Ji-eun's singing, "Oh~~ It really feels different, your high-pitched voice has been resolved more clearly."

Li Zhien nodded contentedly and said, "Well, it's really different. How do I thank him? By the way, I remember that'Uncle Black' has ins? How about I apply for an INS account to send him a private message?"

The thing to express gratitude after receiving the gift... Lee Ji-eun felt that she should not put it on her official coffee because she was worried that other fans would follow the example of Uncle Hei.She feels that organizing her fans to do something meaningful now is better than carefully preparing gifts for her.

Listening to Li Ji-eun about to activate ins, Han Te said, "Are you really planning to activate ins?"

"Well, let's activate it. Express my gratitude in a private message."

Zhang Pingan didn't expect that Li Zhien opened ins to express his gratitude to himself?In this way, Li Zhien sat in the practice room and found out her mobile phone to register her ins. After the activation, she updated the three links news and also issued a statement on the official website to open a personal ins!

However, fans discovered that the first person Li Zhien paid attention to after opening ins was not her best friend Liu Renna, but actually a super fan "Uncle Black"?

After Li Zhien failed to send the private message, she smiled and said to the agent: "The private message can't be sent at all. Maybe he turned off the private message function?"

"Maybe, after all, Uncle Hei is quite famous in the fan circle. He has close to 4 million ins fans, which is better than many idols. His account has attracted countless idols. Fans of. And his account never does marketing, which is the most rare. Now many Internet bloggers have started marketing after gaining popularity. Only he has never done marketing and only uploads some idols Photos of our activities."

Li Zhien wanted to express his gratitude to Zhang Pingan but couldn't find a way.

After Zhang Ping'an went home, he changed into casual clothes and waited for the aunts to come and clean the room. After returning this time, he would wait until the platform was stable before he came.So it's at least a week to leave, and I thought about cleaning it up before I left.

Sitting on the sofa in the living room, Zhang Pingan was chatting with Pani with his mobile phone.Compared to Taeyeon, Zhang Ping’an often chats with Pani these days because Taeyeon’s personality is too introverted.

"Pani, Sika came to my house this morning and quarreled with me. Has her'relative' come recently, so bad-tempered? Actually ran to my house early in the morning to fight?"

"No, although Sika is a bit stubborn sometimes, she is not as irritable as you said. What did you two say? Why did you quarrel?" Pani replied, turning his head to Taeyeon And Lin Yoona, who came back to the dormitory to play today, said: "Taeyeon, Zhang Pingan sent a message that Sika ran to his house early in the morning and had a big fight with him. I think there is a'story' in it."

Lin Yuner laughed when she heard the name'Zhang Pingan': "In the past few days, this rich second-generation Chinese has been on a lot of hot searches. How did you know him? He quarreled with Sika What's going on again?"

Lin Yoona didn't know that Zhang Pingan was the one who hit the truck, but the name'Zhang Pingan' suddenly appeared in her ears some time ago, and Zhang Pingan and Taeyeon were on the hot search together.

Yoona also watched the video shot by Zhang Ping An. She thought this man was humorous and interesting.

Pani smiled and explained to Yooner, "You don't know yet? The "lunatic" in Sika's mouth is Zhang Pingan, and he lives upstairs in Sika's house.

After hearing the news, Yoona said with a cheerful smile: "Hahaha~~ He is the one...that...hahaha.. This person is really interesting. When will you introduce me to me?"

Lin Yoona was originally a naughty ghost with a little devil living in her heart. Even if everyone is so mature now, she still makes some small jokes with her sisters because she finds it interesting.

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