My entertainment circle

Chapter 156 Introduce Xiaomi to me, right?

There are many western-style restaurants on the Bund, and the two chose a restaurant with a terrace.Don’t know if it’s luck today?It was still a little late for the meal, and the first round of dining was basically over, so when the two arrived at the restaurant, they happened to have a terrace seat.

The two of them sat on the beautiful Bund terrace and started their dinner. After they ordered the food, Fatty smiled and pointed to Tangcheng Yipin on the other side of the river and said, "Facing your house!"

Zhang Ping'an followed her gaze and looked at the golden buildings: "Yes, right at my house. So you will remember in the future, don't date other people here, or I will stand at home. You can find it at a glance!"

I don’t know if it’s the restaurant’s romantic atmosphere or Zhang Ping’an’s frivolous words. At this moment, Zhang Ping’an can be said to have words in his words.

Fatty smiled shyly and said: "How can I have a chance to date other people? I have been to Shanghai for four years, and I have come to the Bund for dinner twice, and both times are with you. The consumption here is not very good. Suitable for an ethnic group like us."

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said, "What are your so-called ethnic groups? I think even working-class restaurants like this can come if they are a little bit cruel. I don't come to such places to eat every day. But I know that many people from your school come to the restaurant on the Bund to eat."

Her school... Most majors have so much involvement with the entertainment industry!And a lot of gossips have not been said. When colleges like her come on weekends or holidays or something, there are basically all kinds of luxury cars parked in front of the school, so it is not surprising that some beautiful girls from their school come here to eat. Things.

Listening to Zhang Ping’an’s words, Fatty bit her lower lip while hesitating for two seconds while pouring her mouth, and said: “Sometimes I think you men are very strange. Women make good men. The outside world regards our women. The eyes will feel like admiring vanity, which is like saying that we women can only find some men with very ordinary conditions to fall in love? But you men are a little better in terms of conditions, don't you all want to find some beautiful women to fall in love I think society is really unfair to women sometimes!"

Zhang Ping’an shook his head and said, “I don’t know what other people think. Anyway, I won’t look at this issue with any colored eyes. And I never look at other people’s lives differently. Everyone has everyone. The right to choose. Nowadays, who can say who in this society? I love vanity, hehe, that's just some self-comforting excuses for some incompetent men. I think most of those who say that are some acid people, right? I can’t find a beautiful girlfriend, I can only blame the woman, saying that I love vanity, this is a typical sour grape psychology. Let’s not say that we are the second generation rich, some of our classmates who work harder when they study, come out to graduate Going to a better company or working as a civil servant, the girlfriends they find are all pretty good. I really don’t know what these people are sorely on the Internet every day?"

Zhang Ping'an's remarks can be regarded as looking at the problems of today's society from a fair perspective.Nowadays, most people on the road see a beautiful girl following a man with a poor appearance. The first reaction is that this man must be rich!In the eyes of men, beautiful women follow money!

Fatty smiled and said, "You never worry about finding a girlfriend, right? Even if you don't look at your financial situation, just your appearance can attract many beautiful girls, right?"

Zhang Ping’an laughed: “That’s why I said that this is the age of looking at faces. Even some beautiful women who have undergone post-processing can find some happy life, right? For such things, I do not encourage them to advocate , But it won’t be pedantic. After all, it’s the heart of beauty. And I found that recently many men in South Korea have started to go to the plastic surgery hospital in Gangnam District, and it is our Huaxia who passed by!"

"What about you, you have been in Korea for so many years, you haven't..." When Fat Di said this, he slanted his eyes and looked at Zhang Ping'an with a strong joke in it.

Of course she knows that Zhang Ping'an doesn't need plastic surgery at all. After all, his family conditions are so good. Does such a man still need plastic surgery?

Zhang Ping'an turned his eyes straight at hearing, "Can I use it? I think the banknotes in my hand are also very charming, okay? Compared to my appearance, I am more confident in my money! You sit down for a while. I'll go to the restroom first."

As long as the appearance of this society is not too frustrated, with a normal appearance and a little money in his pocket, men will become extremely confident.What's more, what about families like Zhang Pingan?


Coming out of the bathroom, Zhang Pingan was stopped by two beautiful beauties when he was about to enter the terrace: "Hello, are you Zhang Pingan?"

Zhang Ping An was puzzled and nodded: "Hmm. Is something wrong?" One of the very sexy women smiled at Zhang Ping'an and said, "I came here for dinner with my sisters today. I just met Mr. Zhang. You. Have a chance to get to know? Is it convenient to add a WeChat?"

"Sorry, it's not convenient, that's my girlfriend." For women, no matter what the purpose is to approach them, Zhang Ping'an is still polite.

And at this moment, Fatty looked at his position with a smile, and Zhang Ping'an decisively'betrayed' her.When these two saw Fat Di's mixed-race face, she had no choice but to return.

Confidence, this is the self-confidence that money brings. He doesn't have to take the initiative to attack and there will be some women close to him.Of course, they had other calculations in their hearts, but when Zhang Ping An was really willing to approach them, would he have no calculations in his mind?To put it bluntly, it is not just a love trading game.

When Zhang Pingan returned to his position, their appetizers were already served, and Fatty said with a smile: "The two beautiful ladies came to talk to you? I think they took out their phones and approached you actively. Why don't you take the move? What?"

"If I have to accept all the people who are close to me, then my life is really tiring. I have more contact with people who have good feelings, and don't contact people who don't have good feelings. Wouldn't it be possible for me to come in contact with beautiful women? Fan? I guess I don’t have enough time to see a woman in my whole life. Let’s eat..." The two raised their knife and fork to move.

Zhang Ping’an ate the caviar delivered with the appetizer. He nodded and said, “I like caviar and truffles in Japan.”

Fatty didn’t think caviar was amazing for the first time: “I’ve only heard of caviar, I have never eaten it. After coming to Shanghai, I have eaten a lot of crab roe. Every time I follow you You will always taste different delicacies when you eat. It seems that you have a little research on delicacy?"

"I can't talk about research, because I have been living overseas since I was a child, so I tried many restaurants and gradually understood the taste of food. By the way, I want to ask you for something this time."

"Please? How can I help you?"

"When will you introduce Xiaomi to me? Well, we may have some cooperation in work in the future!"

"Cooperation?" Pang Di frowned slightly. Looking back, Zhang Pingan had a brokerage company. He said'cooperation' and she asked casually: "Does your company plan to invest in TV series or movies?"

"Yeah. I recently acquired the rights to adapt some web articles. Today,'Ziwen Media' came to talk to us about cooperation. I was thinking that we will have some good scripts in hand in the future and see if we can cooperate with your company. I voted for it. How can the script in my hand take care of people I know? If you are asked to act as a female one at this time, it may not be able to guarantee absolute ratings, so I wondered if I could find Xiaomi to star One, and at the same time take you to play the second."

Of course, Fatty knows that she and Xiaomi are not at the same level of appeal in ratings.So when Zhang Pingan said that she was looking for Xiao Mi Mi to shoot a female, she already knew that it would be a big investment. After all, actors of her level had high appearance fees.

Since it is a large investment in film and television works, it is indeed not very suitable for her to be the female one.But she can play a female second in the big investment, which is also Zhang Ping's special care for her.

Although she thanked Zhang Ping’an for her care, as an insider, she still played the role of a friend to Zhang Ping’an and told Zhang Ping’an the normality of the circle: "Are you really planning to invest in film and television works? As far as I know, investment in film and television works , Most film companies are losing money. Especially the actors' salaries in the past two years are not cheap!"

"That's why I talked about cooperation. If it is a big production, I can't invest alone. The investment risk needs to be borne by someone. If you make a profit, everyone will make it together. If you lose it, I won't be hurt. You guys. Isn’t the brokerage company planning to shoot on its own after listing and financing? It just so happens that I have some good scripts in my hand, so I want to cooperate with your company! I don’t want to go too formal business partnership, after all, friendship In it, it’s okay to make a 10% discount on the actor’s pay? Think about it, a 10% discount on the pay of 10 million is equivalent to saving 1 million. This money is used for production. This is for the film’s How much do you want to improve the quality? You say yes?"

When Pang Di listened to Zhang Ping’an’s "Little Abacus", she smiled bitterly and said, "A young artist like me doesn't pay much, so you want to get a 10% discount? Is there a treacherous investor like you?"

Zhang Ping'an smiled at Fat Di and said, "Well, you are a relationship householder.. It doesn't matter if the film and television works I invest in will rise up to twenty for you. Anyway, your remuneration will not affect the quality of the TV series!"

Because Fat Di is still a new one at this time, her pay is really pitiful.Serial dramas, each episode is paid 10,000.So a 10% discount on her total pay may not be enough for the food during the filming of the crew.

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