My entertainment circle

Chapter 158 Xiaoju (Part 2)

There are too many scammers in this era, and scams are even more varied, so everyone will be very cautious when facing the “real” situation behind the Internet.Although her teammate told her some time ago,'PandaTV's Zhang Pingan and asked her private number.She also gave out the number.'But no one claiming to be'Zhang Pingan' contacted her in the past week.

Until today, a person named "Ping An" on WeChat suddenly added her friend, but the WeChat name was too inaccurate, so she sent an inquiry message.

Looking at the cautious Xiao Ju, Zhang Ping'an smiled and replied: "Hello, Xiao Ju, this is Zhang Ping'an."

Zhang Ping’an’s reply didn’t expect to get Xiaoju’s words: "Hehe." This clearly means that she didn’t believe what he said, too, she suddenly said that she was a rich second generation who has been in the limelight recently.

Zhang Pingan immediately sent her a video invitation on WeChat. Xiaoju connected to the video. When she saw Zhang Pingan who really appeared in the video, she said embarrassedly: "Uh, I'm sorry. I really didn’t know it was you. There are too many scammers now, so I..."

"It's okay, understandable. If someone suddenly comes to add my friend and she says she is'Miss Bingbing', I don't believe it. You don't have a theater performance today, right?"

"There is no show, Ge'er An..." Because there was a smile, this Yuzhou native took the lead in calling him'George An' on the scarf, and then miss and so on. His internet nickname was gradually determined. It's'Angel'.Just like'Principal', these titles are uploaded from the Internet.

"Then you come to my side, something is looking for you. By the way, you can come by yourself, don't take your teammates or anything, don't you worry about me?" Zhang Ping'an asked in the last sentence, which is actually Tell her to rest assured.Although she came alone, Zhang Ping'an would not do anything to her.

Xiaoju smiled and said, "You must rest assured."

I don't know when it started, the definition of a rich person as a good person appeared somehow.As long as you see that the other party is driving a luxury car, you will not think that he is a bad person, and that rich people like them will not do bad things to yourself?

Didn’t Liu Tianwang say something like that in a certain movie:'Is it a good person to drive a good car?'

Zhang Pingan said: "Well, then I will send you the address, and you will contact me when you arrive." After hanging up the video, Zhang Pingan sent his home address to Xiaoju. The address is just four characters.' Tomson Yipin, got in touch.'

After contacting Xiaoju, it was 12 o'clock at noon, and PandaTV was officially opened.

Many anchors turned on their cameras and started playing pandaTV for the first time. Zhang Ping'an did not log in to his account, but instead used an unlogged state to watch the anchors starting at this time.

The biggest "League of Legends" former professional player retired Big Nose, the number of people in the room continued to rise after the broadcast. Although accurate background data could not be obtained, the website showed that less than five minutes after the broadcast, the Big Nose room already has 500,000 people watched it online.

Of course, Zhang Ping’an knows the “online” data in the live broadcast room.. There is a lot of water, and he did not rush to ask about the specific numbers. He will know when he goes to the company to read the report tomorrow.

Zhang Ping'an patrolled his platform as a tourist, and I have to say that the results of the official launch today are quite good.Because when he stayed in the live broadcast room, there were a lot of'thousand yuan gift' reminders flying over his head.

After browsing the anchors who have been live-streaming since they were on the shelves, Zhang Ping’an finally stayed in Xu Yunmei’s room. At this time, half an hour had passed and Xu Yunmei showed her super attractiveness.Her hot dance is like opening a new era of live broadcasting. At this time, her live broadcast room actually has'one million' online. Of course, this is definitely not the case..

But the barrage in Xu Yunmei's room was flying all over the sky. The gift was almost in a state of screen-sweeping, with exposed clothes, enchanting dance, and her seductive voice.This allows countless "wolves" to recharge and give gifts in this room.I just wanted to hear Xu Yunmei's personal thanks to them!

Today, the platform was launched, and many people came to the platform. Even the'Principal' appeared on the platform. He gave Big Nose, Xu Yunmei and other top anchors a gift of 100,000 yuan!On the day it was put on the shelves, countless people saw the gifts kept scrolling, and found that this industry seems to be very profitable?Especially some female anchors, who don’t even sing or dance, just sit in front of the camera and chat with the audience and get a lot of gifts.

A small gift, a few hairs, a few yuan, and of course a hundred yuan, a thousand yuan gift. The screen speed of these gifts makes people who know about'live broadcast' for the first time feel for this'anchor profession' Surprised.

PandaTV has created a diversified live broadcast content, and at the same time, it has made countless people feel that this profession seems to be really profitable. On the day of the broadcast, countless people have submitted applications to the platform to activate the anchor.

Because of what they saw, a slightly more beautiful anchor just sat like that and said a few words of gratitude and got a gift of several hundred yuan.They think this is too easy to make money, right?A few hundred yuan when the few days are the least?Wouldn't it be possible for tens of thousands of dollars in a month?As everyone knows, they only saw the value of the gift. In fact, what the anchor can get from the gift is less than 40% of the value, because the platform needs to eat half of it, and the anchor is also taxed!


Xu Yunmei’s live broadcast room was playing on Zhang Pingan’s computer, and his mobile phone rang out the WeChat message, “Angel, I’m at the gate of Tangcheng Yipin.'

Zhang Ping'an replied, "When you came in, I told the security guard about "C.3301" and he would take you into the elevator.After receiving the news, Xiao Ju went directly to the gate and told the security'C.3301' Security immediately contacted Zhang Ping An on the inside line. After Zhang Ping agreed, he took Xiao Ju to the elevator to Zhang Ping's home.

After passing through many barriers, Xiaoju muttered, "This is the legendary Shanghai's sky-high price community."'

Until she arrived on the floor where Zhang Ping'an's house was located, and looked at the room door that opened wide, she yelled into the room: "Brother An?"

"Come in, close the door."

Xiaoju entered the room after hearing the sound, and then closed the door of the room.

However, she passed the hallway and did not find Zhang Ping An in the living room. When she entered the living room completely, she was shocked by Zhang Ping An who was standing behind her in the kitchen.

Seeing her horrified appearance, Zhang Pingan smiled and stretched out his hand towards the living room: "Sit down as you please. Have coffee or a drink?"

At that moment of horror, Xiaoju's eyes widened, and when she finally saw Zhang Ping'an in the kitchen, she put away her expanded face and said, "Whatever...whatever."

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said: "Whatever? This'random' in a woman's mouth is the most difficult to serve. I'll get you water."

After some meticulous dressing, Xiaoju was wearing shorts and a T-shirt.Generally speaking, women’s shorts will have long legs, but Xiaoju, wearing shorts still can’t stretch her legs. In addition, she is wearing house slippers and a piece of shorts is covered by her T-shirt at first glance. A pair of short legs that look very clear!

And Xiaoju dressed up carefully, but saw Zhang Ping'an with his hat buttoned up at this time, at home wearing a pajamas similar to a shirt, and a pair of loose pants.

This is the first time that she has seen the true face of Zhang Ping An, who often appears on the Internet at close range. It is indeed as handsome and sunny as rumors on the Internet.

Zhang Ping'an brought his coffee and brought Xiaoju a bottle of soda back to the living room. He smiled and gave the water to Xiaoju: "A beautiful lady of four thousand years."

"Uh... that was a misrepresentation by the media, there is no such thing."

Zhang Pingan took a sip of coffee, his eyes still fixed on Xu Yunmei on the computer, and he responded to Xiaoju: "I know. I read the original Japanese report, and my Japanese is pretty good, so I won’t commit the translation. Mistakes of mistakes."

After speaking, Zhang Pingan closed the computer, and then turned his head to look at Xiaoju seriously.

Then Zhang Ping’an smiled and said: “You, you are not tall. When wearing shorts, it’s best to tie your T-shirt in your pants, so that your legs will appear longer. Otherwise, the length of your T-shirt will cover some After pants, it’s easy to look like you are five or five. You must know how to dress if you are not tall. I have seen girls in Japan who are about the same size as you, and they all know how to wear clothes. Check out fashion magazines when you have time. Right!"

Zhang Pingan’s fashion comment made Xiaoju blush, and her height was indeed an internal injury.

But after so many years of'distressed life', she has become accustomed to others attacking her cute height, so she will not be emotionally exploded in the face of Zhang Ping's sharp comments.

She smiled and got up and tucked her T-shirt into her trousers, and then said: "The height of the girls in my hometown is not very high, I think I am fine. At least the appearance is decent!"

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said, "Well, your appearance is okay. I called you over this time to ask if you are interested in joining our brokerage company? You join our company, and our company is responsible for your future marketing! You should know that the members of'AKB' all have brokerage companies?"

When Zhang Pingan inquired about her private number, she roughly guessed that Zhang Pingan was about to sign a contract with her.Because Zhang Ping An signed a lot of anchors here, this is always news on the Internet.

Now that she signed a contract with an anchor, she felt it was not strange to sign an artist.As far as the attention of the number of bibs is concerned, she is not as good as some well-known anchors.

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