My entertainment circle

Chapter 160 Sika Comes Back Again (Part 1)

A week later, Zhang Ping An returned to his home in Seoul.When he arrived home with his forefoot, the aunts who came to do sanitation also followed, because Zhang Ping'an contacted them on the way.

They familiarized themselves with the hygiene of the room for Zhang Ping'an. One of the aunts said enthusiastically: "Ping'an xi, have you been out again recently?"

Because Zhang Ping'an didn't call them to clean up for another week.

Zhang Ping’an nodded and said, “Well, China’s head office has been busy recently, so I’m running back and forth. By the way, auntie, help find all the ingredients in the refrigerator and lose them. I haven’t come back for a week. , Those fruits and vegetables must not be eaten."

"Yeah." The aunt nodded and went to the kitchen to clean up the refrigerator. The aunt said: "Your girlfriend, every time your girlfriend came and asked us to clean the door some time ago, I haven't seen her recently. ."

"She went to China, and there are a lot of things over there." Zhang Ping'an hastily ended the problem, because these aunts who have been doing sanitation for Zhang Ping'an have been for several years, and he understands that people of their age are used to caring. Here is the question of young people.

This is the habit of most middle-aged and elderly people. Of course, they don't have the intention of deliberately exploring privacy.

Zhang Ping'an also got up and went to the kitchen to make coffee in response to her aunt's words. He just put the coffee in the machine when the doorbell of his house rang.Zhang Ping'an came to the'video machine' suspiciously and looked at the people at the door. When he saw that Sika downstairs was standing at the door, he gave a puzzled "Huh".

The last time the two met and talked, they were still furious. Why did Sika come up again? Zhang Ping'an really couldn't figure out what she wanted to do?

Zhang Ping'an opened the door to Sika who was standing at the door and said, "Why are you here again? I don't want to fight with you anymore. The last time I was nosy, I'll say sorry to you. . Is this the head office?"

Seeing Zhang Ping'an look a little impatient, Sika curled her lips and said, "I'm looking for you, don't you invite me in?"

"Something? Okay.. Come in." Zhang Ping'an scratched his head with doubts after turning around. He really didn't know what else Sika wanted to do with him?He has said everything he should say, it is her business to listen.She came to find herself again today. Why on earth?

Thinking back to the last meeting, Zhang Ping'an only talked about the background of'Kwon'. Sika quarreled with him. She was clearly defending Kwon's.So Zhang Ping'an doesn't believe that Sika is here today because he figured out what he said?

Sika entered his house with Zhang Pingan. She nodded when she saw the aunt who was doing sanitation.

The hygienic aunt also politely responded to Zhang Ping’an and said: “I went upstairs and met Sika xi in the elevator. She also asked us which floor we were up to? We said we came to do your hygiene.”

Zhang Ping'an understood now, why did Sika suddenly come to the door when he just came back?

After Zhang Ping’an greeted Sika sitting in the living room, he did not prepare to serve the tea and sat there with Sika. At the same time, he looked back at the coffee machine and said: “Coffee, just put Enter the machine and wait a while. Are you a little weird suddenly coming up today?"

In fact, Zhang Ping’an would like to say, “The relationship between the two of us is not so familiar to the point that we can cross the door?'But due to the sanitation, the auntie turned her attention to the two of them from time to time, which made Zhang Ping'an inconvenient to say too much.

Sika's gaze quickly swept to the aunt who was tidying up in the kitchen, which also showed that some things were inconvenient for others to hear.These two hygienic aunts have become diligent about sanitation after Sika arrived, as if they wanted to inquire about the gossip about Zhang Pingan and this female star.

After Zhang Pingan understood Sika's gaze, he smiled lightly, then got up and went to his showcase and took out a girl's generation 13-year album "I.Got.A.Boy" Sika as the cover album. : "Help sign a name~!"

Sika accepted her cover album dumbfoundedly: "Are you a musician? Collected so many albums?" Zhang Ping’s large display cabinet is full of music albums by girl groups. When Sika came last time I found it, and there are still many signed albums!

Zhang Pingan took out the signature pen from the cabinet and handed it to Sika: "What kind of musician am I? I am at most a collector. Look at the market so I have idol albums at home, and they are still signed albums. As an album'collector', I can be considered a senior, right?"

Sika signed her album and said, "I really don't understand you. You are a businessman who likes to collect music albums? Isn't this something fans do?"

Up to now, only Taeyeon and Pani know that Zhang Pingan is the "Black Uncle". The two of them didn't disclose the news to the outside world. They didn't even say it in their team. Maybe they didn't think it was necessary?After all, Zhang Ping'an had always hidden his identity, even if they knew it, there was no need to break the news.

After Sika signed the album, he returned the album to Zhang Pingan. He took the album and smiled contentedly and said: "When you came to my house last time, didn't I say that I was a fan?"

If Zhang Pingan said that he is a'fan', Sika is not funny at all. If it is a fan, what should be collected is related to a certain person or a certain group. The display cabinets in Zhang Pingan's home are the surroundings of the groups. Both.As he said, maybe he is really just a collector of music albums?

Sika rolled her eyes and said to Zhang Pingan: "Yes, yes, yes~~you are a fan."

Sika's attitude towards Zhang Ping'an has always been problematic. Maybe it started from the moment when the two had a relationship?Anyway, Sika had various dissatisfaction with him in her heart.

But thinking about her future career.. She chose to cooperate with the "most familiar" him.After all, Sika rarely had the opportunity to be active in China, so naturally there was no chance to recognize the connections there.

And Quan Moumou, who is currently helping her with her career, is just having a relationship with HK, and Quan Moumou has a relationship... In Sika's view, it is really not as good as Zhang Ping An.

At least Zhang Ping'an could easily find out his background, but he could not find out the background of Zhang Ping'an at all. This is a clear gap!

Yesterday, Zhang Pingan’s live broadcast platform in China was launched. This is what Sika knows through Taeyeon and Pani, so she and Quan saw the platform created by Zhang Pingan, although it is similar to the live broadcast platform in Korea. There is not much difference, but because of the population base of Huaxia, his platform is undoubtedly unsuccessful.

Recently, some businessmen are saying that China’s market is full of gold, but if you want to go in for gold, you also need someone to lead the way, right?

At this time, Quan showed a weak network in the Mainland. Zhang Pingan is undoubtedly her best hope for making her brand bigger, because the money he holds and the contacts in the Mainland are all Sika. What the brand currently lacks most.

Zhang Ping’an put Sika’s signed album back in place, and then went to pick up the coffee. The freshly made coffee was full of aroma. Zhang Ping’an stood in front of the coffee machine, pouring the coffee gently, and slowly raised his head towards her. He laughed and asked softly: "Drink ice, right?"

When a man's appearance gains points, his gentleness will be infinitely magnified, and Sika is really attracted by his gentle smile.

She also followed to be gentle, she nodded and said softly: "Well, I'm sorry to trouble you."

I don’t know why the aroma of coffee has a relaxing feeling. Unfortunately, this home does not have a terrace, otherwise, the two can sit on the terrace and enjoy it leisurely.

Zhang Pingan took the coffee and returned to the living room. He placed the coffee in front of Sika: "Please, the beans I bought at Starbucks came back to make my own. I think the taste is almost the same as the American style outside. I don't know much about coffee. Just treat it as a refreshing drink."

"We are not baristas. The coffee on the market is a drink for us. The live broadcast platform you made, I checked yesterday, and there are a lot of people online."

Sika said that he watched his live broadcast platform, which surprised Zhang Ping'an. He tilted his head and looked at Sika and said, "No, you still want to watch the live broadcast? Our platform doesn't have a live broadcast."

Sika lost a roll of her eyes to Zhang Pingan: "Didn’t you ask Taeyeon and Pani to promote your platform? So I wanted to see, what is the difference between your platform? After looking at it for a while, I felt that it was similar to South Korea. There’s nothing different about the live broadcast platform. So it turned off after two minutes!"

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said, "They are all live broadcast platforms. What can be different? The only difference is language."

After finishing talking, Zhang Ping took a sip of coffee. The aunts couldn't stay in the living room all the time for sanitation. After they finished, they all went to clean up the rooms inside.They may be leaving in ten minutes at most. Zhang Ping'an pointed to the aunts who had disappeared in the living room behind him: "They may have to do it in ten minutes."

Sika nodded "Um", and took a sip of coffee like Zhang Ping'an. She asked softly when there was no one, "What you told me last time... I was really impulsive afterwards. Yes, I'll say sorry to you."

Zhang Ping'an smiled and nodded and said, "It's okay, I can understand. If someone else says bad things about my friend in front of me, I think I will be very hot."

Sika nodded and said, "Because I have a lot of personal itineraries, my brand is currently being taken care of by him. And for the management of this area, I am really not the one? I really need a manager to come. Help me deal with the brand."

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