My entertainment circle

Chapter 166 The Arrangement of Variety Shows

Although Chef Li Lianfu is an old immigrant, he still maintains his skill in Chinese summer dishes.Perhaps he has made some improvements in the Korean Huaxia dishes and pure Huaxia dishes in his hands, but the various cooking techniques and various taste changes in Huaxia cooking are not much Variety.That is to say, the rich taste of Huaxia made them feel the amazing of Huaxia cuisine for the first time!

It's not that they haven't been to Huaxia, but that there are too few places in Huaxia that they have visited, and they don't know the real Huaxia food.Most of the places they go to are places with light food like HK.Therefore, after trying various classic Chinese dishes today, they discovered that the original Chinese dishes are not only greasy in their impressions!

As the God of Cookery in Girls’ Generation, Yoona listened to Zhang Ping’an telling that China has eight major cuisines. She tilted her head and asked in confusion: "What are the eight major cuisines?"

Zhang Pingan said with a smile: "China has a very vast area. In order to adapt to the local geography and climate, the eating habits of people in each place are different. For example, the one we have heard of most is'Sichuan cuisine' because they are located in the Yangtze River. As the local environment is humid and humid, people there habitually add peppers and peppers to their diets as seasonings to drive moisture. Do you know the hot pot? That is the most popular world-class delicacy in Sichuan cuisine!"

Pani nodded and said, "Ah~~Hot pot~~ Last time we were in HK, we had a hot pot, which was full of seafood! Korea also has such hot pot!"

Listening to the seafood hot pot in Pani’s mouth, Zhang Ping’an said with a wry smile: “The hot pot I’m talking about is Sichuan-style hot pot. This is different from the seafood hot pot you eat. Next time I will ask you to eat it when you come back from Japan. A real Sichuan-style hot pot! It seems that not many people in Korea know about Sichuan-style hot pot."

"We have three concerts in Kobe this time. We are going to stay there for three days. Do you know what is delicious in Kobe?" Because Pani knew that Zhang Ping An had more than seven years of studying abroad in Japan. Years, he must have traveled to many places in Japan, so it would be nice to ask about the gourmet restaurants in Zhang Ping’s mouth!

Zhang Ping'an shook his head and said, "Kobe? I don't know anything delicious except beef. Sukiyaki or teppanyaki, it's up to you to choose. Of course, you can also choose seafood over there. I personally think They are all pretty good. As for you to ask me about gourmet restaurants, I really don’t know this. You can collect them on the website. Japan has a dedicated website for food selection."

In Kobe, apart from the well-known Kobe beef at home and abroad, Zhang Pingan doesn't know what to eat.Anyway, he thinks that after eating Japanese food in the past, the taste of the food is the most subtle in the end.

There is also that the concoction of soy sauce with red horseradish, and the delicious and delicious combination of all kinds of fish, maybe this is the only dish in Japanese cuisine?

Pani put the last piece of beef into his mouth and then put down his chopsticks. Today's meal was indeed very comfortable.Huaxia cuisine is so lavish, a table full of fresh and big meat!!

After the group ate and drank enough, Pani then asked about Japan, and she asked Zhang Ping An again: "You have studied in Japan for so many years and stayed in Korea for so many years. Which country do you think is better?"

Zhang Pingan immediately replied: "Of course it is my motherland, China!"

Pani lost his eyes to Zhang Pingan. Who wouldn't say that his country is the best?So she sighed helplessly and said, "I'm talking about South Korea and Japan? I didn't talk about your great motherland!"

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said, "It depends on what you compare with? In terms of scenery, Japan is of course better. After all, the country is larger than South Korea, so their travel resources are richer than you. South Korea has Jeju Island. , Japan has Okinawa, each with its own beauty! If you talk about women, Japanese women are the best wives in men’s hearts, because they are gentle! And Korea.. It’s about the same as China, and they become carnivores after marriage. If I say it is better than idols, I like Korean idols more because the professionalism on stage is stronger!"

Listening to Zhang Pingan's words, Pani snorted coldly: "Heh~~ man!!"

Zhang Ping'an also nodded after her words and said, "Well, man!"


After the meal, the three of them took a taxi to leave and did not send Zhang Pingan off, because they could not sit down, and because they met in the afternoon caused a reaction on the Internet.

Although not on the hot search, the meeting of Zhang Pingan, Pani, Taeyeon, and Yoona was posted on personal SNS.

Zhang Pingan finally knows why idols are reluctant to go out, because every time they go out, they are not followed by reporters or discovered by netizens. Such a life of being "surveilled" every day, who can stand it after a long time?

The stars are still the most comfortable in Japan and China.Because Huaxia is big enough, you don't know where the stars will appear on weekdays. It is understood that the most frequented places are Hengdian and Xiangshan.

In Japan, even if you run into a celebrity on the road, those passers-by may watch from a distance, but few people will come forward and bother.I will never take out my mobile phone to take pictures of others in private, because that would be very rude!

When Zhang Pingan was standing on the side of the road and waiting for the driver to arrive, he muttered: "South Korean stars are really hard to do."

Not to mention that the money is so pitiful, and he is being monitored every day. Such a life is indeed tiring enough. No wonder Sika plans to start a business.After Girls' Generation became the top, their incomes were pretty good. Seven to three, they got 30%.You must know that the vast majority of idols still get a nine to one salary.It is equivalent to saying that they ran a business performance of 10 million, and their team won only one million, and the million depends on how many people are in the team, and they will have to be evenly divided.

No wonder there is considerable competition in the team. Everyone wants to run a personal schedule. Just because they run a personal schedule, there is no need to score points!

Zhang Ping’an smiled and said: “The idols in Korea are indeed much harder than the surrounding China and Japan, but there are countless people who have sharpened their heads and want to become idols. It’s really just because idols are more profitable than work. Don’t you understand!"

There are so many things that the world does not understand, not everything has to be understood!

The old driver who was driving on behalf came, and Zhang Ping'an gave him the car key. After getting in the car, the driver of the driver touched the steering wheel of Rolls Royce and said in his heart: "It is the first time to do a Rolls Royce as a driver.'

While Zhang Pingan was sitting in the position of the co-pilot and looking at the neon signs in Seoul. He recalled that he played with them all afternoon, and suddenly found that he seemed to be getting closer and closer to the Korean entertainment industry...

The next day, Zhang Ping An came to the brokerage company after having breakfast at home. After arriving at the company this time, the company had an additional investment department, and this department only had two or three people.For the investment department, Fang Shihe felt that two or three people were enough.

Because most of them are directors, writers personally come to the door to solicit investment, rather than the investment department looking for investment films.And their job is to go to the TV station to see the scripts of the contracted writers, after they come back to discuss, and then report to Zhang Ping An to invest?It is equivalent to saying that they are the first hurdle, and the person who really made the decision was Zhang Ping An.

In the conference room, Zhang Pingan, Fang Shihe, and three people from the investment department.Zhang Ping'an looked at the pitiful conference room, turned his head and asked Fang Shihe: "When will the new company be ready?"

Fang Shihe said: "At least I have to go in the middle of next month. Renovation, sound insulation, etc., are very time-consuming."

Renovation does take a lot of time. Zhang Ping'an knows that he nodded and said, "How is the communication with the TV station?"

Fang Shihe responded: "At the end of June, we can be sure that MBC has a schedule on Wednesday, and tvN also has a schedule on Friday, both at 5 o'clock in the afternoon, which is a good time slot."

Two TV stations, one charges and the other is public.If the production of the program is very successful, then it must be set to make some money on the paid channel. After all, subscription costs money.And public means that the audience should be larger, because it is a free channel.

Which TV station to choose in the end needs Zhang Ping's consideration.

Zhang Ping An hesitated for a few seconds and said: "Temporarily choose public channels. Our first program is'free'. After all, the ratings of free channels must be higher."

Fang Shihe smiled and said, "That's not necessarily true. Look at Luo Yingshi's program. Different paid channels have a starting rating of '5%'!"

Zhang Pingan rolled his eyes when he heard it: "Say a fart, you must know that he is Luo Yingshi. Korean shows are only produced by him. To be honest, Korean shows are getting more and more ugly nowadays, especially Compared to Japanese variety shows. If it weren’t because the scale of Japanese variety shows could not pass China’s review, do you think our country would go to Korea to buy the copyright?"

These words of Zhang Ping'an really left Fang Shihe speechless, but I have to say that Japanese programs are indeed often hilarious, and Fang Shihe also watched it.

But the'Luo Yingshi' in Zhang Ping'an's mouth is indeed a genius who makes a show!In this regard, Fang Shihe also admitted that Zhang Pingan knew he would not compare him with Luo Yingshi because he couldn't compare.

Fang Shihe stared at Zhang Pingan and said, "Then decide on MBC? Wednesday, is it okay?"

Zhang Ping’an nodded and said: “No problem, Wednesday is Wednesday, and MBC can’t sell us the weekend! Next, let’s contact the artists. I’ll look back to find out if anyone at Girls’ Generation is willing to shoot this show. The production company communicated with SM and asked TVXQ if they would like it? By the way, as well as "Band" all these can be invited to shoot! Please contact Li Guozhu on Variety Show, I’m asking Jin Zhongguo..."

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