My entertainment circle

Chapter 172 Dinner with

It was originally just a simple meal after exercise, but in the end it became a party.After Jin Zhongguo sent a message in his "RM" chat room, they basically all came, except for Liu Dashen!

Even Big Nose agreed to come out, originally thinking of going to Noryangjin for dinner, but because it became a party format, Zhang Pingan changed from Noryangjin to a high-end Japanese restaurant near Zhonglu.

Zhang Pingan and Jin Zhongguo arrived first. They sat in the private room. Jin Zhongguo said, "It's enough to eat in Luliangjin. Why are you making it so heavy? It's not cheap to eat here."

High-end Japanese restaurants are not cheap all over the world, and Zhang Ping’s choice of restaurants today can start at millions of dollars. So Jin Zhongguo felt that Zhang Ping’s was costly.

Zhang Pingan said with a smile: "Today is the first time that Zhong Guoge introduced his colleagues to me. It would be better to be more solemn. Besides, everyone gathers for a meal. This little money is nothing, and I also know him. New friends."

At this time the waiter walked in, and Zhang Ping’an smiled and said, “Let’s wait for everyone to order the food. Please bring this private room after the members of "RM" arrive, please. Excuse me. Oh, yes, give me a glass. 'High.ball'. What about you Zhong Guo, do you have a beer and wait slowly?"

Because of the hot weather, Jin Zhongguo ordered a rare beer: "Let me have a beer, thank you."

The waiter went to prepare wine for the two of them. Jin Zhongguo said with a smile: "When I travel in Japan, I can basically see the bartender you said. How exactly is this wine made?"

Although Jin Zhongguo drinks alcohol, he drinks very, very little.He who is less than a drinker will naturally not order anything to drink, usually beer or shochu.

Zhang Pingan smiled and explained to Jin Zhongguo: "Whiskey with soda water, and a lot of ice. Some shops will add some lemon juice. This is the most common type of liquor in Japan. It is almost used as a pre-dinner alcohol like beer. Alcohol. Both of these wines are great when the weather is hot."

After a while, the wine they ordered was delivered. Zhang Ping An and Kim Jong-kook came to clink the glasses first, and then they all tasted it. After putting down the glass, Kim Jong-kook said, “After you boarded the hot search in Korea some time ago, everyone Guess your family background, what exactly does your family do?"

Faced with Jin Zhongguo’s inquiries, Zhang Ping’an said without concealing: “My father has a good real estate company, and my mother’s business is relatively large. She is an investment company, and her investment has been very successful.”

Very successful, these four words alone surprised Jin Zhongguo.It's not easy to be able to say such things from the mouth of a rich kid.

Because Jin Zhongguo is very clear that he is an ordinary person, and the success in his eyes is different from the success in the eyes of the top rich second generation like Zhang Pingan.So after hearing the news, he could only deal with Zhang Ping'an with a smile, because he couldn't figure out what Zhang Ping's so-called "success" was.It can be regarded as rich anyway!


The two did not sit in the private room for long. The members of "RM" came one after another. The first to arrive in the private room was Jiang GARY who was not far from the restaurant. The private GARY was a more introverted person than in the show. He who is not good at words has fewer private words.

After entering the private room, he shouted'Brother' to Jin Zhongguo and then nodded shyly to Zhang Ping An.

Jin Zhongguo smiled and patted his shoulder to signal him to relax, and then Jin Zhongguo said to Zhang Ping An, "He just looks like this in private, don't care about it, Ping An. I remember he was more shy when he just started the show. , Sometimes I blush when talking to female guests."

Jiang GARY turned to Jin Zhongguo and said dissatisfied: "Hey~~ Brother, why are you talking about this, I'm getting better lately."

Zhang Ping An smiled and nodded: "I used to watch your shows a lot, Gary, I remember how shy I was before. Hello, Gary, I am Zhang Ping An from China."

Jin Zhongguo added to Zhang Pingan: "I am a very close brother who runs his own agency in South Korea and China, and recently invested in variety shows in South Korea. If you are interested, you can participate."

After Zhang Pingan and Gary Jiang shook hands, Jin Zhongguo greeted both of them to sit down, and then he ordered a beer for Gary.Just as the clerk brought in beer, Ha Dongxun and Lee Betrayal also followed the waiter.

Ha Dongxun and Li betrayed didn't need to be introduced. After they saw Zhang Ping an, they came to a hiphop-style handshake and shoulder-to-shoulder greeting.

After Lee Kwang-su and Ha Dong-hoon both sat down, Zhang Ping’an said, “Brother HAHA, Brother Kwang-soo, thank you for giving me the promotion this time. My platform is already operating, so I will borrow this meal today to thank you. Your help."

Haha stopped and said, "Hey~~ They are all friends. You are too far-sighted to say this. Didn't we just say a few words? We can help you."

Zhang Ping’an smiled and said: “Although it’s just a few words to you, it has brought a good publicity effect to my platform. This is definitely something I can remember and thank. So this phrase of'thank you' , I must say it? "Thank you so much.""

They acted in friendship and did not charge any fees.Then Zhang Ping'an must thank them afterwards. This is the most basic principle of life!

Jin Zhongguo smiled and said: "Don't be so polite, only Ji Hyo and Wang Nose are left. Let's order food first, and eat while waiting."

Zhang Pingan said half seriously and half jokingly: "Brother Zhong Guo, I have been waiting for so much time. Do you still care about waiting a few more minutes? Waiting for everyone to come and order the food, this is also for the big brother in Chishi Town. A kind of respect? You bully someone during the show, do you still bully him outside the show?"

"Hahaha~~" Jin Zhongguo laughed: "The effect of the program, that is purely the effect of the program, it is all joking, then... wait a minute."

Zhang Ping’an took the wine list and said, “First, get us two bottles of'Otter Sacrifice Grind First', do you have edamame? Let’s have two plates of edamame first. Two Canadian lobsters, two king crabs, and two sashimi platter. Well, can these be served after we are all together? First bring up the edamame and let's drink it."

Edamame is one of the easiest dishes to go with alcohol, so Zhang Ping’an orders this first, everyone eats and waits. It’s impossible to sit here and eat nothing and wait for them, right?

Hearing that Zhang Pingan was a king crab and a lobster again, Jin Zhongguo said: "Don't be exaggerated, how can we finish eating so much?"

Ha Dongxun also persuaded Zhang Ping An: "Yes, Ping An, at most one can order one at the same time." Excluding drinks, the single Ping Ping orders are worth 2 million won, right?This is indeed a bit costly.

Zhang Ping’an insisted: “Brother, the cost of those businesses looking for you to shoot and promote is far more than this, right? So why should I express my sincerity? It’s okay, in fact, these shelled things seem to be many It doesn't taste much, you sit first, and I will choose seafood."

Jin Zhongguo also got up and said, "I'm with you!"

When Zhang Pingan and Jin Jongguo went to the door to choose seafood, Song Zhixiao and Wang Bizi also appeared at the door one after another. Jin Jongguo introduced Zhang Pingan to the two at the door. After Zhang Pingan politely responded, they both went The waiter brought it into the private room first.

When Zhang Pingan chose to choose lobsters and king crabs, he always went for big choices. Jin Zhongguo next to him couldn't persuade him.

After returning to the private room, their sashimi platter and sake have been served on the table. Jin Zhongguo smiled bitterly and said: "Today we are going to eat brash, two large lobsters and two king crabs, which are close to about 37 kilograms."

Just after Kim Jong-kook smiled bitterly, Ha Dong-hoon pointed to the "Muzhixian" on the table: "Jongguk, do you know how much this wine is for a bottle? Five hundred thousand won! I was shocked when I looked at the wine list just now, safe. It really cost you too much money. If you are like this, we will not dare to eat with you next time. How can a meal cost more than three million yuan?"

Zhang Pingan this meal.The price of wine and the price of big seafood, together, properly exceeded 3 million won.

This makes Ha Dongxun feel very embarrassed, because he is willing to help, but Zhang Ping'an's thanks are too exaggerated.A meal cost two months of salary from an ordinary wage earner, which made Ha Dongxun feel guilty.

Hearing Ha Dongxun's words, Jin Zhongguo was also surprised.But Zhang Pingan beside Jin Zhongguo smiled and said: "The price represents sincerity. Because I don't know how to express my thanks, so I invite you to have a big meal to express my sincere thanks. This time you guys. The publicity of ”really helped a lot. My live broadcast platform got the attention of the public before it even started. I have to express my gratitude wholeheartedly.”

Jin Zhongguo patted Zhang Ping'an on the shoulder: "We have really received your gratitude. In the future, we should not be too outspoken. In the future, we can help each other in our careers. Let's help each other a lot, right?"

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said: "Well, I will promote you more after I go back. In the future, if you have the opportunity to come to China for filming, I will personally entertain you in China, and I will find someone to receive you throughout the whole process! "

After Zhang Ping’s voice fell, Jin Zhongguo added: “Ping An, not only does it serve as a live broadcast platform, he also has a brokerage company in South Korea.”

Ha Dongxun looked at Zhang Ping'an with surprise: "Really? You registered a brokerage company?"

“I’m not registered. I bought a small company. BTS, I bought this company for 10 billion won. I personally think it’s worth it. I really like that group of children. They will definitely get good results. Please take care of our children in the future too!"

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