My entertainment circle

Chapter 175 IU took the initiative to send tickets

Zhang Ping'an's status as "Uncle Black" is only a bit special for the members of the girl group, but for their group of actors, male singers, and comedians, they are not so well-known.So when Zhang Ping'an confessed that he was the "big head" who spent 1.7 million to watch Li Zhien's concert, they were all surprised.

For them, it is ridiculous to watch a concert for 1.7 million.Because the normal concert ticket price is between '80,000 to 150,000 won.If people in the circle want to go to the concert, they basically get some reception tickets, and most of them don't cost much.If they let themselves pay for the tickets, they may only accept the original ticket, and at most the maximum tolerance will be doubled.

But Zhang Pingan spent 1.7 million yuan to watch Li Zhien's concert.. This has been ten times the original price, and all of them can't find words to describe.

So Ha Dongxun jokingly said, "Do you want to go to Lee Ji-eun's concert this time? I'll find a ticket for you?"

In fact, even if he and Li Zhien have something to do with the ticket sales, it is still difficult to find the ticket.Because Lee Ji-eun’s concert in Seoul this time is not a large-scale concert like a stadium, but a small-scale concert in a school auditorium. There are not many seats. Maybe the company will not have too many tickets for the reception. Maybe in the days when Li Zhien announced the concert news, their tickets were all sold out, so it's harder to get tickets at this time.

Because the last time Li Zhien's concert really touched Zhang Ping'an, he also wanted to enjoy the concert after her new song was released.

Zhang Ping'an nodded and said, "Go, I should go, I can buy the tickets myself. This can be regarded as my fan's support for Li Zhien."

Jin Zhongguo shouted to Ha Dongxun: "Did you see it, this is support! You guys only know that you want to receive tickets every time, and you pay for the tickets yourself. Peace, are you a fan of Zhien? "

Zhang Ping’an didn’t explain too much. He just nodded and said, “Well, I think her singing is really good. Especially in small venues, her voice is very gentle and beautiful. I think I listen to her. The concert is a kind of enjoyment, just like holding a big watermelon and chewing in the summer, it has a refreshing feeling. Oh, there is also the singing of Taeyeon, the two of them are the most touching to me People."

Kim Jong-kook nodded and said: "Li Ji-eun and Kim Taeyeon are both very good singers among the new generation of singers, but Taeyeon does not have as many SOLO opportunities as Li Ji-eun."

Zhang Ping'an laughed: "Hehe, I don't see it. And I also believe that Taeyeon will definitely embark on the path of SOLO in the future. After all, the girl group..."

Zhang Ping'an didn't say the following words, because the people here are all insiders, and they know the inevitable disadvantages of the women's team compared with the men's team.

To put it bluntly, the girl group only lasted ten years. When their'Girls' Generation' youth was absent, and when the younger generations continued to appear, their girlhood could only be remembered by history, just like'SES' that was so red at the time. ', the same as'Fin.K.L'.At the beginning, half the sky was red, but now it's just going to separate ways!

They can't say anything about the future, because today's Girls' Generation is still an invincible existence in the girl group, so even if Taeyeon will embark on the path of SOLO in the future, it will be the future.But the term'future' itself is full of too many uncertainties, and they are naturally hard to say.


After eating and singing, Zhang Ping'an and the people of "RM" left after playing late at night.After this day, Zhang Ping'an could be regarded as knowing all the members, except for Liu Dashen who was not present, of course, but Zhang Ping'an believed that after today, he would definitely have the opportunity to recognize this great god with so good character.

It was almost noon when I woke up the next morning.In the karaoke room last night, it was like a concert. Everyone had a great time. Even Wang Bizi danced his unknown dance with everyone.Of course, Lee Kwang-soo's "creak dance" is what makes Zhang Ping'an the most hilarious!

Last night’s carnival was over. Zhang Ping’an woke up and made coffee, baked slices of bread, and ate brunch at noon... He opened the living room curtains to let the outside sunlight penetrate into the room. The gentle wind of the fan allowed him to comfortably enjoy a simple lunch.

While eating, Zhang Pingan picked up his mobile phone and logged into his INS for a rare occasion.

Recently, he has a lot of time in China, and he rarely has the opportunity to scan SNS, because the ins account of this "Uncle Black" is generally used to send photos after going to the scene.However, Zhang Ping'an hasn't been there any time recently, and there are no photos to send, so this account has been idle for a long time.

Now I opened ins and saw that my follower number has risen a lot.

Even Pani and Taeyeon took the initiative to follow Zhang Pingan. Because of their attention after they knew the truth, their fans followed, so Zhang Pingan’s'ins' once again increased a large number of fans.

Zhang Ping An’s current number of followers has reached 5.7 million. As a big star, Taeyeon’s INS is only more than 4 million, which means that Zhang Ping’s attention is more than her.Fortunately, Zhang Pingan’s account never does marketing, which makes his account not many people take it off, right?

Today Zhang Pingan updated an'ins' message: "Buy a ticket for Li Zhien's concert, as long as the first or second row!"

After Zhang Pingan’s message was sent, he put down his phone and washed the coffee cup. There were hundreds of messages when he came back in just a few minutes.

Zhang Pingan started to read the message: "I have the first row, 2 million won! Would you like it?"

"The middle of the second row, 1.5 million won."

"Uncle Hei has begun to buy tickets for our Zhien concert again? Uncle Hei spent 1.7 million in Shanghai last time. How much do you plan to spend this time?"

"The scalper smiled, our big customer who knows grace is here!"

"Tickets for our Zhien concert are super hard to buy. They were sold out as soon as they opened. The rotten server seems to be paralyzed. Anyway, it was sold out when I clicked in!"

When Zhang Pingan looked at the message, one of them said: "Uncle Hei, I will give you the ticket for this concert!"

Zhang Ping'an looked at the message and shook his head. He replied to the message below the username of a string of English letters: "Is there such a good thing? Give me tickets? Are you teasing me?"

After replying, he looked down to see if anyone had posted a message at a reasonable price. When he looked down, he suddenly found that the style of painting was wrong?

Because someone left a message saying: "Dafa~~ Do we know how to deliver the tickets to Uncle Hei personally?"

"Zhien showed up to deliver the tickets in person?"

"Zhienoni, I want a ticket too!"

Zhang Pingan didn't even know that Li Zhien had activated the ISN, but looked at the message below that Li Zhien appeared?What's the situation, he scratched his head and said, "Li Zhien is here in person? No, I have to go to the official cafe."

Zhang Pingan quickly opened Li Zhien’s official cafe, and there was a message about her opening INS at the top. After Zhang Pingan clicked on the message, he said, "Hey", he quickly returned to his ins interface "Ah~~ It’s Zhien, I’ll just say, whoever speaks so well will deliver the ticket."

As a result, it was Li Zhien himself who left a message to Zhang Pingan and said that he was going to send him a ticket.

Zhang Pingan replied to Li Zhien again: "It turns out to be IUxi, thank you. If possible, please put the ticket at the front desk of your company. I will pick it up in two days. I will show it to the front desk staff at that time, mine 'ins' account!"

After leaving a message, Zhang Pingan also followed Li Zhien's INS.Just two minutes after he paid attention, Li Zhien sent a private message: "Hello, Uncle Black!"

Zhang Ping’an replied: "Zhienxi, hello. Thank you for the concert ticket. Also, this time "Flower Bookmark" is great!"

Li Zhien: "I also thank you for the birthday gift you gave me. I will use it well in this concert. Please come to my concert!"

"Okay. I will definitely go!"

After a brief chat with Li Zhien, Zhang Ping’s mouth raised a smile. At this moment, Zhang Ping’s phone rang, and he looked at the call, Fang Shihe, and answered, “Representative Fang, what’s the matter? ?"

"That's it, I want to discuss with you about the children's reunion. Do you have time now?"

"I have time, I will come to the company."

"Okay, I'll wait for you in the office."


Half an hour later, Zhang Pingan came to the company's office. When he passed the practice room, he heard the children practicing dance inside.

Because of the occurrence of this "tragic incident at sea", the children in their own family have no chance to play songs after the album is released, and they have no program invitation, so they can only stay in the practice room on weekdays. Practice.

Some time ago they went to Japan to record this Japanese album, but the consumption level in Japan is quite high, so after the recording, they all returned to Korea to practice showcase.

Zhang Ping'an passed through the practice room and directly entered Fang Shihe's representative office. Fang Shihe, who was sitting at his desk, was looking through documents.

When he saw Zhang Ping'an arrived, he picked up the file in his hand and came to the reception area to sit with Zhang Ping'an.

Zhang Pingan looked at Fang Shihe, who was dyed blonde hair at this time, and laughed: "Representative Fang, how do you feel like you have gained weight recently? Take time to exercise."

Fang Shihe smiled and shook his head and said: "Recently, I don't have time to exercise at all, and I feel that after gaining weight, I don't want to exercise. Besides, I am not a star, so just do sports or something?"

Now that you know that you are not a star, Zhang Ping An would like to ask,'Then why did you suddenly figure it out and dyed your blonde hair?'

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