My entertainment circle

Chapter 177 Doing Another Variety Show?

Every one of the children ate very full for this meal, because they have not had the opportunity to eat these fat-containing meats for a long time.During this time, they were managing, so every day it was chicken breasts and salads.They have eaten the shaping meal for a month in a row, and the taste is gone.So it is rare to relax once today, they completely opened their stomachs and ate meat.

They jumped from low-salt chicken breast to pork, beef, and fat-rich meats. They really feel that this'meat' choice is correct. They have not eaten meat for a long time, and even the barbecue in this store is theirs. The best restaurant ever.In fact, Zhang Pingan feels that this barbecue restaurant does not have too many features, and it is just so-so, but for them who have not eaten meat for a long time, it is extremely delicious, which is completely understandable.

Zhang Ping An knew when he checked out that six of them ate 30 people's meat?This made him all surprised, not at the unit price of the bill, but it was shocked that they ate a pound of meat per capita.A catty of meat per capita, Zhang Pingan is worried about how they can digest it?

After coming out of the store, watching each of them touch their stomachs, let them go back to practice at this time, that would really kill them.

So Zhang Ping'an said: "If you have a bloated stomach, walk together, digest and digest, we can see you all want to break your stomach."

Everyone just wandered around the street slowly, mainly to help digestion.

And the young man exaggeratedly said to Zhang Ping’an: “Brother Ping’an~~ You don’t know how hard we have been managing during this period of time. Every day is chicken breast, protein, vegetables, and fruits. That day was really miserable. Especially. It was a period of about half a month. When we passed by some barbecue shops on weekdays by car, we just smelled the smell of meat floating in the shop, and our saliva almost came out."

Zhang Ping'an was amused by the youngest's words: "Hehe, not as exaggerated as you said, is it drooling when you smell the meat?"

"Really, I practiced a lot every day, and I didn't have enough food, I almost fainted."

Zhang Ping'an frowned and said, "Can't eat enough?"

The captain said immediately: "No, our food is stored in the refrigerator. There are a lot of nutritious meals, but eating such low-salt foods really makes me want to eat it."

The youngest also explained, "There is something to eat, but after eating it for half a month, the taste does not change. It is all chicken breast, and it is white!"

After hearing the explanation, Zhang Ping'an smiled: "Let's do it. Turning back, I told Representative Fang that you can stop shaping, but you all keep fit! I now keep fit for two to three hours every day. You are idols and have to keep exercising, because concerts are very physically demanding, and your dance moves are so strong, you can't do without good physical support."

The phrase "stop shaping" makes children happy, because shaping fitness is a kind of high-intensity fitness that strengthens muscle lines. It is the most tiring way of fitness, which also includes all aspects such as diet. Fitness management methods.

That's why the children will only show the appearance that they haven't eaten meat for hundreds of years when they eat meat today. For young people who love meat, the control of diet is simply a torture.

Seeing the children dancing and dancing, Zhang Ping'an smiled and patted the young man's shoulder: "Okay, don't dance on the street anymore. It's not as shameful? You are idols anyway."

The youngest smiled foolishly and said, "Hey~~Not many people know us anyway."

"Then you guys try hard to let everyone know you. Practice hard and try to face the fans and the public in the best condition every time you perform. I believe you will be successful one day! Go on, go in and go shopping! "Zhang Ping An and them walked to a sports store in Adidas. Looking at the dazzling array of shoes and merchandise, Zhang Ping An greeted the children to go in together.

Entering the store, Zhang Pingan said to the children: "Choose whatever you like. I can buy you whatever you like. I have to choose some good-looking shoes when I go overseas this time?" After speaking, Zhang Pingan came to the sneaker counter by himself. He took a pair of running shoes at random, and he planned to change to a new pair of shoes when he went to the gym today.

Suga stood beside Zhang Pingan and said, "Brother, can you buy basketball shoes?"

Zhang Ping'an tilted his head and said, "Otherwise, it was produced in South Korea? Anyway, the production of the show is almost 10 billion won. Or else... wait and see? Let the "Living Alone" program be broadcasted and then produced One file? Hey... "Mask" has to be produced before the Spring Festival."

Zhang Pingan vaguely remembered that the program "The King of Masked Singer" was a program produced as a "Spring Festival Special Broadcast" during the Spring Festival next year. After the broadcast, the response was good, and the TV station officially classified this program. It's a regular variety show (daily broadcast).So he only needs to make this show before the Spring Festival!

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