My entertainment circle

Chapter 179 There are so many ghosts.

At the beginning of Hua Deng in Seoul, Zhang Pingan drove his flying goddess to a spicy stewed chicken nugget shop sent by Cui Ji Na.Zhang Ping’an drove the car all the way, muttering, “Eat spicy stewed chicken on such a hot day? Is it too out of season?”

Korean spicy chicken stew is different from Huaxia's chicken stew. Their stewed chicken is a portable stove on the table, while eating stewed chicken, they continue to cook.So, if the whole room is not air-conditioned, eating spicy stewed chicken is very stuffy.But what do Koreans like to say about heating with heat?Anyway, Zhang Pingan doesn't have this habit. He feels that the weather is hot and wants to eat something refreshing.

For example, street stalls like skewers and cold beer are fine.If there is no private room in the spicy chicken stew shop, the stove is burning in all directions.The heat radiated from this does not necessarily work with air conditioning.But the problem is that this time it was invited by others. He can't pick and choose what to say not to eat this or that, right?

Zhang Pingan bite the bullet and went to this spicy chicken stew restaurant. The store is in a back street, and the area of ​​the store is still big enough.Moreover, there is a special parking space at the entrance of the store. Zhang Pingan saw the store full of diners when he parked the car. It seems that this store is so popular, it must be a well-known gourmet restaurant!

After he parked the car, Zhang Ping’an entered the shop. As soon as he entered the shop, he smelled the “spicy taste” of Qingyang chili, which made him frown. How could his stomach stand it even with such spicy food on such a hot day?

Zhang Ping'an shook his head and went to the front desk and asked: "Hello, may I ask Cui Zhina for the reservation?"

The boss kindly smiled at Zhang Ping’an and pointed to the diners in the hall and said: “Look at so many people, what reservations do we dare to accept? If you want to eat, please take the number and line up.”

Zhang Ping'an looked at the boss blankly: "No reservations?"

The boss nodded again to confirm: "Well, no reservation! If you want to eat, take the number and wait at the door for a while."

Zhang Pingan looked around at the diners, but did not see Cui Zhina, then he turned his head and asked, "Is there a private room here?"

The boss just smiled and shook his head, and then Zhang Ping’s entire face went dark, there was no private room, no reservations, this is their so-called sincerity?Well, take a step back and understand, this may be a delicious gourmet restaurant.But if you treat guests sincerely, at least you have to come here early to take a seat, right?Why are they all here, they haven't arrived yet?Is this going to let yourself sit at the door and wait?

Zhang Ping'an raised his brows deeply and turned and left the store. He stood at the door, watching some diners waiting for their meals standing beside them smoking.Several other people had already rushed to their car to take pictures. Zhang Ping'an suddenly woke up when he saw the situation at this time!

He smiled and shook his head: "So that's the way it is, why are you still playing tricks with me at this time?"

The lively gourmet restaurant, the diners waiting to dine, and the women who did not come to take up a seat.After they arrive for a while, if they are here waiting for a meal, Zhang Ping An and Cui Zhina will definitely be recorded by the mobile phones of the diners who are also waiting for the meal.Zhang Pingan, just recently appeared on the hot search with Girls' Generation. At this time, I was photographed with Cui Ji Na. Will she follow the hot search?

After she was on the hot search, her company could post to fans saying: "We ate with Boss Zhang and it was Choi Ji Na who took over the "I Live Alone" program."

It seems that such a statement seems to be a promotion program, so why not promote Cui Ji Na!You know that this show was also'bought' on the hot search list this afternoon.They used'Zhang Pingan' and'program' to make a wave of propaganda for Cui Zhina, hoping to get her more attention during this period of time, this is their real intention!

Sure enough, there were pits everywhere in the entertainment industry. If he didn't pay attention, he jumped into the pit by himself. After getting in the car, Zhang Pingan, who was a little annoyed, started the car and drove away.After the vehicle returned to the main road, Zhang Pingan pulled over and stopped. After parking, he smiled and said to himself: "This agent is really a lot of ghosts and thoughts. No wonder Cui Zhina will be introduced in the future to do such a'transnational business'. It."

Just when Zhang Ping'an was talking about Cui Zhina's agent, his phone rang. Looking at the call from Cui Zhina, Zhang Ping'an smiled and answered, "Are you here?"

Cui Zhina said: "Well, here, President Zhang, I was delayed for a while because of something. When I arrived at this store, there was no place. This is a very popular gourmet restaurant. Would you mind waiting a while?"

"I don't like to wait. Let's change another place, Baxian Chinese Restaurant in Shilla Hotel."

When Cui Zhina heard Zhang Ping'an directly changed the location, she instantly didn't know what to say: "Uh..."

So she gave the call to her agent, and the agent received the call and said, "Chairman Zhang, in a place like Baxian, the consumption is a bit high. Can you change the place? In fact, the food in street food shops is also very good. of."

This agent is really a ghost. He keeps thinking about it all day long. Zhang Ping'an only feels that Cui Zhina's encounter with her is really bad for eight lifetimes.

"Street food, okay, I know a very good place, I will send you the address when I arrive." After speaking, Zhang Pingan hung up impatiently.

When meeting such a calculating agent, the poorest and most injured person is ultimately the artist.Because the artist’s job contact is done by the agent, they don’t even know what tricks the agent used when approaching the job.For example, in this popular restaurant that invited Zhang Ping An to eat, Cui Zhina never thought that there was such a meaning hidden inside, because she simply thought, there is nothing wrong with choosing a'gourmet shop' for dinner, right?

If it weren't for Zhang Ping's first impression of her agent's bad situation, it is estimated that he has already followed her way.Isn’t it normal to have more people when eating and choosing gourmet restaurants?If the first meeting wasn't that bad, Zhang Ping'an would definitely not think about it, because this is normal!

Didn’t he and Taeyeon go to the restaurant to have a lot of photos taken?Therefore, it was the first impression that Zhang Ping'an noticed her hidden tricks after she got a bad review.

After Cui Zhina’s agent was hung up by Zhang Ping’an, she looked at the diners waiting next to her with a little regret. They took out their mobile phones and took photos with Cui Zhina. This made the manager feel a little depressed. Get in the car and leave here.

As she drove, she thought,'You shouldn't refuse. When he and Taeyeon were photographed by netizens, were they not in those crowded gourmet restaurants?Could it be that he discovered my intention?Or does he really dislike a crowded store?'

After a while, Cui Ji Na received news from Zhang Ping An. Zhang Ping was waiting for them at a'spicy pork and squid' near Dongdaemun Market. Cui Ji Na smiled and said to the agent: "He actually chose a spicy pork shop! "

The agent said regretfully: "Hey, you can eat whatever you like. Anyway, just tell Zhang Ping An to see if you can participate in the variety show he planned?"

Cui Zhina nodded. The purpose of coming out today is to see if she can participate in the program they produced.


Zhang Ping'an arrived at the restaurant first, and his car stopped at the entrance of the restaurant at will.Spicy fried pork, such an appetizer, is rarely eaten by young people at night.After all, if young people go on a date at night, they will choose some slightly more emotional restaurant. It is not that they must eat steak or something to go to such an emotional restaurant.Even if it's pasta, those young people like it.

In such a spicy pork restaurant, only some middle-aged uncles would choose to drink at night.Today, Zhang Ping'an is like those drinking uncles at the next table. After he ordered the dishes, he started drinking cold beer with some kimchi and the like that the boss brought to the table.

Hot Seoul, a glass of cold beer at dinner, it feels as if the pores of the whole body are open.Beer with kimchi?Zhang Ping'an is completely a typical alcoholic at this time.

After appetizing a bottle of beer, Zhang Ping'an ordered a braised beer.When the wine was just delivered, Cui Zhina and her agent also arrived. After her agent entered the restaurant, she showed a very kind smile to Zhang Ping An: "Chairman Zhang, hello."

Looking at her disguised mask, Zhang Ping’an responded with a polite smile, and at the same time greeted the two of them: “Hello, sit down, I ordered a spicy fried pork and squid. It’s not up yet, you can first Look at the menu."

Cui Zhina’s agent did not look up to look at the menu hanging on the wall, but said to Zhang Ping’an: “G.NA went to the beauty salon to put on a make-up, so it took some time. Who knows that we arrived at the restaurant, The queue has already started over there. That spicy stewed chicken is really delicious, and President Zhang can try it when he has time."

Zhang Ping’an saw that Cui Zhina did put on makeup, but he didn’t know if this makeup was done by a beauty salon?

He nodded and said, "Well. I'll ask my friends to try it when I have time."

Just as Zhang Ping’s exchanged simple greetings with them, the boss brought them cups, and the agent shook his hands and said, “I’m going to drive in a while, so I won’t drink.”

Cui Zhina waved her hands and said, "I have a cold, so I don't drink anymore."

What a cold, she just doesn't want to drink hot beer, because this thing gets drunk quickly.Zhang Pingan didn't expect that Cui Zhina could even make such a stupid excuse?

Zhang Ping'an was too lazy to care about her. He nodded, and then he prepared the beer on his own: "Are you just apologizing for asking me today?"

Cui Zhina's agent asked, "Chairman Zhang, we want to ask, are all the people on this show ready?"

After Zhang Ping'an turned his head up and drank it in one sip: "It can be said that it is all, or it can be said that it is not all. Because we are currently tentatively scheduled to be the 12th issue, we will decide to pick it up based on the ratings after the broadcast. Do you want to increase the production cycle?"

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