My entertainment circle

Chapter 198 Three People Get Together Again (Part 2)

Seeing Zhang Pingan staring at the phone, Pani, who was sitting across from him, asked casually: "Who is it? Male, female? Honestly, I haven't seen you during this time, do you know a new girlfriend?"

Zhang Pingan took the chat interface of her mobile phone and showed it to Pani. When Pani saw that the contact was Sika, she said, "It's Sika. Recently you two are really weird. Isn't it because the enemy has become in-law?"

Zhang Pingan took back his phone and started replying in an angry manner. At the same time, he first said to Pani: "What kind of in-laws, you really can figure it out. If I relax the relationship with her, I will be in-laws? Then I want to reply here. Sika'Honey'?"

While talking with Pani, Zhang Pingan edited the message and sent it to Sika: "I didn't go back. I went to Japan for a few days. I need to go over and deal with the taxes and fees of the house there. After the past, I felt that Tokyo is cooler than Seoul. I stayed there for two more days. I just returned to Seoul today. Aren’t you going to the United States? When are you leaving?"

Sika replied: "Tomorrow, we will leave with the program group. You ask me what this is, do you really want to go with us? Are you at home?"

"Not at home, Taeyeon and Pani, I ate pork chops in Nanshan, and we will come back. Today Pani drove to the airport to pick me up. Why should I thank her too."

Sika looked at Zhang Pingan's reply, and puffed her mouth to reply again: "It seems that your relationship is really good, so I can help Pani to pick you up at the airport."

Zhang Ping’an replied: “Otherwise, what should I do? If you are asked to pick me up, would you be willing? If you don’t want to, I have to take a taxi and come back by myself. It just so happens that Pani has something to ask me, so I will take the opportunity to squeeze. 'Again."

Seeing Zhang Ping’an constantly holding his cell phone and chatting with Sika while eating, Pani curled his lips and said, “You eat as you eat, what are you doing with your phone?”

Zhang Pingan put his phone on the desktop, and he smiled and said to Pani: "Okay, eat seriously, I really don’t know if I am your relative or a man? Pani, how about splitting up with Ni Kun? Let's talk."

Pani listened to Zhang Pingan's words and whispered to him very speechlessly: "Ah, after you seduce our Taeyeon, come to seduce me again. If you are a man like you, I won't be with you if I kill him. We can only be kinship, you know, kinship. We can't go further!"

Zhang Ping’an immediately complained to the captain and said: “Captain, you can see it. Pani, who is bullied in the team, knows to bully me now. It seems~~She is pretending to be weak in the team. You have to pay attention. One day, she will start bullying you."

Taeyeon said with a smile: "It's okay. Anyway, I was also the target of being bullied in the team. Now I will say a few words to me from time to time."

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said, "Xu Xian has grown into a woman. In a blink of an eye, you have both debuted in Girlhood for seven years. Hey...time really flies, sometimes I feel like I haven't achieved anything yet. Well, one year has passed! Do you know what the regrets of life are?"

The two looked at Zhang Ping'an in confusion, wondering what else he was going to fix: "I don't know? You can talk about it."

"People die, and the money is not spent. Do you know what the biggest regret is?"

"do not know?"

"People are alive, money is gone!" Zhang Ping'an casually talked about a very classic Chinese Zhao style story.

Taeyeon and Pani almost laughed out the pork chops in their mouths, especially when Taeyeon burst into laughter and said to Zhang Pingan: "Puff~~Hahaha~~~ Yeah! Zhang Pingan, you again Make me laugh, I will kill you~~!!!"

"Hahaha~~" Pani was also amused by Zhang Pingan's words, and laughed so much that he didn't want to eat pork chops.And Zhang Pingan sat there quietly eating pork chops, watching Sika's reply text messages.

Sika asked in reply: "Pani, please, what are you doing?"

Zhang Ping’an replied: “borrow the car and shoot the MV of their Titi Xu. Come back and talk, I’ll have dinner. I’ll send you a message when I get home, and you will sit upstairs and have a cup of coffee?”



Taeyeon and Pani were amused by Zhang Pingan's joke, and it was really interesting to savor those words carefully.After laughing like this, the two simply ate a few pork chops and then put down their knife and fork.

Taeyeon said to Zhang Ping'an in a very happy mood: "Wow, Zhang Ping'an, you are so funny. People are alive and money is gone? Talent!"

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said: "I didn't say this, it was said by a well-known comedian in China,'Uncle Zhao'."

No matter who said it, it was the first time that they two heard such funny words.Pani likes to be with Zhang Pingan because he can make her smile naturally every time invisible, instead of squeezing like when shooting a show.

Taeyeon also likes to be with Zhang Ping An, because he is really the pistachio in her life. With him, you don't know if he will suddenly burst into laughter in the next second.

After the meal, Taeyeon drove Zhang Pingan home.This time, it was Zhang Pingan's turn to sit in the back seat and enjoy, Pani and Taeyeon sat in the front seats.

Zhang Pingan sat in the middle of the back row. He was about to stretch his head to the front. He looked at Taeyeon who was driving seriously and said with a smile, "Whose car, who owns this car?"

Taeyeon smiled and responded to Zhang Ping'an: "The agent's, we borrowed and drove. My car can only seat two people, and Pani's car is sold."

Zhang Ping'an turned his head and looked at Pani and said, "How did you sell your'little fan'? Are you planning to get a new one?"

Pani smiled and said, "Xiaofan is too glaring when driving, so I just sold it. I'm still hesitant to buy a new car. Taiyan usually goes out very rarely, and I can borrow her when I need a car. There are only three people living in our dormitory, Taeyeon, me, Sunkyu, and Hyoyeon back and forth. And we have two cars, so I hesitate to buy it? What price is right?"

Pani has always been home in the United States, and it makes no sense to buy it in Korea.

So Zhang Ping’an suggested: “Buy a general, common one, so that it’s not so easy to be spotted when traveling in private. Here, Kia, isn’t it great? Many people are driving Kia.” Zhang Ping’an pointed out the window. Said Korean domestic cars that can be seen everywhere.

Pani smiled and said, "Besides, it's not a regular car now, and it will be back soon."

"Let me just say, the last time I saw you walking down the street in Cheongdam-dong without driving, it turned out to be sold."

Soon, Taeyeon drove the car to the gate of Zhang Pingan's community. They were so familiar with it because Sika lived here.Zhang Pingan got out of the car with his luggage and stood in the position of the co-pilot and said to the two people in the car: "Thank you for coming to pick me up at the airport. Next time, you need a private car to pick you up when you travel alone. Please feel free to contact me. Wait for you. Let’s have dinner together when you have time."

Pani nodded and said, "Okay, next time, you invite us to a big meal."

"Okay, next time, have a big meal together! Bye~~" Zhang Pingan waved goodbye, and Pani nodded his head up to the car window and left.Seeing that their car's taillights disappeared from sight, Zhang Ping'an took the suitcase and went home.When I went there was a backpack, when I came back there was an extra suitcase.

Back home, Zhang Ping An put down his luggage and took a shower. The weather in Seoul and the weather in Japan are completely extreme.The weather there is just right, and Seoul is frighteningly hot.

After taking a shower, Zhang Pingan made coffee, sat in the living room and listened to Li Zhien's "Flower Bookmark", then slowly took out the phone and sent it to Sika: "I'm home, come up and sit down?"

"My sister and I are packing things up, wait a minute."

Putting down the phone, Zhang Ping’an thinks about the happy time these few days. It feels really good. It’s no wonder that those rich men like to look for a'little second' outside, because there is no emotional burden on the mind, and the two are like It is the same as an ordinary'partner'.What she needs is financial resources, and what he needs is companionship in loneliness, nothing more!

Just as Zhang Ping'an was immersed in the crazy time of these few days, the doorbell rang, Zhang Ping'an looked at'Visible' Sika standing at the door, and he quickly went to open the door for her.

Inexplicably, Sika was already familiar with Zhang Ping'an's home, and she started to do it herself without him holding slippers.After entering the hallway, she went directly to the shoe cabinet to find a pair of indoor slippers to put on.The two of them walked into the room close together, Zhang Ping'an smiled and said, "Are you leaving at noon tomorrow?"

Sika nodded and said, "Well, noon. Basically, the flight to the United States will choose noon, so that after landing is the evening there. If you insist on not sleeping on the plane, you will be able to adjust the jet lag soon afterwards. "

Zhang Ping'an shrugged and said, "I haven't been to the United States yet."

Sika said jokingly, "Go, come with us tomorrow?"

Zhang Pingan said casually: "No visa."

Sika turned to look at Zhang Ping An and said, "It's not that you don't... uh, forget, you are a Chinese passport." Korean passports are visa-free to the United States, while the Chinese passport held by Zhang Ping's requires a visa.

Sika said, "Did you apply for visas to Korea and Japan?"

Zhang Ping’an learned Sika’s appearance and cast a blank eye to her: “I am in South Korea and Japan. I have permanent residency and do not need a visa.”

South Korea’s permanent residency is easy to get. As long as you buy a real estate or you do a business here, you can get it forever if the invested capital reaches 1 billion won, while in Japan it takes time to apply.However, only Huaxia's nationality and green card are the most difficult to obtain in the world!

Zhang Ping'an continued: "Besides, I'm going over this time, and you don't date me. I don't have the mind to play there, and my English is bad."

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